DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies
annual report 2001
school of applied language and intercultural studies
Research Carried out / Ongoing
- Research projects primarily in the area of language learning strategies, particularly strategy training and longitudinal studies looking at changes in the use of learning strategies over the course of an undergraduate degree. Other areas included the balance of language and business on interdisciplinary degrees such as the BA in European Business.
- Member of a group involved in designing a DCU Language Portfolio similar to the European Language Portfolio (funding: ODTL, leader: Veronica Crosbie).
- Subject area: Film adaptations of the plays of Johann Nestroy (personal research).
- Carried out comparative study on Samuel Beckett and John Banville.
Research completed, article written and submitted to literary journal.
- Ongoing research on short fiction of American author, Richard Ford, focusing particularly on the function of narrative discourse in his short story, 'Occidentals'.
- M.Phil dissertation on Japanese Secret Languages - Morphological and Non-Morphological Word Formation Processes
- Ongoing research towards completion of PhD: An examination of the representations of Germany in German Language textbooks, using Critical Discourse Analysis.
- Ongoing research towards completion of a book: Flaubert en Irlande.
- Ongoing research in French cinema (supervision of a PhD on the gangster genre in French cinema)
- Research on French author Catherine Lépront for a commissioned article to be published in the American journal Women in French Studies.
- Research on French author Boris Vian for a commissioned article to be published in Parallèles, Anthologie critique de nouvelles sur le thème du monstre, Madeleine Cottenet-Hage (ed.), Québec: L'Instant Même.
- Research on Irish author Elizabeth Bowen's Bowen's Court and Seven Winters for a commissioned article to be published in La Littérature autobiographique en Irlande, Pascale Amiot (ed.), Paris: Ellipses.
- The discourse of advertising in German and English.
- Ethnic Alterity in the News: Discourse on Immigration in the Spanish and Irish Press, 1990-2000. Doctoral thesis in the area of Critical Discourse Analysis supervised by Dr. Bill Richardson (SALIS) and Dr. Luisa MartÃn Rojo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
- Critical reading and multicultural awareness in foreign language education. Research project in the area of critical language pedagogy.
- Ongoing personal research on 'Language, culture and cognition', and research towards a book on Spanish-English translation.
- Normative Foundations for European Identity Formation, Sociology, Philosophy
- PhD Project, supervised by Prof. Bernhard Giesen, Universität Konstanz, Germany and Prof. Axel Honneth, Universität Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
- With Professor Jenny Williams. A comparative study of Annual Reports in German, Japanese, British English, and Hiberno English.
- Book Project: George Sand and Intertextuality, research for a book on the nineteenth-centuryauthor, George Sand, and the manner in which she employed intertextual references in her work.
Research visits / Travel
Bruen J.
- Participation in a 2-week course for teachers of German in "International Economic Communication". Goethe Institut funding and Socrates/Comenius funding. 24 June - 7 July 2001.
- Participation in International Nestroy Forum, Schwechat (Vienna), 3-7 July 2001.
- Research visit to Austrian Film Institute, 24-31 August 2001.
- Two visits to Salamanca as representative of DCU for the Salamanca European Year of Languages Project.
- Research Visits to Japan, March 2001, funded by the Japanese Ministry of education and Japan, June 2001, funded by personal research account.
- To research the translation of children's literature at the Internationales Institut fuer Jugendliteratur und Leseforschung in Vienna, funded by the Austrian Government Fellowship 2001/2, Autumn 2001.
- Awarded funding (IEP847) from DCU Teaching and Learning Fund, to present a paper at the 12th International Conference of ASELE, in Valencia, Spain, 5-8 September 2001.
- Attended "Konstanzer Meisterklasse" "Language, History and Society" with Prof. Zygmunt Bauman and Prof Reinhard Koselleck at Universität Konstanz, Germany, 21 - 30 September 01
- Salis Research Committee funding for a research trip to Japan during July-August 2001 to proceed with research project on Annual Reports.
- DCU Teaching & Learning Fund award to present a paper at The Royal Irish Conference, Translations: Paradigms of Linguistic and Cultural Transformation hosted by University of Ulster, 9-10 November 2001.