Declan Curran


Profile Photo
Dr. Declan Curran joined DCU Business School in August 2010 after completing a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA), NUI Maynooth. He completed a PhD in Economics (June 2008) in University of Hamburg. His PhD thesis, entitled "Regional Growth across Space and Time" focussed on the empirics of regional growth over time. Prior to that, he completed an MA in Economics in University College Dublin, where his research area was the evolving industrial structure of the Ireland's FDI-intensive industries such as the pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and ICT sectors.


Year Publication
2015 Curran D.; Luciuk L.; Newby A. (2015) Famines in European Economic History: The Last Great European Famines Reconsidered. [DOI]
2022 Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Conway, E.; Curran, D.; Fox, G.; O'Gorman, C. (2022) Digital Towns - Accelerating and Measuring the Digital Transformation of Rural Societies and Economies. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 van Egeraat, Chris; Curran, Declan; Breathnach, Proinnsias (2023) 'Regional economic resistance and divergence in Ireland, 2011–22'. Administration, 71 (3):63-86.
2022 van Egeraat, C; Curran, D. (2022) 'Intrapreneurship and regional development in the South East of Ireland'. REGIONAL STUDIES REGIONAL SCIENCE, 9 (1):526-548.
2021 Chris van Egeraat; Declan Curran (2021) '‘Drivers and Barriers of Cross-Border Sectoral Ecosystems: The Pharmaceutical Sector in an All-Island Context’'. IRISH STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (ONLINE), 32 (2):627-651.
2021 O’Keeffe, M.; Crehan, M.; Munro, M.; Logan, A.; Farrell, A.M.; Clarke, E.; Flood, M.; Ward, M.; Andreeva, T.; Van Egeraat, C.; Heaney, F.; Curran, D.; Clinton, E. (2021) 'Exploring the role of peer observation of teaching in facilitating cross-institutional professional conversations about teaching and learning'. International Journal for Academic Development, 26 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Curran, D., Gillanders, R., and Mahmalat, M. (2020) 'Policymaking, Ideational Power, and the role of the Media'. Political Studies Review, Online first :1-15.
2020 Mahmalat, M. and D. Curran (2020) 'Fractionalization and reform: a framework of political collaboration with application to Lebanon'. Economics of Governance, Online First :1-28. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Curran D. and M. Mahmalat (2020) 'Policy divergence across crises of a similar nature: the role of ideas in shaping 19th century famine relief policies'. Review of International Political Economy, .
2018 van Egeraat, C. and Morgenroth, E. and Kroes, R. and Curran, D. and Gleeson, J. (2018) 'A measure for identifying substantial geographic concentrations'. Papers in Regional Science, 97 (2):281-300. [Link] [DOI]
2017 O' Gorman,Colm; Curran,Declan (2017) 'Strategic transformations in large Irish-owned businesses'. Business History, 59 .
2016 Curran, D; O' Gorman, C; van Egeraat, C (2016) '"Opportunistic" spin-offs in the aftermath of an adverse corporate event'. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23 :984-1008. [DOI]
2016 Curran,Declan; Mahmalat,Mounir (2016) 'Interrogating the "Crisis-Reform" Hypothesis: A case-study of poor law reform in post-famine Ireland'. Journal of European Economic History, XLV .
2016 Curran, D (2016) '"Articles of Practical Banking Written by Practical Bankers': The Bankers' Magazine Reportage of the Great Irish Famine'. Irish Economic and Social History, 43 :21-49. [DOI]
2016 Curran D.; Lynn T.; O'Gorman C. (2016) 'The Role of Personal Factors in the Location Decision of Software Services Start-up Firms'. European Planning Studies, 24 (3):551-567. [DOI]
2016 Curran, D.; van Egeraat, C.; O'Gorman, C. (2016) 'Inherited competence and spin-off performance'. European Planning Studies, 24 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Mac An Bhaird,Ciaran; Curran,Declan (2016) 'Sectoral differences in determinants of export intensity'. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17 .
2015 Breathnach, P.; van Egeraat, C.; Curran, D. (2015) 'Regional economic resilience in Ireland: The roles of industrial structure and foreign inward investment'. REGIONAL STUDIES REGIONAL SCIENCE, 2 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 van Egeraat C.; Curran D. (2014) 'Social Networks and Actual Knowledge Flow in the Irish Biotech Industry'. European Planning Studies, 22 (6):1109-1126. [DOI]
2013 van Egeraat,Chris; Breathneach,Prionnsias; Curran,Declan (2013) 'Gateways, Hubs and Regional Specialisation in the National Spatial Strategy'. Administration, 60 .
2013 Van Egeraat C.; Curran D. (2013) 'Spatial concentration in the Irish pharmaceutical industry: The role of spatial planning and agglomeration economies'. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 104 (3):338-358. [DOI]
2013 Breathnach, P., Van Egeraat, C. and Curran, D (2013) 'Enterprise and labour: hubs, gateways and inter-regional specialisation'. 60 .
2012 Curran D. (2012) 'British regional growth and sectoral trends: Global and local spatial econometric approaches'. Applied Economics, 44 (17):2187-2201. [DOI]
2010 Colavecchio, R, Curran, D., and Funke, M. (2010) 'Drifting Together or Falling Apart? The Empirics of Regional Economic Growth in Post-Unification Germany'. Applied Economics, 43 :1087-1098.
2010 Curran,D; Froling,M (2010) 'Large- Scale Mortality Shocks and the Great Irish Famine 1845-1852'. Economic Modelling, 27 .
2009 Curran,D (2009) 'British Regional Economic Growth: A Spatial Econometric Approach'. European Journal of Spatial Development, .
2004 Curran,Declan (2004) 'Enlargement and the European Geography of the Information Technology Sector'. World Economy, 27 .

