Agnes Maillot


Profile Photo
Associate Professor in the School of Applied Languages
and Intercultural Studies at Dublin City University.
My main area of research is the conflict in Northern Ireland, and more particularly Sinn Féin and the IRA, on which I have published many books and articles. I also work on post-conflict politics, covering areas such as victims and reconciliation, the legacy of violence,
I also research contemporary Irish society, as well as multiculturalismalism in France and Ireland, and am I currently working on issues of asylum seekers in the French and Irish contexts.


Year Publication
2018 Agnès Maillot (2018) L'IRA et le conflit nord-irlandais. Caen, France: Presses Universitaires de Caen. Link
2015 Agnès Maillot (2015) In the Shadow of History: Sinn Fein 1926-1970. : Manchester University Press.
2014 Agnès Maillot (2014) Les Irlandais. : Ateliers Henry Dougier - Autrement.
2008 Agnès Maillot (2008) Identité Nationale et Immigration: La Liaison dangereuse. : Carnets de l'Info.
2005 Agnès Maillot (2005) New Sinn Féin: Irish Republicanism in the 21st Century. : Routledge.
2001 Agnès Maillot (2001) IRA - Les Républicains irlandais, Deuxième édition. : Presses universitaires de Caen.
1996 Agnès Maillot (1996) IRA - Les Républicains irlandais. : Presses universitaires de Caen.
1990 Brigitte Le Juez, Agnès Maillot (1990) Irlande. : Larousse.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2013 Agnès Maillot (2013) EFACIS conference Sinn Féin and reunification NUI Galway, .
2019 Agnès Maillot (2019) GIS Eire - Enjeux et Réseaux Does anyone care?: Political discourse on Asylum Paris, 25/01/2019-26/01/2019.
2017 Agnes Maillot (2017) Retreat from Globalisation? Brexit, Trump and the New Populism Setting the Agenda? The Front national and the 2017 French presidential election Dublin, 31/05/2017-31/05/2017.
2015 Agnès Maillot (2015) After Charlie Hebdo, Round table discussion To be or Not to be Charlie? NUI Maynooth, .
2010 Agnès Maillot (2010) Ireland and Victims Torture, coercion and intimidation: The assassination of Robert McCartney Rennes, France, 09/09/2010-11/09/2010.
2010 Agnès Maillot (2010) SOFEIR Annual Conference Sectarian Landscapes Nantes, France, 12/03/2010-13/03/2010.
2010 Agnès Maillot (2010) Association of Franco-Irish Studies Bloody Sunday and 17th October 1961: A comparative analysis Reims, France, 28/05/2010-20/05/2010.
2008 Agnès Maillot (2008) Les Langues minoritaires en Irlande Sinn Féin and the Irish language Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 06/12/2008-07/12/2008.
2000 * (2000) Cultures in Transitions Brothers in Arms: Sinn Féin and Basque nationalism DCU, 25/02/2000-27/02/2000.
2000 * (2000) Memory. Royal Irish Academy Conflicting memories of the Northern Ireland Troubles UCD, Dublin, 02/11/2000-03/11/2000.
2000 * (2000) Francophone Studies, Conseil international des études francophones Censure ou auto-censure: la couverture du 17 octobre 1961 Sousse, Tunisia, 26/05/2000-03/06/2000.
2000 * (2000) Cultural trauma and national identity Victims and Perpetrators in the Northern Irish Conflict DCU, 26/04/2000-28/04/2000.
1999 * (1999) * Football and the shaping of national identity Trieste, Italy, 15/02/1999-19/02/1999.
1999 * (1999) Société française d'études irlandaises Les partis loyalistes et la réinvention de l'Unionisme Bordeaux, France, 02/04/1999-04/04/1999.
1999 * (1999) Francophone Studies, Conseil International des Etudes francophones L'Ecriture collaborationniste La Fayette, Louisiana, 25/05/1999-02/06/1999.
1998 * (1998) Rethinking the avant-garde Between sex and pistols: punks and the Northern Ireland conflict Leceister, England, 26/10/1998-28/10/1998.
1998 * (1998) Masculin-féminin Les pourparlers multi-partis en Irlande du Nord Rennes, France, 15/05/1998-17/05/1998.
1998 * (1998) Irlande: Tradition et renouveau New Sinn Féin Lille, France, 15/12/1998-17/10/1998.
1998 * (1998) * British and French colonial rules: a comparative approach St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, 26/02/1998-28/02/1998.
1997 * (1997) La Nouvelle aux marges des genres La Nouvelle sous l'Occupation : le détournement d'un genre Louvain la Neuve, Belgium, 16/05/1997-18/05/1997.
1997 * (1997) Etudes francophones, Conseil International des Etudes francophones Etude coloniales: una approche comparative Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, 20/05/1997-27/05/1997.
1996 * (1996) L'Imaginaire irlandais Les peintures murales en Irlande du Nord Lille, France, 12/03/1996-14/03/1996.
2017 Agnes Maillot (2017) SOFEIR annual conference “They love to hate them: Fake news, Adams, Bono and the Waterford Whisper News” Caen, France, 17/03/2017-18/03/2018.
2016 Agnès Maillot (2016) SOFEIR annual conference Punk as counter-discourse in Northern Ireland DCU, Dublin, .
2001 (2001) Clergés et Cultures Populaires “L’Evangile Selon Ian Paisley” DCU, Dublin, 22/06/2001-24/06/2001.
2014 Agnès Maillot, Bairbre ni Chiosáin (2014) SOFEIR annual conference The Immigrant vote in Ireland Toulouse, France, .
2013 Agnès Maillot (2013) JNU-DCU joint conference Arthur Griffith and non violence Delhi, .
2013 Agnès Maillot (2013) American Conference for Irish Studies The Sinn Féin Funds Case Chicago, .
2013 Agnès Maillot (2013) Ìn Memoriam Paul Brennan L’Etat Libre et la subversion républicaine Université de Caen, .
2011 Agnès Maillot (2011) Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur Annual conference The Body as a Political Weapon in McQueen’s Hunger Université Paris IV, .
