Theodore Lynn


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Full Professor of Digital Business

T:Ext. 6873

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Professor Theo Lynn is (Full) Professor of Digital Business and Associate Dean for Research at DCU Business School. Professor Lynn specializes in the role of digital technologies in transforming business and society. His main teaching areas are strategy and digital marketing. He has been published widely including JASIST, the European Journal of Marketing, Information, Communications and Society, Computers and Human Behavior, New Media & Society, the Journal of Distributed and Parallel Computing, the International Journal of Advertising, European Planning Studies and others. He is the Series Editor on the Palgrave Studies in Digital Business & Enabling Technologies. He is a regular speaker at both academic and industry conferences. 

He is currently Centre Co-Director at the Irish Institute of Digital Business and was formerly Principal Investigator of the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce, an EI/IDA funded Cloud Computing Technology Centre (2011-2018), Associate Dean at DCU Business School (2015-17; 2020-21), Business Innovation Platform Director for DCU (2015-2016) and Director of the Leadership, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre at DCU (2009-2011).  He has won over 250 grants representing over €20m in total project funding. He was a PI on the Horizon 2020 CloudLightning Project (2015-2017) and Horizon 2020 RECAP Project (2017-2019); he is currently a PI on the Horizon 2020 RINNO project (2020-2024) and the Horizon 2020 ERASMUS+ MENA-Preneurs Project (2021-2023).

Professor Lynn received a Bachelor in Business and Legal Studies, an MBS (Management Information Systems) and a PhD (Law), all from University College Dublin. He has been a Visiting Professor to Tec de Monterrey (Mexico), Northeastern University (China), and Tongji University (China) amongst others. He has taught modules in corporate finance law and information systems and database design at UCD and digital marketing and business analytics at NUI Maynooth. Professor Lynn is an Expert Evaluator for the European Commission and Qatar National Research Fund.

Professor Lynn has founded a number of companies incl. Enki Information Systems, Educational Multimedia Group and Atomic Assets, the businesses of which have been acquired by Rochford Brady Group, Intuition and Cambridge University Press respectively.  He advises a number of domestic and international companies.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Egli, A.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Sinclair, G. (2025) 'Bad robot? The benevolent use of automated software and social bots by influencers in the #antivaxx discourse on Twitter'. Online Information Review, . [Link]
2025 Rodrigo-Jusue, I.; Liston, K.; Doidge, M.; Black, J.; Sinclair, G.; Fletcher, T.; Kearns, C.; Kilvington, D.; Lynn, T. (2025) '#SeAcabó: how a mass-mediated “social drama” made visible and confronted (subjective and objective) violence in women’s football in Spain'. Feminist Media Studies, . [Link]
2024 Busalim, A.; Lynn, T.; Wood, C. (2024) 'Consumer resistance to sustainable fashion: evidence from the USA and India'. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, . [Link]
2024 Fox, G.; Lynn, T.; van der Werff, L.; Kennedy, J. (2024) 'Does telemedicine hold the key for reproductive health care? A quantitative examination of women's intentions toward use and accurate information disclosure'. Health Services Research, . [Link]
2024 da Silva Barros, M.; Neto, L.M.; Santos, G.L.; da Silva Leal, R.C.; da Silva, R.C.L.; Lynn, T.; Dourado, R.A.; Endo, P.T. (2024) 'Leveraging AI and Data Visualization for Enhanced Policy-Making: Aligning Research Initiatives with Sustainable Development Goals'. Sustainability (MDPI), 16 (24). [Link]
2024 Sinclair, G.; Kearns, C.; Liston, K.; Kilvington, D.; Black, J.; Fletcher, T.; Lynn, T. (2024) 'Online Abuse, Emotion Work and Sports Journalism'. Journalism Studies, :1-19. [Link]
2024 Feeney, O.; Murphy, B.; Rosati, P.; Lynn, T. (2024) 'Exploring accounting and AI using topic modelling'. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 55 . [Link]
2024 Doidge, M.; Rodrigo-Jusue, I.; Black, J.; Fletcher, T.; Sinclair, G.; Rosati, P.; Kearns, C.; Kilvington, D.; Liston, K.; Lynn, T. (2024) '‘[K]neeling only goes to highlight your ignorance. England is NOT! a #racist country’: aversive racism, colour-blindness, and racist temporalities in discussions of football online'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, . [Link]
2024 Santos Mouta, G.; Bailiero, A.A.S.; Mota Cordeiro, J.S.; Balieiro, P.CS.; Ramos, T.C.A.; Baia-da-Silva, D.C.; Silva Rocha, E.; Endo, P.T.; Lynn, T.; Monteiro, W.M.; Sampaio, V.S. (2024) 'Data Descriptor of Snakebites in Brazil from 2007 to 2020'. Data, 9 (8). [Link]
2024 Fox, G.; van der Werff, L.; Rosati, P.; Lynn, T. (2024) 'Investigating Citizens’ Acceptance of Contact Tracing Apps: Quantitative Study of the Role of Trust and Privacy'. Jmir Mhealth And Uhealth, 12 . [Link]
2023 Black, J.; Fletcher, T.; Doidge, M.; Kearns, C.; Kilvington, D.; Liston, K.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Sinclari, G. (2023) '“Let the tournament for the woke begin!”: Euro 2020 and the reproduction of Cultural Marxist conspiracies in online criticisms of the “take the knee” protest'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, . [Link]
2023 Busalim, A.; Hollebeek, L.D.; Lynn, T. (2023) 'The effect of social commerce attributes on customer engagement: an empirical investigation'. Internet Research, . [Link]
2023 Wood, C.; Rosati, P.; Lynn, T. (2023) '#Putkids1s: Health Professionals Using Social Media for Public Policy Advocacy—From Collective Action to Connective Action'. Children, 10 (8). [Link]
2023 Lynn, T.; Wood, C. (2023) 'Smart Streets as a Cyber-Physical Social Platform: A Conceptual Framework'. Sensors (Switzerland), 23 (3). [Link]
2022 da Silva Barros, M.; Santos, G.; de Almeida Rodrigues, M.; Sampaio, V.; Lynn, T.; Endo, P.T. (2022) 'A Brazilian classified data set for prognosis of tuberculosis, between January 2001 and April 2020'. Scientific Data, .
2022 van der Werff, L.; O'Shea, D.; Healy, G.; Buckley, F.; Real, C.; Keane, M. (2022) 'The Neuroscience of Trust Violation: Differential activation of the default mode network in ability, benevolence and integrity breaches'. Applied Psychology, . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Kearns, C.; Sinclair, G.; Black, J.; Doidge, M.; Fletcher, T.; Kilvington, D.; Liston, K.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P. (2022) 'A Scoping Review of Research on Online Hate and Sport'. Communication & Sport, . [Link]
2022 Leoni, G.S.; Endo, P.T.; Lynn, T.; Sadok, D.; Kelner, J. (2022) 'A Reinforcement Learning-based Approach for Availability-aware Service Function Chain Placement in Large-Scale Networks  '. Future Generation Computer Systems, .
2022 Barbosa, M.; de Carvalho Monteiro, K.; Rodrigues, R.I.; Santos, G.L.; Monteiro, W.M.; Guimaraes, E.A.; de Souza Sampaio, V.; Lynn, T. (2022) 'Prediction of malaria using deep learning models: A case study on city clusters of the Amazonas State, Brazil, from 2003 to 2018'. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, .
2022 Fox, G.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P. (2022) 'Enhancing Consumer Perceptions of Privacy and Trust: A GDPR Label Perspective'. Information Technology and People, .
2022 Rosati, P., Fox, G., Cummins, M., Lynn, T. (2022) 'Perceived risk as a determinant of propensity to adopt Account Information Services under the EU Payment Services Directive 2'. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, forthcoming .
2022 Endo, P.T.; Santos, G.L.; de Lima Xavier, M.E.; Nascimento Campos, G.R.; de Lima, L.C.; Silva, I.; Egli, A.; Lynn, T. (2022) 'Illusion of Truth: Analysing and Classifying COVID-19 Fake News in Brazilian Portuguese Language'. Big Data And Cognitive Computing, 36 (6). [Link]
2022 Busalim, A.; Fox, G.; Lynn, T. (2022) 'Consumer behavior in sustainable fashion: a systematic literature review and future research agenda'. International Journal of Consumer Studies, . [Link]
2022 Neto, S.R.D.S.; Oliveira, T.T.; Teixeira, I.V.; Oliveira, S.B.A.D.; Sampaio, V.S.; Lynn, T.; Endo, P.T. (2022) 'Machine learning and deep learning techniques to support clinical diagnosis of arboviral diseases: A systematic review'. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Ribeiro, A.; do Carmo, P.; Endo, P.T.; Rosati, P.; Lynn, T. (2022) 'Short- and Very Short-Term Firm-Level Load Forecasting for Warehouses: A Comparison of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models'. Energies, 15 (3). [Link]
2021 Fox, G., van der Werff, L., Rosati, P., Endo, P.T., and Lynn, T. (2021) 'Examining the determinants of acceptance and use of mobile contact tracing applications in Brazil: An extended privacy calculus perspective'. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, . [Link]
2021 Fox, G., Mooney, J., Rosati, P., & Lynn, T. (2021) 'AgriTech Innovators: A Study of Initial Adoption and Continued Use of a Mobile Digital Platform by Family-Operated Farming Enterprises'. Agriculture, 11 (12). [Link]
2021 Leoni, G.; Rosati, P.; Lynn, T.; Kelner, J.; Sadok, J.; Endo, P. (2021) 'Predicting short-term mobile Internet traffic from Internet activity using recurrent neural networks'. International Journal of Network Management, . [Link]
2021 Lynn, T., Rosati, P., Egli, A., Krinidis, S., Angelakoglou, K.,Sougkakis, V., Tzovaras, D., Kassem, M., Greenwood, D. and Doukari, O. (2021) 'RINNO: Towards an open renovation platform for integrated design and delivery of deep renovation projects'. Sustainability (MDPI), 13 (11). [Link]
2021 Fox, G., Clohessy, T., Van der Werff, L., Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2021) 'Exploring the Competing Influences of Privacy Concerns and Positive Beliefs on Citizen Acceptance of Contact Tracing Mobile Applications'. Computers in Human Behavior, . [Link]
2021 Santos, G.L., Lynn, T., Kelner, J., and Endo, P.T. (2021) 'Availability-aware and energy-aware dynamic SFC placement using reinforcement learning'. Journal of Supercomputing, . [Link]
2021 da Silva Barros, M., Alves, G., Souza, L., da Silva Rocha, E., de Oliveira, J., Lynn, T., Sampaio, V. and Endo, P. (2021) 'Benchmarking of machine learning models to assist the prognosis of tuberculosis'. Informatics, .
2021 Bendechache, M., Svorobej, S., Endo, P., and Lynn, T. (2021) 'Simulating and Evaluating a Real-World ElasticSearch System Using the RECAP DES Simulator'. Future Internet, 13 (4). [Link]
2021 Gorman, L., Monaco, E., Lynn, T., Palumbo, R. and Rosati, P. (2021) 'The Effect of Media Coverage on Target Firms’ Trading Activity and Liquidity around Domestic Acquisition Announcements: Evidence from UK'. European Journal of Finance, .
2021 Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Murphy, B (2021) 'Non-market Social and Political Engagement: Accounting Firms and the #Brexit Discourse on Twitter'. Accounting Forum, 45 (1):58-84. [Link]
2020 Rosati, P., Gogolin, F., and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Cyber-Security Incidents and Audit Quality'. European Accounting Review, .
2020 Silvano, G., Silva, I., Ribeiro, V., Greati, V., Bezerra, A., Endo, P.T. and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Artificial Mercosur license plates dataset'. Data In Brief, 13 . [Link]
2020 Lynn, T., Rosati, P., Leoni, G. and Endo, PT (2020) 'Sorting the Healthy Diet Signal from the Social Media Expert Noise: Preliminary Evidence from the Healthy Diet Discourse on Twitter'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, . [Link]
2020 Ribeiro, A., do Carmo, R., Rodrigues, I, Sadok, D., Lynn, T. and Endo, P.T. (2020) 'Short-Term Firm-Level Energy Consumption Forecasting for Energy-Intensive Manufacturing: A Comparison of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models'. Algorithms, . [Link]
2020 Lynn, T, Rosati, P, and Mac an Bhaird, C. (2020) 'An Exploratory Data Analysis of the Crowdfunding network on Twitter'. Journal Of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, And Complexity, 6 (3). [Link]
2020 Lynn, T, Rosati, P, and Nair, B. (2020) 'Calculated vs. Ad Hoc Publics in the #Brexit Discourse on Twitter and the Role of Business Actors'. Information (MDPI), 11 (9). [Link]
2020 Ribeiro,V., Greati, V., Bezerra, A.,Silvano, G., Silva, I., Endo, P.T., and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Synthetic Image Generation for Training Deep Learning-based Automated License Plate Recognition Systems on the Brazilian Mercosur Standard'. Design Automation for Embedded Systems, .
