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Annual Report 2001 - School of Physical Sciences

annual report 2001

school of physical sciences

External Activities
- External Lectures / Papers / Presentation

Cafolla A A
  • "An X-ray Standing Wave and Core Level Photoemission Study of the Initial Stages of Ge/GaAs(001) Interface Formation." McLoughlin, E., Cafolla, A.A., Quinn, P., Murphy, B. and Cowie, B.C.C. Presented at ECOSS20 Krakow, Poland, 4-7 September 2001.
  • "ATLEED studies of structural transitions in the Cu{100}/Sn and Cu{100}/In bimetallics." McEvoy, T., AlShamaileh, E., Barnes, C., McLoughlin, E. and A.Cafolla, A.A. Presented at ECOSS20 Krakow, Poland, 4-7 September 2001.
Costello J T
  • "Laser Plasma Sourced VUV Photoabsorption Imaging System: A Progress Report." Costello, J.T., Kennedy, E.T., Hirsch, J.S., Poletto, L. and Nicolosi, P. ECAMP7/DPG ATMP Conference, Berlin, 2-6 April 2001.
  • "Laser Plasma Sourced VUV Photoabsorption Imaging System." Hirsch, J.S., Kennedy, E.T., Neogi, A., Nicolosi, P., Poletto, L. and Costello, J.T. VUV13, Trieste, 23-27 July 2001.
  • "Vacuum-UV Absorption Spectrum of Laser Produced Rubidium and Strontium Plasmas." Neogi, A., Kennedy, E.T., Mosnier, J-P, van Kampen, P., McGuinness, C., O'Sullivan, G. and Costello, J.T., VUV13, Trieste, 23-27 July 2001.
  • "Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIPS) in the VUV for the Quantitative Characterisation of Steel Alloys." Khater, M., Kennedy, E.T., Costello, J.T., Mosnier, J-P and van Kampen, P. ECAMP7/DPG ATMP Conference, Berlin, 2-6 April 2001.
Cunningham E
  • Presentation to students and staff of ESPEO, Université d'Orleans on DCU and the Applied Physics degree. 16 January 2001.
  • Eupen General Forum "(A)scent of Physics" , Köln (DE), 6/8 September 2001, "Networking Opportunities for Specialisation in Physics", Presentation of the results of Working Group 3 of the EUPEN Thematic Network.
Hughes GJ
  • "Characterisation of ultra thin transistor gate dielectrics by tunnel current measurements." Seminar given at the National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 20 July 2001.
  • "Using quantum mechanical effects to characterise production features." Invited talk at the 6th Intel EMEA Forum, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-7 September 2001.
Kennedy E T
  • "Laser Plasma Sourced VUV Photoabsorption Imaging System: A Progress Report." Costello, J.T., Kennedy, E.T., Hirsch, J.S., Poletto, L. and Nicolosi, P. ECAMP7/DPG ATMP Conference, Berlin, 2-6 April 2001.
  • "Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIPS) in the VUV for the Quantitative Characterisation of Steel Alloys." Khater, M., Kennedy, E.T., Costello, J.T., Mosnier, J-P, and van Kampen, P.
    ECAMP7/DPG ATMP Conference, Berlin, 2-6 April 2001.
  • "Laser Plasma Sourced VUV Photoabsorption Imaging System." Hirsch-, J.S., Kennedy, E.T., Neogi, A., Nicolosi, P., Poletto, P. and Costello, J.T. VUV13, Trieste, 23-27 July 2001.
  • "Vacuum-UV Absorption Spectrum of Laser Produced Rubidium and Strontium Plasmas." Neogi, A., Kennedy, E.T., Mosnier, J-P, van Kampen, P., McGuinness, C., O'Sullivan G. and Costello, J.T. VUV International Conference 13, Trieste, 23-27 July 2001.
  • "Dual Laser Plasma Investigations of Inner-Shell Excitations in Atoms and Ions." Kennedy, E.T., Costello, J.T., Mosnier, J-P and van Kampen, P. 22nd International Conference on Photonic Electronic & Atomic Collisions, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 18-24 July 2001.
  • "High-Resolution Experimental Studies and Theoretical Calculations of Spin-Orbit and Total Angular Momentum-Resolved Photoionisation of Sodium." Cubaynes, D., Kennedy, E.T. et al.
    22nd International Conference on Photonic Electronic & Atomic Collisions, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 18-24 July 2001.
  • "Looking at the Bright Side of X-Ray Lasers." Invited talk at Wesleyan University, Connecticut, USA
  • The 11th Irish Plasma & Beam Processing Group Conference. Opened conference and chaired Session, DCU, 6-7 September 2001.
  • The 7th Atomic Oscillator Strengths Conference. Contributed to Workshop session. (AOS7, Queens University, Belfast, 9 August 2001.
