John Connolly


Profile Photo
John Connolly is a Professor at DCUBS. He holds a PhD from University College Dublin. His research interests include sociological approaches to the study of organisations, marketing/advertising, and sport. His work has been published in leading journals including Sociology, Organization, British Journal of Sociology, Journal of Consumer Culture, Theory, Culture & Society and the Sociological Review.  He has published several books, his most recent (2024) is Power, Pain & Professional Cycling: A historical -sociological study (published by Edward Elgar). Along with Dr Paddy Dolan (Technological University Dublin), he is co-author of Gaelic Games in Society: Civilising processes, players, administrators and spectators (published by Palgrave-Macmillan). In addition, he has co-edited two books The Social Organisation of Marketing (published by Palgrave-Macmillan) and Sport and National Identities. Globalization and Conflict (published by Routledge).


Year Publication
2024 Connolly, John (2024) Power, Pain & Professional Cycling: A historical-sociological study. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
2020 Connolly, John and Dolan, Paddy (2020) Gaelic Games in Society. Civilising Processes, Players, Administrators, and Spectators. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2017 Dolan, Paddy and Connolly, John (Ed.). (2017) Sport and National identities. Globalisation and conflict. London: Routledge,
2017 Connolly, John and Dolan, Paddy (Ed.). (2017) The Social Organisation of Marketing: A figurational approach to people, organisations and markets. London: Palgrave Macmillan,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Dolan, Paddy; Vertigans, Stephen; Connolly, John (2024) 'Theorising political legitimisation: From stasis to processes'. European Journal of Social Theory, 27 (1). [DOI]
2023 Connolly, J., Dolan, P. and Vertigans, S. (2023) 'Rational and Emotional Tension Balances in the Organization of Political Hunger Strikes'. Sociological Research Online, 28 (1):3-20. [DOI]
2021 Connolly, J. (2021) '“Pints or half-pints”: Gender, functional democratization, and the consumption of drink in Ireland'. British Journal of Sociology, 72 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Connolly, John (2019) 'Generational Conflict and the Sociology of Generations: Mannheim and Elias Reconsidered'. THEORY CULTURE & SOCIETY, 36 (7-8). [DOI]
2019 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2019) 'Habitus, social elevation, and the channel of shame-fear: The decision to expand Guinness advertising'. Journal of Historical Sociology, 32 (2):232-243.
2018 Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2018) 'Beyond Logic and Norms: A Figurational critique of institutional theory in organisation studies'. Cambio. Rivista sulle Trasformazioni Sociali, 7 (14):139-149.
2017 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2017) 'Habitus, the writings of Irish hunger strikers and Elias’s The Loneliness of the Dying'. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 4 (42).
2017 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2017) 'Social class tensions, habitus and the advertising of Guinness'. THE SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 65 (1):100-116.
2016 Connolly, John (2016) 'Elias and habitus: explaining bureaucratisation processes in the Gaelic Athletic Association'. Culture and Organization, 22 (5). [DOI]
2016 Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2016) 'Sport, unity and conflict: an enduring social dynamic'. European Journal for Sport and Society, 13 (3):189-196.
2015 Connolly, J. (2015) 'Civilising processes and doping in professional cycling'. Current Sociology, 63 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Connolly, J. (2015) '‘We are not long-haired hippies...' Civilising offensives, suffering, doping and professional cycling'. HUMAN FIGURATIONS, 4 .
2015 Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2015) 'Documents and detachment in the figurational sociology of sport'. Empiria, 30 :33-52.
2014 Dolan, P.; Connolly, J. (2014) 'Emotions, Violence and Social Belonging: An Eliasian Analysis of Sports Spectatorship'. Sociology, 48 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Connolly, J.; Dolan, P. (2013) 'Re-theorizing the 'structure-agency' relationship: Figurational theory, organizational change and the Gaelic Athletic Association'. Organization, 20 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Connolly, John; Dolan, Paddy (2013) 'The Amplification and De-Amplification of Amateurism and Professionalism in the Gaelic Athletic Association'. International Journal of the History of Sport, 30 (8). [DOI]
