Annual Report 2001 - School of Electronic Engineering
annual report 2001
school of electronic engineering
Barry LPReid DT, Thomsen BC, Dudley JM, Harvey JD and Barry LP
"Sonogram characterisation of picosecond pulses at 1.5 µm using waveguide two photon absorption."
Electron. Lett., 36, 2000, pp 1141-1142.
Barry LP and Anandarajah, P
"Cross-channel interference due to mode partition noise in WDM optical systems using self-seeded gain-switched pulse sources."
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 13, 2001, pp 242-244.
Barry LP, Anandarajah P and Kaszubowska A
"Optical pulse generation at frequencies up to 20 GHz using
external-injection seeding of a gain-switched commercial Fabry-Perot
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 13, pp 1014-1016, 2001.
Barry LP, Anandarajah P and Kaszubowska A
"High Frequency, Wavelength-Tunable Pulse Generation using a Gain-Switched Commercial Fabry-Perot Laser with Strong External-Injection."
IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Annual Meeting 2000, Conference Proceedings,
WV5, Puerto Rico, 2000, pp 587-588.
Barry LP, Thomsen BC and Harvey, JD
"Demonstration of demultiplexing in high speed OTDM systems using a two photon absorption based switch."
Optical Fibre Communications Conference, Technical Proceedings,
WO2, Annahein, USA, 2001.
Kaszubowska A, Anandarajah P and Barry LP
"Improved system performance of hybrid radio/fibre links using
external injection of a directly modulated."
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON),
Cracow, Poland, 18-21 June 2001, Technical Digest, pp 271-274.
Anandarajah P, Kaszubowska A and Barry LP
"Cross channel interference due to mode-partition-noise in WDM systems."
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON),
Cracow, Poland, 18-21 June 2001, Technical Digest, pp 173-176.
Barry LP
"Optical Time Division Multiplexed Transmission Systems."
5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, (SCI 2001), Florida, 22-25 July 2001.
Cameron DC
Alam MJ and Cameron DC
"Preparation and properties of transparent conductive aluminium-doped
zinc oxide thin films by sol-gel process."
J. Vac. Sci. Technol, A19, 2001, pp 1642-1646.
Alam MJ and Cameron DC
"Characterization of transparent conductive ITO thin films deposited on titanium dioxide film by sol-gel process."
Surface and Coatings Technology, 142-144, 200, pp 776-780.
Cameron DC, Aimo R, Wang ZH and Pischow KA
"Structural variations in CrN/NbN superlattices."
Surface and Coatings Technology, 142-144, 2001, pp 567-572.
Alam MJ and Cameron DC
"Optical and electrical properties of transparent conductive
ITO thin films deposited by sol-gel process."
Thin Solid Films, 377-378, 2000, pp 455-458.
Monclus MA, Chowdhury AKMS, Cameron DC, Barklie R and Collins, M.
"The effect of nitrogen partial pressure on the bonding in sputtered CNx films: implications for the formation of beta-C3N4."
Surface and Coatings Technology, 131, 2000, pp 488-492.
Cameron DC
"Optical and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nitride."
in Supramolecular Photosensitive and Electroactive Materials, Ed.
H. S. Nalwa, Academic Press, San Diego, 2001, ISBN 0-12-513904-7, pp 585-641.
Condon M
Condon M
"A new technique for the transient simulation of transmission lines inclusive of skin effect."
European Microwave Conference, London, 2001.
Fay D, Ringwood J, Condon M and Kelly M
"24-hour electrical load data - a time series or a set of independent
Proc. International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural
Networks, Cagliari, Italy, 2001.
Fay D, Ringwood J, Condon M and Kelly M
"A data fusion model for Irish electricity load forecasting."
Proc. ISSC, 2001.
Marlow S
Cooray S, O'Connor N, Marlow S, Murphy, N and Curran T
"Hierarchical Semi-Automatic Video Object Segmentation for Multimedia Applications."