MacCraith B D
  • "Harnessing the Rainbow." President's Research Award, Dublin City University, 31 January 2001.
  • "Intellectual Property Issues for the NCSR." Intellectual Property for Scientists, Royal Society of Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry Ireland, 23 February 2001.
  • "Innovative Sensors for Marine Applications." Marine Technology Frontiers for Europe Workshop, European Science Foundation, Ifremer, Brest, 26-28 April 2001.
  • "The future of Biomedical Sensing - Autonomous Sensors." Medical Device Technology Conference, Galway, 26-27 June 2001.
  • "Optical Chemical Sensors based on Sol-gel-derived Materials." Gordon Research Conference (Chemical Sensors & Interfacial Design), II Ciocco, Italy, 6-11 May 2001.
  • "Innovations in Optical Sensor Technology for Industrial Process Monitoring." Invited lecture, Royal Society of Chemistry Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 31 July 2001.
  • "Biomedical Monitoring with Autonomous Devices." Invited Presentation, Remote Autonomous Monitoring Systems Workshop, NCSR, DCU, 24 July 2001.
  • "Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor for Waste-Water Monitoring." Dowling, D.L., McDonagh, C., Kolle, C., McEvoy, A.K., Cullen, S. and MacCratih, B.D. Environmental Monitoring / Instrumentation 1, Environ 2001, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001.
  • "The Role of Multicomponent Diffusion in Environmental Sensing." Howley, R., McLaughlin, P., MacCraith, B. and Regan, F. Environmental Monitoring/Instrumentation 1, Environ 2001, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001.
  • "Novel waveguide platforms for optical chemical sensors and biosensers." Functional Integration of Opto-Electro-Mechanical Devices and Systems, Photonics West, San Jose, California, USA, 20-26 January 2001.
  • "Sol-gel waveguide fluorescence sensors for food packaging." MacCratih, B.D., Von Bultzingslowen, C., McEvoy, A.K., McDonagh, C.M. and Polerecky, L. Photonics East, Boston Massachusetts, USA, 5-8 November 2000
  • "Optical ammonia sensor employing a planar wave guide platform". MacCraith, B.D., Burke, C. and Polerecky, L. Water, Ground, and Air Pollution Monitoring and Remidiation, Photonics East,Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 5-8 November 2000.
  • "Optical dissolved oxygen sensor." MacCraith, B.D., McDonagh, C., McEvoy, A.K., Cullen, S., Dowling, D.L., and Kolle, C. (Austria), Photonics East, Boston Massachusetts, USA, 5-8 November 2000.
  • "Sensors for Science Education & Wearable Bio-Monitors", HEA Day, Media Lab Europe, 20 June 2001.
  • "Prediction of BOD5 COD and Suspended Solids in Raw Wastewater using UV-VisAbsorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy." O'Connor, M. and MacCraith, B.D. Environ 2001, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001.
  • "Development of a fluorescent Probe for Pb2+ Sensing in seawater." Poteau, X., Glanzman, T., Haslinger, C. and MacCraith, B.D. Environ 2001, Dublin City University, 26-27 January 2001.
  • "NCSR Structure and Strategy." Presentation to Technion Institute of Management delegation visiting DCU on 16 May 2001.
McDonagh C
  • "Sol-Gel-Derived films for optical gas sensing: Porosity and response time issues." Bowe, P., McDonagh, C. and MacCraith, B.D. Presented as an oral paper at the 11th International Workshopon Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels, Padua, Italy, 16-21 September 2001.
  • "Soll-gel-based optical carbon dioxide sensing for modified atmosphere packaged food (MAP) application." Von Bultzingslowen, C., McEvoy, A.K., MacCraith, B.D. and McDonagh, C. Presented as a poster at the 11th International Workshopon Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels, Padua, Italy, 16-21 September 2001.
McGlynn E
  • "Study of Polycrystalline ZnO Films grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition of ZnO Powder Targets." Co-authored by Byrne, S., Roy, C., McGlynn, E., Lunney, J., de Posada, E. and Henry, M. 11th Annual Irish Plasma and Beam Processing Group Conference, DCU, 7 September 2001.