2020 Lynn, T., Fox, G., Gourinovitch, A., and Rosati, P. (2020) 'Understanding the Determinants and Future Challenges of Cloud Computing Adoption for High Performance Computing'. Future Internet, 12 (8). [Link]
2020 Cummins, M., Mac an Bhaird, C., Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Institutional Investment in Online Business Lending Markets Journal: International Review of Financial Analysis'. International Review of Financial Analysis, .
2020 Leoni, G., Gomes, D., Kelner, J., Sadok,D., Silva, F., Endo, P. and Lynn, T. (2020) 'The Internet of Medical Things: Optimizing e-health system availability based on edge, fog and cloud infrastructures'. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 21 (4):615-628.
2020 Filelis-Papadopoulos, C., Endo, P., Bendechache, M., Svorobej, S., Giannoutakis, K., Gravvanis, G., Tzovaras, D., Byrne, J., and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Towards simulation and optimization of cache placement on large virtual Content Distribution Networks'. Journal of Computational Science, 39 . [Link]
2020 Bendechache, M., Svorobej, S., Endo, P. and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Simulating Resource Management across the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Survey and Future Directions'. Future Internet, 12 (6). [Link]
2020 Leoni,Guto; Gomes,Demis; Silva,Francisco; Endo,Patricia; Lynn,Theo (2020) 'Maximizing the Availability of an Internet of Medical Things System using Surrogate Models and Nature-Inspired Approaches'. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, .
2020 Endo, P.T.; Silva, I.; Lima, L.; Bezerra, L.; Gomes, R.; Ribeiro-Dantas, M.; Alves, G.; Monteiro, K.H.d.C.; Lynn, T.; Sampaio, V.d.S. (2020) '#stayhome: Monitoring and benchmarking social isolation trends in caruaru and the região metropolitana do recife during the covid-19 pandemic'. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 53 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Rosati P.; Deeney P.; Cummins M.; Van der Werff L.; Lynn T. (2019) 'Social Media and Stock Price Reaction to Data Breach Announcements: Evidence from US Listed Companies'. Research in International Business and Finance, forthcoming .
2019 Santos, G., Endo,P., Monteiro, K., Silva, E.,Silva, I. and Lynn, T. (2019) 'Accelerometer-based Human Fall Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks'. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 19 (7). [Link] [DOI]
2019 Rosati, P., Gogolin, F. and Lynn, T. (2019) 'Audit Firm Assessments of Cyber-security Risk: Evidence from Audit Fees and SEC Comment Letters'. International Journal of Accounting, .
2019 Filelis-Papadopoulos, C., Giannoutakis, K., Gravvanis, G., Endo, P., Tzovaras, D., Svorobej, S., and Lynn, T. (2019) 'Simulating large vCDN networks: A parallel approach'. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, . [Link]
2019 Ging D; Lynn T.; and Rosati P. (2019) 'Neologising misogyny: Urban Dictionary’s folksonomies of sexual abuse'. New Media and Society, .
2019 Svorobej S., Endo, P.T., Bendechache, M., Filelis-Papadopoulos, C., Giannoutakis, K.M., Gravvanis, G.A., Tzovaras, D., Byrne, J. and Lynn, T. (2019) 'Simulating Fog and Edge Computing Scenarios: an Overview and Research Challenges'. Future Internet - Open Access Journal, .
2019 Conway, E., Rosati, P., Monks, K., and Lynn, T. (2019) 'Voicing job satisfaction and dissatisfaction through Twitter: Employees' use of cyberspace'. NEW TECHNOLOGY WORK AND EMPLOYMENT, .
2019 van der Werff, L., Fox, G., Masevic, I., Emeakaroha, V., Morrison, J., and Lynn, T. (2019) 'Building Consumer Trust in the Cloud: An Experimental Analysis of the Cloud Trust Label Approach'. Journal Of Cloud Computing-Advances Systems And Applications, .
2018 Santos, G.L., Endo, P.T., Ferreira da Silva Lisboa Tigre, M.F., Ferreira, L., Sadok, D., Kelner, J., and Lynn, T. (2018) 'Analyzing the Availability and Performance of an E-health System Integrated with Edge, Fog and Cloud Infrastructures'. Journal Of Cloud Computing-Advances Systems And Applications, 7 (16). [Link]
2018 Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M.; Rosati, P.; Lynn, T. (2018) 'Twitter and the Irish Language #Gaeilge – Agents and Activities: Exploring a dataset of micro-implementers in Social Media'. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, .
2018 Balalaie, A., Heydarnoori, A., Jamshidi, P. , Tamburri, D.A. and Lynn, T. (2018) 'Microservices migration patterns'. Software - Practice and Experience, :1-24. [Link]
2017 Rosati, P.; Cummins, M.; Deeney, P.; Gogolin, F.; van der Werff, L.; Lynn, T. (2017) 'The effect of data breach announcements beyond the stock price: Empirical evidence on market activity'. International Review of Financial Analysis, 49 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Lynn, Theo; Muzellec, Laurent; Caemmerer, Barbara; Turley, Darach (2017) 'Social network sites: early adopters' personality and influence'. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT AND BRAND MANAGEMENT, 26 (1). [DOI]
2016 Quinn, M.; Lynn, T.; Jollands, S.; Nair, B. (2016) 'Domestic Water Charges in Ireland - Issues and Challenges Conveyed through Social Media'. Water Resources Management, 30 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Lynn, T.; Van Der Werff, L.; Hunt, G.; Healy, P. (2016) 'Development of a cloud trust label: A delphi approach'. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 56 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Curran, Declan; Lynn, Theo; O'Gorman, Colm (2016) 'The Role of Personal Factors in the Location Decision of Software Services Start-up Firms'. European Planning Studies, 24 (3). [DOI]
2016 Healy, P.; Lynn, T.; Barrett, E.; Morrison, J.P. (2016) 'Single system image: A survey'. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 90-91 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Emeakaroha, V., Kaniz, F., van der Werrf, L., Healy, P., Lynn, T. and Morrison, J. (2016) 'A Trust Label System for Communicating Trust in Cloud Services'. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, .
2015 Lyons, R.; Lynn, T.; Mac an Bhaird, C. (2015) 'Individual level assessment in entrepreneurship education: An investigation of theories and techniques'. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 18 . [Link]
2015 Siapera, E.; Hunt, G.; Lynn, T. (2015) '#GazaUnderAttack: Twitter, Palestine and diffused war'. Information Communication and Society, 18 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Mac an Bhaird, C.; Lynn, T. (2015) 'Seeding the cloud: financial bootstrapping in the computer software sector'. Venture Capital, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Lynn, T.G., Jaramillo, A. and Muzellec, L. (2014) 'Extending the product placement research agenda: the impact of hypervideo on interactivity and timing of product placement decisions. '. The Marketing Review, 14 .
2014 Fatema, K.; Emeakaroha, V.C.; Healy, P.D.; Morrison, J.P.; Lynn, T. (2014) 'A survey of Cloud monitoring tools: Taxonomy, capabilities and objectives'. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Mulgrew, M.; Lynn, T.; Rice, S. (2014) 'Is director independence merely a box ticking exercise? A study of independence determinations in Irish listed companies'. Corporate Governance (Bingley), 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Muzellec, L.; Kanitz, C.; Lynn, T. (2013) 'Fancy a coffee with friends in 'Central Perk'? Reverse product placement, fictional brands and purchase intention'. International Journal of Advertising, 32 . [Link]
2012 Muzellec, Laurent; Lynn, Theodore; Lambkin, Mary (2012) 'Branding in fictional and virtual environments Introducing a new conceptual domain and research agenda'. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (6). [DOI]
2010 Gorman, L.; Lynn, T.; Mulgrew, M. (2010) 'The influence of the newspaper media on the corporate governance practices of Irish listed plcs'. Corporate Ownership and Control, 7 . [Link]
2009 Lynn, T., Brady, M. and Davis, P. (2009) 'The Fast and the Furious: An Experiential Approach for Introducing Strategic Management (International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies)'. 2 :92-113.
2009 M, M,T, T,P, P (2009) 'Business process change and inadvertent mischarging'. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 5 . [DOI]
2008 Lynn, T.; Mulgrew, M. (2008) 'Preliminary evidence from monitoring activities by pension funds and investment managers and attitudes towards shareholder activism by pension funds'. Corporate Ownership and Control, 6 . [Link]
2007 Lynn, T. (2007) 'Encouraging Irish pension funds to act as shareholders - Suggested statutory reform (Commercial Law Practitioner)'. 13 :240-251.


Year Publication
2023 Theo, Lynn,Pierangelo, Rosati,Edel, Conway,Lisa, van der Werff (2023) The Future of Work - Challenges and Prospects for Organisations, Jobs and Workers. : Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2024 Lynn, T.;Rosati, P.;Kreps, D.;Conboy, K (Ed.). (2024) Digital Sustainability: Leveraging Digital Technology to Combat Climate Change. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [Link]
2023 Lynn, T.;Rosati, P.;Kassem, M.;Krinidis, S.;Kennedy, J (Ed.). (2023) Disrupting Buildings: Digitalisation and the Transformation of Deep Renovation. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [Link]
2021 Lynn, T., Mooney, J., van der Werff, L. and Fox, G (Ed.). (2021) Data Privacy and Trust in Cloud Computing - Building trust in the cloud through assurance and accountability. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [Link] [DOI]
2020 Lynn, T., Mooney, J., Rosati, P. and Fox, G (Ed.). (2020) Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [Link]
2020 Lynn, T., Mooney, J., Lee, B. and Endo, P.T (Ed.). (2020) The Cloud-to-Thing Continuum - Opportunities and Challenges in Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [Link]
2020 Lynn, T, Mooney, J., Domaschka, J., and Ellis, K (Ed.). (2020) Managing Distributed Cloud Applications and Infrastructure: A Self-Optimising Approach. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [Link]
2019 Lynn, T.;Mooney, J.;Cummins, M.;Rosati, P (Ed.). (2019) Disrupting Finance - FinTech and Strategy in the 21st Century. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [Link]
2018 Lynn, T., Morrison, J., and Kenny, D (Ed.). (2018) Heterogeneity, High Performance Computing, Self-Organization and the Cloud. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan, [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Kennedy, J. (2024) 'From Concrete Jungles to Smart Cities and Digital Towns: Deploying Digital Technologies for Environmental Sustainability' In: Digital Sustainability: Leveraging Digital Technology to Combat Climate Change. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2024 Rosati, P.; Lynn, T.; Kreps, D.; Conboy, K. (2024) 'Digital Sustainability: Key Definitions and Concepts' In: Digital Sustainability: Leveraging Digital Technology to Combat Climate Change. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2024 Fletcher, T.; Kearns, C.; Kilvington, D.; Sinclair, G.; Lynn, T.; Black, J.; Doidge, M.; Santos, G.; Liston, K.; Rodrigo-Jusue, I.; Rosati, P. (2024) 'Social media and online hate in sport: A case study of association football' In: Routledge Handbook of Sport & Social Media. United Kingdom : Routledge.
2023 Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Conway, E.; van der Werff, L. (2023) 'Introducing the Future of Work: Key Trends, Concepts, Technologies and Avenues for Future Research' In: The Future of Work: Challenges and Prospects for Organisations, Jobs and Workers. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2023 Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Egli, A. (2023) 'Deep Renovation: Definitions, Drivers and Barriers' In: Disrupting Buildings. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2023 Cummins, M.; Rosati, P.; Lynn, T. (2023) 'Financing Building Renovation: Financial Technology as an Alternative Channel to Mobilise Private Financing' In: Disrupting Buildings. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2023 Liston, K.; Kilvington, D.; Black, J.; Doidge, M.; Fletcher, T.; Kearns, C.; Lynn, T.; Sinclair, G. (2023) 'A Critical Analysis of Past and Present Campaigns to Challenge Online Racism in English Professional Football' In: Hate Crime in Football: How Racism Is Destroying the Beautiful Game. Bristol, United Kingdom : Bristol University Press.
