Joe O'Hara


Profile Photo
Joe O'Hara holds the Chair of Education and is a member of the School of Policy and Practice in the DCU Institute of Education. He is Director of EQI- The Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection and a member of the Centre for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Joe O'Hara is a Past President of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland was a member of the The Teaching Council of Ireland from 2012-2016. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Personal Services Overseas (APSO) from 2002-2004 and represented Ireland on the Council of the European Educational Research Association from 2008 to 2013. Joe O'Hara was Head of the School of Education Studies, DCU from 2010 to 2016. He is a Director and Founding Member of the Irish Evaluation Network and is a member of the Board of the Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland. Joe O'Hara was President of the European Educational Research Association from 2018 -2023. 


Year Publication
2019 Shevlin, P., Brown, M., McNamara, and O'Hara, J. (2019) Sharing the impact of shaped professional learning networks in challenging times. Dublin: The Centre for Evaluation Quality,and Inspection.
2019 Brown, M., Altrichter, H., Nayir, F., Nortvedt, G., Burns, D., Fellner, M., Gloppen, S.K., Helm, C., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., Punzenberger, B., Skedsmo, G. and Wiese, E.F. (2019) Classroom Assessment that Recognises Cultural Difference - A European Perspective. Dublin: EQI. [Link] [DOI]
2017 Brown, M., McNamara,G., O'Hara, J., O'Brien, S., Poole, P,, and Burns, D. (2017) Evaluation of the PDST ePortfolio initiative: Integrating ePortfolios in Education. Dublin: EQI.
2015 Brown, M., McNamra,G., and O Hara, J (2015) School Inspection in a Polycentric Context: The case of Northern Ireland. : West Belfast Partnership/ Centre for Evaluation Quality and Inspection.
2008 McNamara, G and O Hara, J (2008) Trusting Schools and Teachers: Developing Educational Professionalism Through Self-Evaluation. : Peter Lang Publishing Inc. New York.
2000 O’Hara, J., S. J. Byrne and G. McNamara (2000) Positive Discipline: An Irish Educational Appraisal and Practical Guide. : Department of Education and Science.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Balbín, A.M.; Caetano, N.S.; Conde, M.; Costa, P.; Felgueiras, C.; Fidalgo-Blanco, Á.; Fonseca, D.; Gamazo, A.; García-Holgado, A.; García-Peñalvo, F.J.; Gonçalves, J.; Hernández-García, Á.; Lima, J.; Nistor, N.; O’Hara, J.; Olmos-Migueláñez, S.; Piñeiro-Naval, V.; Ramírez-Montoya, M.S.; Sánchez-Holgado, P.; Sein-Echaluce, M.L. (2023) 'Trends on Communication, Educational Assessment, Sustainable Development, Educational Innovation, Mechatronics and Learning Analytics at TEEM 2022' In: Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. [Link] [DOI]
2022 Brown, M.; Skerritt, C.; Roulston, S.; Milliken, M.; McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J. (2022) 'The evolution of academic selection in Northern Ireland' In: Education Policy in Ireland Since 1922. [Link]
2021 (2021) 'Evaluation in Ireland' In: The institutionalization of evaluation in Europe. [Link]
2021 Joe O’Hara, Patrick Shevlin, Martin Brown and Gerry McNamara (2021) 'Education Networks: a Key Driving Force for School Development in a Time of Crisis and Change' In: he Third Annual International Symposium “Education and City: Education and Quality of Living in the City”. Moscow : Moscow City University Press. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Joe O’Hara, Patrick Shevlin, Martin Brown and Gerry McNamara (2021) 'Operating Professional Networks in Northern Ireland: The EQI Shaped Professional Learning Network'' In: he Third Annual International Symposium “Education and City: Education and Quality of Living in the City”. Moscow : Moscow City University Press.
2020 Boyle R., O’Hara J., McNamara G., Brown M. (2020) 'Ireland' In: The Institutionalisation of Evaluation in Europe. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan.
2019 Altrichter, H, Galvin, M.,McNamara, G. and O' Hara, J. (2019) 'Addressing the Context in Cross-National Comparative Research' In: Doing Educational Research: Overcoming Challenges in Practice. London : Sage.
2019 (2019) 'Addressing the context in cross-national educational research' In: Doing Educational Research: Overcoming Challenges In Practice. [Link]
2018 Austin, Roger; Brown, Martin; Cowan, Pamela; O'Hara, Joe; Roulston, Stephen (2018) 'Teacher Education Tutors' Practice in ICT: North and South' In: [Link]
2017 Faddar, J., Brown, M., O'Brien, S., McNamara, G., and O'Hara, J. (2017) 'De inbreng van externe partijen in schoolzelfevaluaties : de Republiek Ierland als casus' In: De rol van externen bij kwaliteitszorg : vreemde ogen doen spreken. Brussels : Politeia:UITGEVERIJ. [Link]
2017 Brown, M., McNamara,G., O Hara, J and O'Brien,S (2017) 'Inspectors and the Process of Self-Evaluation in Ireland' In: School inspectors: Operational challenges in National Policy Contexts. London : Springer. [DOI]
2016 Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J. (2016) 'Teacher accountability in education: The Irish experiment' In: Essays in the History of Irish Education. [Link] [DOI]
2016 McNamara, G. and O' Hara, J. (2016) 'The importance of the concept of self-evaluation in the changing landscape of education policy' In: Studies in educational evaluation: effects and side effects of school inspections, a general framework. London : Elsevier.
2016 (2016) 'Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen europäischer Inspektionssysteme' In: Schulinspektion als Steuerungsimpuls?. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Altrichter, H., Kemethofer, D., Ehren, M., Gustafsson, J.-E., Skedsmo, G.; Huber, S.G., Conyngham, G., McNamara, G., & O’Hara, J (2016) 'Effects and side effects of European inspection systems / Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen europäischer Inspektionssysteme' In: H. Altrichter, Th . Brüsemeister, U. Clement, M. Heinrich, R. Langer, K. Maag Merki, M. Rürup, J. Wissinger(Eds.). Schulinspektion als Steuerungsimpuls? Ergebnisse aus Forschungsprojekten. Wiesbaden : Springer VS. [DOI]
2015 Healion, E. and O Hara, J. (2015) 'High-Ability Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds' In: Jennifer H Robins(Eds.). Gifted Education in Ireland and the United States. Dublin : CTYI.
2014 Altrichter, H., Ehren, M.C.M., McNamara, G. & O Hara, J (2014) 'The impact of school inspection ? Analysis of assumptions about mechanisms of school inspection in six European countries / Wie will Schulinspektion wirken? Analyse von Annahmen über Wirkungs­mechanismen von Schulinspektion in sechs europäischen Ländern' In: Pfeifer, Michael(Eds.). Schule – Qualität und Schulentwicklung. New York : Waxmann.
2014 (2014) 'Wie Will Schulinspektion wirken?Analyse von Annahmen uber Wirkungsmechanismen von Schulinspektion in sechs europaischen Landern' In: Schulqualitat und Schulentwicklung.
2014 O Hara, Joe., McNamara, G. and Harrison, K (2014) 'Culture Changes, Irish Evaluation and Assessment Traditions Stay the Same? Exploring Peer- and Self-Assessment as a Means of Empowering Ethnic Minority Students' In: Hood,S., Hopson, R., and Frierson,H(Eds.). Continuing the Journey to Reposition Culture and Cultural Context in Evaluation Theory and Practice. Charlotte, North Carolina : Information Age Publishing.
2012 Boyle, R; McNamara, G; O' Hara, J (2012) 'Riding the Celtic Tiger: Forces Shaping Evaluation Culture in Ireland in Good Times and Bad' In: EVALUATION CULTURES: SENSE-MAKING IN COMPLEX TIMES. PISCATAWAY : TRANSACTION PUBLISHERS.
2012 Boyle, R., McNamara,G. and O Hara,J (2012) 'Riding the Celtic Tiger: Forces Shaping Evaluation Culture in Ireland in Good Times and Bad in Evaluation Cultures: Sense-Making in Complex Times' In: Jean-Claude Barbier and Penny Hawkins(Eds.). London : Transaction Publishers.
2010 McNamara, G., O Hara, J. and Joyce, P. (2010) 'The Evaluation of Adult Education and Training Programmes' In: Penelope Peterson,Eva Baker and Barry McGaw(Eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Education. : Elsevier.
2010 McNamara G.; Joyce P.; O'Hara J. (2010) 'Evaluation of adult education and training programs' In: International Encyclopedia of Education. [DOI]
2009 McNamara, G. and O Hara, . (2009) 'Ethical Leadership in the Age of Evaluation' In: de Sousa, M., Francis, L.J., O'Higgins-Norman, J., Scott, D.G(Eds.). The International Handbook on Education for Spirituality, Care and Wellbeing. : Springer.
2009 McNamara, G. and O Hara, J. (2009) 'Where Global Meets Local: Contexts, Constraints and Consensus in School Evaluation in Ireland' In: Ryan, K. E., & Cousins, J. B(Eds.). Sage international handbook of educational evaluation. Thousand Oaks, California : Sage.
2000 McNamara, G. and J. O Hara (2000) (2000) 'Action Research for Organisational Change' In: J. McNiff, G. McNamara and D. Leonard(Eds.). Action Research in Ireland. : Educational Studies Association of Ireland.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Gardezi, S.; McNamara, G.; Brown, M.; O’Hara, J. (2023) 'School inspections: a rhetoric of quality or reality?'. Frontiers in Education, 8 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Gardezi, S., McNamara, G., Brown, M. and O' Hara, J. (2023) 'School inspections: a rhetoric if quality or reality'. Frontiers in Education, 8 . [DOI]
2023 Gardezi, S., McNamara, G., , Brown, M. and O'Hara, J. (2023) 'The rise and convergence of school inspection systems. Comparative analysis of school inspection systems in Dubai, Ireland, New Zealand and Pakistan'. Revista de Educacion, (Supervision). https: //DOI.ORG/10.52149/Sp21
2023 Skerritt, C.; O’Hara, J.; Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O’Brien, S. (2023) 'Enacting school self-evaluation: the policy actors in Irish schools'. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 32 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Skerritt, C.; McNamara, G.; Quinn, I.; O’Hara, J.; Brown, M. (2023) 'Middle leaders as policy translators: prime actors in the enactment of policy'. Journal of Education Policy, 38 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Skerritt, C.; O’Hara, J.; Brown, M. (2023) 'Researching how student voice plays out in relation to classroom practice in Irish post-primary schools: a heuristic device'. Irish Educational Studies, 42 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Skerritt, C.; Brown, M.; O’Hara, J. (2023) 'Student voice and classroom practice: how students are consulted in contexts without traditions of student voice'. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 31 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Brown, M.; Skerritt, C.; Shevlin, P.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J. (2022) 'Deconstructing the challenges and opportunities for blended learning in the post emergency learning era'. Irish Educational Studies, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 O'Brien, Shivaun; McNamara, Gerry; O'Hara, Joe; Brown, Martin; Skerritt, Craig (2022) 'Teacher leadership in school self-evaluation: an approach to professional development'. Irish Educational Studies, . [DOI]