2012 Connolly, John; Dolan, Paddy (2012) 'Sport, media and the Gaelic Athletic Association: the quest for the 'youth' of Ireland'. MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY, 34 (4). [DOI]
2011 Connolly J.; Dolan P. (2011) 'Organisational centralisation as figurational dynamics: Movements and counter-movements in the gaelic athletic association'. Management and Organizational History, 6 (1):37-58. [DOI]
2010 Connolly, John; Dolan, Paddy (2010) 'The Civilizing and Sportization of Gaelic Football in Ireland: 1884–2009'. Journal of Historical Sociology, 23 (4):570-598. [DOI]
2009 Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2009) 'The Civilizing of Hurling in Ireland'. Sport in Society, 12 :196-211.
2008 Connolly, J.; Prothero, A. (2008) 'Green consumption: Life-politics, risk and contradictions'. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8 . [Link] [DOI]
2006 Connolly, J and Shaw, D. (2006) 'Identifying Fair Trade in Consumption Choice'. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 14 :353-368.
2003 Connolly, J.and Prothero, A. (2003) 'Sustainable Consumption: Consumption, Consumers and the Commodity Discourse'. CONSUMPTION, MARKETS AND CULTURE, 6 :275-291.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2025 Connolly, J. (2025) 'Gender power balances and changes in the socio-spatial and socio-material practices of drinking in Ireland' In: Dynamics of Gender Relations. Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan Cham.
2024 Connolly, John (2024) 'Sustainable Consumption' In: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Cham : Springer. [DOI]
2020 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2020) 'National identity, Media and the Promotion of Gaelic games' In: Sport and Media in Ireland: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Cork : Cork University Press.
2018 Connolly, John (2018) 'Figurational Research and Doping in Professional Cycling' In: Figurational Research in Sport, Leisure and Health. London : Routledge.
2018 Dolan, Paddy and Connolly, John (2018) 'A figurational understanding of sport organizations: the case of the Gaelic Athletic Association in Ireland' In: Figurational Research in Sport, Leisure and Health. London : Routledge.
2017 Connolly, John (2017) 'Figurational dynamics and the function of advertising at Arthur Guinness & Sons Ltd: 1876–1960' In: The Social Organisation of Marketing: A figurational approach to people, organisations and markets. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2017 Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2017) 'Contested and Contingent National Identifications in Sport' In: Sport and National Identities. Globalisation and Conflict. London : Routledge.
2017 Connolly, J and Dolan, P (2017) 'Figurational theory, marketing and markets: Moving from description and technological empiricism to empirical–theoretical explanations' In: The Social Organisation of Marketing: A figurational approach to people, organisations and markets. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2017 Connolly, J and Dolan, P (2017) 'The social organisation of marketing: An introduction' In: The Social Organisation of Marketing: A figurational approach to people, organisations and markets. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2016 Connolly, John; Dolan, Paddy (2016) 'Gaelic football in a sociological perspective' In: Science and Football VIII. London : Routledge. [DOI]
2014 Connolly, John (2014) 'Consumption, Sustainable. In Michalos, AC. (Ed)' In: Michalos, Alex(Eds.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. Dordrecht, Netherlands : Springer.
2009 Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2009) 'Civilizing processes and hurling in Ireland: 1884-2000. In Jütting, D., Schulze, B and U. Müller (Eds)' In: Jütting, Dieter Schulze, Bernd Müller, Ulrike(Eds.). Local sport in Europe. Berlin : Waxman.
2009 Connolly, J.and Dolan, P. (2009) 'The Civilising of Gaelic football. In McAnallen, D., Hassan, D., and R. Hegarty (Eds)' In: Dónal McAnallen David Hassan Roddy Hegarty(Eds.). The Evolution of the GAA. Ulaidh, Éire agus Eile. : Comhairle Uladh CLG.
2007 P, McDonagh,J, Connolly,M, Polonsky,A, Prothero (2007) 'Green Marketing and Green Consumers: Exploring the Myths' In: : Edward Elgar.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Connolly, John (2024) Social Figurations: Long-term processes, present concerns and future directions Americans in Europe: The established as Outsiders Prague, .
