Annual Report 2001 - School of Physical Sciences
annual report 2001
school of physical sciences
Cafolla A
McLoughlin E, Cafolla AA, AlShamaileh E and Barnes C
"A re-interpretation of the Cu{100}/Sn surface phase diagram."
Surface Science, 482, 2001, 1431.
McDonagh C, Kolle C, McEvoy A K, Dowling D L., Cafolla
A A, Cullen SJ and MacCraith BD
"Phase Flurometric dissolved oxygen sensor."
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 72, 2001, 124
Costello J
Khater MA, van Kampen P, Costello JT, Mosnier JP and
Kennedy ET
"Time integrated laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS) in
the vacuum ultraviolet for quantitative elemental characterisation
of steel alloys."
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 33, 2000, pp 2252-2262
McGuinness C, Martins M, van Kampen P, Hirsch J, Kennedy
ET, Mosnier J-P, Whitty WW. and Costello JT.
"Vacuum-UV Absorption Spectrum of a Laser Produced Chromium
Plasma: 3p-Subshell Photoabsorption by Cr2+ ions."
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 33 , 2000, pp 5077-5090.
Mosnier J-P, Costello JT, Kennedy ET and Whitty WW
"The photoabsorption spectrum of laser generated Li+ in the
60 eV to 180 eV photon energy range."
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 33, 2000, pp 5203-5214.
Hirsch JS, Meighan O, Mosnier J-P, van Kampen P, Whitty
WW, Costello JT, Lewis CLS, MacPhee AG, Hirst GJ,
Westhall J and Shaikh W
"VUV Photoabsorption Imaging of Laser Produced Plasmas."
J. Appl. Phys., 88, 2000, pp 4953-4960.
Mah KW, Castro J, Costello JT, Kennedy ET, Lunney
JG, McGlynn E, van Kampen P and Mosnier J-P
"Comparative study of the expansion dynamics of Ga+ ions in
the laser ablation of Ga and GaN using time resolved extreme-UV
absorption spectroscopy."
Appl. Surf. Sci., 168, 2000, pp 150-153.
Cummings A, McGuinness C, O'Sullivan G, Costello JT,
Mosnier J-P and Kennedy ET
"Wavefunction collapse with increasing ionisation: 4d photoabsorption
of Cs through Cs4+."
Phys. Rev. A., 63 022702, 2001, pp 1-8.
Neogi A, Kennedy ET, Mosnier J-P, van Kampen P, McGuinness
C, O' Sullivan G and Costello JT
"Vacuum-UV Absorption Spectrum of the Rb+ Ion in a Laser Generated
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 34, 2001, L651-656.
Cunningham E
Cunningham, E., Konsta, A., Ferreira, C., Chasseau, D. and Sosnowska,
"Report of Working Group 3 - Dissemination report on undergraduate
and doctoral studies." Inquiries into European Higher Education
in Physics, European Physics Education Network Series, 5, 2000,
pp 29-34, edited by H Ferdinande & E Valcke.
Henry MO
Karkov, V.A., Cheng, H.H., Nikiforov, A.I., Cherepanov, V.A.,
Pchelyakov, O.P., Zhuravlev, K.S., Talochkin, A.B., McGlynn, E.
and Henry, M.O.
"RHEED studies of nucleation of Ge islands on Si(001) and optical
properties of ultra-small Ge quantum dots."
Thin Solid Film, 369, 2000, pp 79-83.
McGuigan KG, McGlynn E, O'Cairbre F, Love J and Henry
"Piezo-spectroscopic induced perturbations for defects in cubic
crystals under
uniaxial stress applied along arbitrary low-symmetry crystal directions."
J..Phys..- Condens. Matter, 12 2000, pp 7055-7068
Henry, M.O., Deicher, M., Magerle, R., McGlynn, E. and Stotzler,
"Photoluminescence analysis of semiconductors using radioactive
Hyperfine Interactions, 129, 2000, pp 443-60.
Henry MO, McGlynn E, Fryar J, Lindner S and Bollmann
"The Evolution of Point Defects in Semiconductors Studied using
the Decay of
Implanted Radioactive Isotopes, ISOLDE Collaboration."
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, 178, 2001, pp 256-9
Mah W, McGlynn E, Castro J, Lunney JG, Mosnier J-P,
O'Mahony D and Henry MO
"Study of Defect Structures in GaN grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
in a Nitrogen Atmosphere."
J. Cryst. Growth 222, 2001, pp 497-502.
Mah KW, McGlynn E, Mosnier J-P, Henry MO, Castro J,
O'Mahony D and Lunney JG
"Photluminescence Study of GaN Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
in Nitrogen Atmosphere."
Materials Science and Engineering B, 82, 2001, pp 128-130.
Leitao JP, Carmo MC, Henry MO and McGlynn E
"Uniaxial stress study of the 1026meV center in Si:Pt."
Phys. Rev. B, 63, 2001, accepted for publications.
Hughes GJ
Roche J, Ryan P and Hughes GJ
"Core level photoemission studies of the sulphur terminated
Ge(100) surface."
Applied Surface Science, 174, 2001, pp 271-274.
Kennedy ET
Cummings A McGuinness C, O'Sullivan G, Costello JT Mosnier
J-P and Kennedy ET
"Wavefunction collapse with increasing ionisation: 4d photoabsorption
of Cs through Cs4+."
Phys. Rev. A., 63 022702, 2001, pp1-8.
Kennedy ET
"Photogeneration of Hollow Atoms: Recent Developments"
Invited review article to appear in Physica Scripta, 2001.
Kennedy ET, Costello JT, Mosnier J-P and van Kampen
"Atomic and Ionic Photoionization Data for Astrophysics: Applications
of the Dual Laser Plasma Technique."
