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Annual Report 2001 - School of Biotechnology

annual report 2001

school of biotechnology

External Activities
External Lectures / Papers / Presentation

Devery R
  • "A review of the effect of conjugated linoleic acid on apoptosis in cancer." The International Institute for Anticancer Research Conference on Apoptosis, Athens, Greece, 25-28 May 2001.
  • "Effect of conjugated linoleic acid isomers on arachidonic acid metabolism in colon cancer cells." 17th International Congress of Nutrition, Vienna, Austria, 27-31 August 2001.
  • "Effects of vaccenic acid and CLA on growth of human colon cancer cells." 1st International Conference on Conjugated linoleic acid, Alesund, Norway, 10-13 June 2001.
Fagan C
  • "Formylation of porcine trypsin." Colleary, S. and Ó Fágáin, C. Poster presented at EuropaCat IV Conference, University of Limerick, 3 September 2001.
McDonnell S
  • "Matrix Metalloproteinases." 2nd International Menopausal Society Meeting on Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cancer, Pisa, 9 June 2001.
  • ''Cancer Biology''. Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Castlebar, 1 August 2001.
  • ''Matrix Metalloproteinases and Cancer''. Department of Cell Biology, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia USA, 14 September 2001.
  • "Signal transduction via CD44 regulates CD44 variant isoform and ?3 integrin expression and MMP-2 production." Morrin, M., Murray, D., Mc Donnell S. and P.V. Delaney. Sylvester O''Hallarahan, Surgical Scientific Meeting, Limerick, March 2001.
  • "The effect of CLA on the proliferation and metastasis of colon and breast cancer cell lines." O''Connor, A., Devery, R. and McDonnell, S. Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, 27-28 September 2001.
  • "Expression of MMPs and TIMPs in leukaemia cell lines." Lynch, C. and Mc Donnell, S. Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, 27-28 September 2001.
O''Connell M
  • "Siderophore mediated iron uptake in Sinorhizobium meliloti." Poster presentation at the Spring symposium of the Society for General Microbiology, Trinity College, Dublin, 22-23 March 2001.
O''Connor B
  • "Molecular Characterisation of a Proline Specific Peptidase." Buckley, S. and O''Connor, B. EC Neurochemistry Meeting, Halle, Germany, March 2001.
  • "A study of a new Proline Specific Peptidase from bovine serum." Collins, P. and O''Connor, B. Poster presented to the Biochemical Society at Trinity College Dublin June 2001
  • "A study of a dipeptidyl-peptidase type IV from human saliva and bovine serum." Buckley, S. and O''Connor, B. Poster presented to the Biochemical Society, TCD, June 2001
O''Kennedy R
  • "Big Science - Do We Need It? Can We Afford It?" Main Speaker at Public Debate at DCU, 25 April 2001.
  • "Protein-Ligand Binding Measurements." Lecture, NCSR Educational Programme on Genomics, DCU, 17 May 2001.
  • "Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy - Exploiting the Immune System." Invited opening address at the Irish Youth Science & Arts Week, RDS, 2 July 2001.
  • "Immunology." Invited lecture at the Institute of Electrical Engineers, Youth Science Forum, London, 7 August 2001.
  • "Development and Use of Immunosensors for Environmental Monitoring." Invited lecture at the 5th Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Cork 8-12 September 2001.
  • "Sensors in Food Analysis." Invited lecturer for Analytical Chemistry Conference, Kansas USA on 13 September.
  • "From molecules to cells : Strategies for measurement using surface plasmon resonance." Invited lecture on at the Biacore Users Day Symposium, Stevenage, UK, 25 September 2001.
  • Invited presenter for Agrifood Antibodies, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-5 October 2001.
  • "Development of ELISA and DELFIA assays, which incorporate an 18kDa Brucella specific cytoplasmic protein, for the detection of bovine brucellosis." Dunne, L. and O''Kennedy, R. Brucellosis in Animals and Man, Pamplona, Spain, 11-12 June 2001.
  • "Development of surface plasmon resonance-based biosensor immunoassay for detection of morphine-3-glucuronide in urine." Dillon, P.P., Daly, S.J., Manning, B.M. and O''Kennedy, R. Environ 2001, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001.
  • "Comparison of single chain Fv and polyclonal antibodies for ''real-time'' biosensor-based assays for aflatoxin B1." Daly, S.J., Dillon, P.P., Dunne, L., Manning, B.M. and O''Kennedy, R. Environ 2001, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001.
Quilty B
  • "Water and our Environment." Organiser of Environ 2001, the 11th Irish Environmental Researchers'' Colloquium, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001
  • "Identification and characterisation of a yeast isolated from activated sludge capable of growth on tallow." Davin, S. and Quilty, B. Paper presented at the 11th Irish Environmental Researchers'' Colloquium, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001.
  • "Analysis of meta- and ortho- cleavage dioxygenase genes in two chlorophenol degrading Pseudomonads." McLaughlin, H. and Quilty, B. Poster presented at the 11th Irish Environmental Researchers'' Colloquium, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001
  • "Enumeration of a floc forming bacterium - Pseudomonas putida CP1." Fakhruddin, A.N.M. and Quilty, B. Poster presented at the 11th Irish Environmental Researchers'' Colloquium, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001.
  • "The use of a laboratory scale peat biofilter to study the removal of gaseous ammonia." Murray, N., Quilty, B. and Carton, O. Poster presented at the 11th Irish Environmental Researchers'' Colloquium, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001.