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Annual Report 2001 - School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

annual report 2001

school of mechanical and manufacturing engineering


Brabazon D
Abuazza A, Brabazon D and El Baradie M
"Analysis of surface defects using a recently developed fibre-optics laser scanning system."
International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Madrid, 18-21 September 2001, pp 505-512.

Naher S, Brabazon D and Looney L
"Simulation of the stir casting process."
International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Madrid, 18-21 September 2001, pp 347-355.

Bhuian B, Brabazon D and El Baradie M
"Development of a high-speed electro-optical laser scanning system."
7th International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control, Alexandria, 13-15 February 2001, pp 1339-1344.

Abuazza A, Brabazon D and El Baradie M
"In-process surface defect recognition development by a fibre-optics laser scanning system."
7th International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control, Alexandria, 13-15 February 2001, pp 1285-1294.

Dunne NJ
Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"Influence of mixing techniques on the physical properties of acrylic bone cement."
Journal of Biomaterials, 22(13), 2001, pp 1819-1826.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"Thermal Characteristics of Curing Acrylic Bone Cement."
Innovation and Technology in Biology and Medicine. 22(1), 2001, pp 88-97.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"Bone Cement Mixing, Theatre Staff's Views and Opinions."
British Journal of Perioperative Nursing, 10(12), 2000, pp 619-623.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"Development of a computer model to predict pressure generation around hip replacement stems."
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 214, Part H6, 2000, pp 645-658.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"The effects of porosity on acrylic bone cement shrinkage after polymerisation."
The European Society of Biomaterials, London, September 2001.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"Influence of mixing techniques on the physical properties of acrylic bone cement."
The British Orthopaedic Research Society, Belfast, April 2001.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"Influence of mixing techniques in reducing the porosity of acrylic bone cement."
Bioengineering in Ireland, Wicklow, January 2001.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"Influence of mixing techniques on the physical properties of acrylic bone cement".
Acrylic Bone in the New Millennium, A 40th Anniversary Symposium, 2001.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"The Effects Of Porosity On Acrylic Bone Cement Shrinkage After Polymerisation."
Acrylic Bone in the New Millennium, A 40th Anniversary Symposium, 2001.

Dunne NJ
"Evaluation of cement mixing systems for use in the orthopaedic industry."
Summit Medical Ltd., UK, April 2001.

Dunne NJ
"Evaluation of cement mixing systems for use in the orthopaedic industry."
Summit Medical Ltd., UK, January 2001.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"Influence of mixing techniques on the physical properties of acrylic bone cement."
Wrightington Orthopaedic Hospital, England, February 2001.

Dunne NJ and Orr JF
"Influence of mixing techniques on the physical properties of acrylic bone cement."
UK & Ireland Nurse Conference, Limerick, February 2001.

Mac Donald BJ
Mac Donald BJ
"A Computational and Experimental Analysis of High Energy Impact to Sheet Metal Aircraft Structures."
Proc. IMC'18, Dublin, Ireland, 2001, pp 93-102.

Mac Donald BJ
"Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of Asymmetric Bulge Forming Operations, Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes."
NUMIFORM 2001, Toyohashi, Japan, 2001, pp 903-908.

Mac Donald BJ and Hashmi, MSJ
"Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of Bulge Forming Using a Solid Bulging Medium."
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 37(2), 2001, pp 107-116.

Padmanabhan R, Zarroug NM, Mac Donald BJ, Young P and Hashmi, MSJ
"Elastic-Plastic Behaviour of Mild Steel (EN8) Under Combined Tension-Torsion Loading."
Proc. AMPT 2001, Madrid, Spain, 2001.

David Chua SN, Mac Donald BJ and Hashmi MSJ
"Finite Element Simulation of Stent and Balloon Interaction."
Proc. AMPT 2001, Madrid, Spain, 2001.

Shiekh HFA, Mac Donald BJ and Hashmi MSJ
"Finite Element Simulation of the Hip Joint Replacement Under Impact Load."
Proc. AMPT 2001, Madrid, Spain, 2001.