2022 McNamara, G.; Skerritt, C.; O’Hara, J.; O’Brien, S.; Brown, M. (2022) 'For improvement, accountability, or the economy? Reflecting on the purpose(s) of school self-evaluation in Ireland'. Journal Of Educational Administration And History, 54 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 O’Brien, S.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J.; Brown, M. (2022) 'Learning by doing: evaluating the key features of a professional development intervention for teachers in data-use, as part of whole school self-evaluation process'. Professional Development in Education, 48 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 O’Brien, S.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J.; Brown, M.; Skerritt, C. (2022) 'Students as co-researchers in a school self-evaluation process'. Improving Schools, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Brown, M.; Bruns, D.; Macnamara, G.; O'hara, J. (2022) 'Culturally responsive classroom-based assessment: A case study of secondary schools in Ireland'. Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 40 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Brown, M.; Altrichter, H.; Shiyan, I.; Rodríguez Conde, M.J.; McNamara, G.; Herzog-Punzenberger, B.; Vorobyeva, I.; Vangrando, V.; Gardezi, S.; O’Hara, J.; Postlbauer, A.; Milyaeva, D.; Sergeevna, N.; Fulterer, S.; García, A.G.; Sánchez, L. (2022) 'Challenges and opportunities for culturally responsive leadership in schools: Evidence from Four European countries'. Policy Futures in Education, 20 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Brown, M.; O’Hara, J.; McNamara, G.; Skerritt, C.; Shevlin, P. (2021) 'Global messages from the edge of Europe the cause and effect of leadership and planning strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic'. Irish Educational Studies, 40 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Skerritt, C.; O’Hara, J.; Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O’Brien, S. (2022) 'Student voice and the school hierarchy: the disconnect between senior leaders and teachers'. Oxford Review of Education, 48 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Faddar, J.; Vanhoof, J.; Brown, M.; Figuereido, M.; Cinkir, S.; O'Hara, J.; McNamara, G. (2021) 'Drivers for student and parent voice in school self-evaluation activities: A cross-country analysis of Flanders (Belgium), Ireland and Portugal'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 71 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Brown, M.; Donnelly, C.; Shevlin, P.; Skerritt, C.; McNamara, G.; O’hara, J. (2021) 'The rise and fall and rise of academic selection: The case of Northern Ireland'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 32 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Skerritt, C., O'Hara,J., Brown, M., McNamara,G. and O'Brien,S. (2021) 'Enacting school self-evaluation: the policy actors in Irish schools'. INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION (PRINT), . [Link]
2021 (2021) 'Operating educational networks in Northern Ireland: the EQI shaped professional learning network'. SHS Web of Conferences, . [Link] [DOI]
2021 McNamara, G.; Brown, M.; Gardezi, S.; O’Hara, J.; O’Brien, S.; Skerritt, C. (2021) 'Embedding Self-Evaluation in School Routines'. SAGE Open, 11 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Brown, M; McNamara, G; Cinkir, S; Fadar, J; Figueiredo, M; Vanhoof, J; O'Hara, J; Skerritt, C; O'Brien, S; Kurum, G; Ramalho, H; Rocha, J (2021) 'Exploring parent and student engagement in school self-evaluation in four European countries'. European Educational Research Journal, 20 (2). [DOI]
2021 Faddar, J.; Vanhoof, J.; Brown, M.; Figuereido, M.; Cinkir, S.; O’Hara, J.; McNamara, G. (2021) 'Drivers for student and parent voice in school self-evaluation activities: A cross-country analysis of Flanders (Belgium), Ireland and Portugal'. .
2021 Brown, M.; Gardezi, S.; Blanco, L.d.C.; Simeonova, R.; Parvanova, Y.; McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J.; Kechri, Z. (2021) 'School self-evaluation an international or country specific imperative for school improvement?'. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Nortvedt, GA; Wiese, E; Brown, M; Burns, D; McNamara, G; O' Hara, J; Altrichter, H; Fellner, M; Herzog-Punzenberger, B; Nayir, F; Taneri, PO (2020) 'Aiding culturally responsive assessment in schools in a globalising world'. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 32 :5-27. [DOI]
2020 McNamara, G.,O’Hara, J.,Brown, M. and Quinn, I. (2020) 'Quality assurance in Irish schools: Inspection and school self-evaluation'. Administration, vol.68 (no.4):161-180.
2020 Herzog-Punzenberger, B.; Altrichter, H.; Brown, M.; Burns, D.; Nortvedt, G.A.; Skedsmo, G.; Wiese, E.; Nayir, F.; Fellner, M.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J. (2020) 'Teachers responding to cultural diversity: case studies on assessment practices, challenges and experiences in secondary schools in Austria, Ireland, Norway and Turkey'. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 32 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 O'Hara J.; Brown M.; McNamara G.; Shevlin P. (2020) 'The potential, limitations and evaluation of education networks in a monocentric system'. Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 38 (1):33-52. [DOI]
2020 Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O’Brien, S.; Skerritt, C.; O’Hara, J.; Faddar, J.; Cinqir, S.; Vanhoof, J.; Figueiredo, M.; Kurum, G. (2020) 'Parent and student voice in evaluation and planning in schools'. Improving Schools, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Harrison, K., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J (2020) 'Evaluating the Level of Student and Teacher Involvement in Second-Level School Processes and Participation in Decision Making: an Irish Case Study'. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12 (1):102-121. [DOI]
2020 O Shea, S.; O Hara, J. (2020) 'The impact of Ireland’s new higher education system performance framework on institutional planning towards the related policy objectives'. Higher Education, 80 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O’Brien, S.; Skerritt, C.; O’Hara, J. (2020) 'Policy and practice: including parents and students in school self-evaluation'. Irish Educational Studies, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Simeonova, R., Parvanova, Y., Brown, M., McNamara, G., Gardezi, S., O'Hara, J., Castillo Blanco, L., Kechri, Z. and Beniata, E. (2020) 'A continuum of Approaches to School Inspections: Cases from Europe'. Pedagogy (Pedagogika-Pedagogy), 29 (20):487-506. [Link]
2020 Brown, M.,McNamara.G., O'Hara, J. and Shevlin, P. (2020) 'Polycentric Inspection: A catalyst for sparking positive interactions in educational networks'. EVALUATION: INT. JOURNAL OF THEORY, RESEARCH & PRACTICE, 26 (1):76-97.
2020 Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J.; Shevlin, P. (2020) 'Polycentric inspection: A catalyst for sparking positive interactions in educational networks'. Evaluation, 26 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J.; Brown, M.; Quinn, I. (2021) 'Quality assurance in Irish schools: Inspection and school self-evaluation'. Administration, 68 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Taysum A.; Arar K.; Chopra P.; Imam H.; Harrison K.; McNamara G.; O’hara J.; Pogosian V.; Mynbayeva A.; Yelbayeva Z.; McGuinness S.J. (2020) 'Optimising well-being and learning through participatory processes and practices: An international comparative analysis of ten groundwork case-studies in schools'. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12 (1):182-210. [DOI]
2019 O'Shea, S and O'Hara, J (2019) 'The impact of Ireland’s new higher education system performance framework on institutional planning towards the related policy objectives'. Higher Education, 80 (2):335-351. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Nayir, F., Brown, M., McNamara, G., Nortvedt, G., Burns, D., O'Hara, J.. and Skedsmo, G. (2019) 'Assessment Challenges and Practices with and for Migrant Backround Students – Cases from Europe''. EURASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 79 :1-13.
2019 Roulston, S.; Cowan, P.; Brown, M.; Austin, R.; O’Hara, J. (2019) 'All aboard or still at check-in? Teacher educators’ use of digital technologies: Lessons from a small island'. Education and Information Technologies, 24 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Burns D.; Brown M.; O’hara J.; McNamara G. (2019) 'Progressing culturally responsive assessment for higher education institutions'. Diversity in Higher Education, 23 :63-85. [DOI]
2019 Nayir, F.; Brown, M.; Burns, D.; O’Hara, J.; McNamara, G.; Nortvedt, G.; Skedsmo, G.; Gloppen, S.K.; Wiese, E.F. (2019) 'Assessment with and for migration background students-cases from europe'. EURASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2019 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 O'Hara, J.,Brown,M., McNamara, G., Shevlin, P. (2019) 'The potential, limitations and evaluation of education networks in a monocentric system'. Educational Research, 38 (1):33-52.
2019 O'Brien, S.; McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J.; Brown, M. (2019) 'Irish teachers, starting on a journey of data use for school self-evaluation'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 60 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Brown,M., McNamara, G., O’Hara,J., Hood,S., Burns,D., and Kurum, G. (2019) 'Evaluating the impact of distributed culturally responsive leadership in a disadvantaged rural primary school in Ireland'. EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION (now EMAL), 47 (3):457-474.
2018 O'Connor, Chris; O'Hara, Joe (2018) 'Even better than the real thing? Using video assisted structured reflection in Simulated Clinical Scenarios and Real-Life Clinical Experiences in the Flipped Classroom'. . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Stynes, Martin; Murphy, Timothy; McNamara, Gerry; O'Hara, Joe (2018) 'Reflection-on-action in qualitative research processes: deconstructing research and developing an honest critical self-appraisal rubric'. . [Link]
2018 (2018) 'Reflection-on-action in qualitative research: A critical self-appraisal rubric for deconstructing research'. Issues in Educational Research, . [Link]
2018 (2018) 'Reflections on Reflective Practice among Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Practitioners in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Paramedicine, . [Link] [DOI]
2018 (2018) 'It’s good to talk! Reflective Discussion Forums to support and develop Reflective Practice among Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Practitioners in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Paramedicine, . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Burns, D.; Devitt, A.; McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J.; Brown, M. (2018) 'Is it all memory recall? An empirical investigation of intellectual skill requirements in Leaving Certificate examination papers in Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies, 37 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Stynes, M.; Mcnamara, G.; O’Hara, J. (2018) 'An analysis of day to day activities of a sample of primary school principals in Ireland'. Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2018 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Poole, P.; Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J.; O'Brien, S.; Burns, D. (2018) 'Challenges and supports towards the integration of ePortfolios in education. Lessons to be learned from Ireland'. Heliyon, 4 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Young, C., McNamara, G., Brown, M., and O'Hara, J. (2018) 'Adopting and adapting: school leaders in the age of data-informed decision making'. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, . [Link]