2022 Lynn, T.; Rosati, P. (2022) 'Social Media Research Using Big Data - Types, Techniques and Technologies' In: The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Marketing. London, United Kingdom : Sage. [Link]
2021 Lynn, T. & Rosati, P. (2021) 'New Sources of Entrepreneurial Finance' In: Digital Entrepreneurship: Impact on Business and Society. Switzerland : Springer. [Link]
2021 Silva,Ivanovitch; Lima,Luciana; Endo,Patricia; Sampaio,Vanderson; Lynn,Theo (2021) 'Tendencias de circulacao de pessoas segundo relatorios de movimentacao da Apple para Brasil e America do Sul' In: A Pandema Em Perspectiva Regional. Natal, Brazil : Editorial das Edicoes UERN (EDEURN). [Link]
2021 Silva,Ivanovitch; Lima,Luciana; Endo,Patricia; Ribeiro-Dantas,Marcel; Lynn,Theo (2021) 'Distanciamento social nos municipios do RN continua baixo' In: A Pandema Em Perspectiva Regional. Natal, Brazil : Editorial das Edicoes UERN (EDEURN). [Link]
2021 Rosati, P., Lynn, T. and Fox, G. (2021) 'Blockchain: A Technology in Search of Legitimacy' In: Blockchain Technology and Innovations in Business Processes. Singapore : Springer. [Link]
2020 Endo, P.T., Filelis-Papadopoulos, C., Svorobej, S., Gourinovitch, A., Giannoutakis, K., Gravvanis, G., Tzovaras, D., Manimaran Elango, D., Byrne, J. and Lynn, T. (2020) 'RECAP (Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications): The Simulation Approach' In: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. Cham, Switzerland : Springer International. [Link]
2020 Lynn, T., van der Werff, and Fox, G. (2020) 'Understanding Trust and Cloud Computing: An Integrated Framework for Assurance and Accountability in the Cloud' In: Data Privacy and Trust in Cloud Computing. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Lynn, T. (2020) 'Dear Cloud, I Think We Have Trust Issues: Cloud Computing Contracts and Trust' In: Data Privacy and Trust in Cloud Computing. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Lynn, T., Rosati, P. and Fox, G. (2020) 'Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing: Emerging Paradigms and Future Directions for Research' In: Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2020 Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Measuring the Business Value of Infrastructure Migration to the Cloud' In: Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2020 Paulsson, V., Emeakaroha, V., Morrison, J., Lynn, T. (2020) 'Cloud Service Brokerage: Exploring Characteristics and Benefits of B2B Cloud Marketplaces' In: Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2020 Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Cummins, M. (2020) 'Exploring Open Banking and Banking-as-a-Platform: Opportunities and Risks for Emerging Markets' In: Entrepreneurial Finance in Emerging Markets: Exploring Tools, Techniques, and Innovative Technologies. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Fox, G. and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Examining Privacy Disclosure and Trust in the Consumer Internet of Things: An Integrated Research Framework' In: The Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: Opportunities and Challenges in Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave-Macmillan. [Link]
2020 Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Mapping the Business Value of the Internet of Things' In: The Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: Opportunities and Challenges in Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2020 Lynn, T., Endo, P., Ribeiro, A.,Barbarosa, G., and Rosati, P. (2020) 'The Internet of Things: Definitions, Key Concepts, and Reference Architectures' In: The Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: Opportunities and Challenges in Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave-Macmillan. [Link]
2020 Spanopoulos-Karalexidis, M., Filelis Papadopoulos, C.K., Giannoutakis, K.M., Gravvanis, G.A., Tzovaras, D., Bendechache, M., Svorobej, S., Endo, P.T., and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Simulating Across the Cloud-to-Edge Continuum' In: Managing Distributed Cloud Applications and Infrastructure: A Self-Optimising Approach. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2020 Domaschka, J., Griesinger, F., Leznik, M., Östberg, P-O, Ellis, K., Casari, P., Fowley, F. and Lynn, T. (2020) 'Towards an Architecture for Reliable Capacity Provisioning for Distributed Clouds' In: Managing Distributed Cloud Applications and Infrastructure: A Self-Optimising Approach. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2019 Rosati P.; Fowley F.; Pahl C.; Taibi D.; Lynn T. (2019) 'Right Scaling for Right Pricing: A Case Study on Total Cost of Ownership Measurement for Cloud Migration' In: Communications in Computer and Information Science. Germany : Springer.
2019 Leoni Santos,Guto; Ferreira,Matheus; Ferreira,Leylane; Endo,Patricia; Lynn,Theo (2019) 'Integrating IoT + Fog + Cloud Infrastructures: System Modeling and Research Challenges' In: Fog and Edge Computing: Principles and Paradigms. Hoboken. New Jersey, USA : Wiley. [Link]
2018 Sergej, Svorobej,Anna, Gourinovitch,Per-Olov, Ostberg,Theo, Lynn,James, Byrne (2018) 'RECAP: Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications' In: : SCITEPRESS. [DOI]
2018 Lynn, T. (2018) 'Addressing the Complexity of HPC in the Cloud: Emergence, Self-Organisation, Self-Management, and the Separation of Concerns' In: Heterogeneity, High Performance Computing, Self-Organization and the Cloud. London, United Kingdom : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2018 Lynn, T. and Morrison, J. (2018) 'Concluding Remarks' In: Heterogeneity, High Performance Computing, Self-Organization and the Cloud. London, United Kingdom : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2018 van der Werff, L., Real, C. and Lynn, T. (2018) 'Individual Trust and the Internet' In: The Routledge Companion to Trust. Abingdon, United Kingdom : Routledge. [Link]
2018 Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2018) 'AIS: Challenges to Technology Implementation' In: The Routledge Companion to Accounting Information Systems. Abingdon, United Kingdom : Routledge. [Link]
2017 O’Shea, D., Emeakaroha, V.C., Cafferkey, N., Morrison, J.P., and Lynn, T. (2017) 'Detecting Anomaly in Cloud Platforms Using a Wavelet-Based Framework' In: Communications in Computer and Information Science. Switzerland : Springer. [DOI]
2017 Lyons, R., Lynn, T., and Mac an Bhaird, C. (2017) 'European Research in Entrepreneurship Series' In: The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Behaviour - Intention, Education and Orientation. United Kingdom : Edward Elgar Publishing. [Link]
2014 Carroll, N., Helfert, M. and Lynn, T. (2014) 'Towards the Development of a Cloud Service Capability Assessment Framework' In: Zaigham Mahmood(Eds.). Continued Rise of the Cloud. London : Springer. [DOI]
2013 Lynn, T. (2013) 'Institutional Investor Monitoring' In: Idowu, S O, Capaldi, N, Zu, L and Das Gupta(Eds.). Encyclopaedia of Corporate Social Responsibility. Germany : Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [DOI]
2013 Lynn, T. and Brady, M. (2013) 'Corporate Mission, Vision and Values' In: Idowu, S O, Capaldi, N, Zu, L and Das Gupta(Eds.). Encyclopaedia of Corporate Social Responsibility. Germany : Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [DOI]
2013 Lynn, T. (2013) 'FTSE4Good Index' In: Idowu, S O, Capaldi, N, Zu, L and Das Gupta(Eds.). Encyclopaedia of Corporate Social Responsibility. Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [DOI]
2010 Lynn, T., Sharma, R. and Clarke, B. (2010) 'Corporate Governance in Irish Banks' In: Alexander Kostyuk, Fumiko Takeda, Kaoru Hosono(Eds.). Anti-Crisis Paradigms of Corporate Governance in Banks: A New Institutional Outlook. Ukraine : Virtus Interpress.
2009 Brady, M., Lynn, T. and O'Gorman, L. (2009) 'Ryanair vs. Aer Lingus: Two Decades of Competition' In: Corporate Strategy Toolkit FAE Business Leadership. Dublin, Ireland : Chartered Accountants Ireland.
2009 Lynn, T.G., Brady, M. and O'Gorman, L. (2009) 'Google Inc.: One Decade Later' In: Corporate Strategy Toolkit FAE Business Leadership. Dublin, Ireland : Chartered Accountants Ireland.
2008 Lynn G., Lynn T., Brady M. and Davis P. (2008) 'O2 Communications Ireland: Today's mobile phone is not just communications tool ' In: James Cunningham and Denis Harrington(Eds.). Irish Management 2.0: New priorities for a changing economy. Dublin, Ireland : Blackhall Publishing.
2008 Pike K., Lynn T., Brady M. and Davis P. (2008) 'An Post: Addressing Ireland's mail' In: James Cunningham and Denis Harrington (Eds.). Irish Management 2.0: New priorities for a changing economy. Dublin, Ireland : Blackhall Publishing.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2024 da Silva Neto, S.R.; Silva, A.B.; de Carvalho Monteiro, K.H.; da Silva Rocha, É.; de Oliveira, T.T.; Dourado, R.A.; Lynn, T.; Huy, N.T.; Endo, P.T. (2024) 'Socio-demographic data of Zika records, Brazil, 2016-2021' Latin American Data in Science (LADS), 4 (1) . [Link]
2024 Monteiro, K.; da Silva Nteo, S.; da Silva Rocha, E.; de Carvalho Maia, L.; Peterka, C.; Sampaio, V.; Sourado, R.; Lynn, T.; Endo, P.T. (2024) 'Malaria Notifications in Legal Amazon, Brazil (2003-2022): A Comprehensive Dataset for Research & Surveillance' Latin American Data in Science (LADS), . [Link]
2021 Lynn, T., Ní Cassaithe, C., & Rosati, P. (2021) 'Recording the Irish experience in Ireland and abroad: The Irish Covid-19 oral history project' 49 (1) :27-29.
2014 Weber, A., Jaglo, M., Leimbach, T., Hallinan, D., Bachlechner, D., Øjvind Nielsen, R., Nentwich, M., Strauß, S., Lynn, T. and Hunt, G. (2014) 'Cloud Computing and Social Network Sites: US Leads, Europe Loses' .