Mac Donald BJ and Hashmi MSJ
"Finite Element Simulation of Axisymmetric Bulge Forming : Effects of the Process on the Die."
Proc. ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, Spain, 2000, CDROM Proceedings.

Mac Donald BJ
"Computer Aided Engineering at Dublin City University."
The Irish Scientist Yearbook, No. 8, November 2000, p127.

Looney L
O'Donnell G and Looney L
"Production of Aluminium Matrix Composite Components Using Conventional PM Technology." Materials Science & Engineering, A303, 2001, pp 292-301.

McAuley L and Looney L
"Experiences of Women Engineers in Ireland."
Environmental Careers, Environmental Employment and Environmental Training, ed Walter Leal Filho, Peter Lang pub., 2001, pp 9-22.

Stokes J and Looney L
"HVOF System Definition to Maximise the Thickness of Formed Components."
Surface and Coatings Technology, 148, 2001, pp 18-24.

Naher S, Brabazon D and Looney L
"Simulation of the Stir Casting Process."
Proc. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Madrid, 2001.

El Baradie MA
Cahill, B. and El Baradie, M.A.
"LED - Based- optic sensor for measurement of surface roughness."
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 119, 2001, pp 299-306.

El Kilany KS, Young P and El Baradie MA
"Intelligent planning and control of integrated manufacturing system: An overview."
Prcc. Of the 11th Inter. Conf. on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2001, Dublin City University, July 2001, pp 229-240.

Arisha A, Young P and El Baradie, MA
"Job shop scheduling problem: An overview.
Proc. of the 11th Inter. Conf. on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2001, Dublin City University, July 2001, pp 682-693.

Abuazza A, Brabazon D and El Baradie MA
"Analysis of surface defects using a novel developed fibre-optic laser scanning system."
Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Advanced Materials Processing Technologies (AMPT '01), Madrid, Spain, September 2001, pp 505-511.

Murphy JG
Murphy JG and Rogerson GA
"A method to model simple tension experiments using finite elasticity theory with an application to some polyurethane foams."
Int. J. Eng. Sc., 40, 2002, pp 499-510.

McNamara BP
McNamara BP, Murphy H and Morshed MM
"Adhesion Properties of DLC coated Orthopaedic Biomaterials."
Diamond and Related Materials, 10, 2001, pp 1098-1102.

Morshed MM, McNamara BP, Cameron DC and Hashmi, MSJ
"Stress and adhesion in DLC coatings on 316L Stainless steel deposited by a Neutral Beam Source."
International Conference on Advanced Materials Processing Technology (AMPT'01), 18-21 September 2001, pp 1973-1978.

O'Sullivan B, McNamara BP, Moran, K and Murray P
"Knee signature determination using a six degree-of-freedom measurement system."
In proceedings of 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumotology, Rhodes, Greece, 3-7 June 2001, p 96.

O'Sullivan B, McNamara BP, Moran, K and Murray P
"In-vivo Kinematic determination in the knee joint."
In proceedings of the Joint meeting of the British Orthopaedic Research Society and the Northern Ireland Biomedical Engineering Society, Belfast, N. Ireland, 22-24 April 2001.

Morshed MM, Cameron DC, McNamara, BP and Hashmi MSJ
"Adhesion of DLCfilms deposited by a neutral beam source to biological implant metals."
11th Annual Conference of the Irish Plasma and Beam Processing Group in conjunction with the 10th
Symposium on Fusion Research in Ireland hosted by The National Centre for Plasma Science & Technology in Dublin City University, 6-7 September 2001.

Szecsi T
El-Baradie M and Szecsi T
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2001), Dublin City University, 16-18 July 2001.

Nenov GV and Szecsi T
"Increasing CNC machine tool productivity by using tool-part touch control."
In M. El-Baradie and T. Szecsi, eds., Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2001), Dublin City University, 16-18 July 2001, Vol. 1, pp 104-114.

Dumitrescu R and Szecsi, T
"Implementing design for manufacture rules."
in M. El-Baradie and T. Szecsi, eds., Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2001), ), Dublin City University, 16-18 July 2001, Vol. 1, pp 379-388.