DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - Student Support & Development
annual report 2001
student affairs
Ahern H
- Chairperson of the Irish Association of University and College
- Counsellors (IAUCC).
- Vice-Chairperson of the Irish Council for International Students (ICOS).
- Treasurer of Graduate Opportunities in Ireland publications.
External Lectures/Papers/Presentation
Byrne C
- Presentation to students and parents at an Open Day at Rosmini School for the Blind, Drumcondra.
Other External/Creative Activities
Byrne, C
- Represented DCU at the Disability Advisors Working Network
(DAWN) meetings.
- Represented DCU on the National Working Group in Higher Education.
- Chairing of various AHEAD functions in Dublin.
- Member of the Third Level Advisory Group that produced a report for the Minister of Education making important recommendations for access nationwide.