2002 |
Carl M.; Way A.; Schäler R. (2002) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Toward a hybrid integrated translation environment |
2002 |
Gough N.; Way A.; Hearne M. (2002) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Example-based machine translation via the web |
2004 |
Jones, G.J.F.; Groves, D.; Khasin, A.; Lam-Adesina, A.; Mellebeek, B.; Way, A.; (2004) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Dublin city university at CLEF 2004: Experiments with the ImageCLEF St Andrew's collection |
2004 |
Jones G.; Groves D.; Khasin A.; Lam-Adesina A.; Mellebeek B.; Way A. (2004) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Dublin city university at CLEF 2004: Experiments with the ImageCLEF St Andrew's collection |
2005 |
Jones, G.J.F.; Groves, D.; Khasin, A.; Lam-Adesina, A.; Mellebeek, B.; Way, A.; (2005) Lecture Notes in Computer Science Dublin City University at CLEF 2004: Experiments with the imageCLEF St. Andrew's collection |
2006 |
Mellebeek B.; Owczarzak K.; Groves D.; Van Genabith J.; Way A. (2006) EAMT-2006 - 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation A syntactic skeleton for statistical machine translation |
2006 |
Mellebeek B.; Owczarzak K.; Van Genabith J.; Way A. (2006) AMTA 2006 - Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation of the Americas: Visions for the Future of Machine Translation Multi-engine machine translation by recursive sentence decomposition |
2006 |
Groves D.; Way A. (2006) EAMT-2006 - 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Hybridity in MT: Experiments on the europarl corpus |
2006 |
Owczarzak K.; Mellebeek B.; Groves D.; Van Genabith J.; Way A. (2006) AMTA 2006 - Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation of the Americas: Visions for the Future of Machine Translation Wrapper syntax for example-based machine translation |
2006 |
Hearne M.; Way A. (2006) EAMT-2006 - 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Disambiguation strategies for Data-Oriented Translation |
2006 |
Hassan H.; Hearne M.; Way A.; Sima'an K. (2006) 2006 IEEE ACL Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2006, Proceedings Syntactic phrase-based statistical machine translation [DOI] |
2006 |
Stroppa N.; Groves D.; Way A.; Sarasola K. (2006) AMTA 2006 - Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation of the Americas: Visions for the Future of Machine Translation Example-based machine translation of the Basque language |
2008 |
Bungeroth, J.; Stein, D.; Dreuw, P.; Ney, H.; Morrissey, S.; Way, A.; Van Zijl, L. (2008) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2008 The ATIS sign language corpus [Link] |
2016 |
Hasanuzzaman M.; Dias G.; Ferrari S.; Mathet Y.; Way A. (2016) CoNLL 2016 - 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, Proceedings Identifying temporality of word senses based on minimum cuts |
2016 |
Shterionov D.; Du J.; Palminteri M.A.; Casanellas L.; O'Dowd T.; Way A. (2016) Proceedings - AMTA 2016: 12th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Improving KantanMT training efficiency with fast align |
2016 |
Wang, LY; Zhang, XJ; Tu, ZP; Way, A; Liu, Q (2016) LREC 2016 - TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION Automatic Construction of Discourse Corpora for Dialogue Translation |
2016 |
Afli, H; Qiu, ZW; Way, A; Sheridan, P (2016) LREC 2016 - TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION Using SMT for OCR Error Correction of Historical Texts |
2016 |
Wu, XF; Du, JH; Liu, Q; Way, A (2016) LREC 2016 - TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION ProphetMT: A Tree-based SMT-driven Controlled Language Authoring/Post-Editing Tools |
2016 |
Marsden M.; Mohedano E.; McGuinness K.; Calafell A.; Giró-I-Nieto X.; O’Connor N.E.; Zhou J.; Azevedo L.; Daudert T.; Davis B.; Hürlimann M.; Afli H.; Du J.; Ganguly D.; Li W.; Way A.; Smeaton A.F. (2016) 2016 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, TRECVID 2016 Dublin city university and partners’ participation in the INS and VTT tracks at TRECVID 2016 |
2016 |
Kordoni, V; van den Bosch, A; Kermanidis, K; Soso, V; Cholakov, K; Hendrickx, I; Huck, M; Way, A (2016) LREC 2016 - TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION Enhancing Access to Online Education: Quality Machine Translation of MOOC Content |
2016 |
2018 |
Etchegoyhen, T.; Porras, B.A.; Azpeitia, A.; Garcia, E.M.; Vale, P.; Fonseca, J.L.; Lynn, T.; Dunne, J.; Gaspari, F.; Way, A.; Arranz, V.; Choukri, K.; Popescu, V.; Neiva, P.; Neto, R.; Melero, M.; Perez, D.; Branco, A.; Branco, R.; Gomes, L. (2018) EAMT 2018 - Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation ELRI European language resource infrastructure [Link] |
2018 |
Sánchez-Gijón P.; Moorkens J.; Way A. (2018) EAMT 2018 - Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Perception vs. Acceptability of TM and SMT output: What do translators prefer? |
2018 |
Kamila S.; Hasanuzzaman M.; Ekbal A.; Bhattacharyya P.; Way A. (2018) NAACL HLT 2018 - 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies - Proceedings of the Conference Fine-grained temporal orientation and its relationship with psycho-demographic correlates |
2018 |
Toral A.; Wieling M.; Castilho S.; Moorkens J.; Way A. (2018) EAMT 2018 - Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Project pipenovel: Pilot on post-editing novels |
2018 |
Poncelas A.; De Buy Wenniger G.M.; Way A. (2018) EAMT 2018 - Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Feature decay algorithms for neural machine translation |
2018 |
Poncelas A.; Shterionov D.; Way A.; De Buy Wenniger G.M.; Passban P. (2018) EAMT 2018 - Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Investigating backtranslation in neural machine translation |
2018 |
Lohar P.; Afli H.; Way A. (2018) AMTA 2018 - 13th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Proceedings Balancing translation quality and sentiment preservation |
2018 |
Passban P.; Liu Q.; Way A. (2018) NAACL HLT 2018 - 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies - Proceedings of the Conference Improving Character-based Decoding Using Target-Side Morphological Information for Neural Machine Translation |
2019 |
Lohar, P; Popovic, M; Way, A (2019) 7TH WORKSHOP ON BALTO-SLAVIC NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (BSNLP'2019) Building English-to-Serbian Machine Translation System for IMDb Movie Reviews |
2019 |
Shterionov, D., do Carmo, F., Moorkens, J., Hossari, M., Paquin, E., Schmidtke, D., Groves, D., Way, A. (2019) MT Summit 2019 When less is more in neural quality estimation of machine translation. an industry case study |
2020 |
Dowling, M., Castilho, S., Moorkens, J., Lynn, T., Way, A. (2020) European Association for Machine Translation . In: Moorkens, J., Guerberof, A eds. A human evaluation of English-Irish statistical and neural machine translation Lisbon, 20/05/2020- 22/05/2020 [Link] |
2020 |
Steingrimsson, S; Loftsson, H; Way, A (2020) 58TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS (ACL 2020): STUDENT RESEARCH WORKSHOP Effectively Aligning and Filtering Parallel Corpora under Sparse Data Conditions |
2020 |
Haque, R; Moslem, Y; Way, A (2020) NEURAL GENERATION AND TRANSLATION The ADAPT System Description for the STAPLE 2020 English-to-Portuguese Translation Task |
2020 |
Bhattacharjee, S.; Haque, R.; de Buy Wenniger, G.M.; Way, A. (2020) Investigating query expansion and coreference resolution in question answering on bert [Link] [DOI] |
2020 |
Vanmassenhove E.; Hardmeier C.; Way A. (2020) Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2018 Getting gender right in neural machine translation |
2018 |
Du, J.; Han, J.; Way, A.; Wan, D. (2018) Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2018 Multi-level structured self-attentions for distantly supervised relation extraction [Link] |
2020 |
Soto, X; Shterionov, D; Poncelas, A; Way, A (2020) 58TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS (ACL 2020) Selecting Backtranslated Data from Multiple Sources for Improved Neural Machine Translation |
2018 |
Wang, L.; Tu, Z.; Way, A.; Liu, Q. (2018) Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2018 Learning to jointly translate and predict dropped pronouns with a shared reconstruction mechanism [Link] |
2019 |
Stein D.; Shterionov D.; Way A. (2019) The Web Conference 2019 - Companion of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2019 Towards language-agnostic alignment of product titles and descriptions: A neural approach [DOI] |
2005 |
Groves, D.; Way, A. (2005) Hybrid data-driven models of machine translation [Link] [DOI] |
2005 |
Jones G.; Groves D.; Khasin A.; Lam-Adesina A.; Mellebeek B.; Way A. (2005) Lecture Notes in Computer Science Dublin City University at CLEF 2004: Experiments with the imageCLEF St. Andrew's collection |
2019 |
Vanmassenhove E.; Moryossef A.; Poncelas A.; Way A.; Shterionov D. (2019) CEUR Workshop Proceedings ABI neural ensemble model for gender prediction adapt Bar-ilan submission for the Clin29 shared task on gender prediction |
2017 |
Wang, L.; Tu, Z.; Way, A.; Liu, Q. (2017) EMNLP 2017 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings Exploiting cross-sentence context for neural machine translation [Link] |
2016 |
Li, LY; Way, A; Liu, Q (2016) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 54TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS (ACL 2016), VOL 2 Phrase-Level Combination of SMT and TM Using Constrained Word Lattice |
2016 |
2015 |
Passban P.; Way A.; Liu Q. (2015) EAMT 2015 - Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Benchmarking SMT performance for Farsi using the TEP++ corpus |
2015 |
Kazemi A.; Toral A.; Way A.; Monadjemi A.; Nematbakhsh M. (2015) EAMT 2015 - Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Dependency-based reordering model for constituent pairs in hierarchical SMT |
2017 |
2019 |
Liu C.; Silva C.; Wang L.; Way A. (2019) CWMT 2018 - 14th China Workshop on Machine Translation . In: Chen J., Zhang J. (eds) eds. Pivot Machine Translation Using Chinese as Pivot Language Wuyishan, China, 24/10/2018- 25/10/2018 [Link] [DOI] |
2019 |
Du J.; Blake D.; Wang L.; Conran C.; McKibben D.; Way A. (2019) ECML PKDD 2018 - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2018) IDEA: An interactive dialogue translation demo system using furhat robots Dublin, Ireland, 10/09/2018- 14/09/2018 [Link] [DOI] |
2018 |
Meghan Dowling, Teresa Lynn, Alberto Poncelas and Andy Way (2018) AMTA 2018 Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages (LoResMT 2018) SMT versus NMT: Preliminary comparisons for Irish Boston, MA, USA, 17/03/2018- 21/03/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Antonio Toral, Martijn Wieling, Sheila Castilho, Joss Moorkens and Andy Way (2018) EAMT 2018 - 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Project PiPeNovel: Pilot on Post-editing Novels Alicante, Spain, 28/05/2018- 30/05/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Pilar Sánchez-Gijón, Joss Moorkens and Andy Way (2018) EAMT 2018 - 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Perception vs. Acceptability of TM and SMT Output: What do translators prefer? Alicante, Spain, 28/05/2018- 30/05/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Peyman Passban, Andy Way, and Qun Liu (2018) COLING 2018: the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics Tailoring Neural Architectures for Translating from Morphologically Rich Languages Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 20/08/2018- 26/08/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Pintu Lohar, Haithem Afli and Andy Way (2018) 13th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Balancing Translation Quality and Sentiment Preservation Boston, MA, USA, 17/03/2018- 23/03/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Sabyasachi Kamila, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Asif Ekbal, Pushpak Bhattacharyya and Andy Way (2018) NAACL-HLT 2018 - Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies Fine-grained Temporal Orientation and its Relationship with Psycho-demographic Correlates New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 01/06/2018- 06/06/2018 [Link] [DOI] |
