Paul Swift


Profile Photo

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2001 Maher, A., Swift, P., Kirkup, L. and Martin, D. (2001) IX Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing The Effect of High Luminance Levels on the EEG Alpha Wave for Assistive Technology Applications Pula, Croatia, 03/06/2001-07/06/2001.
1999 P. D. Swift, G. B. Smith and J. Franklin (1999) International Engineering Optical Society, 44th World Congress Light to Light Efficiencies in Luminescent Solar Concentrators Denver USA 1999, 16/08/1999-21/08/1999.
1998 D. M. Solina, R. W. Cheary and P. D. Swift (1998) 47th Annual Denver X-ray Conference , Investigation of the Interfacial Structure of Ulta-Thin Pt Films using X-ray Reflectivity, 47th Annual Denver X-ray Conference, Denver, USA 1998 Denver, USA, 27/08/1998-31/08/1998.
1996 D. M. Solina, R. W. Cheary and P. D. Swift (1996) 45th Annual Denver X-ray Conference An Investigation of Thin Films Deposited by Various Methods Using X-ray Reflectivity and Atomic Force Microscopy Colorado, USA 1996, 26/08/1996-31/08/1996.
2001 Maher, A., Swift, P., Kirkup, L. and Martin, D. (2001) XV International Conference of Clinical Neurophysiology Effect of a Uniform Unpatterned Visual Field on the Alpha Wave Buenos Aires, Argentina, 03/05/2001-05/05/2001.
2000 A. Maher, L. Kirkup, P. Swift, D. Martin, A. Searle, Y. Tran and A. Craig. (2000) World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Assistive Technology Based on Control of the EEG Alpha Wave: Effect of Light Levels Chigago, USA, 12/06/2000-14/06/2000.
1991 A. J. Studer, I. S. Falconer, P. D. Swift, B. W. James and D. R. McKenzie (1991) 18th AINSE Plasma Conference Time Evolution of the Cathode Spot Plasma in a Metal Vapour Vacuum Arc Sydney, Austrlia, 20/02/1991-20/02/1991.
1989 P. D. Swift, I. S. Falconer, B. W. James and D. R. McKenzie (1989) 17th AINSE Plasma Conference Cathode Spot Phenomena in Continuous and Pulsed Vacuum Arcs Sydney, Australia, 19/02/1989-.
1987 Swift, P. D. (1987) ANSIE Plasma Conference Studies of Magnetically Confined Arcs and Pulsed Arcs Sydney, Australia, 18/02/1987-18/02/1987.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2014 Kechkar S.;Babu S.;Swift P.;Gaman C.;Daniels S.;Turner M. (2014) 'Investigation of absolute atomic fluorine density in a capacitively coupled SF6/O2/Ar and SF6/Ar discharge'. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 23 (6).
2013 Kechkar S.;Swift P.;Conway J.;Turner M.;Daniels S. (2013) 'Investigation of atomic oxygen density in a capacitively coupled O 2/SF6 discharge using two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy and a Langmuir probe'. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 22 (4).
2005 P. D. Swift, G. B. Smith and J. Franklin (2005) 'Hotspots in cylindrical mirror light pipes – description and removal'. Accepted for publication in Lighting Research and Technology .
2004 Alan A. Earp, Geoff B. Smith, Jim Franklin and Paul Swift (2004) 'Optimisation of a three-colour luminescent solar concentrator daylighting system'. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 84 :411-426.
2004 A. A. Earp , G. B. Smith , P. D. Swift and J. Franklin (2004) 'Maximising the light output of a Luminescent Solar Concentrator'. Solar Energy, 76 :655-667.
2003 D. M. Solina, R. W. Cheary, P. D. Swift, G. McCredie (2003) 'The Fabrication of Platinum-Silicon Oxide Multilayers for X-ray Mirrors'. Thin Solid Films, 423 :1-12.
2003 G. B. Smith, A. Gentle, P. Swift, A. Earp and N. Mronga (2003) 'Coloured paints based on coated flakes of metal as the pigment, for enhanced solar reflectance and cooler interiors: description and theory'. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 79 :163-167.
2003 B K Gan, M M M Bilek, D R McKenzie, P D Swift and G McCredie (2003) 'Optimizing the triggering mode for stable operation of a pulsed cathodic arc deposition system '. PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 12 :508-512.
2003 G. B. Smith, A. Gentle, P. Swift, A. Earp, N. Mronga (2003) 'Coloured paints based on iron oxide and silicon oxide coated flakes of aluminium as the pigment, for energy efficient paint: optical and thermal experiments'. 79 :179-197.
2003 P. D. Swift, G. B. Smith (2003) 'Colour Considerations in Fluorescent Solar Concentrator Stacks'. Applied optics, 42 :5112-5117.
2003 P. D. Swift, D. M. Solina, R. W. Cheary, G. M. McCredie (2003) 'Investigations of the Interfacial Structure of Ultra-Thin Platinum Films Deposited by Cathodic Arc'. Thin Solid Films, 440 :117-122.
