FAQs on Graduation 2020

If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact graduation@dcu.ie for further assistance.


When will I receive my parchment?

Parchments from all Faculties have been issued to graduates from Autumn 2020, Spring 2020 and Spring 2021

Please refer to the following questions for information on postal delays.


What address has my parchment been issued to?

Your parchment has been issued to the postal address recorded for you on the system. You can view your current postal address by logging into the Student Apps Page. 


Are there any delays with postage? 

If your postal address is international, please be aware that there may be some internal delays. Further details including any restrictions in place can be viewed under the Covid-19 section of the An Post website at https://www.anpost.com/Covid-19


What does the date on my parchment represent? 

The date on your parchment represents the date on which Academic Council conferred the award on you. 


When will I receive my Diploma Supplement? 

Your diploma supplement has been issued to you and can be accessed here.

Further information on the diploma supplement can be viewed at https://www.dcu.ie/registry/diploma-supplement-digitary-core-information-registry


Can I hire a robe for personal arrangements?

Yes, you can hire a robe from Phelan Conan Ltd. for your personal arrangements. The cost is €43 which includes nationwide home delivery. Please visit their website https://www.phelanconan.com/home and select 'Graduate Gown Hire' to make your booking. The graduation date will be shown as 25th December 2020, but this is purely to hold the bookings open. You can specify when you require the gown under 'special requirements'. Also, you can select home delivery or collection in store, whichever is preferred.  Details on how to return your gown by post will be included in the package.

To re-hire your gown for your future graduation style event,  you can do so free of charge. Please hold on to your reference number.

In addition, if you held a booking with Phelan Conan and also wish to schedule a photography session, Lafayette Photography will arrange the provision of your robe for the studio sitting upon presentation of a proof of payment.


Can I book a private studio appointment for photography?

Yes, Lafayette Photography is offering private studio appointments (when public safety guidelines permit), where you and your family can avail of professional graduation and family photographs. 

In addition, if you held a booking with Phelan Conan and also wish to schedule a photography session, Lafayette Photography will arrange the provision of your robe for the studio sitting upon presentation of a proof of payment.

To make a booking, please email info@lafayette.ie or call on 01-4295740. You can find their location and further details on their website at https://www.lafayette.ie


Will my DCU email address remain active?

Yes, as a DCU graduate, your DCU student email address is an address for life. All future communication on the graduation event will be issued to this account. We recommend you continue to monitor this or forward it to a preferred email. 


When will the graduation style event take place?

It will be scheduled when and where it is safe to do so. Further details will be communicated during 2021.