Internet Multimedia Management Systems II, ITCOM'01, SPIE, Denver, USA, 19-24 August 2001.
Lee H, Smeaton A, Murphy N, O'Conner N and Marlow S
"Físchlár on a PDA: Handheld User Interface Design
to a Video Indexing, Browsing and Playback System."
UAHCI 2001 - International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer
Interaction, New Orleans, Louisiana, 5-10 August 2001.
Sav S, Marlow S, Murphy N and O'Connor
"An automatic technique for visual quality classification for
MPEG-1 video."
SSIP'01 - WSES International Conference on Speech, Signal and Image
Processing, Malta, 1-6 September 2001.
Jarina R, Murphy N, O'Connor N and Marlow S
"Speech-Music Discrimination from MPEG-1 Bitstream."
SSIP'01 - WSES International Conference on Speech, Signal and Image
Processing, Malta, 1-6 September 2001.
McManis J
Hava C, McManis J and Murphy J
"The Influence of Web Page Images on the Performance of Web Servers", C. Hava Muntean, J. McManis and J. Murphy, "The
Influence of Web Page Images on the Performance of Web Servers",
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2093, Springer-Verlag, 2001, p. 821-828.
Graja H and McManis J
"Modelling User Interaction with E-Commerce Servers."
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2093, Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp 803-810.
Hava C, McManis J, Murphy J and Murphy L
"A New Dynamic Web Server", to be pre sented at ICT 2001: International Conference on Telecommunications, Bucharest, Romania,
June 4-7, 2001.
Graja H and McManis J
"Quantifying Customer Satisfaction with E-Commerce Web Sites."
Proceedings of the 17th UK Teletraffic Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 May 2001, p 25/1-25/6.
Hava C, McManis J, Murphy J and Murphy L
"A Client-Orientated Dynamic Web Server", Proceedings
of the 17th UK Teletraffic Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, May 16-18,
2001, p. 14/1-14/6.
McNally PJ
Dewan MNA, McNally PJ and Herbert PAF
"Modeling of harmonic contributions to non-symmetrical RF plasmas."
J. Mater. Proc. Technol., 118, 2001, pp 343-349.
Kanatharana J, Pérez-Camacho JJ, Buckley T, McNally
PJ, Tuomi T, Danilewsky AN, O'Hare M, Lowney D and Chen W
"Investigation of Mechanical Stresses in Underlying Silicon due to Lead-Tin Solder Bumps via Synchrotron X-Ray Topography and Finite Element Analysis."
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 2001 (accepted for publications).
Chen WM, McNally PJ, Shvydko Yu V, Tuomi T, Lerche M, Danilewsky AN, Janatharana J, Lowney D, O'Hare M, Knuuttila L, Riikonen J and Rantamäki R
"Quality assessment of sapphire wafers for x-ray crystal optics using white beam synchrotron x-ray topography." Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 186(3), 2001, pp 365-371.
Tuomi T, Rantamaki R, McNally, P, Lowney D, Danilewsky AN and Becker P
"Dynamical diffraction imaging of voids in nearly perfect silicon."
J. Phys D: Appl. Phys., 34 (10A), 2001, pp A133-A135.
Dewan MNA, McNally PJ, Perova T and Herbert PAF
"Use of plasma impedance monitoring for the determination of
SF6 reactive ion etch process end points in a SiO2/Si system."
Mat. Res. Innovat., 5(2), 2001, pp 107-116.
McNally PJ, Rantamäki R, Tuomi T, Danilewsky AN, Lowney D, Curley JW and Herbert PAF
"Mapping of mechanical, thermomechanical and wire-bond strain fields in packaged Si integrated circuits using synchrotron white beam x-ray topography."
IEEE Trans. Comp. Packag. Technol., 24(1), 2001, pp 76-83.
McNally PJ, Tuomi T, Lowney D, Jacobs K, Danilewsky AN, Rantamäki R, O'Hare M and Considine L
"Epitaxial lateral overgrowth of GaN on sapphire - an examination of epitaxy quality using synchrotron x-ray topography."
