DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
annual report 2001
school of mechanical and manufacturing engineering
External Activities
Other External Activities
- Referee for Journal of Materials Processing Technology.
- Invited to present a keynote lecture at the 7th International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control (PEDAC) at Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, 13-15 February 2001.
- Attended Brite - Euram Projects 2 days technical meeting at one of the industrial partners in the project: Centro Laser, Bari, Italy, 29-30 March 2001.
- Attended Brite - Euram Projects 2 days progress technical/management meeting at the Spanish Office For Science and Technology (SOST), Brussel, Belgium, 26-27 June 2001.
- Attended the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT '01) At the Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, 18-21 September 2001
- Delivered 'training of trainers' module on Women in Engineering, IT Tallaght, 12 September 2000.
- Delivered 'training of trainers' module on Women in Engineering, ARCADA Polytechnic, Helsinki, Finland, 23 November 2000.
- Delivered seminar on careers for women in engineering, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, 29 January 2001
- Referee for Journal of Materials Processing Technology.
- Collaborator on EU Leonardo Da Vinci project 'Raising awareness of Careers in Engineering: Training of Teachers'.
- Consultant to Enterprise Ireland as technical evaluator for Applied Research Grant Scheme (ARGS).
- Advisor to MEDICA (association of Irish medical device manufacturers) on setting up of 'Award & Bursary' for 'Best Final Year Project' with Medical Device relevance completed by students of Irish academic institutes.
- Referee for SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Journal of Elasticity and International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanic