Annual Report 2001 - School of Chemical Sciences

annual report 2001

school of chemical sciences

External Activities
Appointments / Memberships: External Bodies

Gallagher JF
  • Member, American Crystallographic Association, (ACA).
  • Member, American Institute of Physics, (AIP).
  • Member, American Chemical Society, (ACS).
  • Member, Royal Society of Chemistry, (RSC).
  • Member, European Crystallographic Association, (ECA).
Kenny PTM
  • Fellow, Institute of Chemistry of Ireland (FICI)
  • Committee member of The Irish Mass Spectrometry Society
  • Member, Irish Mass Spectrometry Society
  • Member, British Mass Spectrometry Society
  • Member, International Mass Spectrometry Society
  • Management Committee member of COST D11 "Supramolecular Chemistry".
  • Referee: Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Acta Crystallographica Section C.
Paull B
  • Member of organising committee for Environ 2001 colloquim held at DCU on the 26/27 January 2001
  • Vice-chairman of Republic of Ireland Section of the Analytical Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry
  • External Examiner, PhD examination at University College Cork, July 2001
Smyth MR
  • Chairman, European Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry (ESEAC)
  • Senior Associate Scientific Editor and Member of Analytical Editorial Board, Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board of "Analytical Letters"
  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board of "Analytica Chimica Acta"
  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board of "Electroanalysis"
  • Member, Editorial Board of "Talanta"
  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board of "Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis"
  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board of "Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry"
  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board of "Electrochemical Communications"
  • External Examiner for MSc in Instrumental and Analytical Methods in Biological and Environmental Chemistry, University of Warwick
  • External Examiner for BSc in Forensic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Strathclyde
  • External Examiner for PhD degrees at University of Ulster and University of Sunderland
Vos H
  • Irish Representative on Management Committee of COST work group D19
  • Appointed representative of the Royal Irish Academy on Task Force for Physical Sciences