Paola Rivetti


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T:Ext. 6898

Associate professor

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Paola Rivetti is Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at the School of Law and Government. She joined DCU in 2011, as an IRC postdoctoral fellow. She researches the government of societies and polities in the Middle East and North Africa from a comparative perspective; social and political mobilizations; gender and politics. She is author of Political Participation in Iran from Khatami to the Green Movement (2020), which she presented in numerous universities across Europe, North America and the Middle East; and co-editor of Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention (2018), We've Come A Long Way. Reproductive Rights of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Ireland (2018), Continuity and Change Before and After the Arab Uprisings. Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt (2015) and Effetto società civile. Pratiche e retoriche in Iran, Libano, Egitto e Marocco (2010). She has published 30 articles in the most important peer-reviewed journals (see publications).

Paola Rivetti was awarded the 2018 Early-Career Researcher of the Year Prize by the Irish Research Council and received the DCU President's Award for Early-Career Researcher. In 2018, she was a TED talk speaker for Trinity College Dublin, with a talk titled "What's wrong with solidarity". 

As an academic and intellectual, she contributes to public debates and is involved in a number of cultural and professional initiatives. Paola Rivetti is a Council member of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studiesa member of the Mentorship Committee of the Association for Iranian Studies, and of the Committe for Academic Freedom of the Italian Society for Middle East Studies (SeSaMO). She is a co-founding member of the Irish Network for MENA Studies. She was the General Secretary of the Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies between 2013 and 2016. She is an Associate Editor at the journals Iranian Studies, and Partecipazione e conflitto. She regularly engages the policy-making community and comments on current affairs for numerous media platforms, such as Sky News, RTE, RAI, Virgin Media TV, Radio popolare, The Journal, il manifesto, and many others. In the past, her research was funded by the Horizon Europe programme, Irish Research Council, Enterprise Ireland, Gerda Henkel Foundation, Giovanni Goria Foundation, and others. 

Paola Rivetti regularly reviews submissions to academic journals, book publishers and grant donors (EU Parliament's subcommittee of human rights, ERC, National Science Foundation, IRC, Fonds Schappelijk Onderzoek, MIUR, and others). She regularly attends professional conferences, both in Area Studies and social and political science; she is regularly invited to give talks to different audiences, from academics to policy-makers and activists.