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 185(2), 2001, pp 373-382.
Lowney D, McNally PJ, O'Hare M, Herbert PAF, Tuomi T, Rantamäki R, Danilewsky AN and Karilahti M
"Examination of the structural and optical failure of ultra bright LEDs under varying degrees of electrical stress using synchrotron x-ray topography and optical emission spectroscopy."
J. Materials Sci.: Materials in Electronics, 12, 2001, pp 249-253.
Rantamäki R, Tuomi T, Zytkiewicz ZR, McNally PJ and Danilewsky AN
"Comparative analysis of synchrotron x-ray transmission and
reflection topography techniques applied to epitaxial laterally
overgrown GaAs layers."
J. X-Ray Sci. & Technol., accepted for publications, 2001.
McNally PJ and Daniels B
"Compact DC model for submicron GaAs MESFETs including gate-source
modulation effects."
Microelectronics Journal, 32(3), 2001, pp 249-251.
McNally PJ, Dilliway G, Bonar JM, Willoughby A, Tuomi T, Rantamäki R, Danilewsky AN and Lowney D
"On the use of total reflection X-ray topography for the observation
of misfit dislocation strain at the surface of a Si/Ge-Si heterostructure."
Appl. Phys. Lett., 77(11), 2000, pp 1644-1646.
Tuomi T, Pohjola P, Riikonen J, Knuuttila L, Sopanen M, McNally PJ, Kanatharana J, Chen W, Lowney D and Danilewsky AN
"Defects in GaInNAs quantum dot layers."
Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchtotron
(HASYLAB-DESY) Jahresbericht, Vol. 1, 2000, pp 851-852.
Tuomi T, Rantamäki R, McNally PJ, Lowney D, Danilewsky AN and Becker P
"Dynamical Diffraction Imaging of Voids in Extremely Pure and Perfect Silicon."
Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchtotron
(HASYLAB-DESY) Jahresbericht, Vol. 1, 2000, pp 857-858.
Riikonen J, Knuuttila L, Tuomi T, Lipsanen H, McNally PJ, Kanatharana J, Chen W, Lowney D, and Danilewsky AN
"Epitaxial growth of GaAs on silicon-on-insulator."
Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchtotron
(HASYLAB-DESY) Jahresbericht, Vol. 1, 2000, pp 859-860.
Toivonen J, Tuomi T, Riikone J, Knuuttila L, Rantamäki
R, Sopanen M, Lipsanen H, McNally PJ., Kanatharana J, Chen W and Lowney D
"Growth and Defects of GaAsN layers on GaAs."
Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchtotron
(HASYLAB-DESY) Jahresbericht, Vol. 1, 2000, pp 861-862.
Lowney D, McNally PJ, O'Hare M and Herbert T
"Structural and Optical Failure Mechanisms of IC LEDs",
Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchtotron
(HASYLAB-DESY) Jahresbericht, Vol. 1, pp. 879-880, 2000.
Chen WM, McNally PJ, Shvyd'ko, Yu V, Lerche, M, Tuomi T, Danilewsky A N, Kanatharana J, Lowney D, O'Hare M, Knuuttila L, Riikonen J and Rantamäki R
"SXRT Evaluation of Sapphire Wafer Quality Used for Bragg Backscattering
Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchtotron
(HASYLAB-DESY) Jahresbericht, Vol. 1, 2000, pp 887-888.
Kanatharana J, McNally PJ, Pérez-Camacho JJ., Tuomi T, Danilewsky AN, O'Hare M, Lowney D and Chen W
"White Beam Synchrotron X-Ray Topography Studies of Pb/Sn Ball Grid Array Induced Strain in Si Substrate."
Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchtotron
(HASYLAB-DESY) Jahresbericht, Vol. 1, 2000, pp 895-896.