2018 |
Thierry Etchegoyhen, Borja Anza Porras, Andoni Azpeitia, Eva Martı́nez Garcia, Paulo Vale, José Luis Fonseca, Teresa Lynn, Jane Dunne, Federico Gaspari, Andy Way, Victoria Arranz, Khalid Choukri, Vladimir Popescu, Pedro Neiva, Rui Neto, Maite Melero, David Perez Fernandez, Antonio Branco, Ruben Branco and Luis Gomes. (2018) EAMT 2018 - 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation ELRI. European Language Resource Infrastructure Alicante, Spain, 28/05/2018- 30/05/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Catarina Cruz Silva, Chao-Hong Liu, Alberto Poncelas and Andy Way (2018) EMNLP 2018 - Third Conference on Machine Translation (WMT18) Extracting In-domain Training Corpora for Neural Machine Translation Using Data Selection Methods Brussels, Belgium, 31/10/2018- 01/11/2018 [Link] [DOI] |
2018 |
Alberto Poncelas, Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger and Andy Way (2018) IWSLT 2018 - 15th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation Data Selection with Feature Decay Algorithms Using an Approximated Target Side Bruges, Belgium, 29/10/2018- 30/10/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Peyman Passban, Qun Liu and Andy Way (2018) HLT-NAACL 2018, the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies Improving Character-based Decoding Using Target-Side Morphological Information for Neural Machine Translation New Orleans, USA, 01/06/2018- 06/06/2018 [Link] [DOI] |
2018 |
Jason Burns, Haithem Afli and Andy Way (2018) CICLing 2018, the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing A Decision-Level Approach to Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Hanoi, Vietnam, 18/03/2018- 24/03/2018 |
2018 |
Eva Vanmassenhove, Christian Hardmeier, Andy Way (2018) EMNLP 2018 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Getting Gender Right in Neural Machine Translation Brussels, Belgium, 31/10/2018- 04/11/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Jinhua Du, Jingguang Han, Andy Way, and Dadong Wan (2018) EMNLP 2018 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Multi-Level Structured Self-Attentions for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction Brussels, Belgium, 31/10/2018- 04/11/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Vanmassenhove E.; Way A. (2018) ACL-SRW 2018 - Student Research Workshop, 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics SuperNMT: Neural machine translation with semantic supersenses and syntactic supertags Melbourne, Australia, 15/07/2018- 20/07/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Alberto Poncelas, Dimitar Shterionov, Andy Way, Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger and Peyman Passban (2018) Investigating Backtranslation in Neural Machine Translation EAMT 2018 - 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Alicante, Spain, 28/05/2018- 30/08/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Alberto Poncelas, Andy Way, and Kepa Sarasola (2018) IWSLT 2018 - 15th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation The ADAPT System Description for the IWSLT 2018 Basque to English Translation Task Bruges, Belgium, 29/10/2018- 30/10/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Antonio Toral, Sheila Castilho, Ke Hu and Andy Way (2018) EMNLP 2018 - Third Conference on Machine Translation: Research Papers (WMT18) Attaining the Unattainable? Reassessing Claims of Human Parity in Neural Machine Translation Brussels, Belgium, 31/10/2018- 01/11/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Longyue Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Andy Way and Qun Liu (2018) EMNLP 2018 - 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Learning to Jointly Translate and Predict Dropped Pronouns with a Shared Reconstruction Mechanism Brussels, Belgium, 29/10/2018- 30/10/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Sayantan Mitra, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Sriparna Saha, and Andy Way (2018) COLING 2018: the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics Incorporating Deep Visual Features into Multiobjective-based Multi-view Search Result Clustering Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 20/08/2018- 26/08/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Henny Sluyter-Gäthje, Pintu Lohar, Haithem Afli and Andy Way (2018) LREC 2018 - Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation FooTweets: A Bilingual Parallel Corpus of World Cup Tweets Miyazaki, Japan, 07/05/2018- 12/05/2018 [Link] |
2018 |
Alberto Poncelas, Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger and Andy Way (2018) EAMT 2018 - 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Feature Decay Algorithms for Neural Machine Translation Alicante, Spain, 28/05/2018- 30/05/2018 [Link] |
2017 |
Vanmassenhove, E.; Du, J.; Way, A. (2017) Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal Investigating 'aspect' in NMT and SMT: Translating the english simple past and present perfect [Link] |
2017 |
Pal, S.; Naskar, S.K.; Vela, M.; Liu, Q.; Van Genabith, J. (2017) 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, EACL 2017 - Proceedings of Conference Neural automatic post-editing using prior alignment and reranking [Link] |
2017 |
Poncelas A.; Way A.; Toral A. (2017) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Extending feature decay algorithms using alignment entropy [DOI] |
2017 |
Du J.; Way A. (2017) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Pinyin as subword unit for Chinese-sourced neural machine translation |
2017 |
Sharon O'Brien, Chao-Hong Liu, Andy Way, João Graça, André Martins, Helena Moniz, Ellie Kemp and Rebecca Petras (2017) MT Summit XVI, the 16th Machine Translation Summit The Interact Project and Crisis MT Nagoya, Japan, 18/09/2017- 22/09/2017 |
2017 |
