Ciarán Mac Murchaidh

An tOllamh Ciarán Mac Murchaidh: Céimí de chuid Ollscoil Mhá Nuad (BA, MA, PhD, HDipEd) agus Ollscoil Phontaifiúil Mhaigh Nuad (BD, DLT) is ea é. Is Príomh-Thaighdeoir (PI) ar thionscadal Ainm é; tá sé ina Chomh-Eagarthóir ar Studia Hibernica, agus ina Eagarthóir Gaeilge ar Eighteenth-Century Ireland/Iris an dá Chultúr.
Prof. Ciarán Mac Murchaidh is a graduate of Maynooth University (BA, MA, PhD, HDipEd) and the Pontifical University, Maynooth (BD, DLT). He is PrincipaI Investigator on the Ainm project, Joint Editor of Studia Hibernica, and Irish-language Editor of Eighteenth-Century Ireland/Iris an dá Chultúr.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2023 | (2023) 'Luke Waddinge's Christmas songs and the Wexford carol tradition' In: Christmas and the Irish. Dublin : Wordwell Books. [Link] | |
2021 | (2021) 'James Gallagher's sermons in translation: the case of the Baltimore edition' In: The historian as detective: Essays in honour of Raymond Gillespie. [Link] | |
2020 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2020) 'Seanmóirí Muighe Nuadhad I-III (1906-08)' In: We remember Maynooth: A college across four centuries. Dublin : Messenger Publications. [Link] | |
2019 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2019) ''Love, marriage and The Midnight Court (1780)'' In: Marriage and the Irish: A miscellany. Dublin : Wordwell. [Link] | |
2019 | (2019) 'The Books of Knockninny' In: Cumann Seachais Bhreifne. | |
2018 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2018) ''The little ones called for bread and there was none that would break it for them.' Some notes on the use of the Bible in the sermons of Bishop James Gallagher' In: Ireland and the Reception of the Bible: Social and Cultural Perspectives. London : T&T Clark. [Link] | |
2016 | (2016) 'You may be young enough to live, but you are old enough to die’: Life and death in the sermons of James Gallagher, William Gahan and Silvester Goonan' In: Four Courts Press. [Link] | |
2014 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2014) ''Aspects of language shift and the decline in Irish in County Cavan in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries'' In: Jonathan Cherry & Brendan Scott(Eds.). Cavan history & society. Dublin : Geography Publications. | |
2012 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2012) ''The Catholic Church, the Irish mission and the Irish language in the eighteenth century'' In: James Kelly & Ciarán Mac Murchaidh(Eds.). Irish and English: Essays on the Irish linguistic and cultural frontier, 1600-1900. Dublin : Four Courts Press. [Link] | |
2012 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2012) ''Seanmóirí an Easpaig Séamas Ó Gallchóir: eagráin, aistriúcháin agus aidhmeanna'' In: Mac Cárthaigh, Eoin & Uhlich, Jürgen (eds)(Eds.). Féilscríbhinn do Chathal Ó Háinle. Indreabhán : Clo Iar-Chonnacht. | |
2011 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2011) '''My repeated troubles': Dr James Gallagher (bishop of Raphoe 1725-37) and the impact of the Penal Laws'' In: John Bergin, Eoin Magennis, Lesa Ní Mhunghaile & Patrick Walsh(Eds.). New Perspectives on the Penal Laws. Dublin : Eighteenth-Century Ireland. | |
2010 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2010) ''Gréagóir Ó Dúill'' In: Rióna Ní Fhrighil(Eds.). Filíocht chomhaimseartha na Gaeilge. Dublin : Cois Life. | |
2010 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2010) ''An dúlra agus an dúchas: léamha ar thrí liric dúlra le Gréagóir Ó Dúill'' In: Malachy Ó Néill(Eds.). Filí agus filíocht. Derry : Eigse Cholm Cille. | |