2021 Connolly, J., Dolan, P. and Vertigans, S. (2021) European Sociological Association Conference Research Stream 18 of European Sociological Association: The State, Organisation, and Established-Outsider Relations (on-line), .
2018 Connolly,John; Dolan,Paddy; Vertigans,Stephen (2018) The Sociology of Sociology in Long-term Perspective: A conference in honour of Richard Kilminster Perceived state legitimacy and figurational sociology: Emotional responses to Irish hunger strikes Leeds, 05/04/2018-06/04/2018.
2018 Connolly, J., Dolan, P. and Vertigans, S. (2018) Global Interdependencies - Norbert Elias Conference Brussels 2018 Rationalisation Processes and the Organisation of Hunger Strikes in Ireland and West Germany Brussels, 05/12/2018-08/12/2018.
2018 Vertigans, S., Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2018) XIX World Congress of Sociology The Organisation of Hunger Strikes and Established-Outsider Relations Toronto, 15/07/2018-21/07/2018.
2018 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2018) XIX World Congress of Sociology Re-Framing the 'Paradox of Embedded Agency': Figurational Dynamics, Habitus Formation and Advertising Practice at Arthur Guinness & Sons Ltd Toronto, 15/07/2018-21/07/2018.
2017 Connolly, John and Dolan, Paddy (2017) European Association for Sociology of Sport The rise of 'Player power': Shifting power relations and inter-generational tensions in the Gaelic Athletic Association Prague, 14/06/2017-17/06/2017.
2016 Connolly,J. (2016) Social Character and Historical Processes: A Conference in Honour of Stephen Mennell 'The problem of the Generations': Revisiting Elias and Mannheim Dublin, .
2016 Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2016) Changing Power Relations and the Drag Effects of Habitus: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches in the Twenty-First Century National Habitus, Sporting We-identifications and Hybridisation Munster, Germany, 08/09/2016-10/09/2016.
2016 Connolly, J and Dolan P (2016) Changing Power Relations and the Drag Effects of Habitus: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches in the Twenty-First Century Trying to live and trying to die: Habitus and Irish hunger strikes Munster, Germany, 08/09/2016-10/09/2016.
2016 Connolly J (2016) Advertising Past and Present: Research in the Irish Context Advertising the 'Black stuff': A figurational explanation of the development of advertising at Arthur Guinness and Sons Ltd, 1880–1960 Dublin, Ireland, 22/01/2016-22/01/2016.
2016 Connolly, J., Gaggiotti, H. and Peltonen, T (2016) European Group for Organization Studies Egos Sub-theme Convenors: The Power of Ideas and Habitus: Organizing from the past to the Present Naples, Italy, 06/07/2016-09/07/2016.
2015 Connolly, J (2015) Symposium: Figuring Organisations: People and Processes Power balances and control of advertising at Guinness: A figurational approach Dublin, Ireland, 26/11/2015-26/11/2015.
2015 Connolly, J and Dolan P (2015) Symposium: Figuring Organisations: People and Processes Introduction: Figuring Organisations: People and Processes Dublin, Ireland, 26/11/2015-26/11/2015.
2015 Connolly, J. (2015) International Network of Humanistic Doping Research conference Unintended Outcomes, Civilising Processes and Doping in Cycling Aarhus, Demark, 27/08/2015-28/08/2015.
2015 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2015) European Group for Organization Studies Social class and the organization of advertising at Arthur Guinness & Sons Ltd, 1886–1930 Athens, Greece, 02/07/2015-04/07/2015.
2015 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2015) 8th World Congress on Science and Football Gaelic football in a sociological perspective Copenhagen, Denmark, 23/05/2015-25/05/2015.
2014 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2014) From the Past to the Present and Towards Possible Futures: The Collected Works of Norbert Elias Embourgeoisement, Habitus and the Advertising of Guinness Leicester, 20/06/2014-22/06/2014.
2014 Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2014) European Association for the Sociology of Sport National and sporting we-identifications in the development of hybrid sport Utrecht, 07/05/2014-10/05/2014.
2014 Connolly, J. (2014) European Association for the Sociology of Sport Civilizing Processes and Professional Cycling in Europe Utrecht, 07/05/2014-10/05/2014.
