DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - School of Mathematical Sciencs
annual report 2001
school of mathematical sciencs
Research Carried out / Ongoing
Appleby J
- Continuing research on asymptotic behaviour of deterministic and stochastic Volterra equations; Collaborating with Evelyn Buckwar (Humboldt, Berlin) on qualitative properties of stochastic functional differential equations.
- Mathematical Finance: credit risk, defaultable bonds, Asian options.
- Partial differential equations, modelling of superconductors, gauge invariant models, soliton solutions in field theory, 90 degrees soliton scattering.
- On the acceleration of molecular outflows by jets from young stars (with S Cabrit, Observatoire de Paris); on the spectra predicted by the fireball model of gamma-ray bursts (with P Duffy, UCD); on the structure of shells of superbubbles (with E van der Swaluw, DIAS).
- On the structure of pulsar wind bubbles inside supernova remnants (with E van der Swaluw, DIAS).
- With E O'Riordan and A Wood, Members of the National Centre for Plasma Science and Technology (NCPST) using asymptotic and numerical methods to analyse layer-type problems arising in plasmas.
- Continuing ongoing research on space-time singularities in General Relativity with Filipe Mena (University of the Minho, Braga), Sergio Goncalves (Caltech) and Raul Vera (Queen Mary, Univ. of London). Began research project: Stability of naked singularities in self-similar collapse with Turlough Downes (DCU), Thomas Waters (MSc student, DCU) and Patrick Brady (University of Wisconsin). Funded by Enterprise Ireland; Project SC/2001/199 € 104,753.
- Continuing work with research team investigating the theory underpinning Shishkin meshes for thin layers. Collaborates closely with Professor Miller (Trinity College Dublin), Dr. Hegarty (University of Limerick), Professor Farrell (Kent State University) and Professor GI Shishkin (Russian Academy).
- Continuing research on localizations of groups, began research project on centralizers in soluble groups with Dr. B. Nucinkis, ETH Zurich.
- Stochastic models of interest rates, Fixed income securities, Interest rates based on derivatives.
- On-going research on asymptotic behaviour of deterministic and stochastic Volterra equations by examining exponential decay of solutions of various problems in mathematical physics with fading memory.
- With Glenn Fingleton. Investigating mathematical models for virus infections (AD) in swine; continuing research on asymptotic methods for wave guide problems with Prof. P Duclos, University of Toulon and Var.
Appleby J
- Research Visit with Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics, University of Manchester, December 2000.
- With D Reynold. Visited Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna. Funded by a grant from Enterprise Ireland, under its International Collaboration programme, January 2001.
- Attended Conference on "Applied Analysis and Differential Equations", Wadham College, Oxford, July 2001.
- Research Visit with E. Buckwar, Humboldt University 22 August - 1 September 2001.
- Research Visit, University of Grenoble, a week of collaborations on star formation, January, 2001
- Attended SURF2000 PhD Euroconference Mykonos, Greece, October 2000.
- Attended weekly discussion group and London Relativity Seminar at Queen Mary, University of London. Spring & Autumn, 2001.
- Visited Relativity Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Southampton for three days, March 2001.
- Attended first British Gravity Meeting, University of Southampton, March 2001.
- Attended 16th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Durban, July 2001.
- Attended Conference on Cosmological Observations and the Early Universe, a Critical Review, University of Cape Town, July 2001.
- Attended the conference Journees Relativistes, UCD, September 2001.
- Attended International workshop on Numerical Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems, Oberwolfach, Germany, 9-13 April 2001.
- Visited ETH Zurich to work on research project with Dr B Nucinkis, Switzerland, April - May 2001.
- Research visits to Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, May 2001 and September 2001.
- Research visit, with John Appleby, to Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, January 2001. Funded by Enterprise Ireland International Collaboration Grant.
- Attended Conference on "Applied Analysis and Differential Equations", Wadham College, Oxford, July 2001.
- Visited Professor P Duclos, Centre de Physique Theorique. He was accompanied by his research student Donal Dowling, CNRS Luminy, France, fully-funded by the CNRS-Enterprise Ireland Exchange Scheme, May 2001.