2013 Mulgrew, M. and Lynn, T. (2013) 'Clarifying what is meant by ‘Non-Executive Director Independence’' .
2010 Muzellec, L. and Lynn, T. (2010) 'There is no Spoon: Towards a Framework for the Classification of Virtual Brands and Management of Brand Precession ' .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2024 Santos, G.L.; dos Santos, V.G.; Kearns, C.; Sinclair, G.; Black, J.; Doidge, M.; Fletcher, T.; Kilvington, D.; Liston, K.; Endo, P.T.; Lynn, T. (2024) 16th International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2024) Detecting Homophobic Speech in Soccer Tweets Using Large Language Models and Explainable AI Rende, Calabria, Italy, 02/09/2024- 05/09/2024
2024 dos Santos, V.G.; Santos, G.L.; Egli, A.; Kahvazadeh, E.; Doolin, B.; Endo, P.T.; Lynn, T. (2024) 16th International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2024) Categorising Corruption in the Vaccine Discourse: A General Taxonomy, Data Set, and Evaluation of LLMs for Classifying Corruption Dialogue in Social Media Rende, Calabria, Italy, 02/09/2024- 05/09/2024
2024 Santos, G.L.; dos Santos, V.G.; Kearns, C.; Sinclair, G.; Black, J.; Doidge, M.; Fletcher, T.; Kilvington, D.; Endo, P.T.; Liston, K.; Lynn, T. (2024) Kicking Prejudice: Large Language Models for Racism Classification in Soccer Discourse on Social Media Limassol, Cyprus, 04/06/2024- 07/06/2024 [Link]
2024 dos Santos, V.G.; Santos, G.L.; Lynn, T.; Benatallah, B. (2024) Identifying Citizen-Related Issues from Social Media Using LLM-Based Data Augmentation Limassol, Cybrus, 03/06/2024- 07/06/2024 [Link]
2023 de Mello, M.E.F.; da Silva Rocha, E.; de Morais, F.L.; Figueiroa, B.; da Silva, M.S.; Neto, W.B.; Lynn, T.; Endo, P.T. (2023) International Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness & Social Media (CyberScience 2023) Exploring the Performance of Machine Learning Models and Predictive Factors for Fetal Death: Preliminary Results Copenhagen, Denmark, 03/07/2023- 04/07/2023
2023 de Morais, F.L.F; Torres Neri, A.B.; Ferro de Mello, M.E.; Texeira, I.V.; da Silva Rocha, E.; Lynn, T.; Endo, P.T. (2023) 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI2023) Predicting low birth weight using machine learning models Aveiro, Portugal, 20/06/2023- 23/06/2023
2023 de Almeida Barros Santos, I.; da Silva Barros, M.; de Almeida Rodrigues, M.G.; Sampaio, V.; Simao, E.P.; Lynn, T.; Endo, P.T. (2023) 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI2023) A Brazilian Classified Data Set For Supporting The Differential Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (sars) By Covid-19 and Influenza Aveiro, Portugal, 20/06/2023- 23/06/2023
2023 Acikgoz, F.; Busalim, A.; Lynn, T. (2023) 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023) The Effect of Information Adoption on Sharing Experience of Mobile Social Commerce: The Mediation Role of Trust Kristiansand, Norway, 11/06/2023- 16/06/2023
2023 Lynn, T; Kennedy, J.; Rosati, P.; Fox, G.; O'Gorman, C.; Curran, D.; Hynes, K. (2023) ICDS 2023, The Seventeenth International Conference on Digital Society The Open Government Data Digital Disconnect: Observations on Open Data Support by Local Government in Ireland Venice, Italy, 24/04/2023- 28/04/2023
2023 Lynn, T.; Kennedy, J.; Rosati, P.; Fox, G.; O'Gorman, C.; Curran, D.; Hynes, K. (2023) ICDS 2023, The Seventeenth International Conference on Digital Society Web Accessibility of Irish Local Government Websites Venice, Italy, 24/04/2023- 28/04/2023
2022 Wood, C.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P. (2022) Association of Marketing Theory & Practice 2022 Slogans as Persuasive Accelerants of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communication: A Preliminary Conceptual Model Sandestin, Florida, USA, 23/03/2022- 26/03/2022
2022 Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Fox, G.; Conway, E.; Curran, D.; O'Gorman, C. (2022) Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-55) Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Website Technology Penetration on Businesses in Rural Towns Hawaii, 03/01/2022- 07/01/2022 [Link]
2021 Theo Lynn; Frank Fowley; Patricia Takako Endo; Pierangelo Rosati; Grace Fox; Lye Ogunsanya (2021) 2021 International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IHTC 2021) Nanojobs: Towards an Open Crowd Working Platform for Refugees and Displaced Persons Virtual, 02/12/2021- 04/12/2021
2021 Leoni Santos, G., Takako Endo, P., Lynn, T., Sadok, D., and Kelner, J. (2021) 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2021) Automating the Service Function Chain Availability Assessment Athens, Greece, 05/09/2021- 08/09/2021
2021 Egli, A., Lynn, T., Rosati, P., and Sinclair, G. (2021) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2021 Questionable Views Shared in Interesting Times: Examining & Managing the Spread of Vaccination Misinformation on Twitter
2021 Doukari, O., Lynn, T., Rosati, P., Egli, A., Krinidis, S.,Angelakoglou, K., Sougkakis, V., Tzovaras, D., Kassem, M., and Greenwood, D. (2021) 15th International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2021) RINNO: Transforming Deep Renovation through an Open Renovation Platform Nice, France, 18/07/2021- 23/07/2021
2021 Lynn, T., Rosati, P. and Fox, G. (2021) 19th International Conference on the e-Society (e-Society 2021) The Smart Street Canvas: A Visual Tool for Smart Street Ideation Workshops 03/03/2021- 05/03/2021
2021 Leoni, G., Rosati, P., Endo, P. and Lynn, T. (2021) 19th International Conference on the e-Society (e-Society 2021) A Preliminary Exploration of Deep Learning to Identify Unqualified Users and Low Quality Nutrition Advice on Twitter 03/03/2021- 05/03/2021
2021 Endo, P., de Oliveira, G., de Lima, L., Silva, I., Leoni, G. and Lynn, T. (2021) 19th International Conference on the e-Society (e-Society 2021) #STAYHOME: Monitoring Social Distancing Trends in Amazonas During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using Google Mobile Data 03/03/2021- 05/03/2021
2021 Kenny, D., Lynn, T., Fox. G., and Sinclar, S. (2021) Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021(HICSS-54) Antecedents and Consequences of Legitimate Corporate Participation in DarkNet Commerce: Towards A Research Agenda Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 04/01/2021- 08/01/2021 [Link]
2020 Lynn, T., Rosati, P., Fox, G., Curran, D., O'Gorman, C. and Conway, E. (2020) International Conference on Digital Society 2020 Addressing the Urban-Town-Rural Divide: The Digital Town Readiness Assessment Framework [Link]
2020 Lynn, T., Rosati, P. and Fox, G. (2020) International Conference on Digital Society 2020 Smart Streets: Definition, Principles, and Infrastructural Elements [Link]
2020 van der Werff,Lisa; O'Shea,Deirdre; Healy,Graham; Buckley,Finian; Lynn,Theo (2020) 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management The Neuroscience of Trust Violation Canada,
2020 da Silva Barros, M., da Silva Leite, M., da Souza Sampaio, V., Lynn, T., and Endo, P.T. (2020) IEEE Cyber Science 2020 Conference Application and analysis of record linkage techniques to integrate Brazilian health databases 15/06/2020- 19/06/2020
2020 da Silva Neto, S., de Oliveira, T., da Souza Sampaio, V., Lynn, T., and Endo, P.T. (2020) IEEE Cyber Science 2020 Conference Platform for monitoring and clinical diagnosis of arboviruses using computational models Dublin, Ireland, 15/06/2020- 19/06/2020
2019 Ribeiro, V., Greati, V., Bezerra Batista Junior, A., Silvano, G., Silva, I., Endo, P. and Lynn, T. (2019) IX Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC 2019) Brazilian Mercosur License Plate Detection: a Deep Learning Approach Relying on Synthetic Imagery 19/11/2019- 20/11/2019
2019 Bendechache, M., Silva, I., Leoni Santos, G., Affonso Guedes, L., Svorobej, S., Noya, M., Eduardo Ares, M., Byrne, J., Endo, P. and Lynn, T. (2019) 9th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing Analysing dependability and performance of a real-world Elastic Search application 19/11/2019- 20/11/2019
2019 Ferreira, L., da Silva Rochay. E., Monteiroy, K., Santos, G., Silva, F., Kelner, J. Sadok, D., Bastos Filho, C., Rosati, P., Lynn, T. and Endo, P. (2019) 1st WAFERS Workshop, 9th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing Optimizing resource availability in composable data center infrastructures 21/11/2019- 21/11/2019
2019 Barboza,Matheus; Santos,Guto; Silva,Iago; Lynn,Theo; de Souza Sampaio,Vanderson (2019) Jornada Científica e de Extensão (JCE 2019) Analise e predicao do de ocorrencia de malaria no Estado do Amazonas: resultados preliminares utilizando modelo LSTM Carruaru, Brazil,
2019 Oliveira,Thomas; da Silva Rocha,Ellison; Simoes Alves,Isabela; Leoni,Guto; Lynn,Theo (2019) Jornada Científica e de Extensão (JCE 2019) Predicao de probabilidade de obito por tuberculose no Estado do Amazonas utilizando um modelo deep learning Carruaru, Brazil,
2019 Bendechache, M., Svorobej, S., Endo, P., Byrne, J. Noya Mariño, M. Eduardo Ares, M. and Lynn, T. (2019) 23rd International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 19) Modelling and Simulation of ElasticSearch using CloudSim Cosenza, Italy, 07/10/2019- 09/10/2019
2019 Endo, P., Loomba, R., Quinn, R., Filelis-Papadopoulos, C.,Giannoutakis, K., Gravvanis, G., Tzovaras, D., Willis, P., Svorobej, S., Byrne, J. and Lynn. T. (2019) IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications 2019 (ISCC 2019) Analyzing Resource Distribution over a Real-World Large-Scale Virtual Content Infrastructure Barcelona, Spain, 29/06/2019- 03/07/2019
2019 Gourinovitch, A., Rosati, P., Barroso, L. and Lynn, T. (2019) ICORIA 2019 Predicting Electronic Word of Mouth: Evidence from the 2012 Mexican Presidential Election Krems, Austria, 27/06/2019- 29/06/2019
2019 Bezerra, A., Alves, G., Silva, I., Rosati, P., Endo, P.T. and Lynn, T. (2019) IEEE Cyber Science 2019 Conference A Preliminary Exploration of Uber Data as an Indicator of Urban Liveability Oxford, United Kingdom, 03/06/2019- 04/06/2019
2019 Carru,S., Lynn, T., Rosati, P. (2019) Theory + Practice in Marketing Securing Programmatic Advertising Using Blockchain Columbia University, New York, USA, 16/05/2019- 18/05/2019
2019 Feeney, O., Lynn, T., Murphy, B, and Rosati, P. (2019) 32nd IAFA Conference Artificial Inteliigence and Accounting: A Literature Survey Using Topic Modelling Dublin, Ireland, 15/05/2019- 17/05/2019
2019 Conway E.; Monks K.; Rosati P.; Lynn T. (2019) HRIC 2019 The nature and content of employee voice about job satisfaction through the medium of Twitter
2019 Morais, C., Sadok, D., Kelner, J. and Lynn, T. (2019) HICSS-52: The 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences SiMoNa: A Proof-of-concept Domain-Specific Modeling Language for IoT Infographics Maui, Hawaii, USA, 08/01/2019- 11/01/2019
2018 Matos Morais, C., Kelner, J., Sadok, D. and Lynn, T. (2018) IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 2018 (VL/HCC 2018) SiMoNa: A Proof-of-concept Domain Specific Modeling Language for IoT Infographics 01/10/2018- 04/10/2018
2018 Matos Morais, C., Endo, P., Svorobej, S. and Lynn, T. (2018) IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 2018 (VL/HCC 2018) A Modelling Language for Defining Cloud Simulation Scenarios in RECAP Project Context 01/10/2018- 04/10/2018
2018 Leoni,Guto; Sadok,Djamel; Kelner,Judith; Endo,Patricia; Lynn,Theo (2018) IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) 2018 Modeling the Availability of an E-Health System Integrated with Edge Fog and Cloud Infrastructures Brazil,
2018 Endo, P.T., Filelis-Papadopoulos, C., Svorobej, S., Gourinovitch, A., Giannoutakis, K., Gravvanis, G., Tzovaras, D., Manimaran Elango, D., Byrne, J. and Lynn, T. (2018) 7th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing RECAP (Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications): The Simulation Approach Como, Italy, 12/09/2018- 14/09/2018
2018 Lynn, T., Fox, G., Gourinovitch, A., and Rosati, P. (2018) 24th Irish Academy of Management Conference (IAM 2018) Critical Issues Facing the Future of High Performance Computing: Insights from Experts
2018 Rosati, P., Fox, G. and Lynn, T. (2018) BAM 2018 Conference Bitcoin and the Role of Social Media: An Empirical Analysis of Firm Level Legitimation Strategies Bristol, UK, 04/09/2018- 06/09/2018
2018 Lyons, V, van der Werff, L., and Lynn, T. (2018) BAM 2018 Conference The Tao Of Trust - Where Privacy And CSR Harmonise. A Qualitative Analysis Of Organisations Privacy Protection Disclosures In CSR Reports Bristol, UK, 04/09/2018- 06/09/2018
2018 Fox, G., Mooney, J., Rosati, P., Paulsson, V. and Lynn, T. (2018) 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018) Towards an Understanding of Farmers' Mobile Technology Adoption: A Comparison of Adoption and Continuance Intentions New Orleans, USA, 16/08/2018- 18/08/2018
2018 Fox, G., Tonge, C., Lynn, T. and Mooney, J. (2018) 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018) Communicating Compliance: Developing a GDPR Privacy Label New Orleans, USA, 16/08/2018- 18/08/2018
2018 da Silva Lisboa Tigre, M., Leoni, G. Lynn, T., Sadok, D.H., Kelner, J., and Endo, P. (2018) IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications 2018 Modeling the Availability of an E-Health System Integrated with Edge Fog and Cloud Infrastructures
2018 Rosati, P., Fox, G. and Lynn, T. (2018) 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Legitimizing #Blockchain: An Empirical Analysis of Firm-Level Social Media Messaging on Twitter
2018 Conway, E.; Rosati, P.; Monks, K.; Lynn, T. (2018) Academy of Management Specialized Conference Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy #Hatemyjob: Job Satisfaction in a Twitter World University of Surrey, UK,
2018 Rosati, P.; Fowley, F.; Pahl, C.; Taibi, D.; Lynn, T. (2018) 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (Closer 2018) Making the Cloud work for Software Producers: linking Architecture, Operating Cost and Revenue Madeira, Portugal,
2018 Lynn, T., Liang, X., Gourinovitch, A., Fox, G. and Rosati, P. (2018) 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51) Understanding the Determinants of Cloud Computing Adoption for High Performance Computing Hawaii, USA, 03/01/2018- 06/01/2018
2018 Rosati, P., Deeney, P., Cummins, M., van der Werff, L. and Lynn, T. (2018) 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51) Should You Disclose a Data Breach via Social Media? Evidence from US Listed Companies Hawaii, USA, 03/01/2018- 06/01/2018
2017 Lynn, T., Rosati, P., Lejeune, A. and Emeakaroha, V. (2017) CloudCom 17 A Preliminary Review of Enterprise Serverless Cloud Computing (Function-as-a-Service) Platforms
2017 Rosati. P., Fox, G., Kenny, D. and Lynn, T. (2017) CloudCom 17 Quantifying the Financial Value of Cloud Investments: A Systematic Literature Review
2017 Mac an Bhaird, C., Rosati, P., Cummins, M. and Lynn, T. (2017) RENT XXXI - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business The financial wisdom of the crowd in peer to peer lending
2017 Lynn, T., Rosati, P., and Mac an Bhaird, C. (2017) ISBE 2017 Harness the Crowd: An Exploration of the #Crowdfunding Community on Twitter
2017 Mac an Bhaird, C., Rosati, P., Cummins, M. and Lynn, T. (2017) ISBE 2017 Peer to peer lending: Which investors perform better?
