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Annual Report 2001 - School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

annual report 2001

school of mechanical and manufacturing engineering

Research Carried out / Ongoing

Corcoran BC
  • PhD research in computational fluid dynamics. Funded by school.
  • Investigation of Bio-film formation in high purity water systems. MSc research.
  • Fouling of double pipe heat exchangers. MSc research.
  • Simulation of combined heat and power plants. MSc research.
  • Validation of purified water systems. Personal research.
  • Fouling of plate heat exchangers. Personal research.
  • Introduction of fluent CFD software. Personal Research.
Brabazon D
  • High speed on-line inspection system with novel electro-optical deflection. This collaborative project was funded by the EU under a Brite-Euram research grant. The project involved eight international partners working in conjunction with each other on various aspects of the new scanning system. The work on this project at DCU was supervised by Prof M El Baradie and Dr D Brabazon.
  • Development of a high speed fibre-optical laser scanning system for defect recognition. Lybian government sponsored project. The work on this project was supervised by Prof M El Baradie and Dr D Brabazon.
  • Development of a laser based inspection system for surface defect detection. School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Eng funded project. The work on this project was supervised by Prof M El Baradie and Dr D Brabazon.
  • Stir Casting of Camposites. School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Eng. funded project. The work on this project was supervised by Dr L Looney and Dr D Brabazon.
  • Control of Electro-Mech System for Product Development. Lybian government sponsored project. The work on this project was supervised by Prof S Hashmi and Dr D Brabazon.
  • Project on the analysis of the microstructure of materials used in electronic components. This project was undertaken by two Polish students who were funded under the EU TEMPUS program.
Dunne N
  • Collaborative Research in conjunction with Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland and The University of Syracuse, USA. Influence of Mixing Techniques on the Physical Properties of Acrylic Bone Cement. Personal research.
  • An Investigation into the Shrinkage Effects of Curing Acrylic Bone Cement. Personal research.
El Baradie MA
  • Laser Scanning for Surface Defects. Libyan government studentship.
  • High-Speed Laser System for Micro Defects. Brite-Euram research Ggrant.
  • High Speed Laser System for Thin Aluminum Foil Thickness Measurement. Brite-Euram research grant.
  • Development of Expert System for Adaptive Manufacturing. Intel Ireland Ltd research grant.
  • Development of Artificial Intelligence Models for Automation Applications. Intel Ireland Ltd research grants.
  • Machinability of High-Strength Materials. Libyan government studentship.
Esmonde H
  • Development of an Intelligent Orthotic Brace. This is a joint venture between DCU, Cappagh Hospital and The Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast. Funded by the School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering DCU
  • Modelling of electro rheological squeeze film dynamics. Funded by Dublin County Council.
Kennedy A
  • TLM Modelling Method. Postgraduate research.
Loone L
  • With MSJ Hashmi. Spray forming and coating of hard materials and graded materials using the HVOF and thermal spray technique. Postgraduate research funded by NCPST and Materials Processing Research Centre.
  • Processing of continuous fibre reinforced ceramic composite materials. Postgraduate research funded by EU Research Training Grant.
  • The production of metal matrix composites through a powder metallurgy route. Postgraduate research funded by Materials Processing Research Centre.
  • Fatigue of welded superduplex stainless steel weldments. Postgraduate research funded by School.
  • Review of position and contribution of women in engineering. Personal research in collaboration with IT Tallaght.
  • With D Brabazon. The effect of processing parameters on the mechanical properties of metal matrix composites formed through stir casting. Postgraduate research funded by School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.
MacDonald BJ
  • With MSJ Hahsmi. Finite Element Simulation of Total Hip Replacement. Postgraduate research.
  • With MSJ Hashmi. Finite Element Simulation of Stent and Balloon Interaction. Postgraduate research.
  • With MSJ Hashmi. Elastic-Plastic Behaviour Under Combined Tension-Torsion Loading. Postgraduate research.
  • Impact/Penetration Analysis of Damage to Aircraft Structures. Personal research.
  • Near Net Shape Manufacture Using Bulge Forming Technology. Personal research.
McGuinness G
  • Co-supervisor to three students:
    Graham Gavin: (Co-supervisor with Prof MSJ Hashmi)
    David Mathews: (Co-supervisor with Dr B McNamara)
    Abdalrahman Tawela: (Co-supevisor with Prof M El Baradie)
McNamara B
  • Knee kinematics determination using a novel direct six-degree-of-freedom measurement system. M.Eng. project funded by Forbairt Postgraduate funding scheme, Cappagh Orthopaedic Hospital, Dublin and DCU School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.
  • Thin film coatings for biomedical applications. M.Eng. project funded by DCU Research Committee Award and DCU School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.
  • Adhesion properties of Diamond-Like-Carbon coatings applied to Medical Device Biomaterials. Ph.D. project funded by DCU National Centre for Plasma Science and Technology and DCU School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.
Murphy J
  • Inverse radial deformations in finite compressible elasticity. This has to do with the problem of cavitation in solid bodies.
  • Investigation of the application of Lie Group techniques to some nonlinear problems in elasticity.
Szecsi T
  • Adaptive Control of CNC Lathes. Funded by company PrecizInter - Ivanovo

Research visits / Travel Brabazon D

  • Attended Brite project's Technical meeting, Bari, Italy, November 2000.
  • Attended Brite project's Technical meeting, Bari, Italy, March 2001.
  • Attended Brite project's Technical meeting, Brussels, Belgium, June 2001 (funded by Brite Grant).
  • Attended 7th International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control, Alexandria, Egypt. Presented two conference Publications. Funded by DCU internal travel grant from Research Committee. Feburary 2001.
  • Attended the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Spain, in support of two conference Publications/presentations. Funded internally by School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. September 2001.
Corcoran BC
  • On-line teaching and Learning of Pneumatics and PLC's. Funded by DCU teaching and learning fund (2001-2002).Investigation of temperature profiles in Pharmaceutical Pipe Dead-Legs. Funded by DCU Albert College Fellowship 'Career Start Programme' (2001-2002).
El Baradie MA
  • Attended the 7th International Conference (PEDAC), Alexandria, Egypt. Funded by the Research Committee. February 2001
  • Attended Brite-Euram Projects Technical meeting, Bari, Italy. Funded by Brite-Euram Grant. March 2001.
  • Attended Brite-Euram Projects Management meeting, Brussel, Belgium. Funded by Brite-Euram Grant. June 2001.
  • Attended AMPT '01 International Conference, Madrid, Spain. Funded by Brite-Euram Grant. September 2001.
  • Modelling of Rheological Properties of Acrylic Bone Cement. Student name: Md. Mazifur Rahman.
  • Thin film coating deposition by Unbalanced magnetron Sputtering. Student name: Md. Julfikar Haider.
Mac Donald BJ
  • Conference Attendance. Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes - NUMIFORM 2001, Toyohashi, Japan. Funded by DCU Research Advisory Panel. 18-20 June 2001.
Mc Namara B
  • Invited to make presentations and initiate collaboration, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) U.S.A. Funded by UMBC. 6-10 October 2000.
  • Participation in course 'Biomehanics of Soft Tissue', University of Udine, Italy. Funded personally. 10-14 September 2001.
Murphy J
  • Visited the University of Salford to discuss wave propagation problems through various nonlinear media with Professor GA Rogerson and Dr K Sandiford. Funded by Enterprise Ireland and the British Council. September 2001.