Research Newsletter - Issue 87: Events
Please click on headings below for further information:
Date: Monday, 13th November 2023
12:30 - 1:00pm Lunch
1:00 - 5:00pm Workshop
Venue: NRF Boardroom, DCU Glasnevin Campus
Join DCU Invent in their upcoming second workshop in the Explore series where they delve into the transformative impact of your research. This workshop will shed light on who might use your research and how to start making those initial contacts. You'll also hear from a former DCU colleague who has gone through the Customer Discover process and will share his insights. By attending, you will gain valuable insight into how your academic endeavours make a meaningful impact on society. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with DCU peers, share your discoveries, and explore the solutions your research provides. This highly interactive practical workshop uses leading edge innovation methodologies and tools to support market exploration of research ideas.
Open to all DCU researchers, PhDs, academic staff, Heads of Schools and Research Centres.
Let’s unlock the potential impact of your valuable research!
Register here.
Key Benefits for Researchers
− Demonstrate the impact potential of your research
− Explore the real-world problems that your research solves
− Understand why potential customers would adopt your solution
− Learn to communicate ideas to your target audience
− Articulate the societal & economic impact of your research
− Achieve more success with research funding applications including SFI and EI grants
− Develop skills that enhance your CV and expand your job prospects
For further information, please contact maria.johnston@dcu.ie.
Date: Tuesday, 14th November 2023
10:00am-12:30pm (CET, Brussels Time)
Venue: Online
Supported by the European Commission, Horizon Results Booster services are delivered to FP7, H2020, and HE projects at no cost. The free-of-charge services are provided by experts and cover several paths in Dissemination and Exploitation activities, notably Portfolio Dissemination and Exploitation, Business Plan Development, and Go to Market service.
The info session will cover information about the services and include testimonials from those who have already benefited from Horizon Results Booster.
For more information and registration link, please see here.
Date: Wednesday, 15th November 2023
Venue: Online
The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is organising an online info event to explain the funding opportunities available under the Erasmus+ 2024 Calls for Proposals for Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters and Erasmus Mundus Design Measures. Speakers will offer advice and tips on how to prepare and submit project proposals.
Pre-registration is compulsory for this event. Please register here.
For further information and guidance on the Erasmus Mundus actions, please contact DCU’s Erasmus+ Development Officer Dr Sophie Ball.
Date: Thursday, 23rd November 2023
Venue: DCU (details TBD)
The National Contact Points (NCPs) for EU Horizon Europe Cluster 5 (Climate, Energy, Mobility) and Cluster 6 (Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Environment) will visit DCU on Thursday, 23rd November 2023. The event will include an information session on applying to calls in these clusters, and one-to-one sessions will also be available with the NCPs.
Anyone working in these areas and interested in finding out about available funding, how to apply to a call, or join a consortium is recommended to attend.
Please save the date. Further details will be provided in the next few weeks.
Date: Monday, 11th December 2023
Venue: The Helix, DCU
The DCU Centre for Engaged Research would like to invite you to the Engaged Research Festival on 11th December 2023. This Festival is to celebrate the University’s long-standing commitment to community through its various strategies and driven teams of researchers across all fields - be it locally, regionally, or nationally.
This event will take place in the Gallery in the Helix, on DCU Glasnevin Campus. At this festival, researchers and their engaged research projects will be showcased, internal panel discussions will be held to discuss the most pressing issues in the area of engaged research, and external speakers will discuss engaged research in its various forms on the international stage. It is set to be a truly positive experience, recognising the brilliant work being completed at DCU and pushing the engaged research agenda forward.
For more information on the festival's schedule, follow this link.
To register for the festival, follow this link.
What is Engaged Research to Dublin City University?
Engaged research is part of a broader move towards collaborative engagement with community stakeholders to address societal challenges in a responsive manner. It explores the potential for increased collaborative activities, participation, and knowledge dissemination, and it encourages greater public ownership. Engaged research aligns with DCU's mission to transform lives and societies through education, research, engagement, and innovation. It reflects the need to rebuild societies towards a new sustainable, collaborative, and resilient model, as well as harness and communicate the knowledge of the University to address social needs directly, understanding the transformative power of University-community partnerships.
Poster Call for Engaged Research Projects at DCU
DCU researchers who have worked on projects or are currently working in this area are invited to submit proposals to present their work at the Engaged Research Festival: their innovative approaches to research and/or public engagement, their research activities in progress, the results of previous engaged research, or new ideas and engaged research practices that they are soon to embark on. These exemplars should align with DCU’s goal of transforming lives and society through authentic, meaningful, and innovative public engagement. The application process is open from 23rd-31st October.
A poster session will provide a visual representation of the fantastic engaged research being conducted at DCU, as well as a catalyst for discussion for the researchers and attendees at the Engaged Research Festival. Additionally, it will provide an opportunity for researchers to receive feedback, share knowledge, and potentially network across the university. Posters will be presented in two in-person poster sessions where author(s) stand by their poster and speak with attendees of the festival.
If you would like to present an engaged research project at the Engaged Research Festival, follow this link to submit a poster to the Engaged Research Festival.