Research Newsletter - Issue 68: Events
Please click on the Event heading below to get further information and registration details:
Date: 24th & 30th November and 13th of December 2021
Venue: Online
The DCU Research Support team will hold an online briefing and Q&A session on the 30th of November at 10 am. Register here. The session will focus on the call’s submission processes (internal and SFI SESAME) and more technical details of the call including application procedure, budget & budget justification, letters of support, and institutional approval processes. There will also be a Q&A session on the most commonly asked questions in previous calls and any unclear aspects of the 2021 call. Two awardees from the 2019 and 2020 calls will also participate in the session and share their experiences and advice for this call.
The DCU Research Development team will hold an online Proposal Development workshop on the 24th of November at 2 pm. Register here. The aim of this session is to assist with proposal and idea planning, and will include a short presentation on frontier research and the expectations of SFI in this call along with a hands-on session where researchers will work together in small groups to develop research design canvases for their projects. A research design canvas can help to ensure that: you have considered and integrated all of the key elements and approaches of a strong proposal at the planning stage; mapped and refined the inter-relationships between different sections of the proposal; and assessed whether your research plan as a whole aligns with the funder's expectations regarding scientific advance and impact. For this part of the workshop researchers will be required to prepare a draft canvas in advance for discussion. Further details will be provided following registration.
A further online Proposal Writing workshop will be held on the 13th of December from 10am-12pm. Register here. This workshop will take participants through each section of the application and offer tips and guidance generated by the Research Development Team following extensive review of the feedback from all stages of previous calls.
Date: 23rd November 2021 (12 to 1:30pm)
Venue: Online
The Irish Marie Skłodowska-Curie Office is hosting a webinar on the MSCA Staff Exchange call 2021 (formerly MSCA RISE). This action promotes innovative international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through exchanging staff and sharing knowledge and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain. The event is open to academic and non-academic organisations based in Ireland.
For advance registration please click on this link.
Date: 23rd November 2021 (starts at 13:30 Irish time)
Venue: Online
The information session organised by the EU REA (Research Executive Agency) will allow participants to get an overview of the mechanics of the Mission, its funding opportunities and timeline.
The tentative agenda is as follows:
- Clara de la Torre, Mission Manager: the Mission Adaptation to Climate Change
- John Bell, Deputy Mission Manager: the five EU Missions
- Connie Hedegaard, Chair of the Mission Board (tbc): the policy perspective behind the mission
- Johannes Klumpers, Mission Leader: the mechanics of the Mission
- Irene Bonvissuto, Mission Secretariat: the funding opportunities
- Dirk Beckers : the role of the agency CINEA
A Q&A session will be organized via SLIDO (#MissionClimate) to allow participants to ask questions during the information session.
Register for the event here.
Date: 29th November 2021 (at 11am)
Venue: Online
DCU Invent will host a workshop to discuss the Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) programme in more detail and prepare interested researchers for their application by sharing their experience to date. They will also outline details of another company-university collaboration fund, the Innovation Partnership Programme. Finally, they will give an overview of the Commercialisation Fund - 100% funding to university researchers to develop new ideas that could form the basis of a spin-out.
Click here to register.
Once you have registered, a zoom link to join the event will be sent to you closer to the date.
Date: 30th November 2021 (10:30am - 11:30am)
Venue: Online
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment will host an online event for researchers of all Irish research institutions on 30th November.
This event will provide an introduction to export control in academia and highlight implications for researchers in the relevant fields. It will also refer to the recast of the EU Dual-use Regulation ((EU) 2021/821) which came into force on 9th September 2021.
In order to attend, please register using this link by Monday, 22nd November 2021
Date: 2nd December 2021 (1:00 to 6:00 pm)
Venue: Online
iCRAG2021 is a virtual research showcase of the iCRAG’s (SFI Research Centre in Applied Geosciences) achievements and impacts since the Centre’s establishment, and will highlight the new directions and research areas that the Centre will undertake in the coming years. The event will bring together researchers, industry partners and other stakeholders and explore how iCRAG can continue to aid in providing the resources needed for a sustainable society.
For registration and agenda details please click here.