2013 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2013) European Sociological Association Developments in the advertising of Guinness: An Eliasian explanation Turin, 28/08/2013-31/08/2013.
2013 Dolan, P. and Connolly, J. (2013) European Association for the Sociology of Sport Emotions, Violence and Social Belonging: An Eliasian Analysis of Sports Spectatorship Cordoba, Spain, 08/05/2013-11/05/2013.
2013 Connolly, J. (2013) European Association for the Sociology of Sport Habitus, Thresholds of Shame, and Doping in Professional Cycling Cordoba, Spain, 08/05/2013-11/05/2013.
2012 Connolly, J. (2012) Norbert Elias and Figurational Sociology: Prospects for the Future Habitus, Doping and Professional Cycling University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 02/04/2012-04/04/2012.
2011 Connolly, J. (2011) European Group for Organization Studies Bureaucratization – a developmental explanation based on a case study of the Gaelic Athletic Association Gothenburg, 06/07/2011-09/07/2011.
2011 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2011) European Association for the Sociology of Sport Amateurism and the Gaelic Athletic Association. A figurational-sociological explanation Umea, Sweden, 18/05/2011-22/05/2011.
2010 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2010) XVII World Congress of Sociology. International Sociological Association Globalization Processes and Functional Specialization: The Emergence of communications and media functions in a national sports organization Gothenburg, 11/07/2010-17/07/2010.
2010 Connolly, John & Dolan, Paddy (2010) Sixth Annual Conference of Sports History Ireland Centripetal and centrifugal tensions in the Gaelic Athletic Association: 1884-2009 Dublin, 25/09/2010-25/09/2010.
2009 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2009) Pobal, Club, Contae & TírCOMHDHÁIL CHEILIÚRTHA 125 BLIAIN C.L.G The civilising of gaelic games in Ireland Cardinal Ó Fiaich library & archive, Armagh, 13-14 March 2009, 13/03/2009-14/03/2009.
2009 Connolly, John and Dolan, Paddy (2009) European Group for Organization Studies Organizational centralization as figurational dynamics: Movements and countermovements in an Irish sports organization Barcelona, 02/07/2009-04/07/2009.
2009 Dolan, Paddy and Connolly, John (2009) World Congress of Sociology of Sport The Quest for Pleasure and the Prevalence of pain: The Civilizing and Decivilizing of Gaelic Football Spectators in Ireland Utrecht, 15/07/2009-18/07/2009.
2008 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2008) European Association for Sociology of Sport The Civilizing and Sportization of Gaelic Football in Ireland Bles, Slovenia, 22/05/2008-25/05/2008.
2007 Connolly, J. and Dolan, P. (2007) European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference Civilizing Processes and Hurling in Ireland: 1884-2000 Munster, Germany, 31/05/2007-02/06/2007.
2004 Connolly, J. and Prothero, A. (2004) 30th Macromarketing Conference “ ‘Plant a tree, save the world’ – Hobson’s choice or an environmental citizen?” St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, 28/05/2004-31/05/2004.
2003 Connolly, J. and Prothero, A. (2003) 29th Macromarketing Conference The Ecological Modernisation of Consumption – A Challenge for Macromarketing? Vancouver, Canada, 29/05/2003-01/06/2003.
2003 Connolly, J. and Prothero, A. (2003) 8th International Conference on Marketing and Development Marketing to low-impact consumers in a high growth developing economy - Working paper Bangkok, Thailand, 04/01/2003-07/01/2003.
2001 Connolly, J. and Prothero, A. (2001) 26th Macromarketing Conference Sustainable Consumption: Consumption, Consumers and the Commodity Discourse Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, 07/08/2001-10/08/2001.

Book Review

Year Publication
2017 Connolly,J. (2017) Sport: a critical sociology. BREV
2012 Connolly, John (2012) The Company of Strangers: A Natural History of Economic Life. Book Reviews. BREV
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
European Group for Organization Studies Member -
European Association for Sociology of Sport Member -
Figurational Research Network Member -
European Journal for Sport and Society Member of Editorial Board -

Research Interests

Figurational approaches to the study of organisations, advertising, habitus formation, and sport

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Marketing Communications MG333
2020 Qualitative Research Methods MT610
2022 Business Project MG499