Research Newsletter - Issue 63: Funding Opportunities
The following funding opportunities are now open:
The EU QuantERA consortium has recently announced a call for proposals in Quantum Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies. Proposals are expected to be aligned with one of the following two topics: 1) Quantum Phenomena and Resources (QPR); 2) Applied Quantum Science (AQS)
Projects in both topics are expected to address one or more of the following areas:
- Quantum communication
- Quantum simulation
- Quantum computation
- Quantum information sciences
- Quantum metrology sensing and imaging
Project consortia must involve a minimum of 3 eligible partners requesting funding in at least 3 participating countries. A partner search tool is available here. Funding for coordinating or non-coordinating Irish-based partners will be through SFI and consists of up to €300K for a coordinating Irish-based partner and up to €200K for a non-coordinating partner. Full call details are available here. The pre-proposal submission deadline is May 13th but those planning to apply must submit a short 2-page Expression of Interest form to SFI by 1pm on 30th April.
RS Contact: ecaterina.mcdonagh@dcu.ie
Universities Ireland have launched their North/South Postgraduate Scholarships 2021 scheme. The aim of this scheme is to encourage outstanding students from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland to cross the border to undertake postgraduate study and experience life in the other Irish jurisdiction. This year, Universities Ireland will offer at least four scholarships, each worth €15,000, to students who have been accepted to undertake a recognised Master’s Degree or are entering the first year of a PhD programme at a university in the island of Ireland that is not in the same jurisdiction as the university where they have previously studied.
Strict eligibility rules apply – please read the Guidance for Applicants carefully. For more information on the call please see here .
Deadline to apply is 4 pm on the 13th of May.
DCU Contact: jonny.hobson@dcu.ie (Graduate Studies Office)
The Marine Institute has opened its call for proposals from academic institutions to host Cullen Scholars and provide research training opportunities for scientists in marine and related disciplines leading to the acquisition of a higher degree (PhD). Proposals are invited from suitable research supervisors at Higher Education Institutions on the island of Ireland with the necessary competence to host/co-supervise the Cullen Scholar in collaboration with the named Marine Institute Supervisor. The Cullen Scholars will be based primarily at a Marine Institute location during their scholarship. Further information, including full details of the Programme Terms and Conditions, details on registration and contact details for the Marine Institute Co-Supervisors, can be found on the Marine Institute funding call page.
The call closes on Tuesday 18th May 2021.
RS Contact: Helen.burke@dcu.ie
The IRC New Foundations 2021 call is now open. The applicant’s deadline is the 26th of May 2021. New Foundations is a key driver in progressing IRC’s strategic priorities by enabling awardees to pursue research, networking or dissemination activities within and across the diversity of disciplines.
This year the call features an open strand, together with four strands run in partnership with government departments and agencies:
Strand 1a: Enhancing Civic Society - Supporting small, discrete collaborative projects between researchers and civic society groups in the community and voluntary sector (Maximum Award value €12,000).
Strand 4: ‘A Better World’ New Foundations Awards in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs (Irish Aid) - Networking awards to form consortia for prospective global north-south research partnerships focused on areas of strategic importance to Ireland’s Policy for International Development (Maximum Award value €10,000).
Strand 8: Department of the Taoiseach Shared Island New Foundations Awards - Supporting research, networking and collaboration for the purpose of informing and supporting the implementation and development of the Government’s Shared Island initiative (Maximum Award value €20,000).
Strand 9: Department of Foreign Affairs (Reconciliation Fund) New Foundations Awards - Research, networking and collaboration on themes related to peacebuilding and reconciliation between traditions in Northern Ireland, between north and south and between Ireland and Britain, in line with the objectives set out in the Reconciliation Fund Strategy (Maximum Award Value €15,000).
Strand 10: Police Community Relations New Foundations Award in partnership with the Policing Authority - Supporting research seeking to bring the needs or experiences of communities to life in a manner that contributes to enhancing police community relations (Maximum Award Value €10,000).
