Research Newsletter - Issue 57: Funding Opportunities
Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postdoctoral Call 2021
The Irish Research Council partners with enterprises and jointly funds two-year fellowships to highly promising researchers in Ireland. The fellow is based in the university and undertakes research directly related to an organisation’s interests. The call opens on the 21st of October and the applicant deadline is 2nd December.
Eligible enterprise partners can be a company; a registered charity; a social, cultural or not-for-profit civic organisation; a state-owned enterprise; or an eligible public body that will co-fund the researcher for the duration of the award. The enterprise may be based nationally or internationally. IRC will fund two thirds of the cost for the Postdoctoral researcher to undertake research directly related to an organisation’s interests.
Please refer to the IRC’s website for further details. RIS contact: sumona.mukherjee@dcu.ie
Analysis of qualitative data from StudentSurvey.ie and PGR StudentSurvey.ie call
Proposals are welcome from members of the research community within the participating institutions for the analysis of the qualitative data emerging from StudentSurvey.ie and PGR StudentSurvey.ie. Submissions from both individual researchers and teams will be considered. A maximum number of three projects on StudentSurvey.ie and two projects on PGR StudentSurvey.ie will be funded. Bursaries between €5,000 and €10,000 are being offered. Deadline for submission is 17:30 Friday, 27th November.
Please refer to the StudentSurvey.ie website for further details. RIS contact: sumona.mukherjee@dcu.ie
HRB Collaborative Doctoral Awards in Patient-focused Research (CDA) 2021
The Health Research Board is now inviting pre-applications for the HRB Collaborative Doctoral Awards in Patient-focused Research (CDA) 2021. This scheme aims to support excellent doctoral training programmes for a cohort of individuals including those from academic health-related disciplines and particularly those from health and care practice, such as medics, nurses and midwives, pharmacists, dentists and allied health professionals, in the conduct of patient-focused research. This will create expertise, within this mixed cohort, to advance, apply and transfer knowledge from research into impacts on patient health and patient care.
Each Collaborative Doctoral Award will provide support for the training and the research projects of four or five PhD candidates.
The deadline for submission of pre-applications is 1:00pm on 17th December 2020.
More information can be found here. RIS Contact: Helen.burke@dcu.ie
BiodivERsA and Water JPI Joint Transnational Call
BiodivERsA and Water JPI have launched a Joint Transnational Call on “Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems”.
The EPA is providing funding towards this call to support the participation of the Irish Research Community.
This call covers the following three non-exclusive themes:
- Studying the biological and biophysical processes at stake for conservation/restoration, and their interactions
- Assessing trade-offs and synergies between targets, benefits and policies for conservation and restoration
- Knowledge for improving the effectiveness and up-scaling of conservation and restoration actions.
This joint call includes a focus on freshwater aquatic systems but all environments (i.e. terrestrial, freshwater and marine) are included in the scope of the call.
The closing date for pre-proposals is 16:00 CET on the 7th December 2020.
More information on the call (including call documentation and National Funding rules) is available from the BiodivERsA website. RIS Contact: Helen.burke@dcu.ie
Fulbright Awards 2021-2022
The Fulbright Irish Scholar Awards are now open, with a closing date of 2nd November 2020. The Awards are grants for Irish citizens, or E.U. citizens resident in the Republic of Ireland for three or more years, to complete postdoctoral or professional research or lecturing for a period of 3 months up to 1 year.
A range of awards are available, including partnerships with Creative Ireland, Health Research Board, Environmental Protection Agency, Enterprise Ireland, Teagasc and General Awards (which are open to all disciplines).
Interested candidates should visit the Fulbright website for eligibility criteria, to register their interest and for application details. You may also learn more through their videos and webinars on YouTube.
Please direct any queries to: Emma Loughney, Fulbright Commission in Ireland www.fulbright.ie. Dr. Donal Fitzpatrick (donal.fitzpatrick@dcu.ie), as the DCU Fulbright Ambassador, is available if anyone would like to contact him to find out more about applying or taking part in a Fulbright Scholarship.
RIS Contact: Helen.burke@dcu.ie
Climate Change Advisory Council Review of Heat Sector
The EPA on behalf of the Climate Change Advisory Council are inviting expressions of interest from researchers and analysts to conduct a review of the heat sector with a view to informing deliberations of the Council on advice and recommendations to provide to government in 2021.
The heat sector includes space and water heating in the residential, public and commercial built environment setting. The work should consider mitigation and adaptation within the sector, with a focus on solutions to achieve significant progress towards emissions reductions goals. It should explore potential co-benefits and trade-offs between other policy objectives in areas such as health and environment.
Cross disciplinary approaches are preferred and engagement with stakeholders will be an important part of the work.
In addition to a literature review, the work should include the convening of a workshop on the Heat sector in February 2021 to inform the Council and help focus the work.
Work is expected to start in Dec 2020 and continue up to Sept 2021. A budget of €90,000 is available for this research.
Please indicate your response to this call for expression of interest by 5pm 27th October to info@climatecouncil.ie with the subject line: Expression of Interest: Heat. Please outline a proposed approach to the work (max 250 words). This is to assist in making arrangements for the evaluation of the final applications. This outline will not be part of the evaluation of applications. Therefore applications can propose and describe a different approach than described in the expression of interest response.
Application forms, terms and conditions, and a guide for applicants, will be circulated to those who have responded positively as above by 2pm Oct 28th. The deadline for submission of complete applications will be 5pm Tuesday 17th Nov. If you are interested in applying, please contact Helen Burke in Research Support for further information. If you have any questions, please contact info@climatecouncil.ie
RIS Contact: Helen.burke@dcu.ie
The Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant - Deadline Extension
The deadline for the Spencer Foundation Small Grant has been extended by the funder. Further information about the call can be found here. Please find the revised dates below:
TORA Deadline: Thursday 29 October 2020
Funder Deadline: 6pm (Irish Time) Thursday 5 November 2020
The funder stipulates that institutional sign-off needs to be in place before the funder submission deadline. Before institutional sign-off can be provided you will need to have TORA approval in place. If you have any questions about the funder online submission process or TORA, please contact Adam Platt (adam.platt@dcu.ie).
Irish Research Council COALESCE Research Fund 2020
This is a pre-call notice for the IRC’s COALESCE Research Fund. The call seeks to fund excellent research addressing national and European/global challenges as set out in the challenge frameworks now in place. The call is run in partnership with a number of Government departments and agencies, who fund specific strands. The COALESCE 2020 looks to fund projects under three strands:
- Strand 1K: Reimagining Cities for a Circular Bioeconomy Award 2020, in partnership with Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (one award – max €120,000)
- Strand 2A: Open call for interdisciplinary research addressing national or global societal challenges, to be led by AHSS PI with STEM co-PI (max €220,000 per award)
- Strand 2B: Department of Foreign Affairs Better World Awards 2020, whereby the lead PI will work with a co-PI in one of Irish Aid’s partner countries (Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Palestine, or any African country) (max €350,000 per award)
The proposed launch date is 28th of October and the tentative deadline is the 22nd of December. Further information and supporting documentation will be available on the Council’s website once the final dates have been confirmed.
RIS contact: sumona.mukherjee@dcu.ie