2018 Stynes, M.; Murphy, T.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J. (2018) 'Reflection-on-action in qualitative research: A critical self-appraisal rubric for deconstructing research'. Issues in Educational Research, 28 . [Link]
2018 Young, C.; McNamara, G.; Brown, M.; O’Hara, J. (2018) 'Adopting and adapting: school leaders in the age of data-informed decision making'. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 30 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; Ohara, J.; O'Brien, S.; Faddar, J. (2018) 'Integrated co-professional evaluation? Converging approaches to school evaluation across frontiers'. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43 . [Link]
2017 O’Brien, S.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J.; Brown, M. (2017) 'External specialist support for school self-evaluation: Testing a model of support in Irish post-primary schools'. Evaluation, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., Hood, S., Burns, D. and Kurum, G. (2017) 'Evaluating the impact of distributed culturally responsive leadership in a disadvantaged rural primary school in Ireland'. EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION (now EMAL), Online 8 November 2017 :1-18. [DOI]
2017 JonesK.L , Tymms,P., Kemethofer, D. , O’Hara,J., McNamara,g., Huber,S., Myrberg,E., Skedsmo,G, and Greger,D. (2017) 'The unintended consequences of school inspection: the prevalence of inspection side-effects in Austria, the Czech Republic, England, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland'. Oxford Review of Education, Online 1st . [Link]
2017 Brown,M.,McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., Hood, S., Burns, D., and Kurum, G. (2017) 'Evaluating the impact of distributed culturally responsive leadership in a disadvantaged rural primary school in Ireland'. EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION (now EMAL), .
2017 O'Brien, S., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., & Brown, M. (2017) 'External specialist support for school self- evaluation: Testing a model of support in Irish post-primary schools'. EVALUATION: INT. JOURNAL OF THEORY, RESEARCH & PRACTICE, 23 (1):61-79.
2017 Jones, K.L.; Tymms, P.; Kemethofer, D.; O’Hara, J.; McNamara, G.; Huber, S.; Myrberg, E.; Skedsmo, G.; Greger, D. (2017) 'The unintended consequences of school inspection: the prevalence of inspection side-effects in Austria, the Czech Republic, England, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland'. Oxford Review of Education, 43 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Brown,M., McNamara,G., O’Hara,J., Hood, S., Burns, D., and Kurum,G. (2017) 'Evaluating the impact of distributed culturally responsive leadership in a disadvantaged rural primary school in Ireland'. .
2017 Ehren, M. C. M., Janssens, F. J. G., Brown, M., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J. and Shevlin, P. (2017) 'Evaluation and decentralised governance: Examples of inspections in polycentric education systems'. Journal of Educational Change, . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Brown, M., McNamara,G. and O Hara, J (2016) 'Quality and the rise of value-added in education: The case of Ireland'. Policy Futures in Education, . [DOI]
2016 Harrison K.; Taysum A.; McNamara G.; O'Hara J. (2016) 'The degree to which students and teachers are involved in second-level school processes and participation in decision-making: an Irish Case Study'. Irish Educational Studies, :1-19. [DOI]
2016 Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J.; O’Brien, S. (2016) 'Exploring the changing face of school inspections'. Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2016 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J. (2016) 'Quality and the rise of value-added in education: The case of Ireland'. Policy Futures in Education, 14 . [Link]
2016 Ehren,MCM., Honingh, ME., Hooge, EH and O Hara , J. (2016) 'Changing school board governance in primary education through school inspections'. EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION (now EMAL), DOI 10.1177/1741143214549969 (44):205-223. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O Hara, J. and O Brien, S (2016) 'Exploring the changing face of School Inspections'. Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 66 :1-26. [Link]
2015 Conyngham,Gerry (2015) 'From Inspection to Quality: Ways in Which School Inspection Influences Change in Schools'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, .
2015 Harrison, K., McNamara, G. and O'Hara, J. (2015) 'Evaluating the Level of Student and Teacher Involvement in Second-Level School Processes and Participation in Decision Making: An Irish Case Study'. EUROPEAN STUDIES IN EDUCATION MANAGEMENT, 3 :185-209.
2015 Harrison, K.; O’hara, J.; McNamara, G. (2015) 'Re-thinking assessment: Self- and peer-assessment as drivers of self-direction in learning'. EURASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, . [Link] [DOI]
2015 O’Brien S.; McNamara G.; O’Hara J. (2015) 'Supporting the consistent implementation of self-evaluation in Irish post-primary schools'. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 27 (4):377-393. [DOI]
2015 Gustafsson, J.E.; Ehren, M.C.M.; Conyngham, G.; McNamara, G.; Altrichter, H.; O'Hara, J. (2015) 'From inspection to quality: Ways in which school inspection influences change in schools'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 47 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 O'Hara J.; Holm G. (2014) 'Ten years a-talking! Reflecting on the role of the EERA council from the perspective of national educational research associations'. European Educational Research Journal, 13 (4):472-480. [DOI]
2014 O'Brien S.; McNamara G.; O'Hara J. (2014) 'Critical facilitators: External supports for self-evaluation and improvement in schools'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 43 :169-177. [DOI]
2013 Ehren, M.C.M.; Altrichter, H.; McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J. (2013) 'Impact of school inspections on improvement of schools-describing assumptions on causal mechanisms in six European countries'. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 (2013) 'Intergenerational Learning: A Valuable Learning Experience for Higher Education Students'. EURASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, .
2012 McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J. (2012) 'From looking at our schools (LAOS) to whole school evaluation -management, leadership and learning (WSE-MLL): The evolution of inspection in irish schools over the past decade'. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J.; Lisi, P.L.; Davidsdottir, S. (2011) 'Operationalising self-evaluation in schools: Experiences from Ireland and Iceland'. Irish Educational Studies, 30 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Anderson K.; Brien K.; McNamara G.; O’Hara J.; Mclsaac D. (2011) 'Reluctant leaders: Why are some capable leaders not interested in the principalship?'. International Journal of Management in Education, 5 (4):384-400. [DOI]
2009 McNamara,G.,O'Hara, J., Boyle,R., and Sullivan,C. (2009) 'Developing a culture of evaluation in the Irish public sector: The case of education'. Evaluation, 15 (1):101-112. [DOI]
2008 Mc Namara, G., O Hara, J. and Boyle, R. (2008) 'Influences Shaping National Evaluation Policies: the case of Ireland'. THE EVALUATOR, 14 :15-19.
2008 McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J. (2008) 'The importance of the concept of self-evaluation in the changing landscape of education policy'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 34 . [Link] [DOI]
2007 O'Hara, Joe; McNamara, Gerry; Boyle, Richard (2007) 'Contexts and Constraints: An Analysis of the Evolution of Evaluation in Ireland with Particular Reference to the Education System'. . [Link]
2006 Mcnamara, G.; O’hara, J. (2006) 'Workable Compromise or Pointless Exercise?:School-based Evaluation in the Irish Context'. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 34 . [Link] [DOI]
2006 McNamara G. and O Hara,J. (2006) 'Workable Compromise or Pointless Exercise?: School-based Evaluation in the Irish Context'. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 34 :564-582.
2005 McNamara, G., Mulcahy,C. and O Hara,J. (2005) 'An Evaluation of Staff Training Needs and Provision in the Further Education Sector in Ireland'. JOURNAL OF ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION, 11 :155-170.
2005 McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J. (2005) 'Internal review and self-evaluation - The chosen route to school improvement in Ireland?'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 31 . [Link] [DOI]
2004 McNamara, G. and J. O Hara (2004) 'Trusting the Teacher – Evaluating Educational Innovation'. EVALUATION: INT. JOURNAL OF THEORY, RESEARCH & PRACTICE, 10 :463-474.
2004 McNamara, G.; O’hara, J. (2004) 'Trusting the Teacher: Evaluating Educational Innovation'. Evaluation, 10 . [Link] [DOI]
2002 (2002) 'Whole-School Evaluation and Development Planning'. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, . [DOI]
2002 McNamara,G. and O Hara,J. (2002) 'Whole School Evaluation and School Development Planning – an Analysis of recent Initiatives in Ireland'. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 25 :201-211.
2001 O Hara, J. and G.McNamara (2001) 'Process and Product: Issues in the Evaluation of School Development Planning'. EVALUATION: INT. JOURNAL OF THEORY, RESEARCH & PRACTICE, 7 :99-119.
2001 O'hara, J.; McNamara, G. (2001) 'Process and Product Issues in the Evaluation of School Development Planning'. Evaluation, 7 . [Link] [DOI]
2000 O'Hara, J.; Byrne, S. (2000) 'A positive approach to discipline: An assessment'. Irish Educational Studies, 19 . [Link] [DOI]
1999 O Hara, J. and McNamara, G (1999) 'Evaluation: Business or Vocation?'. EVALUATION: INT. JOURNAL OF THEORY, RESEARCH & PRACTICE, 5 :490-503.
1998 McNamara, G.; O'Hara, J.; Rousi, H. (1998) 'The pedagogical challenges of constructivist theory and empowerment in learning and information technology'. Irish Educational Studies, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
1997 McNamara, G., H. Roussi and J. O Hara (1997) 'Entrepreneurship in Teaching: Some Pedagogical Challenges from the Perspective of Teacher Education'. Points of Departure: the European Dimension in Vocational Teacher Education 1 :37-50.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2018 O'Connor, C and O'Hara, J (2018) 'Reflections on Reflective Practice among Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Practitioners in Ireland' 3 (2) . [Link]