Sabyasachi Kamila, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Asif Ekbal, Pushpak Bhattacharyya and Andy Way (2017) HLT-NAACL 2018, the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies Fine-grained Temporal Orientation and its Relationship with Psycho-demographic Correlates New Orleans, USA, 01/06/2018- 06/06/2018 |
2017 |
Eva Vanmassenhove, Jinhua Du, Andy Way (2017) ICLC8 - 8th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference Phrase-Tables as a resource for Cross-Linguistic Studies: On the Role of Lexical Aspect for English-French Past Tense Translation Athens, Greece, 25/05/2017- 28/05/2017 |
2017 |
Parra Escartín, C., Reijers, W., Lynn, T., Moorkens, J., Way, A., Liu, C. H. (2017) Ethics in NLP Workshop, EACL . In: Margaret Mitchell, Dirk Hovy, Shannon Spruit, Emily M. Bender, Hanna Wallach, and Michael Strube eds. Ethical Considerations in NLP Shared Tasks Valencia, Spain, 03/04/2017- 03/04/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Longyue Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Andy Way and Qun Liu (2017) EMNLP 2017: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Exploiting Cross-Sentence Context for Neural Machine Translation Copenhagen, Denmark, 07/09/2017- 11/09/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Sabyasachi Kamila, Sukanta Sen, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Andy Way, Asif Ekbal, and Pushpak Bhattacharyya (2017) MT Summit XVI - 16th Machine Translation Summit Temporality after Translation: A Case Study on Hindi Texts Nagoya, Japan, 18/09/2017- 22/09/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Haithem Afli, Sorcha McGuire, Andy Way (2017) CICLing 2017 - 18th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics Sentiment Translation for low resourced languages: Experiments on Irish General Election Tweets Budapest, Hungary, 17/04/2017- 23/04/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Mohammed Hasanuzzaman and Andy Way (2017) HT-17 - 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media Place-Type Detection in Location-Based Social Networks Prague, Czech Republic, 04/07/2017- 07/07/2017 [Link] [DOI] |
2017 |
Jinhua Du and Andy Way (2017) AICS 2017 - 25th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Pinyin as Subword Unit for Chinese-Sourced Neural Machine Translation Dublin, Ireland, 07/12/2017- 08/12/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Jinhua Du and Andy Way (2017) MT Summit XVI - 16th Machine Translation Summit Neural Pre-Translation for Hybrid Machine Translation Nagoya, Japan, 18/09/2017- 22/09/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Haithem Afli, Pintu Lohar and Andy Way (2017) IJCNLP 2017 Workshop on Curation and Applications of Parallel and Comparable Corpora (Cupral 2017) MultiNews: A Web collection of an Aligned Multimodal and Multilingual Corpus Taipei, Taiwan, 27/11/2017- 01/12/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Mohammed Hasanuzzaman and Andy Way (2017) K-CAP 2017: Ninth ACM International Conference on Knowledge Capture Local Event Discovery from Tweets Metadata Austin, Texas, USA, 04/12/2017- 06/12/2017 [Link] [DOI] |
2017 |
Ahmad Khwileh, Haithem Afli, Gareth Jones and Andy Way (2017) WANLP 2017- Third Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop Finding Relevant Translations for Cross-lingual User-generated Speech Search Valencia, Spain, 03/04/2017- 03/04/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Eva Vanmassenhove, Jinhua Du and Andy Way (2017) ICLC8 - 8th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference Extracting Contrastive Linguistic Information from Statistical Machine Translation Phrase-Tables Athens, Greece, 25/05/2017- 28/05/2017 |
2017 |
Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Gaél Dias and Andy Way (2017) IJCNLP 2017 - 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing Demographic Word Embeddings for Racism Detection on Twitter Taiwan, 27/11/2017- 01/12/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Pintu Lohar, Koel Dutta Chowdhury, Haithem Afli, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Andy Way (2017) IJCNLP 2017 - 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing A Multinomial Naive Bayes Classification Approach for Customer Feedback Analysis Taiwan, 29/11/2017- 01/12/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Castilho, S., Gaspari, F., Moorkens, J., Way, A. (2017) EDULEARN 2017 - 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies INTEGRATING MACHINE TRANSLATION INTO MOOCS Barcelona, Spain, 03/07/2017- 05/07/2017 [DOI] |
2017 |
Iacer Calixto, Daniel Stein, Evgeny Matusov, Sheila Castilho and Andy Way (2017) EACL 2017 - 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Using Images to Improve Machine-Translating E-Commerce Product Listings Valencia, Spain, 03/04/2017- 03/04/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Sabyasachi Kamila, Mandeep Kaur,Sriparna Saha, and Asif Ekbal (2017) ACL 2017 - 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Temporal Orientation of Tweets for Predicting Income of Users Toronto, Canada, 30/07/2017- 04/08/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Iacer Calixto, Daniel Stein, Evgeny Matusov, Sheila Castilho and Andy Way (2017) VL '17 - 6th Workshop on Vision and Language Human Evaluation of Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation: A Case-Study on E-Commerce Listing Titles Valencia, Spain, 04/04/2017- 04/04/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Longyue Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Andy Way and Qun Liu (2017) EMNLP 2017: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Exploiting Cross-Sentence Context for Neural Machine Translation Copenhagen, Denmark, 07/09/2017- 11/09/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Khalil Simaan and Andy Way (2017) MT Summit XVI - 16th Machine Translation Summit Elastic-substitution decoding for Hierarchical SMT: efficiency, richer search and double labels Japan, 18/09/2017- 22/09/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Haithem Afli, Feiyan Hu, Jinhua Du, Daniel Cosgrove, Kevin McGuinness, Noel E. O'Connor, Eric Arazo Sanchez, Jiang Zhou, Alan F. Smeaton. (2017) TRECVID2017 - TREC VIDEO RETRIEVAL EVALUATION Dublin City University Participation in the VTT Track at TRECVid 2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Liangyou Li, Andy Way, Qun Liu (2017) EACL 2017 - 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Context-Aware Graph Segmentation for Graph-Based Translation Valencia, Spain, 03/04/2017- 07/04/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Castilho, S., Moorkens, J., Gaspari, F., Sennrich, R., Sosoni, V., Georgakopolou, P., Lohar, P., Way, A., Barone, A. V., Gialama, M. (2017) MT Summit 2017 A Comparative Quality Evaluation of PBSMT and NMT using Professional Translators Japan, 18/09/2017- 22/09/2017 [Link] |
