DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - School of Biotechnology
annual report 2001
school of biotechnology
Devery R- Development of Functional Foods Enriched in the Health -Promoting Fatty acid conjugated linoleic acid. Postgraduate research. Collaboration with Teagasc Dairy Products Research Center, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co Cork. Funded by the Irish Government under National Development Plan Food Institutional Research Measure at Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.
- Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) enrichment in milk towards development of functional foods. Postgraduate research. Collaboration with Teagasc Dairy Products Research Center, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co Cork. Funded by Teagasc Walsh Fellowship.
- Stabilized peroxidases and their uses in biosensors. Postgraduate/collaborative. National Centre for Sensors Research, DCU 691/01.
- Role of CLA in tumour invasion and metastasis. Postgraduate student. Funded by Department of Food and Agriculture.
- Matrix metalloproteinases and cell adhesion molecules. Postgraduate student. Funded by School of Biotechnology studentship.
- Construction of a novel prokaryotic two hybrid system for the detection of protein-protein interactions. Funded by Enterprise Ireland, Basic Research Programme.
- Study of a newly discovered Proline Specific Peptidase. Postgraduate research. Funded by Health Research Board & NCSR.
- With Dr T Ryan. Molecular characterisation of a Pyroglutamyl Aminopeptidase from mammalian brain. Postgraduate resesarch. Funded by School of Biotechnology Scholarship & NCSR.
- With MR Smyth, J Quinn and T Killard. Biosensor Development. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
- With P Dillon. Development of Immunosensors for the Detection of Drug Residues. Collaboration with Professor D Diamond, School of Chemical Sciences and Professor B MacCraith, School of Physical Sciences, DCU. Funded by Drug Research Initiative.
- With A. Lacey. Development of Novel Sensor-based Methods for Toxicity Testing. International Fund for Ireland/Industry.
- With B Fitzpatrick. Development of Antibody-Based Sensor Systems for the Detection of Warfarins. Collaboration with Dr R O'Donnell, Beaumont Hospital. International Fund for Ireland.
- With J Quinn. Development of Antibody-based Methods
of Analysis Including Optical Biosensors. Collaboration with Professor
B MacCraith, School of Physical Sciences, DCU.
- With J Quinn. Antibody Methods of Analysis using the Biacore "Real Time" Interaction System. Collaboration with Pharmacia, UK / Sweden. - With S Daly. Development of Sensor Systems for the Analysis of Aflatoxins. Collaboration with Professor D Diamond, School of Chemical Sciences and Professor B MacCraith, School of Physical Sciences, DCU. Funded by Forbairt, Strategic.
- Investigation of the Analysis of Coumarins. Collaboration with Professor RD Thornes.
- Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis for Studying Antibody-Antigen Interaction. Collaboration with Dr C Duffy and Dr E Arriaga, University of Minnesota, USA.
- With P Dillon, S Daly and J Quinn. Rapid Immunochemical Test Methods Forming a Screening System to Monitor Pesticide and Antibiotic Residues in Food and Food Products. Collaboration with Dr A van Amerongen, Institutit voor Agrotechnologisch Onderzoet [ATO-DLO], Wageningen, Netherlands, Professor M Morgan, Dr H Lee, Dr G Wyatt, Dr M Alcocer, Institute of Food Research, UK, Dr M Meusel, ICB, Germany, Mr G Telling, Restec, UK and Dr J Egano, Ikertek Diagnostics, Spain. Funded by FAIR Programme, EU.
- With J Quinn, S Hearty and P Leonard. Rapid Detection of Bacteria by Antibody-Based Techniques. Collaboration with Professor P Rausch, Institute of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic, Dr G Wyatt and Professor M Morgan, Institute of Food Research, UK, Professor K Horakova, Slovak Technical University, Slovak Republic, Dr J Drbohlav, Milcom-Dairy Research Institute, Czech Republic and Mr M Thomas, Dairy Research Institute, Slovak Republic. Funded by INCO/Copernicus, EU.
- With J Quinn. Development of Sensor-Based Testing Facility. Funded by Forbairt.
- With J Quinn. Prion Detection and Analysis. Collaboration with Dr T Sweeney, Veterinary College, Ballsbridge, Dublin.
- Research in the National Sensor Research Centre with collaborators in the Schools of Biotechnology, Chemical Sciences and Physical Sciences.
- With B Manning and L Fanning. Drugs of abuse in saliva. Collaboration with Denmark, Germany, Belgium and Greece Funded by EU SMT Programme.
- With J Quinn. Novel sensor development. Collaboration with Elan Corporation. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Strategic Grant.
- Biodegradation of toxic chemicals. Funding by Enterprise Ireland, Industry, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission.
- The development of a system for the biodegradation of waste fat. Funded by Enterprise Ireland, Industry.
- Study of organometal-microorganism interactions. Collaboration with Professor J Cooney, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA. Funded by DCU.
- Study of metal-microbe biosorption and co-ion toxicity alleviation. Funded by DCU.
- Study of Plant-metal biosorption. Collaboration with Dr P Dostalek, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague. Funded by DCU and IAESTE.
- Study of Biosorption to Modified biopolymers. Collaboration with Dr E Guibal, Ecole des Mines, Ales, France and is a development of work begun during a two month research visit by J Tobin to Ales in the summer 1997. Funded by DCU.
- I am a member of a EU funded ALFA programme research partnership comprising 3 European and 4 Latin American partners. Subject Area: Metal Biosorption
- The effect of high-gravity brewing on yeast morphology. Collaboration Dr G Cahill, Guinness Ireland Group. Funded by School of Biotechnology Scholarship.