DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
annual report 2001
school of mechanical and manufacturing engineering
External Activities
Appointments / Memberships: External Bodies
- Committee Member, Mechanical Division of Institution of Engineers of Ireland and Republic of Ireland region of IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers)
- Member, Institution of Engineers of Ireland (MIEI)
- Member, Institute of Materials (MIOM)
- Member, American Society for Metals (ASM)
- Member, EURAM-BRITE HOISNED project team
- Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (M.I. Mech.E)
- Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers (M. IEE)
- Member, Irish Manufacturing Committee (JMC)
- Chairmen, FAIM '01 Conference Organising Committee
- School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering representative on Science, Discovery for Technological Innovation Steering Group of DCU Strategy Group
- Member, DCU Research Advisory Panel (Science and Engineering Section
- Member, University Designated Research Centre (Materials Processing Research Centre
- Consultant to Stryker Howmedica Osteonics, UK
- Consultant to Summit Medical Ltd., UK
- Consultant to Department of Orthopaedics at Musgrave Park Hospital, Northern Ireland
- National Council for Educational Awards (N.C.E.A.) External Examiner
- Referee, Journal of Materials Processing Technologies
- Chartered Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (M.I. Mech. E.)
- Chartered Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers (M.I.E.E.)
- Committee member, Mechanical Division of Institution of Engineers of Ireland and Republic of Ireland region of IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers)
- Special extern examiner, MSc degrees, National University of Ireland
- Professional Member, Institute of Materials (M.I.M.)
- Senior Member, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Sen. M. S.M.E.)
- Chartered Engineer, British Council of Engineers (CEng)
- Member, Organising Committee of the FAIM (Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing) conference 2001
- Member, Government Task Force on the Physical Sciences (IEI nominee)
- Committee Member, Mechanical Division of Institution of Engineers of Ireland and Republic of Ireland region of IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers)
- Member, European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Working Group on Women in Engineering
- Member, Institution of Engineers of Ireland (M.IEI)
- Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
- Member, Institute of Engineers of Ireland (MIEI)
- Chartered Member, Institute of Engineers of Ireland
- Reviewer for 'ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering'
- Reviewer for 'Diamond and Related Materials'
- Member, Organising committee of 'European Society of Biomechanics 2000' Conference, Dublin
- External Examiner for Degree Programme: B.Tech. (Ed) Materials and Engineering Technology, University of Limerick.
- Leaving Certificate Engineering Projects Judge (Dublin Region) for 'Engineering Teachers Association'
- Corporate Member, Institute of Engineers of Ireland(M.IEI)
- Member, European Society of Biomechanics (M.ESB)
- Fellow, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (F. RAMI)
- External Examiner in Mathematics at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology and Athlone Institute of Technology