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Annual Report 2001 - School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies
annual report 2001
school of applied language and intercultural studies
External Activities
External Lectures / Papers / Presentation
Denby D
- "Gesture, point of view and proto-cinema in Victor Hugo's Les Misérables." Conference Reading Images and Seeing Words, Trinity College, Dublin, 14-15 May 2001.
- Gave paper in Salamanca as part of a Conference on the history of language teaching methodologies, 5 July 2001.
- "Morphological and Non-morphological word formation processes in Japanese Secret Languages." Paper presented at European Association of Japanese Studies, in Lahti, Finland, August 2001.
- "Elizabeth Bowen et le Prototype irlandais." Conférence de la SOFEIR, "Irlande: Insularité, singularité? Université de Perpignan (France), 21-23 March 2001.
- "Expression de l'identité encagée : le psittacisme chez Samuel Beckett." Congrès annuel du Conseil International d'Etudes Francophones, Portland, Maine (USA), 26 May - 2 June 2001.
- "Much ado about nothing: Carmen Laforet's Nada." Instituto Cervantes, Dublin, 9 November 2000.
- "Falange Women Novelists: The writings of Angeles Villarta." Instituto Cervantes, Dublin, 16 November 2000.
- "The Politics of Translating Texts for Children." Guest speaker at the Conference on The Politics of Literary Translation hosted by Departments of English and Italian at Trinity College Dublin, 25 May 2001.
- "Current Issues in Language and Society." Guest participant at Round Table Seminar on Minority Language Broadcasting - Future Opportunities and Threats, University of Limerick, 16 February 2001.
- "Zimbabwe, Algerie: Religions, conflits et croyances populaires." Conference of the Centre international d'etudes et de recherche en expression contemporaine, DCU, 14-16 June 2001.
- "Montherlant's Musical Appropriation of the Colonial Subject." Conference of the Association des etudes francaises et francophones d'Irlande, DCU, 27 October 2001.
- "Translating the Myth of Ines de Castro: Reincarnations of the Dead Queen." 28th Annual Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy, National Committee for Modern Language Studies, University of Ulster Coleraine, 9-10 November 2001.
- "Community Interpreting in Ireland: the Current Situation Irish Translators." Association Interpreting Day, 24 February 2001.
- "Medical Interpreting and Cultural Issues." DCU School of Nursing Research Seminar, 18 April 2001.
- "Referential strategies in social representations of ethnicity: a critical linguistic account." Paper presented at 34th SLE conference Language Study in Europe at the turn of the Millennium: Towards the Integration of Cognitive, Historical & Cultural Approaches to Language, Universiteit Katholieke Leuven (Belgium), August 2001.
- "Correo electrónico, atención y eaboración de tareas escritas en estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera: estudio de caso." Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of ASELE (Association Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 5-8 September 2001.
- "Wer sind wir, und gehören die da zu uns?" Über den Umgang mir Differenz im Prozess europäischer Indentitätsformierung. Paper given at the Graduate College "Normativity and Religion" at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, 14 May 2001.
- "Spanish at third level in Ireland." I Jornada de Formación para Profesores de Español como Segunda Lengua, UCD, October 2000.
- "La deíxis, la enunciación y el aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera." VI Jornadas sobre la enseñanza de la lengua española, Granada (Spain), November 2000.
- "The self and the other: nature, nurture and interculturality." SIETAR-UK Conference on Globalisation, Foreign Languages and Intercultural Learning, London, February 2001.
- "El giro intercultural en lenguas modernas." Plenary Lecture, European Year of Languages International Conference on Historia de las Metodologías en la Enseñanza/Aprendizaje de las Lenguas Modernas, University of Salamanca, July 2001.
- "Translations: Paradigms of Linguistic and Cultural Transformation." Paper presented at the Royal Irish Academy Conference, University of Ulster, 9-10 November 2001.
- "Banditry and state repression in George Sand's "Piccinino"." Paper presented at the "Crime and Punishment" Conference, organised by the Language Department, UCC, 3 May 2001.