DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - School of Communications
annual report 2001
school of communications
External Activities
Appointments / Memberships: External Bodies
- Editorial Board, Javnost - The Public
- Member, International Association for Media and Communication Research
- Member, Council of Irish Film Institute
- Chair, Communication Accreditation Panel, Estonian Higher Education Authority
- External Examiner, (Ph.D.) University of Westminster
- Member, Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
- Member, International Association of Mass Communication Research
- Member, Film Institute of Ireland
- Adjunct Professor on Mass Media in Ireland to Boston University Dublin Internship Programme 2002 - 2003
- Member, National Archives Advisory Council
- Member, National Union of Journalists
- External Examiner, School of Media, University of Lincolnshire and Humberside
- Member, Irish Labour History Society
- Member, Executive of Trócaire and of the organisation's Projects Sub-Committee
- Member, Board of Directors, Irish Film Institute, Irish Film Centre, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
- Member, Board of Directors, CIRCA Art Magazine, Arthouse, Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
- Member, Board of Directors, Gallery of Photography, Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin
- External examiner, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology,
- External examiner, Institute of Technology, Tallaght,
- External examiner, Thames Valley University. London UK
- External examiner, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
- Member, Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art
- External Examiner, Ballyfermot College of Further Education
- Involved in the Editorial Committee of the San Francisco based magazine 'Left Curve' now in its 26th edition having been published since 1974.
- Member, National Union of Journalists
- External examiner, Falmouth College of Arts, England, BA (Hons) Journalism Studies Programme
- External examiner, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, BA (Hons) Journalism Programme
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Intersections, Journal of Global Communication and Culture, Athens, Greece
- Member, Organising Committee, 'Regional Media in Europe and the Role of Journalists' Conference, Volos, Greece, September 14-15, 2001
- Member, Organising Committee, 'Tried and Emotional: libel, privacy, the law and media'. Conference in association with The Council of the Bar of Ireland, held in Dublin, March 2002
- Member, European Journalism Training Association
- Director, Northside Citizens Information Centre, Coolock, Dublin 17
- Member, Communications Committee, Rotary International Britain & Ireland
- Consultant to the National Off-Licence Association on the development of electronic information services for their organisation; and on the development of e-commerce for the independent off-trade in Ireland
- External examiner, Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Media(2000-2002)
- Vice-chair and Irish representative on the Management Committee of the European Programme COST Action 16 (Policy and Regulatory Responses to the use of Electronic Communications Technologies by Transnational Communities in Europe) (PRECTE) Jan, 2000 (ongoing)
Preston, P.
- External examiner, MA in Communication Policy at the University of Westminster, UK
- Member, Scientific Committee, European Communications Policy Research Conference. This Committee is responsible for planning and organising the annual Euro CPR Conference. This annual forum brings together academic researchers, industry analysts and regulators for sustained discussion of current and strategic communication sector issues
- Co-opted member of the Telecommunications and Internet Federation of IBEC (the Irish Business and Employers Confederation)
- Associate Board Member, the European Network for Communication and Information Perspectives (ENCIP): International Association for Media and Communication Research: Member of President's Advisory Group, Communication Technology Section
Quinlan, C.
- Member, Irish Penal Reform Trust
Sheehan, H.
- Member, Editorial Board of Cultural Logic
- Visiting associate at Centre for Higher Education Development at University of Cape Town
- Visiting scholar at Graduate School of Humanities at University of Cape Town
- Member, Irish Film and Television Academy
- Member, American Philosophical Association
- Member, International Society for Intellectual History
- Member, Irish Labour History Society
- Member, Ireland-South Africa Association
Trench, B.
- Member, Irish Council for Science Technology and Innovation
- Board member, Centre for Cross-Border Studies
- Scientific Committee, Public Communication of Science and Technology International Conference
- External examiner, Diploma in Science Communication, Birkbeck College, University of London, from 2001
- Member, European Network of Science Communication Teachers
- Member, working party on Science and Public Policy, Conference of Rectors in Ireland
- Member, organising committee, Science and Media workshop, Royal Dublin Society
- Member, organising committee, Digital Landscapes conference, Dublin Institute of Technology
Tuke, W.
- External examiner, Dundalk Institute of Technology