2017 Lyons, R., Mac an Bhaird, C. and Lynn, T. (2017) ISBE 2017 A Study of Changing Student Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Entrepreneurship Education
2017 Rocha, E., Endo, P., Leoni, G., Braga, J. and Lynn, T. (2017) 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2017) Analyzing the Impact of Power Infrastructure Failures on Cloud Application Availability Banff, Canada, 05/10/2017- 08/10/2017
2017 Xiong, H., Dong, D., Filelis-Papadopoulos,C., Castane, G., Lynn, T., Marinescu, D., and Morrison, J. (2017) Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2017) CloudLightning: a Self-Organized Self-Managed Heterogeneous Cloud
2017 Costello, E., Brown, M., Nair, B., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Zhang, J. and Lynn, T. (2017) 5th European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit (eMOOCs 2017) #MOOC Friends and Followers: An Analysis of Twitter Hashtag Networks
2017 Lyons, V., van der Werff, L. and Lynn, T. (2017) 20th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2017 Compliance Vs Justice: Doing 'Privacy Rights' or Doing 'Privacy Right' Belfast, United Kingdom,
2017 Rosati, P., Nair, B., and Lynn, T. (2017) 20th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2017 Corporate Socio-Political Involvement: Evidence from #Brexit
2017 Liang, X., Lynn, T. and Gannon, M. (2017) 20th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2017 Ryanair Takes Off on Twitter: A Pre- and Post-Decision Analysis of Twitter Brand Sentiment
2017 Lynn, T., Rosati, P. and Nair, B. (2017) 20th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2017 Calculated vs Ad Hoc Publics in the #Brexit Discourse on Twitter
2017 Gourinovitch,Anna; Rosati,Pierangelo; Liang,Xiaoning; Lynn,Theo (2017) 2017 Summer American Marketing Association (AMA) Conference Communicating Complex Services using Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Twitter: An Exploratory Study California,
2017 Ostberg, P., Domaschka, J., Byrne, J., Casari, P., Lynn, T., Eardley, P., Fernández Anta, A., Forsman, J., Kennedy, J., Le Duc, T., Noya Mariño, M., Loomba, R., and López Peña, M.A. (2017) European Conference on Networks and Communications 2017 (EuCNC2017) Reliable Capacity Provisioning for Distributed Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing Applications
2017 Lynn,Theo; Rosati,Pierangelo; Quinn,Martin; Murphy,Brid (2017) 11th European Network for Research in Organisational & Accounting Change (ENROAC) #Brexit: The Role of Accounting Firms in the Brexit Discourse on Twitter Italy,
2017 Mac an Bhaird,Ciaran; Rosati,Pierangelo; Cummins,Mark; Lynn,Theo (2017) The Evolution of Alternative Forms of Entrepreneurial Finance – 10 years after the Global Financial Crisis Peer-to-peer lending: Which investors perform better? United Kingdom,
2017 Rosati, P., Gogolin, F., and Lynn, T. (2017) 40th Annual Conference of the European Accounting Association Cyber-Security Incidents and the Probability of Financial Restatements Valencia, Spain, 10/05/2017- 12/05/2017
2017 Lynn,Theo; Kenny,David; Gourinovitch,Anna; Byrne,James; Morrison,John (2017) Closer 2017&; The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science A Preliminary Systematic Review of Computer Science Literature on Cloud Computing Research using Open Source Simulation Platforms Portugal,
2017 Emeakaroha,Vincent; O& amp; apos& #x3b; Meara,Eoin; Lynn,Theo; Lee,Brian; Morrison,John (2017) Closer 2017&; The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science Establishing Trust in Cloud Services via Integration of Cloud Trust Protocol with a Trust Label System Portugal,
2017 Byrne,James; Lynn,Theo; Svorobej,Sergej; Byrne,PJ; Giannoutakis,Konstantinos (2017) Closer 2017&; The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related Environments Portugal,
2017 Wood,Charles; Gao,Yuhui; Jaramillo,Artemisa; Lynn,Theo (2017) AMA Winter Conference 2017 A Four-Nation Exploration of the Effectiveness of Three Listening Strategies Florida,
2016 Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2016) 7th European Business Research Conference #bitcoin vs #blockchain: An Exploratory Study on the Bitcoin and Blockchain Discourse on Twitter Rome, Italy, 15/12/2016- 16/12/2016
2016 Papi-Galvez,Natalia; Lynn,Theo (2016) VIII Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social 2016 La Investigaci&#xf3&#x3b;n de Audiencias Digitales: Estudio Comparativo de 21 Pa&#xed&#x3b;ses Spain,
2016 van der Werff,Lisa; Lyons,Valerie; Lynn,Theo (2016) International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2016 Ethics as Pacemaker - Regulating the Heart of the Privacy-Trust Relationship between Organisations, their Consumers and their Employees : A conceptual model, and future framework Ireland,
2016 Paulsson, V.; Morrison, J.; Emeakaroha, V.C.; Lynn, T. (2016) AMCIS 2016: Surfing the IT Innovation Wave - 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems Cloud Service Brokerage: A systematic literature review using a software development lifecycle [Link]
2016 Masevic, I., van der Werff, L., Emeakaroha, V., Morrison, J., and Lynn, T. (2016) British Academy of Management Conference 2016 Validating a Cloud Trust Label: Influencing Consumer Trust in the Cloud
2016 Costello,Eamon; Brown,Mark; Nair,Binesh; Nic Ghiolla Micil,Mairead; Lynn,Theo (2016) ALT Annual Conference 2016 Towards a Research Agenda of MOOCs in Twitter through Analysis of a Large Dataset United Kingdom,
2016 Masevic,Ieva; van der Werff,Lisa; Emeakaroha,Vincent; Morrison,John; Lynn,Theo (2016) British Academy of Management 2016 Validating a Cloud Trust Label: Influencing Consumer Trust in the Cloud United Kingdom,
2016 Hardgrave,Corinna; Lynn,Theo (2016) 19th Irish Academy of Management Conference Content Strategies used by Fast Food Companies in Ireland to Target Children on Facebook: An Application of Taylor&apos&#x3b;s Six-Segment Message Strategy Wheel Ireland,
2016 Lynn, T.; Xiong, H.; Dong, D.; Momani, B.; Gravvanis, G.; Filelis-Papadopoulos, C.; Elster, A.; Khan, M.M.Z.M.; Tzovaras, D.; Giannoutakis, K.; Petcu, D.; Neagul, M.; Dragon, I.; Kuppudayar, P.; Natarajan, S.; McGrath, M.; Gaydadjiev, G.; Becker, T.; Gourinovitch, A.; Kenny, D.; Morrison, J. (2016) CLOSER 2016 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science CLOUDLIGHTNING: A framework for a self-organising and self-managing heterogeneous cloud [Link]
2016 O'Shea, D.; Emeakaroha, V.C.; Pendlebury, J.; Cafferkey, N.; Morrison, J.P.; Lynn, T. (2016) CLOSER 2016 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science A wavelet-inspired anomaly detection framework for cloud platforms [Link]
2016 Costello,Eamon; Brown,Mark; Donlon,Enda; Nic Giolla Mhich& amp; & #x23; xed& #x3b; l,Mairead; Lynn,Theo (2016) EdTech 2016 Is Your Course Trending? Tracing MOOC Risings in Social Media Ireland,
2016 Lynn,Theo; Lyons,Roisin; Hunt,Graham; ,Binesh (2016) EdTech 2016 Towards an Online Reciprocal Peer Learning Dashboard Ireland,
2016 Liao,Xiaoning; Gao,Yuhui; Lynn,Theo (2016) European Academy of Marketing Conference (EMAC) Enhancing Marketing Capabilities Through the Use of Marketing Control Systems Norway,
2016 Lyons,Roisin; Lynn,Theo; Mac an Bhaird,Ciaran (2016) 3E Conference - ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference An Exploration of Passion: The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education United Kingdom,
2016 Emeakaroha,Vincent; O' Shea,David; Pendlebury,John; Cafferky,Neil; Lynn,Theo (2016) CloudTech 16: 2nd International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications SOMBA - Automated Anomaly Detection for Cloud Quality of Service Morocco,
2016 Costello,Eamon; Brown,Mark; Donlon,Enda; Nic Giolla Mhichí l,Mairead; Lynn,Theo (2016) EdTech 2016 Is Your Course Trending? Tracing MOOC Risings in Social Media Ireland,
2016 Liao,Xiaoning; Gao,Yuhui; Lynn,Theo (2016) European Academy of Marketing Conference (EMAC) Enhancing Marketing Capabilities Through the Use of Marketing Control Systems Norway,
2016 Lyons,Roisin; Lynn,Theo; Mac an Bhaird,Ciaran (2016) 3E Conference - ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference An Exploration of Passion: The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education United Kingdom,
2016 Emeakaroha, V., Fatema, K., van der Werrf, L., Healy, P., Lynn, T. and Morrison, J. (2016) IEEE Transactions in Services Computing Congress A Trust Label System for Communicating Trust in Cloud Services
2016 Paulsson, V., Emeakaroha, V., Morrison, J. and Lynn, T. (2016) AMCIS 2016 - 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems Cloud Service Brokerage: A Systematic Literature Review Using a Software Development Lifecycle San Diego, USA, 11/08/2016- 14/08/2016
2016 Pendlebury, John; Emeakaroha, Vincent C.; O'Shea, David; Cafferkey, Neil; Morrison, John P.; Lynn, Theo (2016) 2016 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLOUD COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (CLOUDTECH) SOMBA - Automated Anomaly Detection for Cloud Quality of Service
2016 Woods,Charles; Gao,Yuhui; Lynn,Theo; Hunt,Graham (2016) Global Marketing Conference Tough Listening: A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Strategies to Improve Listening When it is Difficult China,
2016 O'Shea, David; Emeakaroha, Vincent C.; Pendlebury, John; Cafferkey, Neil; Morrison, John P.; Lynn, Theo (2016) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLOUD COMPUTING AND SERVICES SCIENCE, VOL 1 (CLOSER) A Wavelet-inspired Anomaly Detection Framework for Cloud Platforms [DOI]
2016 Lynn, Theo; Xiong, Huanhuan; Dong, Dapeng; Momani, Bilal; Gravvanis, George; Filelis-Papadopoulos, Christos; Elster, Anne; Khan, Malik Muhammad Zaki Murtaza; Tzovaras, Dimitrios; Giannoutakis, Konstantinos; Petcu, Dana; Neagul, Marian; Dragon, Ioan; Kuppudayar, Perumal; Natarajan, Suryanarayanan; McGrath, Michael; Gaydadjiev, Georgi; Becker, Tobias; Gourinovitch, Anna; Kenny, David; Morrison, John (2016) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLOUD COMPUTING AND SERVICES SCIENCE, VOL 1 (CLOSER) CLOUDLIGHTNING: A Framework for a Self-organising and Self-managing Heterogeneous Cloud [DOI]
2016 Lyons, R., Lynn, T. and Mac an Bhaird, C. (2016) Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) 39th Conference Team Allocation in Entrepreneurship Education: Examining the Effect of Gender Diversity in the Student Entrepreneurship Team Paris, France, 27/10/2016- 28/10/2016
2016 Wood, C.M., Gao, Y., Joshi, N., Dhar, U., Reddy, P.N., Dhar, S., Sharma, A., Wood, N., Liang, X., Bouchet, A., Zboja, J., Lynn, T., and Hunt, G. (2016) GAMMA 2016: Global Marketing Conference 2016 Tough Listening: A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Strategies to Improve Listening When it is Difficult Hong Kong, China, 21/07/2016- 24/07/2016 [DOI]
2016 M. Brown, E. Costello, B. Nair, T. Lynn (2016) ASCILITE 2016: 33rd International Conference in Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education Social Media #MOOC Mentions: Lessons for MOOC Research from Analysis of Twitter Data Adelaide, Australia,
2016 Costello, E., Binesh, N., Brown, M., Zhang, J., Giolla-Mhichíl, M.N., Donlon, E. & Lynn, T. (2016) Show Me the Learning (Ascilite 2016) . In: Barker, S., Dawson, S., Pardo, S. & Colvin, C eds. Social Media #MOOC Mentions: Lessons for MOOC mentions from analysis of Twitter data Adelaide, 27/11/2016- 30/11/2016 [Link]
2016 Liang, X., Gao,Y. & Lynn,T. (2016) European Academy of Marketing Conference (EMAC) Enhancing Marketing Capabilities Through the Use of Marketing Control Systems Oslo, Norway,
2016 Lyons, V., van der Werff, L., and Lynn, T. (2016) International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2016 Ethics as Pacemaker - Regulating the Heart of the Privacy-Trust Relationship between Organisations, their Consumers and their Employees : A conceptual model, and future framework
2016 Papa Galvez,Natalia; Lynn,Theo (2016) European Media Management Association Conference 2016 &#xbf&#x3b;D&#xf3&#x3b;nde Quedan los Medios si la Conquista son los P&#xfa&#x3b;blicos? Portugal,
2016 Hardgrave, C., Gouinovitch, A., Hunt, G. and Lynn, T. (2016) 19th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference Content Strategies used by Fast Food Companies in Ireland to Target Children on Facebook: An Application of Taylor’s Six-Segment Message Strategy Wheel
2016 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nair, B. Ni Ghiolla Michil, M., Lynn, T., Zhang, J. and Perris, K. (2016) ALT Annual Conference 2016 Towards a Research Agenda of MOOCs in Twitter through Analysis of a Large Dataset [Link]