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2022 Curran, Declan (2022) '‘Ad Libitum Banking’?: Dublin’s Role within the Famine-Era Irish Banking System' In: Dublin and the Great Irish Famine. Dublin : University College Dublin Press.
2018 Curran,Declan (2018) 'Organisational Narrative and Memory in Social Context: Representations of the Great Irish Famine in Official Publications of Irish Joint-Stock Banks' In: The Great Irish Famine and Social Class. Berne,Switzerland : Peter Lang.
2017 Curran,Declan (2017) 'The Great Irish Famine 1845-1850: social and spatial famine vulnerabilities' In: Handbook of Famine, Starvation, and Nutrient Deprivation. : Springer.
2017 Declan Curran (2017) '“A Dreadful Pressure for Money”: the Bank Charter Act 1844 and Bankers (Ireland) Act 1845 in the Context of the Great Irish Famine' In: “The Enormous Failure of Nature”: Famine and Society in the Nineteenth CenturyStudies. Helsinki : Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. [Link]
2015 Declan Curran (2015) 'From the haggart to the Hudson: The Irish Famine across many geographical scales' In: in Famines in European Economic History: The Last Great European Famines Reconsidered (2015), Curran, D, Luciuk, L., and A.G. Newby (eds). London : Routledge.
2015 Curran, D. Luciuk, L., and A.G. Newby (2015) 'Famines in European Economic History: Introduction' In: in Famines in European Economic History: The Last Great European Famines Reconsidered (2015), Curran, D., Luciuk, L., and A.G. Newby (eds). Location : Routledge.
2014 Curran,Declan (2014) 'Geographic Scale and the Great Irish Famine' In: Global Legacies of the Great Irish Famine: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. : Peter Lang, Bern, Swtizerland.
2013 van Egeraat,Chris; Curran,Declan (2013) 'The Life Sciences Sector' In: Top 250 Exporters 2013. Dublin : Irish Exporters Association.
2010 Curran,D; van Egeraat,C (2010) 'Social Network Analysis of the Irish Biotech Industry: Implications for Digital Ecosystems' In: Digital Eco-Systems. : Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2013 van Egeraat, C. and D. Curran (2013) 'Analysis of the Irish Life Sciences Sector' .
2010 Curran D. and van Egeraat C., (2010) 'Defining and Valuing Dublin's Creative Industries' .
2007 Curran D., M. Funke and J. Wang (2007) 'Economic Growth across Space and Time: Subprovincial Evidence from Mainland China' .
2006 Curran D. and M. Funke (2006) 'Taking the Temperature: Forecasting GDP Growth for Mainland China' .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2014 Curran,Declan (2014) European Social Science History Conference Core-Periphery relationships and the Irish Famine Austria,
2014 Curran,Declan; van Egeraat,Chris (2014) Geography of Innovation conference 2014 Linking Subsidiary Evolution and Territorial Development Netherlands,
2014 van Egeraat,Chris; Breathnach,Prionnsias; Curran,Declan (2014) Conference of Irlsh Geographers Regional Economic Resilience in Ireland: The Roles of Industrial Structure and Foreign Inward Investment Ireland,
2013 O' Gorman,Colm; Curran,D; van Egeraat,C (2013) Babson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference Adverse Events and Opportunistic Spin-offs: The Irish Biotech Industry France,
2013 Curran,Declan (2013) Legacies of the Great Irish Famine Geographic Scale and the Great Irish Famine Netherlands,
2013 Curran,Declan; van Egeraat,Chris (2013) Scottish Regional Studies Association: The Changing Role of Inward Investment and Regional Development Linking subsidiary evolution and terriorial development: Irish Medical Devics industry United Kingdom,
2012 Curran,Declan; O' Gorman,Colm; van Egeraat,Chris (2012) Geography of Innovation conference New entrants and inherited competence: the evolution of the Irish Biotechnology sector France,
2012 Curran,Declan; O' Gorman,colm (2012) Rent XXIII, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management A study of the supply of 'productive entrepreneurship' in Ireland: 1960 to 2008 Norway,
2011 Curran,Declan; Sensier,Marianne (2011) 7th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics The Spatiality of Productivity across EU Regions Italy,
2011 O' Gorman,Colm; Curran,D (2011) Rent XXIII, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management A study of the supply of 'productive entrepreneurship' in Ireland: 1960 to 2008 Norway,
2012 O' Gorman,Colm; Curran,D; Heaune,K; Meredith,D (2012) Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference Entrepreneurial Role Models, Prior Start-up Experience, and the Intent of Farmers to Start a New Enterprise Ireland,
2012 O' Gorman,Colm; Curran,D; van Egeraat,C (2012) RENT XXIV, EIASM Adverse Events as Triggers of Spin-offs: A Case Study of the Irish Biotech Industry France,
2011 O' Gorman,Colm; Curran,D (2011) Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference Entrepreneurial Activity and the Evolution of the Irish Biotech Sector United Kingdom,
2011 O' Gorman,Colm; Curran,D (2011) 5th GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) Research Conference The supply of 'productive entrepreneurship' in Ireland: 1960 to 2010; An analysis of established business owners in Ireland Colombia,
2011 Curran,D; O' Gorman,C; van Egeratt,C (2011) Rent XXIII, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management The role of new entrants in industry evolution: An application of Klepper's theory to a high technology sector Norway,

