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Annual Report 2001 - School of Computer Applications
annual report 2001
school of computer applications
External Activities
External Lectures / Papers / Presentation
- "Red-headed butchers, skilful violinists, fake surgeons, and pet fish: The semantics of membership in noun-noun and adjective-noun conjunctions." Presented at London-Dublin Computational and Theoretical Linguistics Colloquium 2001, Dublin City University, 18-20 May 2001.
- "What's in a word-combination? A model of classification in multiword phrases and category combinations." Presented at Dublin Computational Linguistics Research Seminar, Trinity College Dublin, 26 October 2001.
- Workshops in ICT to M.Sc group in IT in Education and M.Ed. group on ICT in Education at Trinity College, Dublin.
- Presentations via videoconferencing to Action Research Group, Bath on use of online learning environments in teaching and learning.
- "Static Analysis of the Pi-Calculus." Invited Seminar, Université de Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France, March 2001.
- "Measurements of Interpreter and Compiler Performance in the Java Virtual Machine." Daly, C. Horgan, J.M., Power, J. and Waldron, J. Workshop on Java Optimisation Strategies and Embedded Systems, and European Joint Project on Theory and Practice of Software, University of Genoa, Italy, April 2001.
- "List Sequential PPS Selection." AAA Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, April 2001.
- "A Fixed-Sample-Size Without-Replacement Method for Substantive Testing." AAA West Region Meeting, San Jose, May 2001.
- "Sunter Sampling and Monetary Unit Strategies." Horgan, J.M. and Bimpeh, J. American Accounting Association Northeast Meeting, University of Southern Maine, May 2001.
- "Platform Dependent Dynamic Java Virtual Machine, Java Grande." Daly, C., Horgan, J.M., Power, J. and Waldron, J. ISCOPE Meeting, Stanford, June 2001.
- "Distributing a Mind on the Internet: The World-Wide-Mind." Presented at 6th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL-01), Prague, Czech Republic, September 2001.
- "First Implementation of the World-Wide-Mind." Walshe, R. and Humphrys, M. Presented at 6th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL-01), Prague, Czech Republic, September 2001.
- "A Snapshot of Chemistry in the North Dublin Area." Killen, L. with Finlayson O. Presented to IASEL meeting.
- "Development and Management of Dynamic Interactive e-Contents." Presentation at EnCKompass Workshop, Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands. June 2001.
- "Integrating View Schemata Using an Extended Object Definition Language." Presented at University of Oldenburg, 18 July 2001.
- "Effect of Mutation on Immune Response in an HIV Response Model via Population Dynamics of Cells." Ruskin, H. with Pandey, R.B. and Mannion, R. American Physical Society meeting, Washington, USA, 12-16 March 2001.
- "Modelling traffic flow for a single-lane urban roundabout." Ruskin, H. with Wang, R. Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics, Aachen, Germany, September 2001.
- "2D Froth Dynamics for Constrained Geometries." Ruskin, H. with Feng, Y. Accepted for conference on Horizons in Complex Systems, Messina, Sicily, December 2001.
- "Directions in Computer Games Research." Maynooth Computer Science Research Seminar; 6 February 2001.
- (NUIM); "Specifying and Verifying TCP/IP using Mixed Intuitionistic Linear Logic." Sinclair, D. with Power, J. IEEE 2nd Workshop on Formal Specification of Computer Based Systems, Washington D.C., 20 April 2001.
- (NUIM); "A Formal Model of Forth Control Words in the Pi-Calculus." Sinclair, D. with Power, J. 6th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, Paris, France, 16 July 2001.
- "Dublin City University Experiments in Connectivity Analysis for TREC-9." Gurrin, C. and Smeaton, A.F. In Proceedings of the 9th Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-9), Gaithersburg, Md. USA, November 2000.
- "Online Television Library: Organisation and Contents Browsing for General Users." McDonald, K., Marlow, S., Murphy, N., O'Connor, N.E., Smeaton, A.F. Electronic Imaging 2001: Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases (EI28), San Jose, Calif. USA, 21-26 January 2001.
- "Information Retrieval Developments: Themes, Trends, an Assessment." Presented at the IIS/BCS Text Retrieval Conference, BT Adastral Park, 21 February 2001.
- "Físchlár on a PDA: A Handheld User Interface to a Video Indexing, Browsing and Playback System." Lee, H., Smeaton, A., McCann, P., Murphy, N., O'Connor, N. and Marlow, S. Poster presented in ERCIM Workshop "User Interfaces for All." Florence, Italy, 25-26 October 2000.
