Major and Module Selection Instructions

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DCU Connected - Online Education
B.Sc. in Management of Information Technology & Information Systems
Course Short Code
Course Year
Course Offering:

BSc in Management of IT & Information Systems / Diploma in IT/IS


Major: IS-Information Technology


1. You can choose up to four, fifteen credit modules in one year. You can choose up to three, twenty credit modules in one year. 

2. Please note, pre-requisite modules are bracketed e.g. ICT1009 (ICT1030). The pre-requisite module for ICT1009 is ICT1030. The bracketed module must be successfully completed in order to be eligible to register for the module. If an exemption has been granted for the pre-requisite module then it does not have to be completed. (Exemption is applicable to Level 1 and Level 2 modules only). 

3. Two of the Level 1 modules, BAA1080 and ICT1011, require a competence in Mathematics. If your background in mathematics is weak, please review the DCU Preparatory Mathematics Module at: Additionally, it is recommended that you undertake the BAA1080 module before attempting the ICT1011 module. 

4. Only in the case where Direct Entry has been granted will a student be allowed to register for Degree Level modules without first successfully completing the 4 modules at Level 1, i.e. BAA1080, ICT1011, ICT1030 and ICT1007 must be completed (or exempted) before a student can register for any Degree Level module. 

5. Only in the case where Direct Entry has been granted will a student be allowed to register for Degree Level modules without first successfully completing the relevant Level 2 Modules e.g. ICT1009 must have been successfully completed before either ICT1001 or ICT1003 can be undertaken. 

6. To the extent possible it is recommended you take a mix of modules between those with continuous assessment only (i.e. no examinations) and those with both continuous assessment and examinations in one year. 

It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly.

Please only register for Modules you have not already completed, and intend to complete this year.

Optional Modules Module Code  Module Title  Module Credits Semester
Level 1 & 2 ICT1030 IT & Web Technology Fundamentals 15 Semester 1 & 2
Level 1 & 2 ICT1009 Object Oriented Programming with Java (ICT1030) 15 Semester 1 & 2
Level 1 & 2 ICT1011 Principles of Communications, Devices & Networks 15 Semester 1 & 2
Level 1 & 2 BAA1011 Business Information Systems 15 Semester 1 & 2
Level 1 & 2 ICT1007 Exploring Interaction Design 15 Semester 1 & 2
Level 1 & 2 ICT1008 User Experience Design (ICT1007) 15 Semester 1 & 2
Level 1 & 2 BAA1080 Mathematical & Statistical Methods 15 Semester 1 & 2
Level 1 & 2 ICT1010 Management Science & Business Modelling (BAA1080) 15 Semester 1 & 2
Degree Level 
ICT1001 Database Theory & Practice (ICT1009, ICT1011, ICT1007, BAA1080) 20 Semester 1 & 2
Degree Level 
ICT1003 Software Engineering Methodologies (ICT1009, ICT1011, ICT1007, BAA1080) 20 Semester 1 & 2
Degree Level 
ICT1000 Researching Interactions with Technology (ICT1030, ICT1011, ICT1008, BAA1080) 20 Semester 1 & 2
Degree Level 
MNA1170 Managing IT for Business Success (ICT1030, ICT1011, ICT1007, BAA1011, BAA1080) 20 Semester 1 & 2
Degree Level 
MNA1171 Managing the Digital Landscape (ICT1030, ICT1011, ICT1007,ICT1010) 20 Semester 1 & 2
Degree Level 
ICT1046 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ICT1030, ICT1011, ICT1007,ICT1010) 20 Semester 1 & 2