2011 Agnès Maillot (2011) Association of Franco-Irish Studies annual conference Réception de Hunger dans la presse française et irlandaise” Université de Lille, .
2008 Agnès Maillot (2008) Party Politics and the EU on the Island of Ireland Sinn Féin and the EU: From Opposition to Critical Engagement Institute of European Affairs, Dublin, 28/04/2008-28/04/2008.
2008 Agnès Maillot (2008) Forging Identities: Past into Present Immigration and national identity: the case of France Dublin City University, 15/02/2008-16/02/2008.
2007 Agnès Maillot (2007) Dreaming the Future, 6th international EFACIS conference Sinn Féin: The New Left of Ireland? Seville, Spain, 13/12/2007-15/12/2007.
2007 (2007) Coiste na n-Iarchim summer School The French Revolution and the United Irishmen Armagh, 19/08/2007-21/08/2007.
2007 Agnès Maillot (2007) Political ideology in Ireland From nationalism to left-wing: the politics of Sinn Féin in the Republic or Ireland Brest, France, 21/11/2007-22/11/2007.
2007 Leahy, Angela and Maillot, Agnès (2007) Ireland:Going East (Congrès annual de la Société Française d'Études Irlandaises) The Integration of the Polish Community in Ireland: Myth and Realities Paris, 16/03/2007-17/03/2007.
2006 (2006) Joint Faculty of Humanities Conference Paramilitaries and organised crime DCU, Dublin, 15/05/2006-17/05/2006.
2006 (2006) SOFEIR Annual Conference Cead 100: Sinn Féin's 100th anniversary Besançon, France, 15/03/2006-17/03/2006.
2005 (2005) Perspective on Evil and Human Wickedness, 6th Global Conference “Punishment Beatings: From the Torture of Individuals to the Coercion of a Community” Prague, 15/03/2005-18/03/2006.
2005 (2005) Coiste na n-Iarchim Summer School Can Republicanism be militant without being militaristic Armagh, 22/08/2005-24/08/2005.
2005 “Republicans and paramilitary activity: The IRA and the (2005) SALIS research seminar “Republicans and paramilitary activity: The IRA and the Northern Bank Robbery”, Research DCU, 03/03/2005-03/03/2005.
2004 (2004) War and Virtual War Memory and conflict resolution in Northern Ireland”, Salzburg Salzburg, Austria, 22/10/2004-24/10/2004.
2003 (2003) SOFEIR Annual Conference Ourselves alone, Sinn Féin, Multiculralism and Nationalism” Orléans, France, 16/03/2003-18/03/2003.
2002 (2002) CIEF annual conference Troubles de mémoire : la France face à son passé colonial” Abidjan, 22/05/2002-27/05/2002.
2002 (2002) Conference of the Joint Faculty of Humanities Twenty Years on: Republicans and the memory of the 1981 Hunger Strike” St Patrick’s College, Dublin, 02/02/2002-04/02/2002.
2002 (2002) Death in Ireland Disappearances in Northern Ireland” Paris, 05/05/2002-07/05/2002.
2001 (2001) Congrès International des Etudes Francophones “L'Identité nationale dans Total Kheops de Jean-Claude Izzo” Portland, Maine, 20/05/2001-26/05/2001.
2001 (2001) Irlande: Insularité et singularité “La Bible et le pamphlet” Perpignan, France, 19/03/2001-21/03/2001.
2001 (2001) EFFACIS Bi-Annual Conference Sinn Féin and Batasuna: A comparative study” Aarhus, Denmark, 10/12/2001-12/12/2001.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2018 Agnès Maillot and Jennifer Bruen (Ed.). (2018) Oxford: Peter Lang,
2018 Agnès Maillot, Jennifer Bruen and Jean-Philippe Imberrt (Ed.). (2018) Oxford: Peter Lang,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2017 Maillot A. (2017) 'Setting the agenda? The front national and the 2017 French presidential election'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 28 :45-56.
2016 Bruen J.;Crosbie V.;Kelly N.;Loftus M.;Maillot A.;McGillicuddy Á.;Péchenart J. (2016) 'Teaching controversial topics in the humanities and social sciences in Ireland: Using structured academic controversy to develop multi-perspectivity in the learner'. Journal Of Social Science Education, 15 (3):18-25.
2015 Agnès Maillot (2015) 'Sinn Féin’s Tortuous Road to Power'. REVUE ELECTRONIQUE D ETUDES SUR LE MONDE ANGLOPHONE, XII .
2015 Agnès Maillot (2015) 'L’État Libre, l’Eire et la subversion du Sinn Féin, 1926-1948'. Etudes Irlandaises, 40 :43-57.
2014 Agnès Maillot (2014) 'Arthur Griffith’s Sinn Féin and Non-Violent Resistance in India'. Anglo-Amerikanische Studien, 48 .
2010 Agnès Maillot (2010) 'Racisme, Sectarisme et Politique en Irlande du Nord'. Etudes Irlandaises, 35 :69-85.
2009 Maillot, A (2009) 'Sinn Fein's Approach to the EU: Still More 'Critical' than 'Engaged'?'. Irish Political Studies, 24 :559-574.
2009 Maillot A. (2009) 'Sinn Féin's approach to the EU: Still more 'Critical' than 'Engaged'?'. Irish Political Studies, 24 (4):559-574.
2009 Agnès Maillot (2009) 'Sinn Féin's Approach to the EU: Still More ‘Critical’ than ‘Engaged’?'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 24 :559-574.
2007 Agnès Maillot (2007) 'Les Nouveaux Républicains'. Etudes Irlandaises, 32 :69-82.
2001 Agnès Maillot (2001) 'La Presse française et le 17 octobre 1961'. Irish Journal of French Studies, 1 :25-35.
2000 Maillot, A (2000) 'Punk on celluloid: John Davis' 'Shell shock rock' (1979)'. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 20 :375-383.
1997 Agnès Maillot (1997) 'Violaciones de derechos humanos en Zaire: une perspective historica'. 11, n. 1 :*-*.
1994 Agnès Maillot (1994) 'Paz en Irlanda?'. * :*-*.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2019 Veronica Crosbie and Agnès Maillot (2019) 'Editorial' 4 (2) :1-4. Link
2019 Agnès Maillot (2019) 'Right to Work: Dáil Narratives on Asylum' 4 (2) :19-32. Link