Year Publication
2020 Paola Rivetti (2020) Political Participation in Iran from Khatami to the Green Movement. Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan. [Link]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2018 Hendrik Kraetzschmar and Paola Rivetti (Ed.). (2018) Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,
2018 Balboa Elena, Florescu Cristina, Rivetti Paola, Sassi Juliana (Ed.). (2018) We’ve Come a Long Way. Reproductive Rights of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Ireland. Sao Paulo: Editora Urutau,
2015 Rivetti P.; Di Peri R (Ed.). (2015) Continuity and change before and after the Arab uprisings: Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. London: Routledge,
2010 Di Peri Rosita, Rivetti Paola (Ed.). (2010) Effetto società civile. Retoriche e pratiche in Iran, Libano, Egitto e Marocco. Palermo: Bonanno,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 paola rivetti (2024) 'Mobilitazioni, resistenze e negoziazioni: la militanza e la soggettivazione politica femminista e delle donne nella repubblica islamica'. Iride, 35 (2).
2024 paola rivetti; andrea peto; monica cornejo (2024) 'A conversation with Monica Cornejo, Andrea Pető and Paola Rivetti on the book Religion, Gender, and Populism in the Mediterranean'. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 45 (4):795-805. [Link]
2023 Paola Rivetti (2023) 'The reception of Iran's state propaganda by the Italian far right: recasting the diffusion of authoritarian discourse and narratives'. ITALIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW-RIVISTA ITALIANA DI SCIENZA POLITICA, Online First ( [Link]
2023 Paola Rivetti (2023) 'Thinking about social movements and obstacles to protesting globally: Lessons from Palestine'. EUROPEAN POLITICAL SCIENCE (ONLINE), 22 (3). [Link]
2023 Paola Rivetti; Shirin Saeidi (2023) 'Political Convergence, Surpluses of Activism, and Genealogy: Examining Iran's Quasi-Revolutionary Situation'. Iranian Studies, 56 (3):563-568. [Link]
2023 Paola Rivetti, Shirin Saeidi (2023) 'Writing in Turbulent Times. Introduction to the Roundtable on the 2022–23 Iranian Protests'. Iranian Studies, 56 (3):553-556.
2022 Paola Rivetti; Shirin Saeidi (2022) 'Re-Assessing The Possibilities and Limits of Liberal Feminism and Women’s Rights Activism in Iran'. Afriche e orienti, 25 (2):74-92. [Link]
2022 Paola Rivetti; Rassa Ghaffari (2022) 'Anti-Gender Ideology and the Transnational Diffusion of Authoritarianism: Examining a Common Discursive Space Between Iran and Italy'. Afriche e orienti, 25 (2):51-73. [Link]
2021 Rivetti P., Cavatorta F. (2021) 'Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa. Global Politics, Protesting and Knowledge Production in the Region and Beyond'. Partecipazione e Conflitto, 14 (2):511-529. [Link]
2020 Rivetti Paola (2020) 'What happens in-between mobilizations? Building and organizing contentious politics at the University of Tehran (2007-2017)'. Partecipazione e Conflitto, 13 (1):587-606.
2020 Paola Rivetti (2020) 'The Museum of the Islamic Revolution and Holy Defence in Tehran'. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 52 (2):349-355.
2019 Camozzi, I.; Cherubini, D.; Rivetti, P. (2019) 'The transnational engagement of second generations in Italy: Young people of Egyptian background and the Arab uprisings'. Polis (Italy), 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Camozzi, Ilenya; Cherubini, Daniela; Leccardi, Carmen; Rivetti, Paola (2018) 'Arab Mediterranean youth norms and values: a gender analysis'. Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, (118). [DOI]
2017 Saeidi, S.; Rivetti, P. (2017) 'Out of Space: Securitization, Intimacy, and New Research Challenges in Post-2009 Iran'. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 49 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Paola Rivetti (2017) 'Labor and Class in Iran. An Interview with Mohammad Maljoo'. Middle East Report, .
2017 Paola Rivetti (2017) 'Political Activism in Iran: Strategies for Survival, Possibilities for Resistance and Authoritarianism'. DEMOCRATIZATION (PRINT), .
2017 Paola Rivetti (2017) 'Methodology Matters in Iran: Co-Research and Non-Mainstream Methods in Researching Social Movements in Authoritarian Contexts'. Anthropology of the Middle East, .
2015 Rivetti, P. (2015) 'Continuity and change before and after the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and morocco: Regime reconfiguration and policymaking in north Africa'. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 42 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Sandro Busso, Paola Rivetti (2014) 'Between training and work. The institutionalized precariousness of psychologists psychotherapists’'. Sociologia del lavoro, .
2014 Rivetti, P; Cavatorta, F (2014) 'Iranian student activism between authoritarianism and democratization: patterns of conflict and cooperation between the Office for the Strengthening of Unity and the regime'. Democratization, 21 :289-310. [DOI]
2014 Francesco Cavatorta, Paola Rivetti (2014) 'EU–MENA Relations from the Barcelona Process to the Arab Uprisings: A New Research Agenda'. Journal of European Integration, .
2014 Sandro Busso, Paola Rivetti (2014) 'What’s Love Got to Do with it? Precarious Academic Labour Forces and the Role of Passion in Italian Universities'. RECHERCHES SOCIOLOGIQUES ET ANTHROPOLOGIQUES, .
2013 Rivetti, P. (2013) 'Empowerment without emancipation: Performativity and political activism among iranian refugees in italy and Turkey'. Alternatives, 38 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Rivetti, P.; Cavatorta, F. (2013) ''The importance of being civil society': Student politics and the reformist movement in Khatami's Iran'. Middle Eastern Studies, 49 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Paola Rivetti (2013) 'Governing Chaos: Uncertainty and the Comparative Examination of the 2010/2011 Uprisings in North Africa'. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL STUDIES, .
2013 Paola Rivetti (2013) 'Ideology, democracy and secularism in contemporary Iran. Lessons for the Arab Spring?’'. MEDITERRANEAN POLITICS (PRINT), .
2011 Paola Rivetti (2011) 'Iran: Starting from land and history. A tentative interpretation’'. Storia urbana, .
2011 Paola Rivetti (2011) 'Italian Alpine expeditions to Iran according to archives’'. Storia urbana, .
2019 Camozzi, Ilenya; Cherubini, Daniela; Leccardi, Carmen; Rivetti, Paola (2019) 'The transformation of youth cultural norms and values A gendered analysis'. YOUTH AT THE MARGINS: PERSPECTIVES ON ARAB MEDITERRANEAN YOUTH, .