2017 |
Dowling, M., Lynn, T and Way, A. (2017) Social MT 2017 - First workshop on Social Media and User Generated Content Machine Translation A Crowd-sourcing Approach for Translations of Minority Language User-Generated Content Prague, Czech Republic, 29/05/2017- 31/05/2017 |
2016 |
Alberto Poncelas, Andy Way and Antonio Toral. (2016) FETLT 2016: Future and Emerging Trends in Language Technologies, Machine Learning and Big Data Extending Feature Decay Algorithms using Alignment Entropy Seville, Spain, 11/12/2016- 17/12/2016 [Link] [DOI] |
2016 |
Jian Zhang, Liangyou Li, Andy Way, Qun Liu (2016) COLING 2016 Topic-Informed Neural Machine Translation Osaka, Japan, 11/12/2016- 17/12/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Jian Zhang, Xiaofeng Wu, Andy Way, Qun Liu (2016) COLING 2016 Fast Gated Neural Domain Adaptation: Language Model as a Case Study Osaka, Japan, 11/12/2016- 17/12/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Peyman Passban, Qun Liu, Andy Way (2016) COLING 2016 Enriching Phrase Tables for Statistical Machine Translation Using Mixed Embeddings Osaka, Japan, 11/12/2016- 17/12/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Dimitar Shterionov, Jinhua Du, Marc Anthony Palminteri, Laura Casanellas, Tony O'Dowd and Andy Way (2016) AMTA 2016 - 38th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Improving KantanMT Training Efficiency with FastAlign Austin, Texas, US, 30/10/2016- 04/11/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Antonia Toral, Andy Way (2016) 8th EST Congress - 8TH EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR TRANSLATION STUDIES (EST) CONGRESS Pilot on Machine-assisted Translation of Novels with Post-editing Aarhus, Denmark, 15/09/2016- 17/09/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Eva Vanmassenhove, Jinhua Du, Andy Way (2016) EAMT 2016 Fifth Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation (HyTra) Improving Subject-Verb Agreement in SMT Riga, Latvia, 01/06/2016- |
2016 |
Liangyou Li, Andy Way and Qun Liu (2016) ACL 2016 - : The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Graph-Based Translation via Graph Segmentation Berlin, Germany, 07/08/2016- 12/08/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Valia Kordoni, Joss Moorkens and Andy Way. (2016) EAMT 2016 TraMOOC (Translation for Massive Open Online Courses): Providing Reliable MT for MOOCs Riga, Latvia, 30/05/2016- 01/06/2016 |
2016 |
Antonio Toral | Tommi A. Pirinen | Andy Way | Gema Ramírez-Sánchez | Sergio Ortiz Rojas | Raphael Rubino | Miquel Esplà | Mikel L. Forcada | Vassilis Papavassiliou | Prokopis Prokopidis | Nikola Ljubešić (2016) EAMT 2016 AbuMaTran: Automatic building of Machine Translation Riga, Latvia, 30/05/2016- 01/06/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Haithem Afli, Walid Aransa, Pintu Lohar and Andy Way (2016) CICLING 2016: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics From Arabic User-Generated Content to Machine Translation: Integrating Automatic Error Correction Konya, Turkey, 03/04/2016- 09/05/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Longyue Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Xiaojun Zhang, Hang Li, Andy Way, Qun Liu (2016) NAACL HLT 2016: The 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies A Novel Approach for Dropped Pronoun Translation San Diego, California, US, 12/06/2016- 17/06/2016 [Link] [DOI] |
2016 |
Sandipan Dandapat and Andy Way (2016) CICLING 2016: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics Improved Named Entity Recognition using Machine Translation-based Cross-lingual Information Konya, Turkey, 03/05/2016- 09/05/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Haithem Afli, Zhengwei Qiu, Andy Way and Páraic Sheridan (2016) LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation Using SMT for OCR Error Correction of Historical Texts Portorož, Slovenia, 23/05/2016- 28/05/2017 [Link] |
2016 |
Valia Kordoni, Antal van den Bosch, Katia Lida Kermanidis, Vilelmini Sosoni, Kostadin Cholakov, Iris Hendrickx, Matthias Huck and Andy Way (2016) LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation Enhancing Access to Online Education: Quality Machine Translation of MOOC Content Portorož, Slovenia, 23/05/2016- 28/05/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Arefeh Kazemi, Antonio Toral, Andy Way (2016) GWEC 2016 - Global Wordnet Conference Using Wordnet to Improve Reordering in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translatio Bucharest, Romania, 27/01/2016- 30/01/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Jinhua Du, Ankit Srivastava, Andy Way, Alfredo Maldonado-Guerra, David Lewis (2016) MT Summit XV - Fifteenth Machine Translation Summit An Empirical Study of Segment Prioritization for Incrementally Retrained Post-Editing-Based SMT Miami, FL, US, 30/10/2015- 03/11/2015 [Link] |
2016 |
Mark Marsden, Eva Mohedano, Kevin McGuinness, Andrea Calafell, Xavier Giró-i-Nieto, Noel O’Connor, Jiang Zhou, Lucas Azevedo, Tobias Daudert, Brian Davis, Manuela Hürlimann, Haithem Afli, Jinhua Du, Debasis Ganguly, Wei Li, Andy Way, and Alan Smeaton (2016) TRECVid 2016 Dublin City University and Partners’ Participation in the INS and VTT Tracks at TRECVid 2016 Gaithersburg, MD., US, [Link] |