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2018 Agnès Maillot (2018) 'Rather Sex than Pistols: 'Good Vibrations'and the punk scene in Northern Ireland' In: Oxford : Peter Lang.
2018 Agnès Maillot (2018) 'Humour and Irreverence as subversive weapons in Irish culture' In: Oxford : Peter Lang.
2013 Agnès Maillot (2013) 'Réception francaise et irlandaise de Hunger: Regards Croisés' In: Catherine Maignant(Eds.). Lille, France : Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
2012 Agnès Maillot (2012) 'Torture, Coercion and Intimidation: the Assassination of Robert McCartney' In: O'Keefe, Frainne, Lelourec, Leslie(Eds.). Switzerland : Peter Lang.
2009 Agnès Maillot (2009) 'Fractured Identities: Jean-Claude Izzo's Total Kheops' In: Marieke Krajenbrink, Kate M. Quinn(Eds.). : Rodopi.
2009 Agnès Maillot (2009) 'Sinn Féin and Socialism : a Historical Tradition?' In: Olivier Coquelin, Patrick Galliou, Thierry Robin(Eds.). : Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2008 Agnès Maillot (2008) 'Victims and Perpetrators: Memory and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland' In: Wilson, A. and Perry, M(Eds.). Amsterdam : Rodopi.
2008 Agnès Maillot (2008) 'Is the war over? Republican Politics after the IRA' In: Marie-Claire Considere-Charon, Philippe Laplace, and Michel Savaric(Eds.). Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars.
2004 Agnès Maillot (2004) 'L'Evangile selon Ian Paisley: Dieu, l'Ulster et le combat politique' In: Saint Etienne : Publications de l’Université de Saint Etienne.
2004 Agnès Maillot (2004) 'One Day in My Life de Bobby Sands: Autobiographie ou pamphlet politique?' In: Caen : Presses Universitaires de Caen.
2004 Agnès Maillot (2004) 'Disappearances in Northern Ireland: From Coercion to Atonment@' In: Wesley Hutchinson(Eds.). Paris : Université de Paris 7.
2003 Agnès Maillot (2003) 'Vingt ans après : les Grèves de la Faim et la conscience républicaine' In: Toulouse : Presses de l'Université de Toulouse 1.
2001 Agnès Maillot (2001) 'La nouvelle sous l'occupation : le détournement d'un genre' In: : 0.
2001 Agnès Maillot (2001) 'La Bible et le pamphlet : prêcheurs et politiciens en Irlande du Nord' In: Amiot, Pascale : Presses Universitaires de Perpignan.
2001 Agnès Maillot (2001) 'Les partis loyalistes et la réinvention de l'unionisme' In: Ollier, Nicole(Eds.). Bordeaux : Maison des Sciences de l'Homme d'Acquitaine.
2000 Agnès Maillot (2000) 'Reinventing Sinn Féin' In: Peillon, M., Slatter, E(Eds.). Dublin : Irish Sociological Chronicles, nstitute of Public Administration.
1999 Agnès Maillot (1999) 'Les pourparlers multi-partis en Irlande du Nord: La paix au masculin ?' In: : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
1999 Agnès Maillot (1999) 'Football and the Shaping of National Identities: World Cups in France and Ireland' In: A. Cuk and F. Del Campo(Eds.). Trieste : Battello Stampatore.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2021) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.