2007 Austin,R.,Conway,P.,Graffin,D. and O'Hara,J. (2007) 'ICTs in Initial Teacher Education North and South: The Challenges of Embedding ICTs in the Learning to teach experience' :106-116.
2003 O'Hara, J and McNamara, G. (2003) 'An Evaluation of the IAN / FRY Vocational Skills Training Programme : Belgrade, Serbia' .
2001 McNamara, G., O’Hara, J and Mulcahy,C. (2001) 'An Analysis of the Training Needs of Educators in the Further Education Sector in Ireland. ' .
1999 McNamara, G.,O’Hara, J. (1999) 'The Vocational Education and Training System in Surinam Present Realities and Future Directions' .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2021 Rodríguez-Conde, M.J.; Olmos Migueláñez, S.; Sánchez-Prieto, J.C.; O'Hara, J. (2021) Evaluation in Education and Guidance: Contributions from TEEM 21 [Link] [DOI]
2020 Rodriguez-Conde, M.J.; Olmos-Migueláñez, S.; Gamazo, A.; Sánchez Prieto, J.C.; O'Hara, J. (2020) Challenges in Evaluation in Education and Guidance: A Perspective from 2020 [Link] [DOI]
2019 Vieira M.; Olmos-Migueláez S.; O'Hara J. (2019) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Evaluation in education and Guidance: Overview from international approaches [DOI]
2019 Joe O'Hara (2019) 130 years of University Pedagogy The drive for ‘Quality’ in Education – Meaningful engagement with multiple voices: A European answer to a global question? Sofia University, Bulgaria, 29/11/2018- 30/11/2018
2018 Rodríguez-Conde M.; Olmos-Migueláñez S.; Gamazo A.; O'Hara J. (2018) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Evaluation in education and Guidance: A perspective from 2018 [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Joe O'Hara; Martin Brown; Sarah Gardezi; Gerry McNamara (2023) World Educational Research Association Exploring an Intercultural Community Evaluation and Planning (ICCEP) in European Countries NIE Singapore, 21/11/2023-24/11/2023.
2023 John O'Hara; Joe O'Hara (2023) World Educational Research Association A mixed methods study evaluating Myanmar teacher educators’ opinions of training which was funded within the Education and Development sector NIE, Singapore, 21/11/2023-24/11/2023.
2023 Icy Freson Anabo; Joe O'Hara; Sarh Gardezi; Aideen Cassidy; Martin Brown; Gerry McNamara; Rocio Garcia Carrion (2023) World Educational Research Association What causes young people to drop out? NIE Singapore, .
2023 O'Haraj , J (2023) European Conference on Educational Research Citizenship Education in Europe and Beyond. The Role of Research Glasgow. Scotland, 21/08/2023-25/08/2023.
2023 O'Hara, J (2023) European Conference on Educational Research European Educational Research in an increasingly diverse world Glasgow. Scotland, 21/08/2023-25/08/2023.
2023 O Hara, J (2023) Società Italiana di Pegagogia - SIPED The quality of educational research in a changing research landscape Florence, Italy, 23/06/2023-24/09/2023.
2022 Shivaun O'Brien, John O'Hara, Joe O'Hara, Gerry McNamara (2022) Reconstructing Education: What Matters? : Educational Studies Assoc. of Ireland Annual Conference The Significance and Impact of the Development of the Quality Framework for Ethos in Educate Together Schools Online, .
2022 Brown, M.,Shevlin, P., McNamara, P., O' Hara, J., Skerritt, C., Gardezi, S. (2022) Educational Studies Ass. of Ireland, Annual Conference Student Voice and the Power and Influence of Policy and Practice - Cases from Europe and Beyond Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, .
2022 Skerrit,C.,McNamara, G., Quinn, I., O'Hara, J. (2022) Educational Studies Ass. of Ireland, Annual Conference Bringing Policy to Life in Schools: The Salient Role of Middle Leaders Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, .
2020 O'Hara, J (2020) 4th Ukrainian Educational Research Association Annual Conference Implementation of European Standards into Ukrainian Educational Research Kiev, Ukraine, 26/06/2019-26/06/2019.
2019 O'Brien, S., Brown, M., McNamara, G. and O'Hara, J. (2019) ESAI Conference 2019 - Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge Post-primary students as co-researchers in School Self- Evaluation St. Angela’s College, Sligo, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 O'Shea, S and O'Hara, J (2019) World Educational Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting - Future of Democracy and Education How does the Implementation of Ireland's New Higher Education System Performance Framework Measure Up to the Aims of Performance Agreements Internationally? Lessons Learned and Future Directions Tokyo, Japan, 05/08/2019-08/08/1968.
2019 Joe O'Hara (2019) VI International Eurasian Educational Research Conference New Developments in School Evaluation: Challenges, Convergence and Opportunities University of Ankara, Turkey, 19/06/2019-22/06/2019.
2019 Joe O'Hara (2019) World Educational Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting - Future of Democracy and Education What does it mean to be European? Introducing the European Educational Research Association Tokyo, Japan, 05/08/2019-08/08/2019.
2019 O'Hara, J., O'Brien, S., Brown, M., McNamara, G. and Skeritt, C. (2019) ESAI Conference 2019 - Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge A pragmatic model of professional development for school self-evaluation St. Angela’s College, Sligo, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 McNamara, G., Brown, M.,O’Hara, J., O’Brien, S., and Skerritt, C. (2019) ESAI Conference 2019 - Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge From policy to advocacy to reality – Exploring the benefits and challenges of parent and student voice in School Evaluation. Cases from Europe St. Angela’s College, Sligo, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 Burns, D., Brown, M., McNamara, G. and O'Hara, J. (2019) ESAI Conference 2019 - Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge Positioning assessment reform in second level education in Ireland in the context of international developments St. Angela’s College, Sligo, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 Joe O'Hara (2019) Hungarian Educational Research Association Rethinking the role of educational research in a changing Europe Eger, Hungary, 23/05/2019-24/05/2019.
2019 Brown, M., Burns, D., O'Hara, J. and McNamara.G. (2019) CREA V- Intersectionality as Critical Inquiry, Method and Practice: Moving Beyond Nominal Categories and False Dichotomies in Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment Positioning Culturally Responsive Assessment in Higher Educations – A Strategic response from EQI, The Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection – Ireland Chicago Illinois, 27/03/2019-29/04/2019.
2019 Joe O'Hara (2019) Education and City Partnerships for Success Converging towards co-professionalism: Challenges and opportunities in school evaluation Moscow City University, 16/05/2019-17/05/2019.
2019 O'Hara, J (2019) American Educational Research Association Converging for Quality? The Changing Landscape of European School Inspection Toronto, Canada, 05/04/2019-10/04/2019.
2019 O'Hara, J, Brown, M., Ehren, M, McNamara, G.,Svensson, J., Simeonova,R.,Godfrey,D. and Parvanova,Y. (2019) American Educational Research Association Accountability of Educational Networks: Findings From Four Case Studies Toronto, Canada, 05/04/2019-09/04/2019.
2018 O'Hara, J (2018) Sofia University -130 YEARS OF UNIVERSITY PEDAGOGY The drive for ‘Quality’ in Education – Meaningful engagement with multiple voices: A European answer to a global question? Sofia, Bulgaria, 29/11/2018-30/11/2018.
2018 Brown,M., Austin, R., Cowan,P., O’Hara, J., & Roulston, S. (2018) International Conference on Mobile Technology in Education Bridging the Gap: An Investigation of ITE Tutors use of Digital Technologies for ITE Preparation on the Island of Ireland NUI Galway, 19/01/2018-20/01/2018.
2018 Brown, M., Faddar, J., Figueiredo, M., Cinkir, S., O'Brien, S. & Skerritt, C (2018) European Conference for Educational Research Towards Distributed Evaluation and Planning (DEAPS) in Schools - Cases from Europe Bolzano, 03/09/2018-07/03/2019.
2018 Kurum, G., Cinkir, S., Brown, M.. McNamara, G., Faddar, J., and Figueredo, M. (2018) 10th International Educational Supervision Congress A Comparative analysis of Parent/Student Participation in the Context of Distributed School Evaluation and Planning Across Four European Countries Antalya, Turkey, 06/12/2018-08/03/2019.
2018 Joe O Hara (2018) XIV Congresso SPCE Reconceptualising Educational Research in a Time of Change: Micro Solutions for Macro Challenges? Coimbra, Portugal, 10/10/2018-12/10/2018.
2018 Burns, D., Brown, M., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J. (2018) Education Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI): Values and Purpose in Education Positioning Culturally Responsive Assessment in Higher Education – A strategic response at DCU Institute of Education Dublin, 05/04/2018-07/04/2018.
2018 Burns, D., Brown, M.,Nortvedt, G., Nayir, F., Altrichter , H. and O'Hara, J. (2018) European Conference for Educational Research Aiding Culturally Responsive Assessment in Schools: A Conceptual Framework Bolzano, Italy, 04/09/2018-08/09/2018.
2018 Cowan, P., Roulston, S., Brown, M., O'Hara, J. and Austin, R. (2018) European Conference for Educational Research Meet the Neighbours across Ireland’s border: Discovering Pre-service Initial Teacher Education Tutors’ ICT Competence Bolzano, Italy, 04/09/2018-08/09/2018.
2018 O'Brien, S., McNamara, G. Brown, M. and O' Hara, J. (2018) International Professional Development Association, Annual Conference A pragmatic model of professional development for school self - evaluation Birmingham, England, 16/11/2018-17/11/2018.
2018 Cowan,P., Roulston, S., Brown, M., O'Hara,J. and Austin, R. (2018) EdMedia World Conference on Educational Media and Technology Ready or Not, Here We Come!: Teacher Educatorsʼ Readiness to Teach the 21st Century Learner Amsterdam, 25/06/2018-29/07/2018.
2018 O'Connor,C and O'Hara,J (2018) Irish College of Paramedics Scientific Symposium It’s good to talk! Reflective Discussion Forums to support and develop Reflective Practice among Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Practitioners in Ireland Brookfield Health Science Complex, University College Cork, 15/09/2018-15/09/2018.
2018 O'Connor,C and O'Hara,J (2018) Irish College of Paramedics Scientific Symposium Reflections on Reflective Practice among Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Practitioners in Ireland Brookfield Health Science Complex, University College Cork, 15/09/2018-15/09/2018.
2018 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J., Shevlin, P., and Ehren, M. (2018) Education Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI): Values and Purpose in Education From professional learning communities to Evaluation of Professional learning communities - Results from a three-year case study on network governance in education Dublin, 05/04/2018-07/04/2018.
2018 Roulston,S., Cowan, P., Austin, R., Brown, M. and O’Hara, J. (2018) Education Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI): Values and Purpose in Education Making sense of digital literacies in Initial Teacher Education – The case of Ireland and Northern Ireland Dublin, 05/04/2018-07/04/2018.
