Research Newsletter - Issue 73: Events
Please click on the Event heading below to get further information and registration details.
Date:10th May 2022 (starting at 11am)
Venue: Online
KTI’s upcoming webinar on the 10th May will focus on the connections between Open Research, Knowledge Transfer and Intellectual Property Protection in the context of Irish publicly funded research institutions.
Open research, also known as Open Science, is an umbrella term for a global movement to ensure that research publications, and the data behind the findings of the research process, are made freely and openly available to the public instead of being locked behind paywalls. Irish research organisations have a dual role in making scientific knowledge openly available and accessible, whilst also contributing to innovation through the management of intellectual property from research. This webinar will provide insights into the Irish initiatives to implement Open Research across the Higher Education sector and explore any perceived tensions between Open Research and protecting Intellectual Property.
For more details and to register please click here .
Date: 11th May 2022 (09:30 - 13:00)
Venue: In person: The Spencer Hotel, Excise Walk, International Financial Services Centre, Dublin 1, D01 X4C9
Health Research Charities Ireland (HRCI) is delighted to welcome attendees back to an in-person Irish Health Research Forum meeting on May 11th.
This event will bring together researchers, healthcare professionals, patients, policy makers, funders, industry representatives and many more, to consider how a culture of research within the Irish health service can be instilled. A portion of the morning will involve discussion groups, enabling attendees to share their perspectives and providing a much-needed chance for in-person chat and networking.
Due to the discussion-based nature of the event, a hybrid option is not possible. However, the talks will be recorded and shared afterwards.
Inspiring contributors are lined up, including:
- Prof Philip Nolan; Director General, Science Foundation Ireland
- Prof Paul McNally; Director, Research & Innovation, Children’s Health Ireland / Associate Professor of Paediatrics, RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences / Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, CHI
- Dr Ana Terres; Head of Research and Evidence, Assistant National Director, Health Service Executive
- Dr. Philip Crowley, National Director of Strategy and Research, HSE
- Dr Sarah McLoughlin; Patient Advocate
- Prof Rachel Crowley; Consultant Endocrinologist, St. Vincent’s University Hospital / Clinical Professor UCD
Please register here.
About the Irish Health Research Forum
The purpose of the Irish Health Research Forum (IHRF) is to bring together all stakeholders to positively influence health research in Ireland. The IHRF is the only such forum in Ireland and is managed and funded by Health Research Charities Ireland (HRCI). The approach of the IHRF is constructive, forward-looking, and inclusive, with benefit to patients and the public being at the core of all activities and outputs.
As an independent organisation, representing 40 charities and with a strong patient-focus, HRCI is ideally placed to tackle the big issues in health research and to bring about change. We are supported in all IHRF activities by an exceptional Steering Group of leaders, who bring diverse and expert perspectives on health research to the table.
The Forum considers key health research issues and produces recommendations at two events every year. The events are nationally recognised their quality and for the diversity of attendees they attract.
About Health Research Charities Ireland (HRCI)
Health Research Charities Ireland (HRCI) is the national umbrella organisation of charities active in health, medical and social care research, together representing over 1 million people in Ireland. Through support and advocacy, we represent their joint interests, to achieve our vision of improved lives through a united community of health research charities.
We offer our members the potential for matched research funding through the Joint Funding Scheme, run in partnership with the Health Research Board. We also run the Irish Health Research Forum (IHRF), bringing together all stakeholders to improve health research in Ireland.
Date: 18th May (2-3pm)
Venue: Online
This information session will provide initial guidance and information on preparing an application and managing an award under the Erasmus Mundus Action. It is a first step for staff who wish to find out more about Erasmus Mundus, in preparation for applying under the 2023 Calls.
This Erasmus+ Action aims at fostering excellence and worldwide internationalisation of higher education institutions via Masters level study programmes jointly delivered and jointly recognised by higher education institutions established in Europe, and also open to institutions in other countries of the world. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters award provides scholarships for students to take part in these prestigious programmes.
Dr James Fitzgerald (Assistant Professor in the School of Law and Government) will talk from his experiences as PI for IMSISS: International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies, an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in which DCU has been participating since 2016.
Dr Sophie Ball (Erasmus+ Development Officer in Research & Innovation Support) will explain the two Lots under this Action – Design Measures and Joint Masters – and will provide an overview of the application and award process.
Please register here.
If you have any queries about this event, please contact sophie.ball@dcu.ie.
Date: 25th May 2022 (10.30am)
Venue: The Gallery, Helix, Glasnevin Campus
President's Research Day 2022 will be celebrated on 25th May. Awardees of the President’s Award for Research 2022 and the President’s Impact Awards 2022 will be presented with their awards on the day.
All staff are invited to attend and find out more about some of the impressive research and impact of DCU researchers. It is always an interesting and enjoyable event and we look forward to seeing many of you there.
Please register here.
Date: May and June 2022
Venue: Online
Elsevier have launched a virtual roadshow series for their Irish customers. These free webinars focus on optimising use of the Elsevier solutions and databases to which DCU subscribes (e.g. Scopus, ScienceDirect, SciVal, Embase, Reaxys etc) and are available to all staff.
Please find the schedule and registration links below: