Annual Report 2001 - School of Computer Applications

annual report 2001

school of computer applications

External Activities
Other External Activities

Crane M
  • Invited to review for ACM Crossroads Magazine [] special issue on Parallel Computing Spring 2002.
  • Sponsored the building of a 25-node PC Cluster by Red-Brick in Summer 2001. It is envisaged that among the many uses of this cluster will be for final year and postgraduate projects, as well as a contribution to GRID-Ireland.
Duncan H
  • Reviewer of papers for Annals of Software Engineering.
  • Reviewer of papers for Software Engineering track of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2002.
  • Programme Committee of EuroSPI 2001.
Gray D
  • Security and open systems consultant E-Sync Networks (USA).
  • Auditor for EU Esprit Projects.
Farren M
  • Reviewer of Journal of Interactive Media in Education September 2001.
Hamilton G
  • Reviewer for Third Scottish Functional Programming Workshop, 2001.
  • Reviewer for ACM Symposium on Computing, 2002.
  • Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods.
Horgan JM
  • Statistical Adviser to the Irish College of General Practitioners.
  • Reviewer for Pearson Publishers.
  • Participation at Teleconference with the Royal College of General practitioners and the ICGP.
  • Statistical Adviser to Performance Management Consultants.
  • Statistical Analysis of 2001 MICGP Examinations,Report to Irish
Humphrys M
  • Media interviews: BBC / New Scientist.
Keogh G
  • Refereed (i.e. peer reviewed) publications "The Effect of Pool Depth on System Evaluation in TREC" Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52(2001) 570-574 with Sabrina Keenan and Alan F. Smeaton.
Moynihan T
  • External examiner for BSc in Computer Sytems at University of Limerick.
  • Reviewer for IEEE Software.
  • Reviewer for Journal of Information Systems.
  • Member of Programme Committee for the 7th. European Conference on Software Quality.
  • Member of Programme Committee for IRMA2002.
O'Connor R
  • Member of the validation panel, HETAC National Certificate in eBusiness.
    External course adviser, Global Campus Project, Middlesex University, UK.
  • Member, C.H.I.U. Teaching and Education panel investigating North/South co-operation projects.
  • Reviewed manuscripts for Palgrave.
  • Reviewed manuscripts for John Wiley.
Pahl C
  • Programme board co-chair for Irish Workshop on Formal Methods 2001.
Roantree M
  • Reviewed two books for Pearson Academic Press, 2001.
Ruskin H
  • Research Visit, Porto University, Portugal, May 2001, preliminary work on microscopic models for finance, (basis for previous /future grant applications under EI, ATRP 2001/2002).
Sinclair D
  • Project reviewer for EU Framework 5 project proposals.
  • Project reviewer for Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership Programme.
Smeaton AF
  • Member of assessment panel for Enterprise Ireland Research Innovation fund programme, 2001.
  • Member of assessment panel for Enterprise Ireland Advanced Technology Research Program, 2001.
  • Reviewer of research proposals to Australian Research Council, 2001.
  • Scientific Co-ordinator of the track on retrieval from digital video, as part of the TREC Program, funded by NIST, DARPA and ARDA (US Government).
  • Reviewer for the following Journals:-
    Journal of the American Society for Information Science.
    Journal of Digital Information.
    ACM Transactions on Information Systems.
    Information Processing and Management.
Sutherland A
  • Sutherland, A. and Wu, H collaborated with Dr. Frank Powell of the Regional Centre of Dermatology, Mater Private Hospital, Dublin, on analysis of facial images of patients suffering from rosacea and flushing.
van Genabith J
  • Reviewer: NAACL 2001, The Second Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2-7 June 2001.
  • Reviewer: The Journal of Language, Logic and Information, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Verbruggen R
  • M.Sc. in Re-engineering, University of Limerick.
  • Lecture series on Object-Oriented Paradigm April to May 2001.
  • Seminar on Stategies and architectures for internet based development, Advanced Educational Software Ltd. January 2001.
  • Seminar on Unified Modelling Language applied to Internet Software CineHub Ltd May 2001.
Walshe R
  • Attended Research Seminars in Computational Linguistics in Trinity College Dublin.
  • Attended International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2001), Madrid, Spain.
  • Attended World Conference on Internet and Word Wide Web (WebNet 2000), Texas, USA.
Ward M
  • Nawat CALL courseware: Interview published in El Diario de Hoy (El Salvador, in Spanish).
  • Interviews with Universidad de El Salvador (university magazine and radio interview - in Spanish).
  • Fundraising for El Salvador earthquake victims from staff and students of Computer Applications and co-ordination of fund distribution in El Salvador.
Way A
  • Reviewer of "The ACM Transactions on Information Systems",Association for Computing Machinery, New York.
  • Reviewer for the University of Ottawa Press, Canada.
  • Reviewer for the ACL/EACL Workshop on Educational Resources for Computational Linguistics, Toulouse, France.
  • Reviewer for the MT-Summit Workshop on Teaching Machine Translation, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • Co-organised EACL-01 Workshop in Educational Resources for Computational Linguistics, Toulouse, France.[cf.].
  • Co-organised Workshop on Teaching Machine Translation, MT-Summit VIII, Santiago de Compostela, Spain [cf.