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2012 D. Curran, O’Gorman, C. and C van Egeraat (2012) Eurolio Geography of Innovation conference New entrants and inherited competence: the evolution of the Irish Biotechnology sector Saint Etienne, France, 25/01/2012-28/01/2012.
2012 D. Curran and C van Egeraat (2012) NUI Maynooth Geography Department 40th Anniversary conference Social networks and actual knowledge flow in the Irish Biotech Industry Maynooth, Ireland, 30/01/2012-30/01/2012.
2011 D. Curran and M. Sensier (2011) 7th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics The Spatiality of Productivity across EU Regions Pisa, Italy, 14/02/2011-16/02/2011.
2011 D. Curran, O’Gorman, C. and C van Egeraat (2011) Martin McEvoy Annual Seminar Series The evolution of the Irish Biotechnology sector DCU, Dublin, Ireland, 02/11/2011-02/11/2011.
2011 O’Gorman, C. and D. Curran (2011) 5th GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) Research Conference The supply of `productive entrepreneurship' in Ireland: 1960 to 2010; An analysis of established business owners in Ireland Cartagena de las Indias, Columbia, 06/10/2011-08/10/2011.
2011 O’Gorman, C. and D. Curran (2011) Rent XXIII, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management A study of the supply of `productive entrepreneurship¿ in Ireland: 1960 to 2008 Bodo, Norway, 17/11/2011-18/11/2012.
2010 D. Curran and C van Egeraat (2010) DIME workshop: “Industrial Dynamics and Economic Geography” Utrecht, The Netherlands, 05/09/2010-07/09/2010.


Year Publication
2015 Morgenroth, E., van Egeraat, C., Curran, D., Hewitt Dundas, N, Kroes, R., and J. Gleeson (2015) Mapping the Potential for All-Island Sectoral Ecosystems. REPORT

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 van Egeraat, Chris; Curran, Declan (2023) Regional Economic Resilience and Resistance in Ireland 2001-2022: The Roles of Industrial Structure and Foreign Inward Investment. National Economic & Social Development Office NESDO, .
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