2016 |
Haithem Afli and Andy Way (2016) LT4DH - Workshop on Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities, Workshop - in conjunction with COLING 2016 Integrating Optical Character Recognition and Machine Translation of Historical Documents Osaka, Japan, 11/12/2016- 17/12/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Meng, F.; Lu, Z.; Li, H.; Liu, Q. (2016) COLING 2016 - 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of COLING 2016: Technical Papers Interactive attention for neural machine translation [Link] |
2016 |
Wang, L.; Tu, Z.; Zhang, X.; Li, H.; Way, A.; Liu, Q. (2016) 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL HLT 2016 - Proceedings of the Conference A novel approach to dropped pronoun translation [Link] |
2016 |
Afli, H.; Qiu, Z.; Way, A.; Sheridan, P. (2016) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016 Using SMT for OCR Error Correction of historical texts [Link] |
2016 |
Zhang J.; Li L.; Way A.; Liu Q. (2016) COLING 2016 - 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of COLING 2016: Technical Papers Topic-informed neural machine translation |
2016 |
Moorkens, J., Lewis, D., Reijers, W., Vanmassenhove, E., Way, A. (2016) ETHI-CA² 2016: ETHics In Corpus collection, Annotation and Application Translation Resources and Translator Disempowerment |
2016 |
Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Gaël Dias, Stéphane Ferrari, Yann Mathet and Andy Way (2016) CoNLL 2016 - 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning Identifying Temporality of Word Senses Based on Minimum Cuts Berlin, Germany, 11/08/2016- 12/08/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Liangyou Li, Andy Way and Qun Liu (2016) ACL 2016 - 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Phrase-Level Combination of SMT and TM Using Constrained Word Lattice Berlin, Germany, 07/08/2016- 12/08/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Joss Moorkens, Andy Way (2016) EAMT 2016 Comparing Translator Acceptability of TM and SMT Outputs Riga, Latvia, 30/05/2016- 01/06/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Peyman Passban, Chris Hokamp, Andy Way and Qun Liu (2016) EAMT 2016 Improving Phrase-Based SMT Using Cross-Granularity Embedding Similarity Riga, Latvia, 30/05/2016- 01/06/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Xiaofeng Wu, Jinhua Du, Qun Liu and Andy Way (2016) LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ProphetMT: A Syntatic MT Driven Monolingual Authoring Tool with Auto-Completion for Terms and Grammars Portorož, Slovenia, 23/05/2016- 28/05/2016 [Link] |
2016 |
Longyue Wang, Xiaojun Zhang, Zhaopeng Tu, Andy Way and Qun Liu (2016) LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation The Automatic Construction of Discourse Corpus for Dialogue Translation Portorož, Slovenia, 23/05/2016- 28/05/2016 |
2016 |
Jinhua Du, Andy Way and Andrzej Zydron (2016) LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation Jinhua Du, Andy Way and Andrzej Zydron Portorož, Slovenia, 23/05/2016- 28/05/2017 [Link] |
2016 |
Li, L.; Way, A.; Liu, Q. (2016) 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2016 - Short Papers Phrase-level combination of SMT and TM using constrained word lattice [Link] |
2016 |
Kordoni V.; Van Den Bosch A.; Kermanidis K.; Sosoni V.; Cholakov K.; Hendrickx I.; Huck M.; Way A. (2016) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016 Enhancing access to Online education: Quality machine translation of MOOC content |
2016 |
Kazemi A.; Toral A.; Way A. (2016) Proceedings of the 8th Global WordNet Conference, GWC 2016 Using wordnet to improve reordering in hierarchical phrase-based statistical machine translation |
2015 |
Jinhua Du, Andy Way, Zhengwei Qiu, Asanka Wasala and Reinhard Schäler (2015) WPTP 2015 - Fourth Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice Domain Adaptation for Social Localisation-based SMT: A Case Study Using Trommons Platform Miami, FL, US, 30/10/2015- 03/11/2015 [Link] |
2015 |
Arefeh Kazemi, Antonio Toral, Andy Way, Amirhassan Monadjemi and Mohammadali Nematbakhsh. (2015) EAMT-2015 - Eighteenth Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Dependency-based Reordering Model for Constituent Pairs in Hierarchical SMT Antalya, Turkey, 11/05/2015- 13/05/2015 [Link] |
2015 |
Peyman Passban, Andy Way and Qun Liu (2015) EAMT-2015 - Eighteenth Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Benchmarking SMT Performance for Farsi Using the TEP++ Corpus Antalya, Turkey, 11/05/2015- 13/05/2015 [Link] |
2015 |
Li L.; Way A.; Liu Q. (2015) EMNLP 2015: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Dependency graph-to-string translation |
2015 |
Ergun Bicici, Qun Liu and Andy Way (2015) EMNLP 2015 - Tenth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation ParFDA for Fast Deployment of Accurate Statistical Machine Translation Systems, Benchmarks, and Statistics Lisbon, Portugal, 17/09/2015- 18/09/2015 [Link] |
2015 |
Antonio Toral and Andy Way (2015) NAACL 2015 - Fourth Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature Translating Literary Text between Related Languages using SMT Denver, Colorado, US, 04/06/2015- [Link] |
2015 |
Peyman Passban, Andy Way and Qun Liu (2015) EAMT-2015 - Eighteenth Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Benchmarking SMT Performance for Farsi Using the TEP++ Corpus Antalya, Turkey, 11/05/2015- 13/05/2015 [Link] |
2014 |
Li, L.; Way, A.; Liu, Q. (2014) Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, AMTA 2014 A discriminative framework of integrating translation memory features into SMT [Link] |
2014 |
Gaspari, F; Toral, A; Lommel, A; Doherty, S; van Genabith, J; Way, A (2014) LREC 2014 - NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION Relating Translation Quality Barriers to Source-Text Properties |
2014 |