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2017 Rivetti, P.; Cavatorta, F. (2017) 'Functions of political trust in authoritarian settings' In: HANDBOOK ON POLITICAL TRUST. [Link]
2023 Paola Rivetti (2023) 'Researching social movements in hybrid regimes and repressive contexts. Lessons learnt from conducting fieldwork in Iran and Turkey' In: Handbook on Research Methods and Applications in Social Movements. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.
2023 Paola Rivetti (2023) 'The contradictory consequences of professionalising civil society in Iran: Restricting and radicalising political participation' In: Routledge Handbook of Civil society in MENA. London : Routledge.
2023 Erika Biagini and Paola Rivetti (2023) 'Islamist women’s mobilization and agency in the Arab Uprisings and their aftermath in Egypt' In: Women, Agency and Religion: Social and Legal Issues in the Mediterranean Public Space. Routledge : Routledge.
2023 Paola Rivetti (2023) 'Party politics in the Islamic Republic of Iran' In: Routledge Handbook of Political Parties in the Middle East and North Africa. London : Routledge.
2023 Paola Rivetti (2023) 'I confini dell’Iran' In: Sui confini d’Europa. Storie di frontiere e migrazioni. Roma : ManifestoLibri.
2022 84. Elisabetta Brighi, Mattia Giampaolo, Paola Rivetti (2022) 'Propaganda e fake news tra Italia ed Egitto: il caso Regeni' In: Minnena. Repressione, informazione e ricerca in Egitto e Italia. Messina : Mesogea.
2020 Biagini Erika, Rivetti Paola (2020) 'State repression and activist organizing in informal spaces: Comparing feminist movements in Egypt and Iran' In: APSA-MENA Politics Newsletter. Washington : American Political Science Association. [Link]
2020 paola rivetti (2020) 'Islam and Factional Politics in Iran' In: The Routledge Handbook to religion and Political Parties. Oxon : Routledge.
2020 Armano Emiliana, Rivetti Paola, Busso Sandro (2020) 'La fabbrica della conoscenza e delle precarietà. Riflessioni da un’autoinchiesta nell’università al tempo della crisi' In: Pratiche di inchiesta e conricerca oggi. Milan : Ombre corte.
2018 Paola Rivetti and Alam Saleh (2018) 'Governing after Protests. The Case for Political Participation in Post-2009 Iran' In: Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
2018 Rivetti, P.; Saeidi, S. (2018) 'What is so special about field research in Iran?: Doing fieldwork in religiously charged authoritarian settings' In: Political Science Research in the Middle East and North Africa: Methodological and Ethical Challenges. [Link] [DOI]
2018 Paola Rivetti and Hendrik Kraetzschmar (2018) 'Political Islam and the Arab Uprisings' In: Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
2018 Paola Rivetti, Shirin Saeidi (2018) 'What is so special about field research in Iran? Doing fieldwork in religiously charged authoritarian settings' In: Doing Political Science Research in the Middle East and North Africa: Methodological and Ethical Challenges. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2018 Paola Rivetti and Francesco Cavatorta (2018) 'Algeria: Oil and public opinion' In: Public Brainpower. Civil Society and Natural Resource Management. Basingstoke : Palgrave Mcmillan.
2018 Daniela Cherubini, Ilenya Camozzi, Paola Rivetti, Carmen Leccardi (2018) 'Transformations of cultural norms and values among youth through a gendered perspective' In: Youth at the Margins: Perspectives on Arab Mediterranean Youth. London : Routledge.
2017 Armano E.; Rivetti P.; Busso S. (2017) 'La fabbrica della conoscenza e della precarietà. Riflessioni da un’autoinchiesta nell’università al tempo della crisi' In: In/disciplinate: soggettività precarie nell’università italiana. Venice : Ca' Foscari University Press. [Link]
2017 Rivetti, P.; Cavatorta, F. (2017) 'Algeria: Oil and public opinion' In: Public Brainpower: Civil Society and Natural Resource Management. [Link] [DOI]
2017 Paola Rivetti, Francesco Cavatorta (2017) 'Functions of political trust in authoritarian settings' In: Handbook on Political Trust. Germany : Edward Elgar Publishing.
2016 Holliday S.; Rivetti p. (2016) 'Divided we stand? The heterogeneous political identities of Iran’s 2009-2010 uprisings' In: Political identities and popular uprisings in the Middle East. Lanham : Rowman and Littlefield.
2015 Rivetti P. (2015) 'Continuity and Change before and after the Uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco: Regime Reconfiguration and Policymaking in North Africa' In: Continuity and Change before and after the Uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco. London : Routledge.
2015 Busso S.; Rivetti P. (2015) 'Dublin’s boom, burst and slow recovery. Policy variables [in Italian]' In: European cities during the crisis: Lisbon, Rome, Dublin and Santander. Rome : Bordeaux Edizioni.
2013 Rivetti P. (2013) 'Civil society in Iran' In: Alternatives to Democracy. Non-democratic regimes and the limits of democracy diffusion in Eurasia. Florence : European Academic Press Publishing.
2013 Rivetti P. (2013) 'Co-opting civil activism in Iran' In: Civil society in Syria and Iran: activism in authoritarian contexts. Boulder CO : Lynne Rienner.
2012 Readelli R.; Rivetti P. (2012) 'The Arab spring and the Iranian winter [in Italian]' In: The Arab spring. Origins and consequences of the uprisings that are changing the Middle East. Milan : Vita & Pensiero Editrice.
2012 Busso S,; Rivetti P. (2012) 'Conditional Freedom. The strategies of the precarious workers in universities between agency and constraints [in Italian]' In: Maps of precariousness. Forms and processes, social imaginary and subjectivity. Bologna : Odoya.
2012 Di Peri R.; Rivetti P. (2012) 'Religion and international relations in the Middle East [in Italian]' In: Religion and international relations. Turin : UTET Università.
2010 Rivetti P. (2010) ''Civil Society’ in Iran. Notes on consensus, power and politics [in Italian]' In: Civil Society Effect. Practices and Rhetoric in Iran, Lebanon, Egypt and Morocco. Rome : Bonanno.
2010 Busso S.; Rivetti P. (2010) 'Rhetoric on Civil Society. A Cultural Instrument for Counter-power? [in Spanish]' In: Culture and Politics. Towards a culturalist democracy?. Barcelona : Ediciones Fundació CIDOB.
2015 Rivetti, P.; Cavatorta, F. (2015) 'Eu foreign policy and the middle east' In: The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy. [Link] [DOI]
2012 Rivetti P. (2012) 'Student movements in the Islamic Republic: shaping the country’s politics through the campus' In: Iran: a revolutionary republic in transition. Paris : ISS Europe. [Link]