2008 | Caoilfhionn Nic Pháidín & Seán Ó Cearnaigh (eds) (2008) 'Current Attitudes to Irish' In: A New View of the Irish Language. Dublin : Cois Life. | |
2004 | Breandán Ó Conaire (ed.) (2004) ''Scéal na Seanmóireachta Gaeilge san 18ú hAois'' In: Aistí ag Iompar Scéil. : An Clochomhar. |
Edited Book
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Jamie Murphy & Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2023) 'Fearann Nua Focal'. Comhar, 83 (6):38-40. [Link] | |
2021 | Jamie Murphy & Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2021) 'Translated drama under the spotlight: the case of Irish and other languages'. Translation Ireland, 21 (1):51-63. [Link] | |
2021 | (2021) 'An drámaíocht aistrithe faoin spotsolas: cás na Gaeilge agus teangacha eile'. Léann, . [Link] | |
2021 | (2021) 'EAGARFHOCAL'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland: Volume 36, Issue 1, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | (2020) 'Introduction What do we mean when we say public history? Ireland, 2020'. Studia Hibernica: Volume 46, Issue 1, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2013 | (2013) 'James Gallagher's 'Irish Sermons' (1736)'. Treasures of Irish Christianity II, . | |
2010 | (2010) 'Oidhreacht liteartha agus an file Gaeilge: gné de shaothar Ghréagóra Uí Dhúill''. AN TULTACH, . | |
2009 | (2009) ''Text and translation of James Gallagher's 'A Sermon on the Assumption of our Blessed Lady' (1736)''. Archivium Hibernicum, . | |
2005 | (2005) ''Dr James Gallagher, alumnus Kilmorensis: Bishop of Raphoe (1725-37) and Kildare and Leighlin (1737-51)''. BREIFNE, . | |
2001 | (2001) ''Oiliúint na Cléire san 18ú hAois agus an Dochtúir Séamas Ó Gallchóir''. Taighde agus Teagasc, . | |
2000 | (2000) ''Cóta Ildathach an 'Irisleabhair''. IRISLEABHAR MHA NUAD, . | |
1998 | (1998) ''Nótaí Beathaisnéise ar an Dr Séamas Ó Gallchobhair, easpag Ráth Bhoth/Chill Dara (c. 1684-1751)''. IRISLEABHAR MHA NUAD, . | |
1998 | (1998) ''Léachtaí Cholm Cille I-XXVII: Innéacs''. Leachtai Cholm Cille, . | |
1993 | (1993) ''Cóta Ioldathach an Irisleabhair''. Leachtai Cholm Cille, . | |
1992 | (1992) 'Lux et Tenebrae: Solas agus Dorchadas i bhFilíocht Sheáin Uí Ríordáin'. AN TULTACH, . | |
1990 | (1990) ''Some Notes on Mag Uidhir Fhear Manach''. CLOGHER RECORD, . |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2022) 'The bagpipe as an instrument of protest: early references and recent trends' Chanter, 36 (3) :16-26. [Link] | |
2018 | Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (2018) 'The Popular Mind in Eighteenth-century Ireland' 4 (1) . | |
2017 | Ciarán MacMurchaidh (2017) 'Piping reports in the Irish press' Chanter, 31 (1) :32-40. [Link] |
Conference Contribution
Other Publication
Professional Associations
Research Interests
Tá suim ag an Ollamh Mac Murchaidh i gcás na teanga san 18ú haois, seanmóireacht agus litríocht chráifeach na Gaeilge, Béarla na hÉireann, agus an t-aistriúchán i gcoitinne. Bíonn fáilte aige roimh fhiosrúcháin ó mhic léinn a bhfuil suim acu sa taighde ar aon ghné díobh sin. Prof. Mac Murchaidh is interested in the Irish language in the 18th century, preaching and devotional literature in Irish, Hiberno-English, and in translation more broadly. He welcomes queries from students interested in pursuing research in any of those areas.
Teaching Interests
Prof. Mac Murchaidh is interested in various aspects of Irish language and literature: grammar and language, general and legal translation, Hiberno-English, and devotional literature in Irish.