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Annual Report 2001 - School of Computer Applications

annual report 2001

school of computer applications

Awards / Distinctions

Way A
  • Obtained PhD, Dept. Language & Linguistics, University of Essex, UK.
Other Awards /Distinctions
Farren M
  • Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Samos, June 2001. Funding from Teaching and Learning Fund.
Horgan JM
  • Enterprise Ireland International Collaboration Award: To pursue research with Dr. W. Yancey, Texas in the US. Amount £1,600.
  • American Accounting Association Bursary: To deliver paper at Ohio AAA Conference. Amount $100.
  • Teaching and Learning Small Project Grant: To develop an interactive statistics teaching system. Amount £4,500.
  • DCU Research Committee Travel Grant: To read papers at conferences in the States. Amount £1,600.
Humphrys M
  • Awarded Summer Internship grant for student to work on client software in the "World-Wide-Mind" research group.
O'Connor R
  • Awarded ODTL Funding, DCU 2001 to present a paper at the 6th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, England, June 2001.
Pahl C
  • Award by DCU Teaching and Learning Fund - Small Projects Scheme, January until September 2001.
  • Award by DCU School of Computer Applications - Summer Research Internship, June 2001 until September 2001.
Roantree M
  • Awarded Enterprise Ireland Collaboration Grant (IC/2001/063) to work with colleagues in University of Oldenburg.
Ruskin H
  • Invited to become reviewer for Zentralblatt MATH (Ed. European Mathematical Society, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Fachinformationszentrum, Karlsruhe), 2001.
  • Appointed to Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, 2001.
  • Invited to lecture at SSGRR-2002W (Winter) conference on e-Learning; postponed acceptance to Summer 2002 (due to dates clash).
  • Joint recipient of ODTL short-term award (with C.Daly) for interactive learning; "RoboProf. breaks new ground - with Statistics".
van Genabith J
  • van Genabith, J. (principal investigator), Way, A., Enterprise Ireland, Basic Research Grant SC/01/186, Automatic Annotation of the Penn-II Treebank with Feature-Structure Information, IEP 101,100, 2001/2003.
  • van Genabith, J., Way, A., Kenny, D. Teaching and Learning Fund 2000/1, TLF Small Project Scheme Ref. tlf/2000-2001/small-project-01/22, Dublin City University, An Integrated Web-Based Tool Suite for Teaching Linguistics and Computational Linguistics (TSL).
Way A
  • Awarded £101,100 from Enterprise Ireland under its Basic Research programme for a project entitled Automatic Annotation of the Penn-II Treebank with Feature-structure Information (3 year project) (with J. Van Genabith).
  • Awarded £5000 Studentship (Recipients: Mary Hearne & Aoife Cahill) from Dublin City University Teaching & Learning Committee for Visualisation of Linguistic Objects Project (with J. Van Genabith & D. Kenny).
  • Awarded £5000 Studentship (Recipients: Nano Gough & Edel Greevy) from Computer Applications Research Committee, Dublin City University for website production and Visualisation of Linguistic Objects Project (with J. Van Genabith)