Published Report

Year Publication
2017 Ilenya Camozzi, Daniela Cherubini, Carmen Leccardi, Paola Rivetti (2017) Transformations of Cultural Norms and Values Among Youth in Arab Mediterranean Countries Through a Gender Perspective [SAHWA scientific paper]. CIDOB/SAHWA project, . [Link]
2017 Ilenya Camozzi, Daniela Cherubini, Carmen Leccardi, Paola Rivetti (2017) Young women and men of Arab Mediterranean background in Italy: Transnational involvement of second generation youth in the Arab uprisings [SAHWA scientific paper]. CIBOS/SAHWA project, . [Link]
2016 Daniela Cherubini, Paola Rivetti, Carmen Leccardi (2016) European public policies for gender equality in the Arab Mediterranean region [SAHWA policy paper]. CIDOB/SAHWA project, . [Link]
2015 Daniela Cherubini, Carmen Leccardi, Paola Rivetti (2015) Institutions, Laws and Practices Hampering Women Engagement (II) [SAHWA background paper]. CIDOB/SAHWA project, . [Link]
2015 Ilenya Camozzi, Daniela Cherubini, Carmen Leccardi, Paola Rivetti, Carles Feixa Pàmpols and Jose Sánchez García (2015) Youth Cultures: Values, Representations and Social Conditions [SAHWA Background Paper]. CIDOB/SAHWA project, . [Link]
2020 Erika Biagini and Paola Rivetti (2020) State repression and activist organizing in informal spaces: Comparing feminist movements in Egypt and Iran. APSA-MENA Politics Newsletter, . [Link]