Gaspari, F; Toral, A; Lommel, A; Doherty, S; van Genabith, J; Way, A (2014) LREC 2014 - NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION Relating Translation Quality Barriers to Source-Text Properties |
2012 |
Banerjee P.; Naskar S.; Roturier J.; Way A.; Van Genabith J. (2012) COLING 2012: 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics Technical Papers Translation Quality-Based Supplementary Data Selection by Incremental Update of Translation Models Mumbai, India, [Link] |
2011 |
Ma, Y.; He, Y.; Way, A.; Van Genabith, J. (2011) ACL-HLT 2011 - Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies Consistent translation using discriminative learning: A Translation Memory-inspired approach [Link] |
2011 |
Okita T.; Way A. (2011) Proceedings of the 24th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, FLAIRS - 24 Given bilingual terminology in statistical machine translation: MWE-sensitive word alignment and hierarchical Pitman-Yor process-based translation model smoothing |
2011 |
Srivastava A.; Ma Y.; Way A. (2011) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2011 Oracle-based training for phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation |
2011 |
Ebling S.; Way A.; Volk M.; Naskar S. (2011) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2011 Combining semantic and syntactic generalization in example-based machine translation |
2011 |
Ceauşu A.; Tinsley J.; Jian Z.; Way A. (2011) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2011 Experiments on domain adaptation for patent machine translation in the PLuTO project |
2011 |
Dandapat S.; Morrissey S.; Way A.; Forcada M. (2011) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2011 Using example-based MT to support statistical MT when translating homogeneous data in a resource-poor setting |
2011 |
Pecina P.; Toral A.; Way A.; Papavassiliou V.; Prokopidis P.; Giagkou M. (2011) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2011 Towards using web-crawled data for domain adaptation in statistical machine translation |
2011 |
Toral A.; Gaspari F.; Naskar S.; Way A. (2011) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2011 Comparative evaluation of research vs. online MT systems |
2011 |
Toral A.; Pecina P.; Way A.; Poch M. (2011) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2011 Towards a user-friendly webservice architecture for statistical machine translation in the PANACEA project |
2011 |
Almaghout H.; Jiang J.; Way A. (2011) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2011 CCG contextual labels in Hierarchical Phrase-Based SMT |
2011 |
Okita T.; Ceausu A.; Way A. (2011) Proceedings of the 24th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, FLAIRS - 24 Statistical machine translation with factored translation model: MWEs, separation of affixes, and others |
2010 |
Dandapat, S; Forcada, ML; Groves, D; Penkale, S; Tinsley, J; Way, A (2010) ADVANCES IN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING OpenMaTrEx: A Free/Open-Source Marker-Driven Example-Based Machine Translation System |
2010 |
Du J.; Way A. (2010) Coling 2010 - 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference A discriminative latent variable-based DE classifier for chinese-english SMT |
2010 |
He, YF; Ma, YJ; van Genabith, J; Way, A (2010) ACL 2010: 48TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS Bridging SMT and TM with Translation Recommendation |
2010 |
Jiang J.; Du J.; Way A. (2010) AMTA 2010 - 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Improved phrase-based SMT with syntactic reordering patterns learned from lattice scoring |
2010 |
Dandapat S.; Forcada M.; Groves D.; Penkale S.; Tinsley J.; Way A. (2010) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) OpenMaTrEx: A free/open-source marker-driven example-based machine translation system [DOI] |
2010 |
Du J.; Jiang J.; Way A. (2010) EMNLP 2010 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference Facilitating translation using source language paraphrase lattices |
2010 |
Du J.; Roturier J.; Way A. (2010) EAMT 2010 - 14th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation TMX markup: A challenge when adapting SMT to the localisation environment |
2010 |
Haque R.; Naskar S.; Way A.; Costa-Jussá M.; Banchs R. (2010) Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, IALP 2010 Sentence similarity-based source context modelling in PBSMT [DOI] |
2010 |
Du J.; Way A. (2010) AMTA 2010 - 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Using TERp to augment the system combination for SMT |
2010 |
Banerjee P.; Du J.; Li B.; Naskar S.; Way A.; Van Genabith J. (2010) AMTA 2010 - 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Combining multi-domain Statistical Machine Translation models using automatic classifiers |
2010 |
Du J.; Way A. (2010) EAMT 2010 - 14th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation The impact of source-side syntactic reordering on hierarchical phrase-based SMT |
2010 |
He Y.; Ma Y.; Van Genabith J.; Way A. (2010) ACL 2010 - 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference Bridging SMT and TM with translation recommendation |
2010 |
Haque R.; Naskar S.; Van Den Bosch A.; Way A. (2010) AMTA 2010 - 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Supertags as source language context in hierarchical phrase-based SMT |
2010 |
He, Y.; Ma, Y.; Way, A.; Van Genabith, J. (2010) Coling 2010 - 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference Integrating N-best SMT outputs into a TM System [Link] |
2010 |
Lambert P.; Petitrenaud S.; Ma Y.; Way A. (2010) EAMT 2010 - 14th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Statistical analysis of alignment characteristics for phrase-based machine translation |
2010 |
Okita T.; Way A. (2010) Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, IALP 2010 Hierarchical Pitman-Yor language model for machine translation [DOI] |
2010 |
Penkale S.; Ma Y.; Galron D.; Way A. (2010) AMTA 2010 - 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Accuracy-based scoring for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation |
