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Annual Report 2001 - School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies

annual report 2001

school of applied language and intercultural studies

External Activities

Other External Activities

Kelly N
  • Editorial Consultant for "A Guide to Reading and Writing the Japanese Script", by Helen Gilhooley
O'Connell E
  • Guest lecture series on "Gender issues in screen translation". Institute for Theatre, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna, Austria, 27-29 November 2001.
  • "Now you're talking subtitles and language learning." ITÉ European Year of Languages Conference, Dublin, Ireland (2 lectures/workshops), 24 November 2001.
O'Connor B
  • External academic member of selection panel for lecturing appointments in Cultural Studies, Dun Laoghaire College of Art, Design and Technology, December 2001.
Richardson B
  • Radio interview on the study of languages with RTE Radio 1.