Major and Module Selection Instructions

DCU Registry header
BSc in Psychology and Disruptive Technologies
Course Short Code
Course Year
Course Offering: 01



The purpose of this information sheet is to allow you view all modules connected to the Qualification, optional and core.

You should print this sheet out and then continue to the next step where your registration will take place.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly.


BSc in Psychology and Disruptive Technologies, Year Two, Full Time


Select All Core Modules


Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
CSC1034 Programming Fundamentals II 5 Semester 1
PSY1010 Child Development 5 Semester 1
PSY1031 Biological Psychology 1 5 Semester 1
PSY1032 Research Methods & Statistics 2 5 Semester 1
PSY1034 The Person, Ethics & Technology 5 Semester 1
PSY1035 Behaviour Change & Technology 5 Semester 1


Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
CSC1025 Developing Internet Applications 5 Semester 2
CSC1035 Programming Fundamentals III 5 Semester 2
PSY1024 Qualitative Research Skills & Analysis 5 Semester 2
PSY1025 Biological Psychology 2 5 Semester 2
PSY1028 Psychological Measurement & Assessment 5 Semester 2
PSY1033 Science, Technology & Society 5 Semester 2

PASS Leadership

Only students who have expressed an interest in PASS Leadership, and who have been approved by the School, should register for PSY1030 - PASS Leadership as well as ALL Core modules and ONE optional module per semester. Any student with a query about whether they are eligible for PASS Leadership should contact Dr. Sinéad Smyth (

Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
PSY1030 PASS Leadership 5 Semester 1 & 2