- "The Físchlár Digital Video System: A Digital Library of Broadcast TV Programmes." Smeaton, A.F., Murphy, N., O'Connor, N.E., Marlow, S., Lee, H., McDonald, K., Browne, P. and Ye, J. In Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Roanoake, North Carolina, June 2001.
- "Físchlár on a PDA: Handheld User Interface Design to a Video Indexing, Browsing and Playback System." Hyowon L, Smeaton, A.F., Murphy, N., O'Connor, N. and Marlow, S. 1st International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 5-10 August 2001.
- "Fischlar: an on-line system for indexing and browsing broadcast television Contents." O'Connor, Marlow, Murphy, Smeaton, Browne, S Deasy, Lee, McDonald. Presented at International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 7-11 May.
- "Browsing Digital Video in the Físchlár System (Keynote talk)." Smeaton, A.F. Keynote talk presented at IR'2001, Infotech Oulu International Workshop on Information Retrieval, University of Oulu, Finland, 20-21 September 2001.
- "An Overview of Multimedia Information Retrieval." Tutorial presented at IR'2001, Infotech Oulu. International Workshop on Information Retrieval, University of Oulu, Finland, 20-21 September 2001.
- "Use of the Físchlár Video Library System." McDonald, K., Smyth, B., Smeaton, A., Browne, P. and Cottor, P. UM 2001 - International Conference on User Modeling 2001, Workshop on Personalization in Future TV. Sonthofen, Germany, 13-14 July 2001.
- "User Interface Design for Keyframe-Based Browsing of Digital Video." Lee, H., Smeaton, A., Murphy, N., O'Conner, N. and Marlow, S. WIAMIS 2001 - Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. Tampere, Finland, 16-17 May 2001.
- "Contents-Based Access to Digital Video: The Físchlár System and the TREC Video Track." In Proceedings of the Joint National Science Foundation/INRIA/IBM/University of California Berkeley Workshop on Multimedia Contents-Based Indexing and Retrieval (MMCBIR2001), INRIA, Rocquencourt, 24-25 September 2001.
- "Computer Comparison of the distributions of rosacea and flushing." (with Wu, H. and Powell, F.) National Scientific Medical Meeting Dublin, Ireland, 6 April 2001.
- "Developing Quality Embedded SW -Use of SW engineering standards to push improvements." Invited Seminar, Department of Computer Science, Queens University Belfast, 17 October 2000.
- "Automatic Annotation of CFGs and Treebanks with Feature-Structure Information." Invited talk, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London, 31 January 2001.
- Computer Architecture Seminar, Presented to TRBDI Thurles Campus, Ireland, February 2000.
- "El uso de la tecnología informática en el mundo de enseñanza (The use of information technology in teaching)." [Presentation and workshop - in Spanish], University of Don Bosco, El Salvador, 27 January 2001.
- "Como se puede usar el curso de aprendizaje de nahuat (How to use the Nawat language learning course)." [Presentation - in Spanish], University of El Salvador, 13 July 2001.
- "El curso de aprendizaje de nahuat (The Nawat language learning course)." [Presentation - in Spanish], University of Don Bosco, 20 July 2001.
- "El uso de las tecnologías XML en el desarrollo de página web (The use of XML technologies in the development of web pages)." [Presentation - in Spanish], University of Don Bosco, 20 July 2001.
- "Como se puede agregar información cultural al curso de Nahuat (How to add cultural information to the Nawat language learning course)." [Presentation - in Spanish], University of El Salvador, 27 July 2001.
- "The use of a Template for a CALL system for Endangered Languages." CALL workshop, Dublin City University, 27 August 2001.
- "A template for a CALL system for Endangered Languages." [Presentation], Linguistic Symposium on Endangered Languages, Finland, 29 August - 1 September 2001.
- "LFG-DOT: A Hybrid Model for Robust MT." 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN-2000), Tilburg, The Netherlands, December 2000.
- "LFG-DOT: Translation via c-structures with monolingual f-structure filtering." 6th International Conference on Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG-2001), Hong Kong , June 2000.
- "Translating with Examples'." Workshop on Example-Based Machine Translation, MT Summit VIII, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 2000.
- "Teaching Machine Translation & Translation Technology: A Contrastive Study." (with D. Kenny) Workshop on Teaching Machine Translation, MT Summit VIII, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 2000.