RS Contact: sumona.mukherjee@dcu.ie
SFI Frontiers for Partnership Awards call is now open. The call is a component of the SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme and is running in parallel with the Frontiers for the Future Programme Awards rolling call. This call has a fixed deadline of the 26th of May, 1 pm Irish time. The SFI Frontiers for Partnership call is open to research proposals led by the Technological University (TU) / Institutes of Technology (IoT) sector with partners (as co-Applicants and/or Academic Collaborators) from the established University sector. The key goal of this partnership is to support excellent, impactful research that benefits from the unique strengths of both sectors. SFI Frontiers for Partnership budgets will be in the range of €500,000 - €1,000,000 in total direct costs and will have a duration of 48 or 60 months.
For further details on the call’s eligibility criteria and application process, please see the call web page here. Note that SFI will be hosting an information webinar for potential applicants on the 27th of April, at 2:30 pm. Zoom details are available here.
RS Contact: ecaterina.mcdonagh@dcu.ie
Twenty eight funding organisations from nineteen countries have agreed to launch a Joint Transnational Call (JTC 2021), co-funded by the European Commission, for collaborative research projects on "Next generation cancer immunotherapy: targeting the tumour microenvironment". Applicants must apply as part of a transnational consortium with partners from at least three different countries participating. Researchers from Ireland will be funded by the Health Research Board. The total available for the research component carried out in Ireland will be a maximum of €370,000 over 36 months. The pre-proposal deadline is 9th June 2021. For further information, please see the Health Research Board website.
RS Contact: Helen.burke@dcu.ie
The SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme 2021 seeks to support academia-industry interactions in order to address industry‐informed challenges. Awards under this programme can be made to academic researchers (at faculty and postdoctoral level) wishing to spend time in industry worldwide through the temporary placement of academic researchers with an industry partner. Fellowships can have a duration of between 1 and 12 months if full-time, and between 2 and 24 months if part-time. The SFI funding rate will vary from 25% to a maximum of 80% of total project costs depending on the size of the industry partner company and the category of research being undertaken, with the industry partner contributing the remainder of the project costs. The maximum SFI contribution to the Fellowship costs is €100,000 direct costs. Please refer to the 2021 SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme Call document for further details.
The deadline for application for the 2021 SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme is 13:00 (Dublin local time) on 21 July 2021.
RS Contact: Kieran.odwyer@dcu.ie
Breast Cancer Now Project grants are available with awards of up to £230,000 for 1-3 years. Project grants are for both established researchers who have a strong track record in their field and also researchers (e.g. postdoctoral researchers) at the start of their independent careers. The deadline for grant applications is Friday 6 August 2021. For further information see the Breast Cancer Now website.
RS Contact: Helen.burke@dcu.ie
The European Joint Programme “EJP SOIL - Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils” comprises 24 countries committed to the overall goal of providing sustainable agricultural soil management solutions that contribute to key societal challenges including climate change and future food supply. The objective of this call is to foster holistic agricultural soil management practices that will assist in making a shift to diversify farming to include a variety of sustainable and environmental practices. Consortia must consist of at least 3 partners from 3 different participating countries. Irish researchers will be funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The call will be open in April 2021 with a closing date for proposals on 7th of September 2021. See the EJP website for further information.
RS Contact: Helen.burke@dcu.ie
The Erasmus+ 2021 calls are now open. Details of the calls, including the programme guide, can be found here. The most relevant upcoming calls are the KA2: Cooperation Partnerships (previously Strategic Partnerships), which has a funder submission deadline of the 20th of May and Jean Monnet Actions, which have a submission deadline of the 2nd of June.
If you are planning to apply (as a partner or coordinator), the project details, budget, and the endorsement email from your Head of School should be uploaded to TORA 7 working days before the funder deadline.
The new Erasmus+ Development Officer, Sophie Ball (sophie.ball@dcu.ie), is available to provide support with applications.
For any queries regarding institutional approval, TORA or signing of documentation, please contact Adam Platt (adam.platt@dcu.ie) based in the Research Support Office.