Annual Report 2001 - School of Biotechnology
annual report 2001
school of biotechnology
Stephen Heaty (research student with R. O'Kennedy)
Spent five weeks in the laboratory of Prof E Chakraborty, University
of Giessen, Germany, training in techniques relevant to working
with recombinant strains of Listeria monocytogenes and production
of antibodies specific to pathogenic Listeria species.
Stephen Daly (working with R. O'Kennedy)
Spent eight weeks in ATO DLO, The Netherlands working with Dr Aart
van Amerongen and Dr Jan Wichers on rapid methods for aflatoxin
Erasmus Student Exchange Agreement with the Ecole des Mines,
Ales, France.
In 2001 this agreement has resulted in the placement of two BT3
INTRA students on laboratory projects in Ales.