Spectroscopic Challenges of Photoionized Plasmas, APS Conference
Series, (Eds: G Ferland & D Savin), 2001.
Khater MA, Costello JT, Mosnier J-P, van Kampen P and
Kennedy ET
"Comparison between Intensified Photodiode Array (IPDA) and
Charge Coupled Device (CCD) Detectors in The Vacuum Ultraviolet
(VUV) for Laser Plasma Spectroscopy."
Applied Spectroscopy, 55, 2001.
Neogi A, Kennedy ET, Mosnier J-P, van Kampen P, McGuinness
C, O' Sullivan G and Costello JT
"Vacuum-UV Absorption Spectrum of the Rb+ Ion in a Laser Generated
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 34, 2001, L651-656.
Neogi A, Kennedy ET, Mosnier J-P, van Kampen P, McGuinness
C, O' Sullivan G, Martins MM and Costello JT
"Vacuum-UV Absorption Spectrum of the Rb2+ Ion in a Laser Generated
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 1383, 2001.
Kennedy ET, Costello JT and Mosnier J-P
Contributors to Part V of the TESLA Technical design report:
"The X-Ray Free Electron Laser."
ISBN 3-935702-04-3, 2001.
Mosnier J-P, Costello JT, Kennedy ET and Whitty WW
"The photoabsorption spectrum of laser generated Li+ in the
60 eV to 180 eV photon energy range."
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 33, 2000, pp 5203-5214.
McGuinness C, Martins M, van Kampen P Hirsch J, Kennedy
ET, Mosnier J-P, Whitty WW and Costello JT
"Vacuum-UV Absorption Spectrum of a Laser Produced Chromium
Plasma: 3p-Subshell Photoabsorption by Cr2+ ions."
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 33, 2000, pp 5077-5090.
MacCraith BD
MacCraith BD
"Innovative Sensors."
European Science Foundation Report, Marine Technology Frontiers
for Europe, 6-11, April 2001.
MacCraith BD and McEvoy AK
"Novel Sensors in Food Analysis."
LabPlus International,15 (3), 2001, pp 8-11.
Feretti S, Lee SK and MacCraith BD
"Optical Biosensing of nitrite ions using cytochrone cd (1)
nitrite reductase encapsulated in a sol-gel matrix."
Analyst, 125 (11), 2000, pp 1993-1999.
McDonagh C
McDonagh C, Kolle C, McEvoy AK, Dowling D, Cafolla
A, Cullen SJ and McCraith BD
"Phase fluorimeteric dissolved oxygen sensor."
Sensors and Actuators:B, 74 (1-3), pp124-130.
McGlynn E
Mah KW, Castro J, Costello JT, Kennedy ET, Lunney
JG, McGlynn E, van Kampen P and Mosnier J-P
"Comparative Study of the Expansion Dynamics of Ga+ Ions in
the Laser Ablation of Ga and GaN using Time-Resolved Extreme UV
Absorption Spectroscopy."
Applied Surface Science, 168, 2000, pp 150-153.
Henry MO, Deicher M, Magerle R, McGlynn E and Stotzler
"Photoluminescence analysis of semiconductors using radioactive
Hyperfine Interactions, 129 (1-4), 2000, pp 443-460.
Mah KW, McGlynn E Castro J, Lunney JG, Mosnier J-P,
O' Mahony D and Henry MO
"Defect Luminescence of GaN Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition."
Journal of Crystal Growth, 222, 2001, pp 497-502.
Mah KW, McGlynn E, Mosnier J-P, Henry MO, Castro J,
O'Mahony D and Lunney JG
"Photoluminescence Study of GaN Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
in Nitrogen Atmosphere."
Materials Science and Engineering B, 82 (1-3), 2001, pp 128-130.
Henry MO, McGlynn E, Fryar J, Lindner S and Bollmann
ISOLDE Collaboration "The Evolution of Point Defects in Semiconductors
Studied using the Decay of Implanted Radioactive Isotopes."
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, 178 (1-4), 200, pp 256-259.
Leitao JP., doCarmo MC., Henry MO and McGlynn E
"Uniaxial Stress Study of the 1026 meV Center in Si:Pt."
Phys. Rev. B, 63, 2001, article 235208.
Van Kampen P
Neogi A, Kennedy ET, Mosnier J-P, van Kampen P, Costello
JT, McGuinness,C. and O'Sullivan G
"Vacuum-ultraviolet absorption spectrum of the Rb+ ion in a
laser-generated plasma."
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 34(20), 2001, L651-L656.
Duffy G, van Kampen P and Dunne P
"4d ® 5p transitions in the extreme ultraviolet photoabsorption
spectra of SnII and SnIII."
J. Phys. B, 34(15), 2001, pp 3171-3178.
Mah KW, Castro J, Costello JT, Kennedy ET, Lunney
JG, McGlynn E, van Kampen P and Mosnier J-P
"Comparative study of the expansion dynamics of Ga+ ions in
the laser ablation of Ga and GaN using time-resolved extreme UV
absorption spectroscopy."
Appl. Surf. Sci., 168(1-4), 2000, pp 150-153.
McGuinness C, Martins M, van Kampen P, Hirsch J, Kennedy
ET, Mosnier J-P, Whitty WW and Costello JT
"Vacuum-UV absorption spectrum of a laser-produced chromium
plasma: 3p-subshell photoabsorption by Cr2+ ions."
J. Phys. B, 33(22), 2000, pp 5077-5090.
Hirsch JS, Meighan O, Mosnier J-P, van Kampen P, Whitty
WW, Costello JT, Lewis CLS, MacPhee AG, Hirst GJ,
Westhall J and Shaikh W
"Vacuum-ultraviolet resonant photoabsorption imaging of laser
produced plasmas."
J. Appl. Phys., 88(9), 2000, pp 4953-4960.