Lowney D, Adams B, Franz H and McNally PJ
"Characterisation of Diamond Crystals for use at the PETRA
Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchtotron
(HASYLAB-DESY) Jahresbericht, Vol. 1, 2000, pp 989-990.
Lowney D, McNally PJ, O'Hare M, Herbert PAF, Tuomi T, Rantamäki R, Karilahti M. and Danilewsky AN
"Failure analysis of LED arrays using white beam synchrotron
x-ray topography."
Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Materials for Microelectronics (MFM2000), Dublin Castle, Ireland, 16-17 October 2000, pp 37-41, ISBN: 1-86125-129-7.
O'Hare M, McNally PJ, Lowney D, Tuomi T, Rantamäki R and Danilewsky AN
"Visualisation and finite element modelling of strain fields in silicon due to integrated circuit metallisation."
Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Materials for Microelectronics (MFM2000),
Dublin Castle, Ireland, 16-17 October 2000, pp 89-92, ISBN: 1-86125-129-7.
Nolan M, Lowney D, McNally PJ, Perova TS, Moore A, Gamble H, Tuomi T, Rantamaki R and Danilewsky AN
"Synchrotron x-ray topography and micro-Raman spectroscopy of boron doped silicon wafer using rapid thermal diffusion."
Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Materials for Microelectronics (MFM2000),
Dublin Castle, Ireland, 16-17 October 2000, pp 147-150, ISBN: 1-86125-129-7.
O'Connor N
Sav S, Marlow S, Murphy N and O'Connor N
"An automatic technique for visual quality classification for MPEG-1 video."
SSIP'01 - WSES International Conference on Speech, Signal and Image
Processing, Malta, 1-6 September 2001.
Jarina R, Murphy N, O'Connor N and Marlow S
"Speech-Music Discrimination from MPEG-1 Bitstream."
SSIP'01 - WSES International Conference on Speech, Signal and Image Processing, Malta, 1-6 September 2001.
Lee H, Smeaton A, Murphy N, O'Conner N and Marlow S
"Físchlár on a PDA: Handheld User Interface Design to a Video Indexing, Browsing and Playback System."
UAHCI 2001 - International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer
Interaction, New Orleans, Louisiana, 5-10 August 2001.
Sadlier D, Marlow S, O'Connor N and Murphy N
"Automatic TV Advertisement Detection from MPEG Bitstream."
ICEIS 2001 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Setubal, Portugal, 7-10 July 2001.
Marlow S, Sadlier D, McGeough K, O'Connor N and Murphy N
"Audio and Video Processing for Automatic TV Advertisement Detection."
ISSC 2001 - Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 25-27 June 2001.
Smeaton A, Murphy N, O'Connor N, Marlow S, Lee H, Mc Donald K, Browne P and Ye J
"The Físchlár Digital Video System: A Digital Library of Broadcast TV Programmes."
JCDL 2001 - ACM+IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Roanoke, VA, 24-28 June 2001.
Lee H, Smeaton A, Murphy N, O'Conner N and Marlow S
"User Interface Design for Keyframe-Based Browsing of Digital Video."
WIAMIS 2001 - Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive
Services, Tampere, Finland, 16-17 May 2001.
O'Connor N, Marlow S, Murphy N, Smeaton A, Browne P, Deasy S, Lee and Mc Donald K
"Físchlár: An On-line System for Indexing and Browsing of Broadcast Television Contents."
ICASSP 2001 - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Procesing, Salt Lake City, UT, 7-11 May 2001.
Mc Donald K, Smeaton A, Marlow S, Murphy N and O'Connor N
"Online Television Library: Organisation and Contents Browsing for General Users."
SPIE Electronic Imaging - Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2001, San Jose, CA, 24-26 January 2001.
Wang X
Murphy C and Wang X
"Most Often Used Pamth Scheduling Algorith."
Proceedings of the 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics (SCI 2001), Vol. XII, 22-25 July 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp 289-295.