2016 Siapera,Eugenie; Lynn,Theo; Hunt,Graham; Nair,Binesh (2016) VOX-Pol 2016&; Taking Stock of Research on Violent Online Political Extremism Terrorism on Twitter: Comparing #CharlieHebdo and #ParisAttacks Ireland,
2016 Lynn,Theo; Quinn,Martin; Nair,Binesh; Jollands,Stephen (2016) 2nd Twitter for Research Conference Extracting Intelligence from Twitter Data: Insights from the Water Charges Debate Ireland,
2016 Brown,Mark; Lynn,Theo; Costello,Eamon; Nair,Binesh (2016) ASCILITE 2016&; 33rd International Conference in Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education Social Media #MOOC Mentions: Lessons for MOOC Research from Analysis of Twitter Data Australia,
2016 Rosati,Pierangelo; Lynn,Theo (2016) 7th European Business Research Conference #bitcoin vs #blockchain: An Exploratory Study on the Bitcoin and Blockchain Discourse on Twitter Italy,
2015 Lynn, T.; Brady, M.; Masevic, I. (2015) A risk assessment method for negative SEO attacks using a game theoretic approach [Link] [DOI]
2015 Fatema, K.; Healy, P.D.; Emeakaroha, V.C.; Morrison, J.P.; Lynn, T. (2015) A data location control model for cloud service deployments [Link] [DOI]
2015 Healy, P.; Hunt, G.; Kilroy, S.; Lynn, T.; Morrison, J.P.; Venkatagiri, S. (2015) Proceedings - 10th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization, SMAP 2015 Evaluation of peak detection algorithms for social media event detection [Link] [DOI]
2015 Fatema, Kaniz; Healy, Philip D.; Emeakaroha, Vincent C.; Morrison, John P.; Lynn, Theo (2015) CLOUD COMPUTING AND SERVICES SCIENCES, CLOSER 2014 A Data Location Control Model for Cloud Service Deployments [DOI]
2015 Hunt,Graham; Lynn,Theo; Corcoran,David; Morrison,John; Healy,Philip (2015) CLOSER 2015: 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science A Comparative Study of Current Open-Source Infrastructure as a Service Frameworks Portugal,
2015 Lynn,Theo; Lynham,Michael; Kenny,David (2015) 18th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2015 A Study of the Potential Role and Impact of Music Classification Technologies in Video Advertising Ireland,
2015 Berry,Laura; van der Werrf,Lisa; Lynn,Theo (2015) 18th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2015 Building Trust in the Retail Banking Environment: The Role of a Banking Trust Label to Engender Consumer Trust Ireland,
2015 Hunt, G., Lynn. T., Corcoran, D., Healy, P. and Morrison, J. (2015) CLOSER 2015 - 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science A Comparative Study of Current Open-Source Infrastructure as a Service Frameworks Lisbon. Portugal, 20/05/2015- 22/05/2015
2014 Meyer, Stefan; Healy, Philip; Lynn, Theo; Morrison, John (2014) 2013 15TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SYMBOLIC AND NUMERIC ALGORITHMS FOR SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (SYNASC 2013) Quality Assurance for Open Source Software Configuration Management [DOI]
2014 Mac an Bhaird,Ciaran; Lynn,Theo (2014) Financing SME Growth in the UK: Meeting the Challenges after the Global Financial Crisis Seeding the cloud: Funding SMEs in the application software sector United Kingdom,
2013 Meyer, S.; Healy, P.; Lynn, T.; Morrison, J. (2013) Proceedings - 15th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2013 Quality assurance for open source software configuration management [Link] [DOI]
2014 Fatema, K.; Healy, P.D.; Emeakaroha, V.C.; Morrison, J.P.; Lynn, T. (2014) A user data location control model for cloud services [Link]
2014 Healy, P.; Meyer, S.; Morrison, J.; Lynn, T.; Paya, A.; Marinescu, D.C. (2014) Proceedings - IEEE 13th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, ISPDC 2014 Bid-centric cloud service provisioning [Link] [DOI]
2014 van der Werff, L., Lynn, T., Morrison, J., Healy, P., Hunt, G., and Corcoran, D. (2014) ICDS 2014, The 8th International Conference on Digital Society Building Trust in the Cloud Environment: Towards a Consumer Cloud Trust Label Barcelona, Spain, 23/03/2014- 27/03/2014
2014 Lynn, T., Johns, A., van der Werff, L., Hunt, G., Morrison, J., Corcoran, D., and Healy, P. (2014) British Academy of Management Conference 2014 Generating competitive advantage from big data in the cloud: A case study Belfast Waterfront, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 09/09/2014- 11/09/2014
2014 Healy, P. Meyer, S., Morrison, J., Lynn, T., Paya, A. and Marinescu, D.C. (2014) 13th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing Bid-Centric Cloud Service Provisioning Porquerolles Island, Marseilles, France, 24/06/2014- 27/06/2014
2014 Fatema, K., Healy, P., Emeakaroha, V.C., Morrison, J. and Lynn, T. (2014) CLOSER 2014: 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science A User Data Location Control Model for Cloud Services Barcelona, Spain, 03/04/2014- 05/04/2014
2014 Lynn,Theo; Muzellec,Laurent; Caemerrer,Barbara; Turley,Darach; Wurdinger,Bettina (2014) THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL AAAI CONFERENCE ON WEBLOGS AND SOCIAL MEDIA Early Adopters of Twitter and Google+: Validation of a Theoretical Model of Early Adopter Personality and Social Network Site Influence Michigan,
2014 Healy,Philip; Meyer,Stefan; Morrison,John; Lynn,Theo; Paya,Ashkan (2014) 13th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing Bid-Centric Cloud Service Provisioning France,
2014 Fatema,Kaniz; Healy,Philip; Emeakaroha,Vincent; Morrison,John; Lynn,Theo (2014) 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2014) A User Data Location Control Model for Cloud Services Spain,
2014 Lyons,Roisin; Lynn,Theo; Mac an Bhaird,Ciaran (2014) ESU 2014 Conference Social loafing in student entrepreneurship teams Sweden,
2014 Healy, Philip; Meyer, Stefan; Morrison, John; Lynn, Theo; Paya, Ashkan; Marinescu, Dan C. (2014) 2014 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING (ISPDC) Bid-Centric Cloud Service Provisioning [DOI]
2013 Carroll, N.; Helfert, M.; Lynn, T. (2013) A contingency model for assessing cloud composite capabilities [Link]
2013 Lynn, T., Healy, P., McClatchey, R., Morrison, J., Pahl, C., Lee, B. (2013) CLOSER 2013, Third Annual Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science The Case for Cloud Service Trustmarks and Assurance-as-a-Service Eurogress, Aachen, Germany, 08/05/2013- 10/05/2013
2013 N. Carroll, T. Lynn, M. Helfert (2013) CLOSER 2013 - Third Annual Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science A Contingency Model for Assessing Cloud Composite Capabilities Eurogress, Aachen, Germany, 08/05/2013- 10/05/2013
2013 Jaramillo, A., Lynn, T. and Turley, D. (2013) American Academy of Advertising Global Conference 2013 Going Interactive: the Case of Brands in Digital Music Videos University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, 31/05/2013- 02/06/2013
2013 Meyer,Stefan; Healy,Philip; Lynn,Theo; Morrison,John (2013) SYNASC 2013 - MICAS 2013 Workshop (Management of resources and services in Cloud and Sky computing) Quality Assurance for Open Source Software Configuration Management Romania,
2013 Lynn,Theo; Carroll,Noel; Helfert,Markus (2013) CLOSER 2013: The Third Annual Conference in Cloud Computing and Service Science A Contingency Model for Assessing Cloud Composite Capabilities Germany,
2013 Lynn,Theo; Healy,Philip; McClatchey,Richard; Morrison,John; Pahl,Claus (2013) CLOSER 2013: The Third Annual Conference in Cloud Computing and Service Science The Case for Cloud Service Trustmarks and Assurance-as-a-Service Germany,
2013 Jaramillo,Artemisa; Lynn,Theo; Turley,Darach (2013) American Academy of Advertising Global Conference 2013 Going Interactive: the Case of Brands in Digital Music Video Hawaii,
2013 Mayer, S., Healy, P., Lynn, T. and Morrison, J. (2013) SYNASC 2013 - MICAS 2013 Workshop (Management of resources and services in Cloud and Sky computing) Quality Assurance for Open Source Software Configuration Management West University of Timisoara, Romania, 23/09/2013- 26/09/2013
2012 Jaramillo,Artemisa; Lynn,Theo; Muzellec,Laurent (2012) 15th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2012 Increasing Brand Recall Through Interactive Product Placement In Online Music Videos Ireland,
2012 Lyons,Roisin; Lynn,Theo; Mac An Bhaird,Ciaran (2012) 15th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2012 Evaluating The General Enterprise Tendencies Of Students Undertaking An Enterprise Module: A Comparison Between Postgraduate And Undergraduate Students Ireland,
2012 Gorman,Louise; Lynn,Theo; Mulgrew,Mark (2012) BAM2012 British Academy of Management Conference, Cardiff Setting the Agenda in the Corporate Governance debate: An Investigation into the Role of Media Reporting in the Market for Corporate Control United Kingdom,
2012 O' Gorman,Louise; Lynn,Theo; Mulgrew,Mark (2012) 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM) PUTTING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON THE PUBLIC AGENDA: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE ROLE OF MEDIA REPORTING IN THE MARKET FOR CORPORATE CONTROL Ireland,
2012 Lyons,Roisin; Lynn,Theodore; Mac An Bhaird,Ciaran (2012) British Academy of Management 2012 Evaluating the General Enterprise Tendency Test as a Viable Instrument for Assessing an Enterprise Module within a Student Population United Kingdom,
2012 Jaramillo,Artemisa; Lynn,Theo; Muzellec,Laurent (2012) 11th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) Increasing brand recall through interactive product placement in online music videos Sweden,
2011 Lynn,T (2011) Diverse 2011, Dublin City University 'No, you weren't downloaded, you were born': New Digital Natives, New Digital Divides? Ireland,
2011 Mac An Bhaird,Ciaran; Lynn,Theo; ,Anna (2011) ISBE 2011 Conference Seeding the Cloud: Financing Innovative Firms in the Application Software Sector United Kingdom,
2011 Mac An Bhaird, C., Lynn, T., and John, A. (2011) ISBE 2011 Conference Seeding the Cloud: Financing Innovative Firms in the Application Software Sector Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK, 09/11/2011- 10/11/2011
2011 Lynn,T; Mulgrew,M (2011) Business and Management Research Institute Internal Workshop Is Director Independence Merely a Box-Ticking Exercise? N Ireland,
2010 Lynn,T; Bruton,N (2010) EDGE 2010: An International Conference on the Use of Technologies in K-12 and Post-Secondary Education The 4C initiative: a model for digital content capacity building in education Canada,
2010 Lynn,T (2010) Learning and Technology World Forum The three 'U's United Kingdom,
2010 Lynn,T; Linehan,K (2010) Microcomputers in Education 2010 Understanding Technology Usage and ICT Requirements for Next Generation Learners USA,
2010 Lynn,T; Bruton,N (2010) Open Education Resources 2010 (OER10), University of Cambridge The 4C Initiative: A Case Study on Digital Content Capacity Building United Kingdom,
2010 Lynn,T; Sharma,RS; Clarke,B (2010) Regulation in an Age of Crisis - Third Biennial Conference, University College Dublin State Responses to the Irish Banking Crisis: A Grand Experiment in Corporate Governance Ireland,
2010 Lynn,T; Bruton,N (2010) Open Education Resources 2010 (OER10) The Global Grid for Learning: Unifying Commercial and OER Providers through a Single Digital Supply Network for Global Education UK,
2010 Ruchira, Ruchira,T, T,B, B (2010) State Responses to the Irish Banking Crisis: A Grand Experiment in Corporate Governance Regulation in an Age of Crisis - Third Biennial Conference
2010 Lynn,T; Alexopoulos,A (2010) Learning and Teaching World Forum Understanding technology usage and ICT requirements of next generation learners UK,
2010 Lynn,T (2010) Third Biennial Conference of the European Consortium on Political Research Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, University College Dublin THE INFLUENCE OF THE NEWS MEDIA ON THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICES OF ANGLO-AMERICAN LISTED PLCS Ireland,
2010 Lynn,T (2010) The 13th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management:“Renewing the Management Research Mandate”, Cork Institute of Technology NEWS REPORTS, STAKEHOLDER RESPONSES AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REFORM:A Framework for Investigating the Influence of the News Media on Corporate Governance Practices in the United Kingdom and Ireland Ireland,
