Annual Report 2001 - School of Biotechnology
annual report 2001
school of biotechnology
Devery R
Devery R, Miller A and Stanton C
"Conjugated linoleic acid and oxidative behaviour in cancer
Biochemical Society Transactions, 29, 2001, pp 341-344.
O'Shea M, Devery R, Lawless F, Murphy J and Stanton C
"Milk fat conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) inhibits growth of
human mammary MCF-7 cancer cells."
Anticancer Research, 20(5), 2000, pp 3591-3602.
Lawless F, Murphy JJ, O'Donovan MO, Gowen N, Devery R and Stanton C
"Influence of grass variety on CLA Contents of bovine milkfat."
Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 45(1), 2001, 381.
Miller A, Devery R and Stanton C
"Effect of conjugated linoleic acid isomers on arachidonic
acid metabolism in colon cancer cells."
Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 45(1), 2001, 560.
Devery R, Miller A and Stanton C
"A review of the effect of conjugated linoleic acid on apoptosis
in cancer."
Anticancer Research, 21, 2001, 1522.
Fagan C
Dowd AJ, Dooley M, Ó'Fágáin, C and
Dalton JP
"Stability studies on the cathepsin L proteinase of the helminth
parasite, Fasciola hepatica."
Enzyme Microb. Technol., 27, 2000, pp 599-604.
Fagan C and O'Brien D
"A chemical method for stabilising proteins."
Irish Provisional Patent Application no. S2000/0860. Filed 26 Oct
McDonnell S
Liang Y, Meleady P, Cleary I, McDonnell S, Connolly L and Clynes M
"Selection with melphalan or taxol yields variants with different
patterns of multidrug resistance, integrin expression and in vitro
European Journal Cancer, 37, 2001, pp1041-1052.
Lynch C and McDonnell S
"Role of matrilysin in leukaemia cell invasion."
Clinical Experimental Metastasis, 18, 2001, pp 401-406.
O'Connell M
Lynch D, O'Brien J, Welch T, Clarke P, O Cuiv P, Crosa, JH and O'Connell M
"Genetic organisation of the region encoding regulation, biosynthesis
and transport of rhizobactin 1021, a siderophore produced by Sinorhizobium
Journal of Bacteriology, 183, 2001, pp 2576-2585.
O Cuiv P, Clarke P, Viguier C and O'Connell M
"Analysis of rhizobactin 1021, a siderophore of Sinorhizobium
Journal of Experimental Botany, 52, 2001, 82.
O'Connor B
Birney YA and O'Connor B
"A potentially significant Proline-specific peptidase from
human and bovine serum."
Brain Research, 848/1(2), 1999, pp 34-35.
Buckley SJ and O'Connor B
"The study of a therapeutically important Proline-specific
peptidase from human saliva." Brain Research, 848/1(2), 1999,
pp 35-36.
Birney YA and O'Connor B
"Purification and characterisation of a Z-pro-prolinal-Insensitive
Z-gly-pro-7-amino-methyl-Coumarin-hydrolysing peptidase from bovine
serum - A new Proline-specific Peptidase."
Protein Expression and Purification , 22, 2001, pp 286-298.
Birney YA and O'Connor B
"Oligopeptidases - a new family of peptidases."
Biochim. .Biophys. Acta., 2001, [ In Press].
Collins P and O'Connor B
"A study of a new Proline Specific Peptidase of bovine serum."
Biochem. Soc. Trans., 29, 60.
Buckley S and O'Connor B
"A study of a dipeptidyl-peptidase type IV (DPP IV) from human
saliva and bovine serum."
Biochem. Soc. Trans., 29, 2001, 61.
O'Kennedy R
Dillon P, Daly S, Killard A and O'Kennedy R
"Development and use of immunosensors for environmental monitoring."
(2001). (submitted to International J. of Environmental Chemistry).
Duffy C, Arriaga E and O'Kennedy R
"Isolation and analysis of mitochondria by capillary electrophoresis."
Analytical Chemistry (in press), 2001.
McMahon M and O'Kennedy R
"The use of in vitro immunization as an adjunct to monoclonal
antibody production may result in the production of hybridomas secreting
polyreactive antibodies."
J. Immunol. Methods (in press), 2001.
Killard A, Dillon P, Daly S, Smyth M and O'Kennedy R
"Recombinant single chain Fv antibodies to coumarins."
J. Immunological Methods (submitted), 2001.
Quinn J and O'Kennedy R
"Detection of whole cell:antibody interactions using Biacore's
SPR technology."
BIA Journal, 1, 2001, pp 22-24.
O'Kenney R et al
"Detection of microorganisms using sensor-based systems."
Enzyme & Microbial Biotechnology Invited Review (submitted),
Fitzpatrick . and O'Kennedy R
"The development and validation of a surface plasmon resonance-based
inhibition immunoassay for the determination of warfarin in plasma
J. Immunol. Methods (submitted), 2001.
Lacey A and O'Kennedy R
"Rapid detection systems for cancer and other clinical diseases."
W. Ind. J. Med., 290, 36-46, 2001.
Quinn JG and O'Kennedy R
"Biosensor-based estimation of kinetic and equilibrium constants."
Anal. Biochem., 390(i), 2001, pp 26-46.
O'Kennedy R and collaborators.
"Use of scFv antibody fragments in analysis."
Invited Review, Anal. Letters, 34, 2001, 11.
Duffy CF, Gafoor S, Richards DP, Ahmadzadeh H, O'Kennedy R and Arriaga EA
"Determination of properties of individual liposomes by capillary
electrophoresis with post-column laser induced fluorescence detection."
Analytical Chemistry, 73(8), 2001, pp 1855-1861.
Quilty B
Farrell A and Quilty B
"The influence of Pseudomonas putida CP1 on the degradation
of mono-chlorophenols by a mixed microbial population."
In - Environmental monitoring and biodiagnostics of hazardous contaminants.
Edited by Healy, M., Wise, D. and Moo-Young, M. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001.
O'Sullivan M and Quilty B
"The influence of environmental conditions on the ability of
a mixed microbial population to degrade 4-chlorophenol." In
- Environmental monitoring and biodiagnostics of hazardous contaminants.
Edited by Healy, M., Wise, D. and Moo-Young, M. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001.
Fakhruddin, A.N.M. and Quilty, B.
"The influence of glucose and fructose on monochlorophenol
degradation by Pseudomonas putida CP1."
Proceedings of Pseudomonas 2001, Brussels, Belgium, 17 - 21 September,
Tobin JM
Guibal, E., Von Offenberg Sweeney, N., Zikan, M.C., Vincent,
T. and Tobin, J.M.
"Competitive sorption of platinum and palladium on chitosan
Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 28, 2001, pp 401-408.
Walsh, P.K.
Cahill, G., Walsh, P.K. and D. Donnelly.
"Development of image analysis technology for breweries."
Proceedings, 28th Congress of the European Brewery Convention, Budapest,
Hungary, 12-17 May 2001.
Pratt-Marshall PL, Walsh PK, Bryce JH and Stewart GG
"The effect of high-gravity brewing on yeast morphology and
Poster, 8th Convention of the Institute of Brewing (Africa Section),
Sun City, South Africa, 4-8 March, 2001.