DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - School of Physical Sciences
annual report 2001
school of physical sciences
External Activities
- Appointments / Memberships: External Bodies
- Committee Member of Institute of Physics in Ireland
- Board Member of European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy (Division of the EPS)
- Member, Institute of Physics and Chartered Physicist - M.Inst.P/ C.Phys
- Member, Irish Research Scientists Association (IRSA)
- IOP Representative - Government Task Force on the Physical Sciences
- Peer reviewer for UK - Eng. Phys. Sci. Res. Council - EPSRC
- New member of peer review panel for Journal of Applied Physics (AIP-USA)
- Invited (Sept. 2001) Ph.D. external examiner, University College Dublin
- Member of the scientific committee for the EUPEN thematic network for the teaching of Physics, of which DCU is the only Irish member. This network involves over 100 university Physics departments across Europe and is supported by the European Physical Society and the EU Socrates programme
- Chair of Eupen working group 3 on the Networking Opportunities for Specialisation in Physics
- Treasurer of the Irish National Committee for "Physics on Stage"
- Member of the ERASMUS Pilot Project on "Tuning Educational Structures in Europe". This is a project looking at the comparative education structures in Europe in a number of disciplines
- National Committee for Physics of the Royal Irish Academy
- External examiner for the BSc in Applied Sciences Dublin Institute of Technology
- Member, Institute of Physics
- Fellow, Institute of Physics and Chartered Physicist
- Member, Enterprise Ireland National Research Funding Board
- Member, Irish Research Scientists Association.
- Director, National Centre for Plasma Science and Technology (Includes DCU and ITT researchers)
- Extern examiner for research proposals of INFM-Departimento di Elettronica e Informatica, Universit di Padova (Italy)
- ember, General Committee of the International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions
- International journals referee
- Fellow, Institute of Physics
- Member, International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
- Member, Optical Society of America
- Member, Society for Applied Spectroscopy
- ember, International Advisory Board for Institute of Physics Journal "Measurement Science and technology"
- External Examiner, NUI, Galway
- External Examiner, RCSI
- Appointed to Advisory Board of Danish Sensor Technology Centre
- Member, Institute of Physics
- Chartered Physicist
- Member, Irish Research Scientists Association
- Member, Women in Technology
- Member, Institute of Physics
- Member, American Physical Society
- Member, Irish Research Scientists Association (IRSA)
- Young Professionals Forum of the Institute of Physics