2010 Lynn,T; Alexopoulos,A; Linehan,K (2010) 5th Plymouth E-learning Conference - Learning Without Limits, University of Plymouth New Digital Natives, New Digital Divides? Linking Internet Attitudes and Online Activities of Ireland's Talented Youth United Kingdom,
2010 Lynn,T; Kavanagh,J (2010) 13th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management, Cork Institute of Technology Investment Decision Making by Trustees of Occupational Pension Schemes: A Research Agenda Limiting Audit Liability In Ireland Ireland,
2010 Lynn,T; Bruton,N (2010) Microcomputers in Education Conference 2010 The Three U's: A Principles Approach to Digital Content Procurement and Delivery Arizona,
2010 Lynn,T; Muzellec,L (2010) 9th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) Hypervideo-based Product Placement: Extending the Research Agenda Spain,
2010 Lynn,T; Muzellec,L; Bruton,N (2010) Open Ed 2010 - The Seventh Annual Open Education Conference Justifying Institutional Investment in OER Development: OERs as Marketing Vehicle Spain,
2010 Lynn, T. and Muzellec, L. (2010) 9th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) Hypervideo-based Product Placement: Extending the Research Agenda Hotel Meliá Madrid Princesa, Madrid, Spain, 25/06/2010- 26/06/2010
2009 Lynn,T; DiGangi,S (2009) Information and Communications Technology 2009 (ICTD 2009) Connecting a billion content resources to education by 2018: the Global Grid for Learning Qatar,
2009 Lynn,T (2009) First International Conference on e-Learning and Distance-Learning The Arab Grid for Learning: A Model for System-Wide Resource Sharing and Services Saudi Arabia,
2009 Lynn,T; McMullan,C; Conyngham,G (2009) IUA Fourth Level Network Annual Conference 2009, Trinity College Dublin Next Generation Management: Preparing Business Graduates for the Smart Economy Ireland,
2009 Lynn,T (2009) Third Legal Education Symposium: Legal Education in Context and Practice, University College Dublin Legal education with and through teams: the UCD experience of using a Student Written, Instructor Facilitated Case Writing Method and Signatory Code Ireland,
2009 Lynn,T; Muzellec,L (2009) Irish Academy of Management, 12th Annual Conference Brand precession; protobrands and brand convergence in fictional; computer-synthesized and real worlds: broadening the domain of brand application from the virtual to the HyperReal Ireland,
2009 F, F,A, A,T, T (2009) BEST � The DCU Business School Induction Programme: A Learning Resource and Student Support Initiative Striving to enhance the Student Experience: Implementing a Student Centred Approach to Learning- The European Standards and Guidelines (Part 1) in action'. Westbury Hotel, Dublin
2009 G, G,C, C,T, T (2009) Next Generation Management: Preparing Business Graduates for the Smart Economy IUA Fourth Level Network Annual Conference 2009
2009 Lynn,T (2009) Microcomputers in Education (MEC) 2009, Arizona State University ASPECT - Adopting Standards and Specifications for Educational Content United States of America,
2009 McMullan,C; Conyngham,G; Lynn,T (2009) IUA Fourth Level Network Annual Conference 2009 Next Generation Management: Preparing Business Graduates for the Smart Economy Ireland,
2009 Lynn,T (2009) 7th International Conference on Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance- Managing Risk in a Changing World, Birmingham Business School The Influence of the Newspaper Media on the Corporate Governance Practices of Irish Listed PLCs UK,
2009 Lynn,T (2009) 4th International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks The Influence of the Newspaper Media on the Corporate Governance Practices of Irish Listed PLCs Bosnia and Herzegovina,
2009 Muzellec, L., Lynn, T. and Syzmanski, M. (2009) 38th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) There is no spoon: Towards a framework for the classification of virtual brands and management of brand precession Audencia Ecole de Management, Nantes, France, 25/05/2009- 29/05/2009
2008 Costello, E, Fox, S. and Lynn, T. (2008) ISEE-08 International Symposium for Engineering Education Online labs for distance learners: reflectionsfrom an Irish pilot study Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 09/09/2008- 10/09/2008
2008 Lynn, T.; DiGangi, S.; Hanney, D. (2008) Creating a unified digital content supply network for global education: The global grid for learning story so far [Link]
2008 Brady,M; Lynn,T; Davis,P (2008) 10th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management The fast and the furious: an experiential approach to introducing strategic management and organizational theory Northern Ireland,
2008 Lynn, T., DiGangi, S. and Hanney, D. (2008) European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 08): Second International Workshop on Search and Exchange of e-le@rning Materials (SE@M'08) Creating a unified digital content supply network for global education: the Global Grid for Learning story so far Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 17/09/2008- 17/09/2008
2008 Lynn,T; DiGangi,S; Hanney,D (2008) European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 08): Second International Workshop on Search and Exchange of e-le@rning Materials (SE@M'08) Creating a unified digital content supply network for global education: the Global Grid for Learning story so far The Netherlands,
2008 Lynn,T; Fox,S; Costello,E (2008) ISEE-08 International Symposium for Engineering Education, Dublin City University Online labs for distance learners: reflections from an Irish pilot study Ireland,
2008 Lynn,T; Davis,P; Brady,M (2008) 10th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management, Queen's University The fast and the furious: an experiential approach to introducing strategic management and organizational theory Northern Ireland,
2008 Lynn,T; Brewer,L; DiGangi,D; Jannasch-Pennell,A; Gorman,L (2008) 'After the Celtic Tiger' - Irish Social Science Platform Conference Educating the Celtic Cubs: A Survey of Student Technology Practices and Needs Ireland,
2007 P, P,T, T,M, M (2007) The fast and the furious : an experiential approach to introducing strategic management 8th Annual Irish Educational Technology Conference
2007 Brady,M; Lynn,T; Davis,P (2007) 8th Annual Irish Educational Technology Conference The fast and the furious : an experiential approach to introducing strategic management Ireland,
2007 Lynn,T; Davis,P; Brady,M (2007) 8th Annual Irish Educational Technology Conference The fast and the furious : an experiential approach to introducing strategic management Ireland,
2007 Lynn,T (2007) Microcomputers in Education, 2007, ASU, Phoenix Global Grid for Learning & Exchange of Global Learning Resources United States of America,
2006 Lynn, T. (2006) 4th International Conference on Corporate Governance Pension Funds and Monitoring: An Irish Perspective Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 03/07/2006- 03/07/2006
2022 Murphy, B.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Sinclair, G.; Feeney, O.; van der Werff, L. (2022) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2022 The Antecedents and Consequences of Financial Well-being for Young Irish Adults: A Preliminary Analysis Dublin, Ireland, 24/08/2022- 25/08/2022

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Lynn, T.; O'Gorman, C.; Rosati, P.; Kennedy, J.; Cowley-Cunningham, M. (2024) ISPIM Connects Osaka 2024 Strengthening Rural Tourism Planning through Effective Digitalisation Measurement Osaka, Japan, 02/12/2024-04/12/2024.
2024 Johnson, C.; Ascencio, C.; Bauer, B.C.; Gibson, C.; Lynn, T.; Mooney, J.; Nagaraj, V.; Niederman, F.; Short, C.; Sinclair, G. (2024) AIB 2024 Conference A Swarm of Scholars: Adopting and Improving on the Swarm Methodology in Organizational Research Seoul, Korea, 02/06/2024-06/06/2024.
2023 Guazzo, G.; Rosati, P.; Troisi, O.; Lynn, T. (2023) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2023 Exploring the determinants of social acceptance of vision-based traffic sensors University of Galway, Galway, Ireland, 23/08/2023-24/08/2023.
2023 Kennedy, J.; Keller, A.; Lynn, T.; Kenny, D. (2023) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2023 Enhancing Digital Literacy and Self-Efficacy in Virtual Reality using the Oculus University of Galway, Galway, Ireland, 23/08/2023-24/08/2023.
2023 (2023) 1st Annual Meeting of the Global XR Management Community Winning over the sceptics: Reimagining space, software, scale, and stakeholders INSEAD Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 03/06/2023-06/06/2023.
2022 G. Sinclair; T. Lynn; P. Ansari; P. Rosati (2022) 2022 nternational Conference on Crypto-Marketing NFTs, utility tokens and soccer: An exploratory data analysis of legitimisation messaging and manipulative practices Columbia University, New York, USA, 05/12/2022-06/12/2022.
2022 D. Kenny; T. Lynn; G. Sinclair (2022) Digital 2022 - Advanced on Societal Digital Transformation From Clear to Dark: The Social Media Platform Anonymity Continuum Valencia, Spain, 13/11/2022-17/11/2022.
2022 Schell, M.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Busalim, A. (2022) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2022 To personalise or not to personalise? A content analysis of airline email marketing personalisation during the vaccination phase of COVID 19 Dublin, Ireland, 24/08/2022-25/08/2022.
2022 Donnery, D.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Busalim, A. (2022) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2022 Benchmarking Airline Website Marketing Technology: A Website Evaluation Study of the World Dublin, Ireland, 24/08/2022-25/08/2022.
2022 Kearns, C.; Sinclair, G.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P. (2022) Second International Conference of the PSA Sport & Politics Group Two Brexits: English sporting identity and Euro 2016 as metaphor for a divided Britain Aveiro, Portugal, 16/06/2022-17/06/2022.
2022 Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Wood, C. (2022) 2022 AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference #PutKids1st: Health Professionals using Social Media for Health Advocacy - From Collective Action to Connective Action Austin, Texas, USA, 09/06/2022-11/06/2022.
2022 Egli, A.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P.; Sinclair, G. (2022) 2022 AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference The Company You (Don’t) Keep: an Examination of Stigma within the Vaccination Discourse on Twitter Austin, Texas, USA, 09/06/2022-11/06/2022.
2022 Kearns, C.; Sinclair, G.; Black, J.; Doidge, M.; Fletcher, T.; Kilvington, D.; Liston, K.; Lynn, T.; Rosati, P. (2022) 2022 EASS & ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport Online Hate and Sport: An overview of the key literature Tubingen, Germany, 07/06/2022-10/06/2022.
2021 Fox, G., van der Werff, L., Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2021) 15th International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2021) A Longitudinal Analysis of the Determinants of Citizen Acceptance of Contact Tracing Mobile Apps Nice, France, 18/07/2021-23/07/2021.
2021 Endo, P.T., Fox, G., van der Werff, L., Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2021) 15th International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2021) A Preliminary Analysis of the Determinants of Acceptance of Contact Tracing Apps in Brazil Nice, France, 18/07/2021-23/07/2021.
2021 Egli, A., Lynn, T., Rosati, P., and Sinclair, G. (2021) 15th International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2021) Bad Robot: A preliminary exploration of the prevalence of automated software programmes and social bots in the COVID-19 #antivaxx discourse on Twitter Nice, France, 18/07/2021-23/07/2021.
2021 Lynn, T. (2021) 15th International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2021) Putting the digital into towns: How ready are rural towns for digital transformation? An analysis of five Irish rural towns Nice, France, 18/07/2021-23/07/2021.
2020 Theo Lynn (2020) 14th International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2020) Sorting the Healthy Diet Signal from the Social Media Expert Noise Evidence from the #healthydiet discourse on Twitter Valencia, Spain, 21/11/2020-25/11/2020.
2019 Lyons, R., Lynn, T., and Mac an Bhaird, C. (2019) RENT XXXIII Team Heterogeneity in Entrepreneurship Education Berlin, Germany, 28/11/2019-29/11/2019.
2019 Lynn, T., Wade, A., van der Werff, and Rosati, P. (2019) OEB Global 2019 Bridging The Gap: Towards AI-based Continuous Curriculum Improvement Berlin, Germany, 27/11/2019-29/11/2019.