2018 Brown, M., O'Hara, J., and McNamara, G. (2018) American Educational Research Association (AERA): The Dreams, possibilities and necessities of Public Education The beginning of the end of quiescence. The possibilities and conditions necessary for Polycentric evaluation New York, 13/04/2018-17/04/2018.
2018 Nayir, F., Taneri, O., Brown, M., Burns, D., O’Hara, J., and McNamara, G. (2018) Education, Society and Reform Research (EDUSREF) Improving Education as a Social System in the face of Future Challenges: Assessment for Migration Students : Aiding Culturally Responsive Assessment in Schools(ACRAS) in four European Countries Ankara, Turkey, 06/04/2018-07/04/2018.
2018 Brown,M., Nayir, F., Burns, D., McNamara, G., and O’Hara, J. (2018) Education Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI): Values and Purpose in Education Values & purpose of assessment across frontiers: a comparative analysis of culturally responsive assessment practices in four European countries Dublin, 05/04/2018-07/04/2018.
2018 Brown, M., O'Hara, J., McNamara, G., O'Brien, S., Farrell, R. and Burns, D. (2018) International Conference on Mobile Technologies in Education Testing a model of CPD for the introduction of ePortfolios in Irish Education NUI Galway, 19/01/2018-20/01/2018.
2018 O'Brien, S., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., and Brown, M. (2018) Education Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI): Values and Purpose in Education A pragmatic model of continuing professional development for school self-evaluation Dublin:Ireland, 05/04/2018-07/04/2018.
2017 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J., Burns, D., Kurum, G. and O'Brien, S. (2017) The European Conference on Educational Research: Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and the role of educational research: Reforming Education and th Evaluating the significance of Culturally-responsive Distributed Leadership in a Disadvantaged Rural Primary School in the Republic of Ireland. An ethnographic Case Study Copenhagen, 21/08/2017-25/08/2017.
2017 Nayir, F., Brown, M., O’Hara, J., Altrichter, H., McNamra, G., Nordvedt, G., Burns, D., Fellner, M., (2017) 3rd Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Conference New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences Theoretical Framework for Culturally Responsive Assessment in European Countries CEE NASHS. Chisinau, Moldova, 08/07/2017-10/06/2017.
2017 Brown, M.,O Hara, J., McNamara, G., Burns, D., Nortvedt, G., Skedsmo, G., Altrichter, H., Fellner, M., Nayir, and Taneri, O. (2017) Evidence Matters: Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment Translating to Action and Impact in Challenging Times: CREA Fourth International Conference Exploring Practices of Culturally Responsive Assessment in European Schools Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois, 26/09/2017-29/09/2017.
2017 Brown,M., O’Hara, J., and McNamara, G. (2017) Accountability of educational networks: what, why and how? - Findings from a comparative EU-study on inspections in Polycentric education systems Inspections of area-based learning communities in Northern Ireland: UCL Institute of Education 20 Bedford Way, 05/09/2017-05/08/2017.
2017 Cowan, P. , Austin, R., Brown, M., O'Hara, J., Roulston, S., Conway, P.. (2017) British Educational Research Association Conference (BERA) Teacher Educators' Practice in ICT: keeping pace with 21st century student teachers? University of Sussex, Brighton, 05/08/2017-07/08/2017.
2017 O'Brien, S., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J. and Brown, M. (2017) The European Conference on Educational Research: Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and the role of educational research Learning by doing: A model of continuing professional development for data-use in school self-evaluation Copenhagen, 21/08/2017-25/08/2017.
2017 Burns, D., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., and Brown, M. (2017) The European Conference on Educational Research: Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and the role of educational research Five challenges applied to assessment reform efforts in secondary education in Ireland: Positioning attempts at assessment reform within international developments Copenhagen, 21/08/2017-25/08/2017.
2017 Burns, D., Nayir, F., Brown, M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J. (2017) Sixth Annual International Research Methods Summer School (IRMSS) Aiding Culturally Responsive Evaluation in Schools Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland, 19/05/2017-21/05/2017.
2017 Brown, M. , Nayir, F., O'Hara, J., McNamara, G., Burns, D., Norvedt, G., Herzog-Punzenberger, B., Altrichter, H., and Taneri, O. (2017) The European Conference on Educational Research: Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and the role of educational research Practices of Culturally Responsive Assessment in European Schools? Results of a Literature Review in Four European Countries Copenhagen, 21/08/2017-25/08/2017.
2017 Sweetman, B., O'Hara, J. and McNamara, G. (2017) SIETAR EUROPA CONGRESS Evalinto: Towards the design of a training course for teachers in peer mentoring at post-primary level to reduce levels of early school leaving amongst the migrant school population DCU St. Patrick's Campus, Dublin, 22/05/2017-27/05/2017.
2017 Brown, M., Burns, D., McNamara, G. and O'Hara, J. (2017) SIETAR EUROPA CONFERENCE Aiding Culturally Responsive Assessment in Schools (ACRAS) An assessment strategy whose time has come DCU Institute of Education, 25/05/2017-29/05/2017.
2017 kurum, G., Brown, M., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J., and Çinkir, Ş. (2017) International Eurasian Educational Research Congress (EJER) Culturally responsive leadership practices: A comparative study of Irish and Turkish Primary Schools Pamukkale Üniversitesi / DENİZLİ / Turkey, 11/05/2017-14/05/2017.
2017 O Hara, J., Brown,M., Burns, D., McNamara,G., Nayir,F, and Taneri,O. (2017) Educational Studies Association of Ireland An overview of Culturally Responsive assessment practices in European Schools University College Cork, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 Roulston,S., Cowan,P.,Brown,M.,O Hara,J.,Austin,R. and Conway,P. (2017) Educational Studies Association of Ireland All aboard or still at check-in? ITE tutors use of digital technologies. Lessons from a small island University College Cork, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 Brown,M, McNamara,G.,O Hara,J. and O Brien,S. (2017) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Towards Ireland’s action plan for 2016-2017. Deconstructing local education clusters in a monoculture system. Empirical evidence from Ireland University College Cork, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 O Brien,S., McNamara,G., O Hara,J. and Brown,M. (2017) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Learning by doing: A model of continuing professional development for data-use in school self evaluation University College Cork, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 Brown,M., O'Hara,J., and McNamara,G (2017) American Educational Research Association: Knowledge to Action Toward Equal Education Opportunity in a Polycentric Inspection Context San Antonio, Texas, USA, 27/04/2017-01/05/2017.
2017 Brown, M.,Farrell, R., O'Hara, J.,McNamara, G., Gallagher, S. and O'Brien, S. (2017) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Ongoing Assessment Using eportfolios: lessons to be learned from a 2 year study of eportfolio integration in Irish secondary schools Cork, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2013 Brown, M., O Hara, J. and McNamara,G. (2013) Educational Policy in Changing Times: Consultation, Implementation and Impact - 38th Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Nijesh Solk Mwil Start Gyamyath ( Save us from the time of trial) : From Austerity to Prosperity and Back Again University of Limerick, 21/03/2013-23/03/2013.
2014 Brown,M., O'Brien,S.,McNamara,G. and O'Hara,J. (2014) Evaluation for an Equitable Society - 11th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society Tracing the changing face of School Evaluation in the Republic of Ireland Dublin, Ireland, 01/10/2014-03/10/2014.
2014 Brown, M., O'Brien, S., McNamara, G. & O'Hara, J. (2014) 11th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society Tracing the changing face of school self-evaluation in Ireland Dublin, 01/06/2014-03/06/2014.
2014 O'Hara, J., McNamara, G., O'Brien, S. & Brown, M. (2014) The Rise of School Development in Relation to Accountability and Evaluation Systems The Rise of Self-Evaluation in Ireland University of Bielefeld, Germany, 11/11/2014-13/11/2014.
2014 Brown, M., McNamara, G. and O Hara, J. (2014) Imagining and Innovating for Sustainable Futures; education in challenging times - Education Studies Association of Ireland From looking at schools to looking at self‐regulation: Tracing the changing face of school evaluation and assessment in the republic of Ireland Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, 10/04/2014-12/04/2014.
2014 Brown, M., O'Brien, S., McNamara, G., & O'Hara, J. (2014) The Governance of School Development in Relation to Accountability and Evaluation Systems - European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) The Rise of Self-Evaluation in Ireland EARLI Sig 23, University of Bielefeld, 11/11/2014-13/11/2014.
2015 Harrison K.,Corrigan T.,McNamara G. and O Hara J (2015) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Students’ Health – A Family Affair in a Changing world Maynooth Co. Kildare, 09/04/2015-11/04/2015.
2015 O Hara, J, Brown, M, Shevlin, P and McNamara, G. (2015) Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future - Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference Together towards improvement – The case of Polycentric inspection in Northern Ireland NUI, Maynooth, 07/04/2015-11/04/2015.
2015 McNamara, G., Brown, M. and O'Hara, J. (2015) From good to great. The case of Polycentric Evaluation in West Belfast - Stormont Castle, Northern Ireland From good to great. The case of Polycentric Evaluation in West Belfast: Stormont Castle, Northern Ireland, 18/11/2106-18/11/2016.
2016 Brown,M., O Hara,J. and McNamara,G. (2016) Education as a Public Good - Educational Studies Association of Ireland High stakes accountability in Education. Lessons to be learned from Ireland ’ s first decades of post - colonial educational Independence (1922 – 1971) NUI, Galway, 31/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2016 Brown, M., McNamra,G., O Hara, J. and O'Brien, S. (2016) Evaluation Futures in Europe and beyond, Connectivity, Innovation and use - 12th EES Biennial Conference Notes on a small island: De-constructing school evaluation in Ireland Maastricht, the Netherlands, 26/09/2016-30/09/2016.
2016 O'Brien, S., O'Hara,J., McNamara,G., and Brown,M. (2016) 12th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society Building Capacity for School Self-Evaluation 12th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society, Maastricht, Netherlands , 26-SEP-16 - 30-SEP-16, .
