Annual Report 2001 - Registry
annual report 2001
Registrar: Professor Patricia Barker
Unit Report
- The Registry continued to build, through recruitment and promotion, a team of people to replace the considerable lacunae in staffing which had occurred due to resignations and retirements.
- We moved to new offices on the ground floor of the Grattan which allowed us to bring all Registry staff together in one location and to offer one enquiry outlet for visitors and students.
- We continued with management training and team building and introduced flexible working practices, such as part time working, job-sharing and flexitime, to enhance the working environment.
- Performance reviews were also introduced. Customer service training, including specialist areas such as dealing with overseas enquirers, was introduced for all staff and work commenced on developing our Health and Safety policy with associated training in first-aid, fire safety, manual handling and the law and H&S.
- Work started on examining our processes and on considering ways in which we could re-engineer those processes to make the work of the Registry more streamlined as we move towards more electronic delivery of our services.
The Registry is responsible for the University's academic management and academic quality. We manage the study-period cycle of the student from the moment of initial enquiry, through to application, admission, registration, examination and graduation.
Additionally we manage the provision of service to students, academics and other faculty colleagues in the University. These services include provision of information, duplicate transcripts, advice on new programmes and on academic regulations etc. Service to external bodies includes the provision of information and advice to the HEA, IDA, business in general, Government departments and agencies and Social Welfare. We are also involved in the academic management of the University including management of and participation in Academic Council, Standing Committee, Executive etc.
We operate through a Registry Management Committee, which in turn feeds up and down to the process teams. Our management style is participative and consultative and based on transparency of information flow. We endeavour to give an excellent service to our stakeholders within the constraints of our resources and of our overriding determinant of academic quality.