Wang X, Muresan V and Vladutiu M
"Mixed Classical Scheduling Algorithms and Tree Growing Technique
in Block-Test Scheduling Under Power Constraints",
Proceedings of the Twelfth IEEE International Workshop on Rapid
System Prototyping, 25-27 June 2001, Monterey, CA, USA, pp162-167.
Wang X, Muresan V and Vladutiu M
"A Combined Tree Growing Technique for Block-Test Scheduling Under Power Constraints", Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 6-9 May 2001, Sydney, Australia, pp 255-258.
Khadir, Muresan V, Collier M and Wang X
"The VHDL Model Of A Three Stage ATM Switch Featuring A Cell-Leve Path Allocation Algorithm."
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics
(AI2001), 19-22 February 2001, Innsbruck, Austria. pp.235-241.
Wang X, Muresan V and Vladutiu, M
"Distribution-Graph Based Approach and Extended Tree Growing Technique in Power-Constrained Block-Test Scheduling."
Proceedings of the IEEE Ninth Asia Test Symposium (ATS'00), 4-6 December 2000, Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE Computer Society Order Number PR00887, pp 465-470. ISBN 0-7695-0887-1.
Wang X, Muresan V and Vladutiu M
"A Comparison of Classical Scheduling Approaches in Power-Constrained Block-Test Scheduling."
Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference (ITC'00), Atlantic City, USA, 3-5 October 2000, pp 882-891.
Whelan P
Drimbarean, A. and Whelan, P.F.
"Experiments in colour texture analysis."
Pattern Recognition Letters, 22(10), 2001, pp 1161-1167.
Ghita O and Whelan PF
"A video-rate sensor based on depth from defocus."
Optics & Laser Technology, 33(3), 2001, pp 167-176.
Whelan PF Soille P and Drimbarean A
"Real-time registration of paper watermarks."
Real-Time Imaging, 7(4), 2001, pp 367-380.
Sadleir RJT, Whelan PF, MacMathuna P and Fenlon HM
"Automated Detection and Flagging Of Colorectal Polyps For Virtual Colonoscopy: A Preliminary Study."
European Radiology, 11(6): Suppl: C6 (Abstract), 2001.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 21(12), 2000, pp 1071-1080.
Whelan PF
"Colorectal cancer research."
in Healthy outlook for biomedicine, M. Smith (Ed.), The Engineers Journal, Journal of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, March, 2001.
Sadleir RJT, Whelan PF, MacMathuna P and Fenlon HM
"Automated Detection and Flagging Of Colorectal Polyps For
Virtual Colonoscopy: A Preliminary Study."
ESGAR 2001 - 12th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Gastrointestinal
and Abdominal Radiology, 20 - 23 June 2001, Dublin, Ireland.
Carew T Ghita O and Whelan PF
"Detecting visual faults on painted slates."
Proc. Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference 2001, NUI Maynooth, pp 260.
Sadleir RJT, Moss A, Whelan PF, Bruzzi J, Fenlon H and MacMathuna P
"Automated detection of colorectal polyps at CT (virtual) colonoscopy."
ISG 2001 - Irish Society of Gastroenterology, UCC, 8-9 June 2001.
Whelan PF and Batchelor BG
"Basic machine vision techniques."
Chapter 2 in Intelligent Machine Vision: Techniques, Implementation & Interfacing, B.G. Batchelor and F. Waltz, Springer-Verlag
UK, 448 pages, ISBN: 3-540-762248, 2001, pp 31-64 [Invited book chapter].
Whelan PF
"Visual programming for machine vision."
Chapter 8 in Intelligent Machine Vision: Techniques, Implementation & Interfacing, B.G. Batchelor and F. Waltz, Springer-Verlag
UK, 448 pages, ISBN: 3-540-762248, 2001, pp 229-320 [Invited book chapter].
Ghita O, Mallon J and Whelan PF
"Epipolar line extraction using feature matching."
Proc. Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference 2001, NUI Maynooth, 2001, pp 87-95.