2016 McNamara,G. and O Hara, J, Ehren, M., Brown, M., Shevlin,P. and O'Rourke,C., (2016) Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers - European Conference for Educational Research: Co-existence revisited: towards a framework for Polycentric Evaluation in Education Dublin, Ireland, 24/08/2016-26/08/2016.
2016 O'Brien,S.,O'Hara, J., McNamara, G., Brown, M. (2016) 12th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society Building Evaluation Capacity for School Self- Evaluation Maastricht, Netherlands, 26/09/2016-30/09/2016.
2016 Brown,M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J, Poole, P. and O'Brien, S. (2016) The Next Generation:Digital Learning Research symposium 2016 Factors affecting the introduction of digital portfolios in Irish education Dublin City University, 01/11/2016-01/11/2016.
2016 Burns, D., O Hara, J. and McNamara,.G (2016) Educational Studies Association of Ireland An investigation of the intellectual skill in the final written assessment of 23 subjects in the Leaving Certificate 2005 - 2010 NUIG, Galway, 31/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2016 Brown,M.,O'Hara, J., and McNamara,G. (2016) Connecting teachers, schools and systems: Creating the conditions for effective learning - International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement A mixed methods analysis of a mixed methods system. School inspections in a polycentric context Glasgow, Scotland, 06/01/2016-09/01/2016.
2016 Ehren,M., Janssens.,F, Brown, M., McNamara,G. O’Hara,J. and Simeonova,R. (2016) Connecting teachers, schools and systems: Creating the conditions for effective learning - International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement Changing roles and methods of inspections;theoretical framework Glasgow, Scotland, 06/09/2016-09/09/2016.
2016 O Hara, Joe (2016) Education in Ireland A never ending story? ‘Reconceptualising Initial Teacher Education in Ireland’ College of William and Mary, Williamsburg Virginia, 17/11/2016-17/11/2016.
2016 Brown, M., McNamara,G., O Hara, J and O'Brien,S (2016) Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers - European Conference for Educational Research Striking a Balance? The Continuing Evolution of Inspection and School Self-Evaluation in Ireland UCD, Dublin, 24/08/2016-.
2016 Burns, D., McNamara,G., and O'Hara,J. (2016) Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers - European Conference for Educational Research An investigation of the intellectual skill in the assessment of selected subjects in the Leaving Certificate in Ireland UCD, Dublin, 24/08/2016-26/08/2016.
2016 McNamara,G.,O'Brien,S., and Brown, M. (2016) Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers -European Conference on Educational Research External Specialist Support for School Self-evaluation: Testing a Model of Support in Irish Post-Primary Schools UCD, Dublin, 24/08/2016-26/08/2016.
2016 O'Hara, J (2016) Memorial University Newfoundland, Educational Leadership Academy Distributed Leadership - an idea whose time has come St. Johns, Newfoundland, 08/08/2016-10/08/2016.
2016 Brown,M., O Hara,J. and McNamara,G. (2016) Educational Studies Association of Ireland High stakes accountability in Education. Lessons to be learned from Ireland ’ s first decades of post - colonial educational Independence (1922 – 1971) NUIG, Galway, 31/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2016 Brown,M.,O'Hara, J., and McNamara,G. (2016) International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement A mixed methods analysis of a mixed methods system. School inspections in a polycentric context Glasgow, 06/01/2016-09/01/2016.
2015 Ashkanani,A., O Hara, J. Lovatt, J., Al-Hassan, A. and Tamtam,A. (2015) 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference THE IMPACT OF PERSONAL FACTORS ON INSTRUCTORS ATTITUDE TOWARD E-LEARNING SYSTEM IN KUWAIT UNIVERSITY USING TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL Madrid, Spain, 02/03/2015-04/03/2015.
2015 Harrison, K., McNamara, G. and O Hara, J (2015) European Conference on Educational Research Evaluating the Impact on Education Provision of Rapid Demographic Change in the Irish Midlands Budapest, 09/09/2015-11/09/2015.
2015 Harrison K.,Corrigan T.,McNamara G. and O Hara J (2015) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference Students’ Health – A Family Affair in a Changing world Maynooth Co. Kildare, 09/04/2015-11/04/2015.
2015 Ashkanani,A., O Hara, J. Lovatt, J., Al-Hassan, A. and Tamtam,A. (2015) The Clute Institute International Education Conference The impact of job relevant factors on instructors attitudes towards an e-learning system in Kuwait University using a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) San Juan, Puerto Rico, 22/03/2015-26/03/2015.
2015 O Hara, J, Brown, M, Shevlin, P and McNamara, G. (2015) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference Together towards improvement – The case of Polycentric inspection in Northern Ireland Maynooth, 09/04/2015-11/04/2015.
2014 O Hara, J, McNamara, G. and Brown, M. (2014) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference From looking at  schools to looking at  self‐regulation:  Tracing the changing  face of school  evaluation and  assessment in the  republic of Ireland.  Athlone, 10/04/2014-12/04/2014.
2014 Brown,M., O'Brien,S.,McNamara,G. and O'Hara,J. (2014) 11th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society Tracing the changing face of School Evaluation in the Republic of Ireland Dublin, 01/10/2014-03/10/2014.
2014 Jones, K., Kemethofer,D., Tymms,P., Myrberg,E., O'Hara,J. and Greger,D. (2014) European Conference on Educational Research The Unintended Effects Of School Inspection: Evidence From An EU Comparative Study Porto, Portugal, 03/09/2014-05/09/2014.
2014 O'Hara, J., McNamara, G., and Brown, M. (2014) The changing face of school inspections; theories and practices The Rise of Self-Evaluation in Ireland Gothenburg, Sweden, 03/06/2014-04/06/2014.
2014 Harrison, K., O'Hara, J., and McNamara, G. (2014) 11th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society Addressing Cultural Responsiveness in Education and Training Dublin, 01/10/2014-03/10/2014.
2014 Harrison, K., McNamara,G., O Hara, J. and Nayir, F. (2014) European Conference on Educational Research Teacher and Student Participation in Second-Level School Processes and Practices Porto, Portugal, 03/09/2014-05/09/2014.
2014 O Hara, J. & McNamara. G. (2014) EURASIAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CONGRESS External Support For School Self-Evaluation Istanbul, Turkey, 24/04/2014-26/04/2014.
2013 O'Hara, J,. McNamara, G. & Brown, M. (2013) ESAI Annual Conference Nijesh Solk Mwil Start Gyamyath ( Save us from the time of trial) : From Austerity to Prosperity and Back Again Limerick, Ireland, 21/03/2013-23/03/2013.
2013 O Hara, Joe, McNamara, Gerry and Harrison, Kathy (2013) Repositioning Culture in Evaluation and Assessment : Centre for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Asessment Inaugural Conference Culture Changes, Irish Evaluation and Assessment Traditions Stay the Same? Chicago, Illinois, USA, 21/04/2013-23/04/2013.
2012 O Hara , Joe., Kemethofer David, Altrichter, Herbert, Ehren Melanie, McNamara Gerry,Sivesind Kirsten (2012) The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All How do School Inspections aim to further School Improvement? Cadiz, Spain, 18/09/2012-21/09/2012.
2012 O'Hara, Joe (2012) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference Educational Evaluation in an Age of Transformation: Finding a balance in unbalanced times University College Cork, 29/03/2012-31/03/2012.
2012 Altrichter, Herbert, O Hara , Joe, McNamara Gerry, Ehren Melanie, (2012) The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All Examining the Assumptions of European Inspectorates of Education: A Conceptual Model Cadiz, Spain, 18/09/2012-21/09/2012.
2011 O'Hara, J & McNamara,G. (2011) Educational Studies Association of Ireland The Rhetoric and Reality of School Inspection in Irish Post Primary Schools Church of Ireland College of Education, Dublin, 14/04/2011-16/04/2011.
2011 O'Hara, Joe, McNamara, Gerry, Corrigan, Trudy and Murphy, Timothy (2011) American Educational Research Association Intergenerational Learning as a Perspective on Learner Voice in Educational Research New Orleans, USA, 08/04/2011-12/04/2011.
2011 Corrigan, T,McNamara, G.and O'Hara, J., (2011) Intergenerational Learning- A Conversation, Carnegie Research Institute Seminar Leeds Metropolitan University, 22/03/2011-23/03/2011.
2010 O'Hara,J, McNamara,G and Boyle,R. (2010) European Evaluation Society Bi-Annual Conference Riding the Celtic Tiger-Forces Shaping Evaluation in Ireland in Good Times and in Bad Prague, 06/10/2010-08/10/2010.
2010 O'Hara,J., McNamara, G., , Anderson, K.,Brien, K.and McIsaac, D. (2010) Reluctance Factors for Principals in Canada and Ireland Annual Conference of the British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society Reading, England, 08/07/2010-10/07/2010.
2009 O'Hara, J and McNamara, G. (2009) European Conference on Educational Research Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research Vienna, Austria, 01/10/2009-03/10/2009.
2009 Anderson,K., Brien,K., McNamara,G.and O'Hara, J. - , (2009) The Canadian Association for Studies in Educational Administration Where have `some of the leaders gone: Reluctance factors in leadership graduates as aspiring administrators Ottawa-Canada, 23/05/2009-26/05/2009.
2009 O'Hara, J., McNamara, G.and Mulkerrins, B. (2009) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Whole School Evaluation and Professional Education in Irish Schools Kilkenny, Ireland, 02/04/2009-04/04/2009.
2008 O Hara, J.,Conway, P.,Clarke, L., Sullivan, C., and Austin, R. (2008) Learning With Moving Images: Digital Video in Education and Teacher Education Transforming Educational Practice with Digital Video Grand Hotel Malahide, 22/05/2008-23/05/2008.
2008 O Hara,J. and McNamara,G. (2008) Research on Schools, Neighborhoods, and Communities: Toward Civic Responsibility Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association Whole School Evaluation and Accountability in Teaching and Teacher Education New York, 23/03/2008-28/03/2008.
2008 O Hara, J and McNamara, G (2008) Research, Ethics and Diversity in the New Ireland : Annual Conference of the Education Studies Association of Ireland Engaging with whole school evaluation Galway, 06/03/2008-08/03/2008.
2008 O Hara, J and McNamara, G (2008) Developing Celtic Capacity in Educational Research - A Joint TLRP/ESRC Research Conference Educational Research in the Republic of Ireland: An Overview University of Ulster, Jordanstown, 09/06/2008-10/06/2008.
2007 O'Hara, J., Conway, P., Graffin, D. and Austin, R. (2007) CAL 07- Development, Disruption and Debate D 3 ICT’s in initial teacher education in Ireland: Perspectives from north and south Trinity College, Dublin, 26/03/2007-28/03/2007.
2007 O'Hara, J.,Sullivan,C.,Conway,P. and Austin, R. (2007) Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South (SCoTENS) Annual Conference: Teaching in the Knowledge Society ICTs in Initial Teacher Education North and South: The Challenges of Embedding ICTs in the Learning to teach experience Grand Hotel Malahide, Dublin, 22/11/2007-23/11/2007.