2002 G. B. Smith, C. A. Deller, P. D. Swift, A. Gentle, P. D. Garrett, W. K. Fisher (2002) 'Nanoparticle Doped Polymer Foils for Use in Solar Control Glazing'. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 4 :157-165.
2002 A. M. Maher and P. D. Swift (2002) 'Providing a Homogenous Visual Field with an Integrating Sphere'. Physiological Measurement 23 :N9-N15.
2001 G. B. Smith, D. C. Green, G. McCredie, M. Hossain, P. D. Swift, M. B. Luther (2001) 'Optical Characterisation of Materials and Systems for Daylighting'. Renewable Energy 22 :85-90.
2001 G. B. Smith, A. Ben-David, P. D. Swift (2001) 'A New Type of TiN Coating Combining Broad Band Visible Transparency and Solar Control'. Renewable Energy 22 :79-84.
2001 A. M. Maher, L. Kirkup, P. D. Swift, D. Martin, A. Searle, Y. Tran, A. Craig (2001) 'Effect of Luminance Level on Alpha Wave Synchronisation'. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 39 :672-679.
2000 G. B. Smith , A Earp, J Stevens, P Swift, G McCredie and J Franklin (2000) 'Materials Properties for Advanced Daylighting in Buildings, Renewable Energy, '. Proc World Renewable Energy Congress 2000 part 1 :201-206.
2000 D. M. Solina, R. W. Cheary, P. D. Swift, S. Dligatch, G. McCredie, B. Gong and P. Lynch (2000) 'Investigation of the Interfacial Structure of Ultra-Thin Platinum Films Using X-ray Reflectivity and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy'. Thin Solid Films, 372 :94-103.
1999 G. B. Smith, P. D. Swift and A. Ben-David (1999) 'TiN Films with Metallic Behaviour at High N/Ti Ratios for Better Solar Control Windows'. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS (PRINT), 75 :630-632.
1999 P. D. Swift, G. B. Smith, J. Franklin (1999) 'Light to light efficiencies in Luminescent Solar Concentrators'. SPIE 3789 :21-28.
1998 L. Kirkup, S. Johnson, E. Hazel, D. Green, R. Cheary, P. Swift, W. Holliday (1998) 'Designing a New Physics Laboratory Program for First Year Engineering Students'. Physics Education, 33(4) :258-265.
1996 P. D. Swift (1996) 'Macroparticles in Films Deposited by Steered Cathodic Arc'. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS (PRINT), 29 :2025-2031.
1994 P. D. Swift and G. B. Smith (1994) 'Cylindrical Mirror Light Pipes'. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 36 :159-168.
1994 I. R. Edmonds, I. Moore, G. B. Smith, P. D. Swift, (1994) 'Daylighting Enhancement with Skylights Coupled to Laser Cut Light Deflecting Panels'. Lightning Res. Technol. 27(1) :27-35.
1991 D. McKenzie, D. Muller, B. Pailthorpe, Z. Wang, E. Kravtchinskaia, D. Segal, P. Lukins, P. Swift, P. Martin, G. Amaratunga, P. Gaskell, A. Saeed (1991) 'Properties of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Prepared by Vacuum Arc Deposition'. Diamond and Related Materials, 1 :51-59.
1990 D. R. McKenzie, D. C. Green, P. D. Swift, D. J. H. Cockayne, P. J. Martin, R. P. Netterfield and W. G. Sainty (1990) 'Electron Optical Techniques for the Microstructural and Compositional Analysis of Thin Films'. Thin Solid Films, 193/194 :418-430.
1990 Z. H. Wang, P. D. Swift, A. J. Studer, D. R. McKenzie, B. W. James, I. S. Falconer (1990) 'Light Emission from a Titanium Vacuum Arc using Fizeau Interferometry with Parallel Detection'. Applied optics, 29 :5145-5150.
1990 P. D. Swift (1990) 'Cathode and Anode Spot Tracks in a Closed Magnetic Field'. Journal of Applied Physics, 67 :1720-1724.
1989 P. D. Swift, D. R. McKenzie, I. S. Falconer, P. J. Martin (1989) 'Cathode Spot Phenomena in Titanium Vacuum Arcs'. Journal of Applied Physics, 66 :505-512.
1987 P. J. Martin, D. R. McKenzie, R. P. Netterfield, P. D. Swift, S. W. Filpczuk, K. H. Müller. C. G. Pacey, B. W. James (1987) 'Characteristics of Ti Arc Evaporation Processes'. Thin Solid Films, 153 :91-102.
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Employer Position From / To
Dublin City University Lecturer 01/06/2004 -
University of Technology, Sydney Lecturer/Senior Lecturer 01/01/2003 - 01/01/2003


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University of Sydney PhD
University of Tasmania BSc


Journal Role
Advanced Optical Materials Reviewer

Research Interests

Industrial Plasmas

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2020 Masters Research Project PS516
2020 Physics for Science Teachers 1 PS220
2022 Plasma Science and Technology PS406
2022 ESH Literature Survey FSH496