Year Publication
2019 Rivetti, Paola (2019) race, identity and the state after the Irish abortion referendum. ED [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2022 Rivetti, Paola (2022) Commissioned Book Review: Asli Vatansever, At the Margins of Academia. Exile, Precariousness, and Subjectivity. [DOI]
2021 Rivetti, Paola (2021) Contesting the Iranian Revolution. The Green Uprisings. [DOI]
2021 Rivetti, Paola (2021) Capitalism's Sexual History. [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Association for Iranian Studies Mentorship committee member 01/01/2022 -
British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Council member 01/01/2020 -
SeSaMO, Italian Association for Middle East Studies General Secretary 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2016
SeSaMO, Italian Association for Middle East Studies Committee for Academic Freedom member 20/07/2023 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/04/2018 2018: DCU President’s Award for Excellence in Research, Early-Career researcher. DCU
01/02/2018 Early-Career Researcher of the Year Award by the Irish Research Council (selected among all IRC awardees across all disciplines). IRC
01/04/2006 Optime Award 2006 Camera di commercio, Torino
01/07/2006 Univ. of Turin Award for the best MA dissertation in Political Science (2006) University of Turin


Committee Function From / To
To-MidEast Summer School, University of Turin 01/03/2021 -
Book series Mediterraneo, Nord Africa e Medio Oriente, Mimesis Publisher -
Project "What works? Sharing best practices in how civil society organisations use the Internet in organising and building for socio-economic rights", funded by Irish Research Council (project ID: COALESCE/2019/41 01/04/2019 - 01/06/2020


Start date Institution Qualification Subject


Journal Role
Partecipazione e Conflitto Editor
Iranian Studies Editor

Research Interests

The global Middle East; Social and political mobilizations; Migration; Gender and sexuality.

I am currently PI of the projects "Gender and Authoritarian Diffusion in Italy: Iranian authoritarian discourse and Italy’s Far Right" (funded by DCU's Research Initiative Fund, 2023) and "How should we revise our assessment methods in political science considering the impact of open AI (artificial intelligence)?" (funded by the HEA and National Fund for Education of Ireland, 2023). For more information about my projects, see tab "Research".

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Gender and Authoritarian Diffusion in Italy: Iranian authoritarian discourse and Italy’s Far Right PI 01/01/2023 31/12/2023
How should we revise our assessment methods in political science considering the impact of open AI (artificial intelligence)? PI 01/09/2023 31/12/2023
Migration in Ireland PI 01/07/2022 30/07/2022
Pornography consumption in the Middle East: Re-Thinking capitalism, identity and social order through porn PI 01/01/2020 01/01/2021
Knowledge from the centre’s periphery: Area Studies in Italy and Ireland co-PI 02/05/2021 31/12/2021
CASPIAN: a Doctoral Training for Future Experts in Development and Cooperation with Focus on the Caspian Region Network member 01/01/2015 31/12/2018
Academic and scientific exchanges between Europe and Iran co-PI 05/03/2014 20/06/2014
How Do You Know That? An Epistemological Critical Overview of the Post-1979 Iranian State in Iranian Studies (declined) co-PI 01/01/2014 01/04/2014
From over-estimation to under-estimation: the trajectory of political Islam in five MENA countries co-PI 01/04/2012 31/12/2013
Shaping the country’s politics through the campus. Student Activism and regime reconfiguration in Iran PI 01/10/2011 01/10/2013
Killing us will only make us stronger. Researching protest cycles, authoritarian resilience and the ‘government of dissent’ in the Islamic Republic of Iran DCU PI 01/02/2016 01/05/2017
Transnational political activism. Iranians in Italy and Turkey PI 01/11/2010 30/09/2011

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2020 Intro. to International Relations & Security LG117
2023 Contemporary Politics of the Middle East and North Africa LG320
2022 Contemp. Politics of the M. East & N. Africa LG320
2020 Research Methods LG138
2022 Introduction to Gender Studies LG247
2022 Politics of the Middle East and North Africa LG574A
2020 Political Ideologies LG359
2020 Politics of the Middle East and North Africa LG574
2023 Politics of the Middle East and North Africa LG574