Committee Function From / To
Société Francaise d'Etudes irlandaises French Society of Irish Studies -
Association des Etudes Francaises et Francophones en Irlande Irish Association of French and Francophone Studies -


Employer Position From / To
Libération Freelance journalist - 30/04/1991
Dublin City University Lecturer - 30/12/1899
Télélangue Language School Language Teacher - 30/06/1990
Collège Formation Language teacher - 30/06/1988
Université de Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne Part-time lecturer - 31/05/1989
Translation agencies Freelance translator - 30/06/1994
Le Parisien Freelance journalist - 30/06/1994
Trinity College, Dublin French language assistant - 30/05/1987
Ministry of Justice, Paris Freelance translator - 30/10/1990
University College Dublin Assistant Lecturer - 31/08/1997
L'Evénement du Jeudi Freelance journalist - 30/06/1994


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle B.A. Spanish
Université dela Sorbonne Nouvelle M.A. Irish Studies
Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies Irish Studies
Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle M.A. Latin American Studies
Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Ph.D. Irish Studies
Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle B.A. English
--none-- Agrégation English
--none-- CAPES English


Language Reading Writing Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Spanish Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Fluent Fluent
Italian Fluent Basic Functional

Research Interests

Conflict and post-conflict situations, particularly in Northern Ireland.
Multiculturalism in the French and Irish contexts
Contemporary French and Irish societies, politics and culture.
Reception of asylum seekers and refugees, discourses on integration.

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Dissertation LC301
2022 The Making of Contemporary Europe LC208
2022 Contemporary Cultural Debates LC113
2022 Nationalism and Populism in the 21st Century LC4760
2022 Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland LC336