2006 J O'Hara and Norman,J. (2006) Mapping Transformations: Identities and Communities You Can't Tell Me What To Do, I Know My Rights ! The Changing Nature of Classroom Behaviour in the 21st Century Dublin City University, 11/05/2006-12/05/2006.
2006 O'Hara, J. (2006) Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South (SCOTENS) - Information and Communications Technology in Initial Teacher Education Reporting on a national Survey of ICT use in ITE: Republic of Ireland Perspective Malahide, Dublin, 26/10/2006-27/10/2006.
2006 McNamara, G., O'Hara, J. and Boyle, R. (2006) 7th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society Influences shaping national evaluation policies: an Irish case study London, England, 04/10/2006-06/10/2006.
2006 O'Hara,J., McNamara, G. and Sullivan, C. (2006) ESAI Annual Conference Can online interaction add to the microteaching experience? National College of Art and Design, Dublin, 30/03/2006-01/04/2006.
2006 O'Hara J. and Sullivan, C. (2006) Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South (SCOTENS) - Information and Communications Technology in Initial Teacher Education Using ICT in ITE: A case study Malahide, Dublin, 26/10/2006-27/10/2006.
2005 O Hara, J, McNamara, G. and Sullivan, C. (2005) Interlearn: Life as Learning Conference I will show you what I mean- Using ICT to enhance a microteaching programme Helsinki, Finland, 01/12/2005-02/12/2005.
2004 O’ Hara, J and McNamara, G. (2004) Annual conference of the Education Studies Association of Ireland Online Professional Development – real trainers in a Virtual World’ National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 02/04/2004-03/04/2004.
2004 McNamara, G. and J O’Hara (2004) ‘’. Paper presented at the inaugural conference of the , DCU, Sept 2004 (2004) Irish Evaluation Network Innaugural Conference Embedding a Culture of Evaluation? The Whole-School Evaluation Experience Dublin City University, 25/09/2004-25/09/2004.
2004 McNamara, G. and J O’Hara. (2004) 6th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society Knowing what they need to know – Data in School Self-Evaluation Berlin, Germany, 30/09/2004-02/10/2004.
2003 McNamara, G. and J O’Hara (2003) Critical Debates in Action Research Evaluating the Reflective Practitioner – a Contradiction in Terms? University of Limerick, 05/06/2003-07/06/2003.
2002 McNamara,G. and O'Hara, J (2002) 4th EES Biennial Conference: Taking Evaluation to the People Evaluating Quality – an Analysis of Recent Developments in Whole School Evaluation in the Irish Education System Lausanne, Switzerland, 12/10/2002-14/10/2002.
2001 McNamara, G., J. O’Hara and B. English (2001) Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Whole School Development Through Evaluation: An Assessment of a National Pilot Project Seattle, 10/04/2001-14/04/2001.
2001 McNamara, G. and J. O’Hara (2001) Inaugural Conference of the Spanish Association for Irish Studies Irish Education at the Millennium: Changing Perceptions of Cultural and Religious Identity University of Burgos, Spain, 22/05/2001-25/05/2001.
2000 O’Hara, J. and G. McNamara (2000) European Access Network 9th Annual Convention Pathways in Lifelong Learning for Adult Educators: Issues in Structural Change for Social Inclusion Santiago De Compostela, Spain, 10/09/2000-12/09/2000.
1999 O’Hara, J and G. McNamara (1999) Third International Conference on Teacher Education Teacher Professional Development and Organisational Growth – a Collaborative Research Perspective Beit Berl College, Tel Aviv, 20/06/1999-22/06/1999.
1999 O’Hara, J and G. McNamara (1999) International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching The Person in the Process of Change: Action Research in Improving Organisations St. Patricks College, DCU, 27/07/1999-31/07/1999.
1998 McNamara, G. and J. O’Hara (1998) 3rd EES Biennial Conference Evaluation and Organisational Climate: Practical and Emancipatory Goals in Evaluation Design Rome, Italy, 10/10/1998-12/10/1998.
2022 Skerrit, C., O 'Hara, J., Brown, M. and McNamara, G (2022) Educational Studies Ass. of Ireland, Annual Conference Student Voice Rhetoric in the Irish Post Primary School Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, .
2022 Shevlin, P. Brown, M., McNamara, G., O' Hara, J. (2022) Educational Studies Ass. of Ireland, Annual Conference Network Leadership and the impact of Professional Leadership on School Improvement prior to, during and after the Pandemic - the case of Northern Ireland.a Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, .
2021 Joe O Hara (2021) 4th Annual International Symposium 'Education and The City : Quality Education for Modern Cities Enhancing University – Community Engagement: Reconceptualising the ‘third mission’ in Higher Education in a post-Covid context Moscow, Russia, 23/08/2021-26/08/2021.
2020 Burns, D.; Brown, M.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J. (2020) Educational Studies Association of Ireland - Opening up Education Education (Options, Obstacles and opportunities) Culturally Responsive School Leadership Online, 03/09/2020-05/09/2020.
2019 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J. and Burns, D. (2019) CREA Fifth International Conference: Intersectionality as Critical Inquiry, Method and Practice: Moving Beyond Nominal Categories and False Dichotomies in Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessme Culturally Responsive Assessment in Secondary Schools: Case Studies from Europe during turbulent times Chicago Illinois, 27/03/2019-29/03/2019.
2019 Brown, M., O'Hara, J., Altrichter,H., Skedsmo,G.,Nayir,F.,McNamara,G.,Burns,D.,Fellner,M.,Helm,C.,Wiese,E.,Herzog-Punzenberger,B. and Kristin-Gloppin,S. (2019) American Educational Research Association Exploring Assessment Policies and Practices for Students With a Migrant Background Toronto, Canada, 05/04/2019-10/04/2019.
2018 O'Brien, S.,McNamara, G., O'Hara, J. and Brown, M. (2018) European Educational Research Association Conference Irish teachers starting on a journey of data use for school self-evaluation Bolzano, Italy, .
2018 O'Hara, Joe (2018) Education and City: partnership for success Sustaining meaningful University - Community engagement : Opportunities and challenges of the 'third mission' of Higher Education Moscow City University, 14/05/2018-16/05/2018.
2018 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., Shevlin, P., and O'Brien, S. (2018) International Professional Development Association, Annual Conference From orthodoxy to reality - investigating the conditions necessary for professional learning networks - lessons from Northern Ireland Birmingham, England, 16/11/2018-17/11/2018.
2017 Brown, M. McNamara, G. and O'Hara, J. (2017) Accountability of educational networks Inspections of area-based learning communities in Northern Ireland: Martin Brown, Joe O’Hara, Gerry McNamara, Dublin City University Institute of Education: London, 05/09/2017-05/09/2017.
2017 O'Brien S, McNamara, G. O'Hara, J and Brown,M (2017) Students as Co-Researchers in an SSE process Seminar for Principals and Deputy Principals from Le Chéile, Loreto, Jesuit and Spiritan schools Broomfield House, Mullingar, 10/11/2017-.
2017 Brown, M., McNamara, G. and O'Hara, J. (2017) American Educational Research Association Towards Equal Education Opportunity in a Polycentric Inspection Context San Antonio, Texas, 27/04/2017-01/05/2017.
2017 Young, C., McNamara, G., Brown, M. and O'Hara, J. (2017) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Data use in secondary schools Cork, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2016 Brown, M., McNamara,G., O Hara, J and O'Brien,S (2016) Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers - European Conference for Educational Research The Continuing Evolution of Inspection and School Self-Evaluation in Ireland UCD, Dublin, 24/08/2016-26/08/2016.
2016 Ehren,M., Janssens.,F, Brown, M., McNamara,G. O'Hara,J. and Simeonova,R. (2016) International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement Changing roles and methods of inspections; theoretical framework Glascow, 06/01/2016-09/01/2016.
2016 O Hara, J and McNamara, G (2016) CREA Annual Conference A Blueprint for a New Vision of Culturally Responsive Schools in Ireland Chicago, Illinois, USA, 20/04/2016-22/04/2016.
2016 Brown, M., O Hara, J., McNamara, G. and O'Brien, S. (2016) (2016) 12th Biennial Conference of the European Evaluation Society Notes on a Small Island: De-Constructing School Evaluation in Ireland Maastricht, Netherlands , 26-SEP-16 - 30-SEP-16, .
2015 O Hara, J., Brown,M., McNamara,G.,Ehren,M.,Janssens,F.,Simeonova,R. (2015) European Conference on Educational Research Charting the Rise of Polycentric Evaluation Budapest, 09/09/2015-11/09/2015.
2014 O'Hara, J., McNamara, G., O'Brien, S. & Brown, M. (2014) The Rise of School Development in Relation to Accountability and Evaluation Systems - EARLI Sig 23 The Rise of Self-Evaluation in Ireland University of Bielefeld, Germany, 11/11/2014-13/11/2014.
2010 McNamara, G., O Hara, J., Anderson, K.,Brien, K.and McIsaac, D. (2010) Annual Conference of the educational Stuies Association of Ireland Choosing not to lead-examing the reluctant school learder in Ireland and Canada Dundalk, Ireland, 25/03/2010-27/03/2010.
2005 O'Hara, J and McNamara, G. (2005) ESAI Annual Conference Embedding a culture of evaluation: The Whole School Evaluation Experience University College Cork, 10/03/2005-11/03/2005.
2005 McNamara, G. and J O'Hara, (2005) American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Fighting the Wrong War? Curriculum Studies in the Age of Evaluation Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada, 09/04/2005-11/04/2005.
2003 McNamara, G. , J. O'Hara and Griffin, S, (2003) American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting Vision in the Curriculum: Evaluating Expressive Objectives Chicago, 21/04/2003-25/04/2003.
1997 McNamara, G. and J. O'Hara. (1997) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Teaching in a Digital World: Teacher Development and the Facilitation of Effective Learning in the Modern Educational Environment University College Galway, 10/04/1997-12/04/1997.
2022 Fadder, J., Vanhoof, J., Brown, M., Figuereido, M. and O'Hara, J. (2022) American Educational Research Association (AERA) The Role of Stakeholders in School Self-Evaluation San Diego, California, 21/04/2022-26/04/2022.
2021 Joe O'Hara (2021) 7th National Conference on Research in Education (CERED) What is the role of educational research and educational research associations in a changed and changing world? Bucharest, Romania, 29/10/2021-30/10/2021.
2022 O 'Brien, S., McNamara, G., O' Hara, J. and O' Hara, J (2022) Educational Studies Ass. of Ireland, Annual Conference The Significance and Impact of the development of the Quality Framework for Ethos in Educate Together Schools Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, .
2022 McNamara, G., Skerritt, C., O' Hara, J. (2022) Educational Studies Ass. of Ireland, Annual Conference Reflecting on the Purpose of School Self-Evaluation in Ireland Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, .
2021 McNamara, G., Skerritt, C. O' Hara J. and Brown, M. (2021) For improvement, accountability or the economy? on the purposes of school self-evaluation in Ireland Reflecting London, .

