Annual Report 2001 - School of Communications
annual report 2001
school of communications
Corcoran F
"Cultural Rights and Media Performance."
in E.G.Cassidy and A.G.McGrady (eds.) Media and the Marketplace: Ethical
Perspectives. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration, 2001.
Corcoran F
"Media Research in Ireland."
in M.Pares I Maicas (ed.) European Communication Research. Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2001.
Holt E
44 x 1,600 word columns in The Irish Times on Saturdays.
Horgan J
Book: "Noel Browne: Passionate Outsider."
Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, October 2000.
Horgan J
Book: "Irish Media: A Critical History Since 1922."
London, Routledge, March 2001.
Horgan J
Chapter in book: "The Media and The State: Television and the Press 1949-2000."
in Writing in the Irish Republic (ed. Ray Ryan) (London, Macmillan, November 2000).
Kirby P
"Rich and Poor: Perspectives on Tackling Inequality in Ireland."
Co-editor: Oak Tree Press in association with the Combat Poverty
Agency, published in April 2001.
Author of the book's first chapter entitled: "Inequality and Poverty in Ireland: Clarifying Social Objectives."
Kirby P
"Review Article on the Celtic Tiger."
in The Economic and Social Review, 32(1), 2001, pp 92-101.
Kirby P
"Three tiger sightings, but its
in Feasta Review, No. 1, 2001, pp 178-180.
Kirby P
Review of "The Making of the Celtic Tiger."
in Foreign Policy, May-June, 2001, pp 72-73.
Kirby P
"The Social Impact of Economic Liberalisation: Evidence from
Latin America."
in Trócaire Development Review 2000, pp 49-80.
Kirby P
"Talking local, thinking global."
Book review in The Irish Times, 4 August 2001.
Kirby P
"Genoa protesters signal coming of age of global politics."
Feature article in The Irish Times, 4 August 2001.
Kirby P
"One giant punch for mankind."
Book review in The Irish Times, 3 March 2001.
Kirby P
"People power shows opening scenes of a new world order."
Feature article in The Irish Times, 21 October 2000.
McBride S
"Intermedia Columns."
The Irish Times.
McBride S
"Away with the Pixels- language and digital media."
The Irish Times, 11 April 2001.
McBride S
"Waving or Drowning?"
The Irish Times, 12 June 2001.
McBride S
"Labyrinths - the beginning of the End."
The Irish Times, 13 July 2001.
McBride S
"Knocking down the Museum Walls."
The Irish Times, 23 August 2001.
McBride, S.
"Who made the World? Who built the Nation?"
CIRCA 91, Spring 2000.
McBride S
"21st century Goya."
CIRCA, Summer 2000.
McBride S
"Coming up for Airtime."
CIRCA 93, Autumn 2000.
McBride S
"Where the Viewer is King."
CIRCA 94, Winter 2000.
McBride, S.
"Generic Engineering."
CIRCA 95, Spring 2001.
McBride S
"TV Set Dancing."
CIRCA 96, Summer 2001.
McBride, S.
"Class Struggles."
CIRCA 97, Autumn 2001.
McBride, S.
Guest Editor "Art and Science Special issue."
CIRCA 95, Spring 2001.
McBride, S.
"Glass menageries: The Photographic Practice Karl Grimes."
CIRCA 95, Spring 2001.
McBride, S.
Co-editor "From the Edge: Art and Design in 20th century Ireland."
CIRCA Special, Summer 2000.
O'Connor B
"Pleasure and Meaningful Discourse: an overview of research
(with Elisabeth Klaus), International Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol.3(3), 2000, pp 369-387.
Preston P
"Reshaping Communications: Technology, Information and Social
London and Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 2001.
Preston P and Kerr A
"Digital media, nation-states and local cultures: the case of multimedia 'Contents' production."
Media Culture and Society, 23, 2001, pp 109-131.
Sheehan H
Review of Beyond the Science Wars edited by Ullica Segerstrale (Albany:
State University of New York Press 2000) for Public Understanding of Science April 2001 also at http://www.iop.org/EJ/S/UNREG/BfK,5o8Arbq9auk6RyGkNQ/abstract/0963-6625…
Review of Marx's Ecology by John Bellamy Foster (NY: Monthly Review Press, 2000) for Monthly
Review October 2000 also at http://www.monthlyreview.org/1000shee.htm
Review of Questioning Ireland: Debates in Political Philosophy and Public Policy edited by Joseph Dunne, Attracta Ingram and Frank Litton (Dublin: Institute of Public Administration, 2000) for Irish Political Studies, October 2000 also at http://www.comms.dcu.ie/sheehanh/qireland.htm
Article "Old left, new left, treacherous terrain" Mail and Guardian (South Africa) 2 March 2001 also at http://www.mg.co.za/mg/za/archive/2001mar/features/07mar-left.shtml
Interview-intellectual biography of Jeremy Cronin MP (South Africa) 17 April 2001 at www.comms.dcu.ie/sheehanh/za/cronin-aah01.htm
Trench B
"Social Issues in Internet Use."
in Achieving Equality in the Information Society: experiences from
the EMPLOYMENT Initiative, WRC Social and Economic Consultants Ltd,
Dublin, 2000.