Annual Report 2001 - School of Electronic Engineering
annual report 2001
school of electronic engineering
Unit Report
First graduates from the European M.Eng. in Electronic Systems degree
The European B.Eng/M.Eng in Electronic Systems programme is a five-year
degree programme where students may graduate at Bachelors level after 4
years and Masters after 5 years. The five graduates spent 18 months of their
programme studying and working in France and four of them were also awarded
the French Diplôme d'Ingénieurs, the national French professional
engineering qualification.
Change in Head of School
Mr Jim Dowling took over as Head of the School from Professor Charles
McCorkell, who had held the position for over 20 years.
Approval of new B.Eng degree programme in Digital Media Engineering
Under the chairmanship of Dr Noel O'Connor, the new B.Eng degree programme
in Digital Media Engineering was approved by the DCU Accreditation Process
in February 2001 and the first cohort of students were admitted in September
Undergraduate programmes
The School has continued to develop its undergraduate and postgraduate
taught programmes in accordance with its planned growth to 540 places
to be accommodated in the new purpose built facility (expected completion
in mid-2002) for the Faculty of Engineering and Design. A new degree programme
in Digital Media Engineering has commenced and has already attracted considerable
interest; 18 students have registered even though the programme was too
late for inclusion in the CAO Handbook.
This year also saw the introduction of a Common Entry route to three undergraduate programmes: Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering and Digital Media Engineering. This effectively allows CAO entrants to delay their choice of programme until they have completed their first year's study.
The other programmes offered by the School successfully continue to provide graduates mainly for Irish industry and postgraduate study.
Developments in On-Campus and Distance Learning Taught Postgraduate
Following initiatives taken during 2000/2001 it will now be possible
- qualify with a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, or Masters.
- receive an award under the headings of Electronic Systems or Telecommunications (first set of Telecommunications graduates this year)
- take required taught courses by distance learning mode (RACeE programme)
- mix on-campus and distance learning modes (most popular with part-time students)
- register as part-time or full-time
- join the programme at the beginning of the first or second semesters
- receive comprehensive participation planning information on the WEB (with personal -referrals this is now the most popular initial information point for applicants)
- access for lecturers to extensive student information, module management support and communication facilities.
- access for students to a range of personal and programme operational information, including personal registration data, programme calendar etc
- login and security for module notes, assessment material etc.
- facilities for gathering survey opinions and student self-assessment
- many other features.
More information on the VCP can be found at http://vcpl.rince.ie/vcpinfo.shtml
Research Activity
Research activity within the School continues to thrive with the further
development of the Research Institute for Networks and Communications
Engineering (RINCE). RINCE has completed its second of three years HEA
PRTLI funding. The capital equipment procurement process is providing
first class facilities for the research projects and the research student
recruitment programme has proven very successful.
Details of the activity are included later in this report.
New Staff
The School was pleased to welcome new staff members: Dr Pascal Landais
joined the School Academic staff as a Lecturer and Mr Billy Roarty took
up a position as Technician within the School. The Faculty Administration
Office welcomed Ms Marian Scullion as Secretary.
Professor David Cameron returned to the School from extended sabbatical
leave in Finland.
There were no resignations from the School during the year.
International Links
The School continues to develop and expand its international links through
its participation in collaborative research programmes and EU programmes
New Building Programme
The School continues to participate in the design process for the new
building to house the Faculty of Engineering Design, the new Research
Institute for Networks and Communications Engineering (RINCE) and two
other National Research Centres (NCSR and NCPST). Mr Jim Dowling and Mr
John Whelan are the representatives for the School and RINCE on the Users
Group Working Party.