Published Report

Year Publication
2021 Brown, Martin; Gardezi, Sarah; Cinqir, Sakir; Figueiredo, Maria Pacheco; Faddar, Jerich; Kurum, Gul; Vanhoof, Jan; McNamara, Gerry; O'Hara, Joe; Amante, Susana; Ramalho, Henrique; Skerritt, Craig; O'Brien, Shivaun; Rocha, João (2021) Introdução à avaliação e planeamento distribuídos nas escolas. Um manual de utilizador para a inclusão de pais e estudantes na auto-avaliação e planeamento de escolas. . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Brown, M., Altrichter, H., Nayir, F., Nortvedt, G., Burns, D., Fellner, M., Gloppen, S.K., Helm, C., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., Punzenberger, B., Skedsmo, G. and Wiese, E.F. (2018) Exploring Culturally Responsive Assessment Practices in European Schools - Interim Report. EQI, . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Austin, R., Brown, M., Cowan, P., Roulston, S. and O'Hara. J. (2018) Teacher Education Tutors’ Practice in ICT: North and South. SCOTENS: Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South, .
2018 O'Hara, J., Sweetman, B., Freir, D. Brown, M., and McNamara, G. (2018) A Review and Evaluation of NUI Uversity Collaborative Model of Higher Education Provision through the M.A. in Creative Process. CENTRE FOR EVALUATION, QUALITY AND INSPECTION, DCU, .
2017 Burns, D., Brown, M., McNamara, G. and O’Hara, J. (2017) Systematic Literature Review of culturally responsive assessment in schools. EQI, . [Link]
2017 Burns, D., Brown, M., McNamara, G. and O’Hara, J. (2017) (2017) Assessment And Diversity In Irish Schools. EQI, . [Link]
2017 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J. O'Brien, S. and Skerritt, C. (2017) Evaluation and Distributed Evaluation and Planning Strategies (DEAPS) in Irish Schools (Working Paper No.1). EQI, . [Link]
2015 Harrison, K., O'Hara,J., McNamara, G (2015) Ethos Evaluation: Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School. Educate Together, .
2019 Burns, D., Brown, M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., Altrichter, H., Nayir, F., Nortvedt, G., Fellner, M., Helm, C., Punzenberger, B., Skedsmo, G. and Wiese, E.F. (2019) Aiding Culturally Responsive Assessment. A User-Friendly Handbook for Culturally Responsive Assessment in Educational Settings. EQI, . [DOI]
2019 Burns, D., Brown, M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., Altrichter, H., Nayir, F., Nortvedt, G., Fellner, M., Helm, C., Punzenberger, B., Skedsmo, G. and Wiese, E.F. (2019) A Training Module to enhance Culturally Responsive Assessment in Educational Settings. EQI, . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J. O'Brien, S. and Skerritt, C. (2018) The limitations, practical realities and conditions necessary for stakeholder voice in school self-evaluation (Working Paper No.5). Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection, . [Link]
2016 O'Hara, J, Brown, M., McNamara, G. and O'Brien, S. (2016) Notes on a small island: national survey results of Principals attitudes towards school self-evaluation. Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection, .
2016 O'Hara, J., McNamara, G., Brown, M., and O'Brien, S. (2016) Notes on a Small Island: National Survey Results of Principals Attitudes Towards School Self-Evaluation (2014-2015). EQI, . [Link]

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2019 O'Brien. S., Brown, M., McNamara, G. & O'Hara, J. (2019) Evaluation of Physics Busking Initiative 2018. COMMREP


Year Publication
2020 Herzog-Punzenberger B.; Altrichter H.; Brown M.; Burns D.; Nortvedt G.A.; Skedsmo G.; Wiese E.; Nayir F.; Fellner M.; McNamara G.; O’Hara J. (2020) Correction to: Teachers responding to cultural diversity: case studies on assessment practices, challenges and experiences in secondary schools in Austria, Ireland, Norway and Turkey (Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, (2020), 10.1007/s11092-020-09330-y). ERRAT [DOI]


Year Publication
2020 Brown, M., Burns, D., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J. (2020) Deconstructing Culturally Responsive Assessment in Challenging Times – Online Course available at Dublin: ONMM
2020 Brown, M., Castillo Blanco, L., Gardezi, S., Simeonova, R., Parvanova, Y., Ovadias, S., Martín Martín, A., Kechri, Z., Beniata, E.,Sanz Miguel, A., Reyes Pastor, P.A., Guerrero Castro, I., Mostazo, T., Shevlin, P., McNamara, G. and O’Hara. J. (2020) Making Meaning of School Evaluation – Online Course available at Spain: ONMM
2018 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., and O'Brien, S. (2018) On line Course - Looking at Looking at Our School: A Quality Framework for Post Pirmary Schools- PDST Technology in Education. ONMM
2018 Burns, D., Brown, M., McNamara, G., and O'Hara, J. (2018) Introducing Culturally Responsive Assessment in Higher Education Institutions. ONMM
2017 Brown, M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J. and O'Brien, S (2017) On line Course -Looking at Looking at Our School - PDST Technology in Education. ONMM

Other Publication

Year Publication
2020 Nortvedt, G.A.; Wiese, E.; Brown, M.; Burns, D.; McNamara, G.; O’Hara, J.; Altrichter, H.; Fellner, M.; Herzog-Punzenberger, B.; Nayir, F.; Taneri, P.O. (2020) Aiding culturally responsive assessment in schools in a globalising world. [Link]
2003 O'Hara,J. and McNamara, G. (2003) An Evaluation of the IAN / FRY Vocational Skills Training Programme : Belgrade, Serbia.
1999 O'Hara, J.; McNamara, G. (1999) Evaluation:Business or vocation?. [Link] [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
American Educational Research Association 10/12/1998 -
European Educational Research Association President Elect 26/08/2017 - 08/09/2018
European Educational Research Association President 09/09/2018 - 26/08/2023
European Association for Research, Learning and Instruction 01/06/1998 -
Educational Studies Association of Ireland Past President 30/03/2008 -
American Evaluation Association 07/08/2007 -
Irish Evaluation Network Executive Member 01/04/2001 -
European Evaluation Society 01/10/1998 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/09/2009 IRCHSS Research Development Initiative Research Fellowship IRCHSS
01/10/2018 SCOTENS John Coolahan Research Award Standing Conference for Teacher Education North and South
01/09/2002 Inaugural DCU Teaching and Learning Fellowship Dublin City University


Committee Function From / To
Teaching Council of Ireland 30/03/2013 - 30/03/2016
GETNS Board of Management 30/10/2011 - 30/10/2015
European Educational Research Association 30/09/2008 - 30/09/2013
Dominican College Cabra Board of Management 30/08/2007 - 30/08/2010
Association For Personal Services Overseas 12/01/2002 - 30/05/2004


Employer Position From / To
Wadzanai Training Centre, Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe Director of Teacher Education 01/07/1990 - 25/11/1994
Dublin City University Lecturer in Education 01/09/1996 -
Mater Dei Institute of Education Microteaching Coordinator 01/09/1995 - 01/06/1996
New Ross CBS, Wexford, Ireland Secondary School Teacher 10/01/1995 - 01/06/1995
Dublin City Univeristy Senior Lecturer 22/04/2007 - 01/07/2013
Dublin City Univeristy Professor of Education 01/07/2013 -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Dublin City Universiy Ph.D. Educational Evaluation
Mater Dei Institute of Education Bachelor of Religious Science Religious Education, Theology, Philosophy, History
Dublin City Universiy M.Sc. in Education and Training Management Educational Management

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
Design and delivery of Training of Trainers programme for the Association for Personal Services Overseas (APSO) for Irish development workers
Evaluation of Initial Teacher Education provision at CET, San Ignacio, Belize (1998)
National Evaluator for EU Lifelong Learning Programmes
European Level Expert on evaluation of Vocational Education and Training
UC-TT Advisor to Dutch University Colleges on establishment of Teacher Education programme

Research Interests

Evaluation- School Evaluation, Self-Evaluation,School Inspection, Polycentric Inspection, Culturally Responsive Evaluation, Policy Influences in Evaluation, Programme Evaluation Initial Teacher Education - ICT in Teacher Education,Policy Developments in ITE, Autonomy and Accountability in Education, Gifted Education
Click EQI to view my current research projects

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
E-Evalinto DCU PI 01/09/2016 31/08/2018
SCIREARLY Co PI 01/11/2022 31/03/2025
Polysentric School Evaluation DCU PI 01/09/2014 31/08/2017

Contract Researchers

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Dr Patrick Shevlin Impact of Shared Professional Learning Networks
Craig Skerritt Distributed Evaluation and Planning in Schools ( DEAP)
Martin Stynes Polycentric Inspection of Network Schools
Bernadette Sweetman E-evalinto
Denise Burns Aiding Culturally Responsive Assessment in Schools (ACRAS)

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Geoghegan ,Kevin Doctor of Education Supervisor
Woods ,Cathy Master of Arts Supervisor
Gubbins ,Ronan PhD Supervisor
Mc Caffrey ,Emma PhD-track Supervisor

Internal Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
Internal Professor Gerry McNamara EQI: Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection Academic
Internal Dr Brendan Walsh EQI - Dublin City University Academic
Internal Dr Colm O'Reilly Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland - DCU Academic
Internal Dr Martin Brown EQI - Dublin City University Academic
Internal Dr. Jane O'Kelly EQI - Dublin City University Academic
Internal Dr James Lovatt EQI - Dublin City University Academic
Internal Dr Eleanor Healion Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland - DCU Academic
Internal Dr Catriona Ledwith Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland - DCU Academic
Internal Dr Shivaun O'Brien EQI - Dublin City University Academic

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Professor Helen Simons University of Southampton Academic
External Prof Jan Vanhoof Antwerp University Academic
External Prof Guri Skedsmo University of Oslo Academic
External Dr Melanie Ehren UCL Institute of Education Academic
External Prof Kirk Anderson Memorial University, Newfoundland Academic
External Professor Herbert Altrichter Johannes Kepler University Academic
External Professor Peter Tymms Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, Durham University Academic
External Prof Sven DeMeyer University of Antwerp Academic
External Alison Chambers Education and Training Inspectorate, Northern Ireland Other
External Dr Jacqueline Baxter Open University Academic
External Dr David Greger Institute for Research and Development of Education at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague Academic
External Dr Patrick Shevlin EQI - ETI Academic
External Professor Sakir Cinkir Ankara Üniversitesi Academic
External Professor Stafford Hood Centre for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Academic

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Reflective Work-based Practice ES2120
2022 Curriculum Development and Evaluation ES476