2010 |
Tinsley J.; Way A.; Sheridan P. (2010) AMTA 2010 - 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas PLuTO: MT for online patent translation |
2010 |
He, Y.; Ma, Y.; Roturier, J.; Way, A.; Van Genabith, J. (2010) AMTA 2010 - 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Improving the post-editing experience using translation recommendation: A user study [Link] |
2010 |
Jiang J.; Way A.; Carson-Berndsen J. (2010) EAMT 2010 - 14th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation Lattice score based data cleaning for phrase-based statistical machine translation |
2010 |
Okita, T; Graham, Y; Way, A (2010) PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST WORKSHOP ON APPLICATIONS OF PATTERN ANALYSIS Gap Between Theory and Practice: Noise Sensitive Word Alignment in Machine Translation |
2009 |
Cahill, P; Du, JH; Way, A; Carson-Berndsen, J (2009) INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5 Using Same-Language Machine Translation to Create Alternative Target Sequences for Text-To-Speech Synthesis |
2009 |
Ma Y.; Way A. (2009) EACL 2009 - 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings Bilingually motivated domain-adapted word segmentation for statistical machine translation |
2009 |
Hassan H.; Sima'an K.; Way A. (2009) International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP Lexicalized semi-incremental dependency parsing |
2009 |
Ozdowska S.; Way A. (2009) Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2009 Optimal bilingual data for French-English PB-SMT |
2009 |
Sánchez-Martínez F.; Way A. (2009) Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2009 Marker-based filtering of bilingual phrase pairs for SMT |
2009 |
Haque R.; Naskar S.; van Genabith J.; Way A. (2009) PACLIC 23 - Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation Experiments on domain adaptation for English-Hindi SMT |
2009 |
Du J.; Way A. (2009) 2009 International Conference on Asian Language Processing: Recent Advances in Asian Language Processing, IALP 2009 A three-pass system combination framework by combining multiple hypothesis alignment methods [DOI] |
2009 |
Galron D.; Penkale S.; Way A.; Melamed I. (2009) EMNLP 2009 - Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: A Meeting of SIGDAT, a Special Interest Group of ACL, Held in Conjunction with ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Accuracy-based scoring for DOT: Towards direct error minimization for Data-Oriented Translation |
2009 |
Tinsley, J.; Hearne, M.; Way, A. (2009) Exploiting parallel treebanks to improve phrase-based statistical machine translation [Link] [DOI] |
2009 |
Du, JH; Way, A (2009) 2009 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ASIAN LANGUAGE PROCESSING A Three-pass System Combination Framework by Combining Multiple Hypothesis Alignment Methods [DOI] |
2009 |
He Y.; Way A. (2009) Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2009 Learning labelled dependencies in machine translation evaluation |
2009 |
Haque R.; Naskar S.; Ma Y.; Way A. (2009) Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2009 Using supertags as source language context in SMT |
2009 |
Haque R.; Naskar S.; van den Bosch A.; Way A. (2009) PACLIC 23 - Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation Dependency relations as source context in phrase-based SMT |
2009 |
Apidianaki M.; He Y.; Way A. (2009) PACLIC 23 - Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation Capturing lexical variation in MT evaluation using automatically built sense-cluster inventories |
2009 |
Cahill P.; Du J.; Way A.; Carson-Berndsen J. (2009) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH Using same-language machine translation to create alternative target sequences for text-to-speech synthesis |
2009 |
Hassan H.; Sima'an K.; Way A. (2009) EMNLP 2009 - Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: A Meeting of SIGDAT, a Special Interest Group of ACL, Held in Conjunction with ACL-IJCNLP 2009 A syntactified Direct Translation Model with linear-time decoding |
2009 |
Ma Y.; Lambert P.; Way A. (2009) Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2009 Tuning syntactically enhanced word alignment for statistical machine translation |
2009 |
Tinsley, J; Hearne, M; Way, A (2009) COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS AND INTELLIGENT TEXT PROCESSING Exploiting Parallel Treebanks to Improve Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation |
2008 |
Bungeroth, J; Stein, D; Dreuw, P; Ney, H; Morrissey, S; Way, A; van Zijl, L (2008) SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION, LREC 2008 The ATIS Sign Language Corpus |
2008 |
Zhechev, V.; Way, A. (2008) Coling 2008 - 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference Automatic generation of parallel treebanks [Link] |
2008 |
2007 |
Hassan H.; Sima' an K.; Way A. (2007) ACL 2007 - Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Supertagged phrase-based statistical machine translation |
2007 |
Ma Y.; Stroppa N.; Way A. (2007) ACL 2007 - Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Bootstrapping word alignment via word packing |
2006 |
Hassan, H; Heame, M; Way, A; Sima' an, K (2006) 2006 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop Syntactic phrase-based statistical machine translation |
2005 |
Jones, GJF; Groves, D; Khasin, A; Lam-Adesina, A; Mellebeek, B; Way, A (2005) MULTILINGUAL INFORMATION ACCESS FOR TEXT, SPEECH AND IMAGES Dublin city university at CLEF 2004: Experiments with the ImageCLEF St. Andrew's collection |
2004 |
Burke, M; Lam, O; Cahill, A; Bodomo, A; Chan, R; van Genabith, J; O' Donovan, R; Way, A (2004) PACLIC 18: Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation Treebank-based acquisition of a Chinese Lexical Functional Grammar |
2002 |
Gough, N; Way, A; Hearne, M (2002) MACHINE TRANSLATION: FROM RESEARCH TO REAL USERS Example-based machine translation via the Web |