2019 Conway, E., Monks, K., Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2019) 11th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network - The Societal Impact of HRM An analysis of the future of work discourse in the literature and on social media using machine learning and topic modelling Tilburg, Netherlands, 14/11/2019-15/11/2019.
2019 Bendechache, M., Cummins, M., Endo, P. Leoni, G. and Lynn, T. (2019) 2019 International Conference on Fintech and Financial Data Science (FTFDS 2019) Assessing Deep Learning Models for the Forecasting of Non-Stationary Crude Oil Price Series Dublin, Ireland, 03/09/2019-05/09/2019.
2019 Fox, G. and Lynn, T. (2019) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2019 Enhancing Perceptions of Privacy Post-GDPR: An Analysis of the Impact of GDPR Privacy Labels Dublin, Ireland, 28/08/2019-30/08/2019.
2019 Lyons, V., Lynn, T. and van der Werff, L. (2019) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2019 The Politics of Privacy: An Exploration of Privacy Lobbying, drawing on theories of Control and Justice, using an Experimental Vignette Methodology Dublin, Ireland, 28/08/2019-30/08/2019.
2019 Conway, E., Monks, K., Rosati, P. and Lynn, T. (2019) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2019 An analysis of the content of the future of work discourse on social media and in the HRM literature: A machine learning, topic modelling approach. Dublin, Ireland, 28/08/2019-30/08/2019.
2019 Lyons, R., Lynn, T., Mac an Bhaird, C. (2019) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2019 Ready, SET, Go: Exploring the Student Team in Entrepreneurship Education – The proposal of a Definition and Conceptual Framework for the SET Dublin, Ireland, 28/08/2019-30/08/2019.
2019 M. Bendechache, M. Cummins, P. Endo, T. Lynn, G. Santos, and I. Silva (2019) 3rd ECMCRC Workshop Assessing deep learning models for the forecasting of non-stationary crude oil price series Dublin, Ireland, 05/07/2019-05/07/2019.
2019 Rosati, P., Gogolin, F. and Lynn, T. (2019) 30th Illinois Symposium of The International Journal of Accounting Audit Firm Assessments of Cyber-security Risk: Evidence from Audit Fees and SEC Comments Athens, Greece, 02/06/2019-04/06/2019.
2018 Lynn, T. and Rosati, P. (2018) Data, Organisations and Society Conference 2018 Peer reviewed presentation Coventry, United Kingdom, 21/11/2018-21/11/2018.
2018 Gorman, L., Monaco, E., Rosati, P., Palumbo, R. and Lynn, T. (2018) 2nd ECMCRC Workshop Media Coverage, Trading Activity and Liquidity Effects Around Private Firm Acquisition Announcements: Evidence from UK Domestic Acquisitions London, United Kingdom, 09/07/2018-09/07/2018.
2017 Lynn, T. (2017) International Conference on Business & Society: Value Creation through Analytics Conceptualising social networking sites for data analytics research Mumbai, India, 19/12/2017-19/12/2017.
2017 Byrne, J., Svorobej, S., Gourinovitch, A., Manimaran Elango, D., Liston, P., Byrne, PJ, and Lynn, T. (2017) Winter Simulation Conference 2017 RECAP Simulator: Simulation of Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing Scenarios Las Vegas, Nevada, 03/12/2017-06/12/2017.
2017 Lynn, T., Rosati, P., Nair, B. and Mac an Bhaird, C. (2017) ISBE 2017 Entrepreneurial Participation in the Brexit Discourse: the utility of Twitter for Stakeholder identification and public policy insights Belfast, United Kingdom, .
2017 Suiter, J., Nair, B. and Lynn, T. (2017) ECIU Workshop - Menace or Blessing? The Role of Direct Democracy in the Process of Political Representation The role of social media in driving participation and engagement in referendums Frankfurt, Germany, 06/04/2017-06/05/2017.
2016 Brown, M., Eamon Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nair, B., Ni Ghiolla Michil, M., Lynn, T., Jingjing Zhang, & Perris, K. (2016) Connect, Collaborate, Create (ALT-C 2016) Towards a Research Agenda of MOOCs in Twitter through Analysis of a Large Dataset University of Warwick, UK, 06/09/2016-08/09/2016.
2016 Costello, E., Brown, M., Nair, B., Jingjing Zhang, Donlon, E., Ni Ghiolla Michil, M., & Lynn, T. (2016) Irish Human Computer Interaction Conference 2016 Social Media #MOOC Mentions: Lessons for MOOC Research from Analysis of Twitter Data University College Cork, Ireland, 14/10/2016-.
2016 Costello, E., Lynn, T., Brown, M., Nair, B., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge (ILTA Conference 2016) Rising or Falling? Tracing MOOC trends in social media Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 26/05/2016-27/05/2016.
2015 Lynn, T., Lynham, M., Kenny, D. and Jaramillo, A. (2015) 18th Irish Academy of Management Conference A Study of the Potential Role of Music Classification Technologies in Video Advertising NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland, 03/09/2015-04/09/2015.
2015 Lynn, T., Brady, M. and Masevic, I (2015) PROCOMM 2015: IEEE Professional Communication Conference A Risk Assessment Method for Negative SEO Attacks using a Game Theoretic Approach Limerick, Ireland, 12/07/2015-15/07/2015.
2015 Berry, L., van der Werff, L, and Lynn, T. (2015) 18th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference Rebuilding and Engendering Trust in the Retail Banking Environment: The Role of a Trust Label NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland, 03/09/2015-04/09/2015.
2015 Lynn, T., Kilroy, S., van der Werrf, L., Venkatagiri, S., Healy, P., Morrison, J., and Hunt, G. (2015) PROCOMM 2015: IEEE Professional Communication Conference Towards a General Framework for Social Media Research Using Big Data Limerick, Ireland, 12/07/2015-15/07/2015.
2014 Lyons, R., Lynn, T. and Mac an Baird, C. (2014) ESU 2014 Conference Social loafing in student entrepreneurship teams Lund University School of Economics and Management, Lund, Sweden, 18/08/2014-23/08/2014.
2014 Lynn, T., Muzellec, L., Caemerrer, B., Turley, D., & Wurdinger, B (2014) The 8th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 14) Early Adopters of Twitter and Google+: Validation of a Theoretical Model of Early Adopter Personality and Social Network Site Influence University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 02/06/2014-04/06/2014.
2014 Lynn, T., Carroll, N., Mooney, J., Morrison, J., Healy, P., Hunt, G., Corcoran, D., and van der Werff, L. (2014) 21st International Product Development Management Conference Towards a Framework for Defining and Categorising Business Process-as-a-Service (BPAAS) University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, 15/06/2014-17/06/2014.
2014 Mac an Baird, C. and Lynn, T. (2014) Financing SME Growth in the UK: Meeting the Challenges after the Global Financial Crisis (CEEDR) Seeding the cloud: Funding SMEs in the application software sector Middlesex University, London, 03/06/2014-03/06/2014.
2012 Lyons, R., Lynn, T., and Mac an Bhaird, C. (2012) 15th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2012 Evaluating The General Enterprise Tendencies Of Students Undertaking An Enterprise Module: A Comparison Between Postgraduate And Undergraduate Students NUI Maynooth, Dublin, Ireland, 05/09/2012-07/09/2012.
2012 Lyons, R. and Lynn, T. (2012) EdTech 2012 Conference Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 2012: An Overview of DICE - Digital Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise NUI Maynooth, Dublin, Ireland, 31/05/2012-01/06/2012.
2012 Lynn, T. (2012) 15th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2012 Using Social Media for Academic Impact NUI Maynooth, Dublin, Ireland, 05/09/2012-07/09/2012.
2012 Lynn, T. (2012) 7th Workshop (Fachgespraech) on Next Generation Service Delivery Platforms, “Cloud-based Service Platforms for the Future Internet”, of the GI/ITG specialist group on Communications and Distributed Systems “Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme (KuVS) CLOUDPASS: An Integrated Framework for Accountability and Assurance in the Cloud ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland, 29/11/2012-29/11/2012.
2012 Jaramillo, A., Lynn, T. and Muzellec, L. (2012) 11th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) Increasing brand recall through interactive product placement in online music videos Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Stockholm, Sweden, 28/06/2012-30/06/2012.
2012 Jaramillo, A., Lynn, T., and Muzellec, L. (2012) 15th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2012 Increasing Brand Recall Through Interactive Product Placement In Online Music Videos NUI Maynooth, Dublin, Ireland, 05/09/2012-07/09/2012.
2012 Lynn, T. (2012) Intel European Research and Innovation Conference 2012 Business, Legal and Regulatory Aspects and Requirements in the Cloud Barcelona, Spain, 22/10/2012-23/10/2012.
2012 Lyons, R.M., Lynn, T. and Mac an Bhaird, C. (2012) British Academy of Conference 2012 Evaluating the General Enterprise Tendency Test as a Viable Instrument for Assessing an Enterprise Module within a Student Population Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, 11/09/2012-13/09/2012.
2012 Gorman, L., Lynn, T., and Mulgrew. M. (2012) 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM) PUTTING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON THE PUBLIC AGENDA: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE ROLE OF MEDIA REPORTING IN THE MARKET FOR CORPORATE CONTROL Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland, 26/06/2012-29/06/2012.
2012 Gorman, L., Lynn, T., and Mulgrew, M. (2012) British Academy of Management Conference 2012 Setting the Agenda in the Corporate Governance debate: An Investigation into the Role of Media Reporting in the Market for Corporate Control Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, 11/09/2012-13/09/2012.
2011 Lynn, T. (2011) Diverse 2011 Is your digital footprint too big for your boots? Getting to grips with your online reputation Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland, 28/06/2011-30/06/2011.
2011 Lynn, T. (2011) Diverse 2011 'No, you weren't downloaded, you were born': New Digital Natives, New Digital Divides? Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland, 28/06/2011-30/06/2011.
2011 Muzellec, L, Lynn, T., and Skelton, J. (2011) 40th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) Consumer-Based Brand Equity In A Reverse Product Placement Context University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljubljana, 24/05/2011-27/05/2011.
2010 Bruton, N. and Lynn, T. (2010) Open Education Resources 2010 (OER10) The 4C Initiative: A Case Study on Digital Content Capacity Building Clare College, University of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, 22/03/2010-24/03/2010.
2010 Gorman, L., Lynn, T. and Mulgrew, M. (2010) Regulation in an Age of Crisis - Third Biennial Conference The Influence Of The News Media On The Corporate Governance Practices of Irish And UK Listed PLCs University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland, 17/06/2010-19/06/2010.
2010 Alexopoulos, A., Lynn,T. and Linehan, K. (2010) 5th Plymouth E-learning Conference - Learning Without Limits New Digital Natives, New Digital Divides? Linking Internet Attitudes and Online Activities of Ireland's Talented Youth University of Plymouth, Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom, 06/04/2010-09/04/2010.
2010 Lynn, T. and Bruton, N. (2010) EDGE 2010: An International Conference on the Use of Technologies in K-12 and Post-Secondary Education The 4C initiative: a model for digital content capacity building in education Delta Hotel, St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada, 12/10/2010-15/10/2010.
2010 Kavanagh, J. and Lynn, T. (2010) 13th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management Investment Decision Making by Trustees of Occupational Pension Schemes: A Research Agenda Limiting Audit Liability In Ireland Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland, 01/09/2010-03/09/2010.
2010 Lynn, T. and Alexopoulos, A. (2010) Learning and Teaching World Forum Understanding technology usage and ICT requirements of next generation learners Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom, 11/01/2010-13/01/2010.
2010 Lynn, T. and Bruton, N. (2010) Open Education Resources 2010 (OER10) The Global Grid for Learning: Unifying Commercial and OER Providers through a Single Digital Supply Network for Global Education Clare College, University of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, 22/03/2010-24/03/2010.
2010 Lynn, T., Sharma, R. and Clarke, B. (2010) Regulation in an Age of Crisis - Third Biennial Conference State Responses to the Irish Banking Crisis: A Grand Experiment in Corporate Governance University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland, 17/06/2010-19/06/2010.
2010 Lynn, T., Muzellec, L. and Bruton, N. (2010) Open Ed 2010 - The Seventh Annual Open Education Conference Justifying Institutional Investment in OER Development: OERs as Marketing Vehicle CosmoCaixa, Barcelona, Spain, 02/11/2010-04/11/2010.
2010 Lynn, T. and Muzellec, L. (2010) 13th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management Hypervideo-based Product Placement: Extending the Research Agenda Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland, 01/09/2010-03/09/2010.
2010 Gorman, L., Lynn, T. and Mulgrew, M. (2010) 13th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management News Reports, Stakeholder Responses and Corporate Governance Reform: A Framework for Investigating the Influence of the News Media on Corporate Governance Practices in the United Kingdom and Ireland Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland, 01/09/2010-03/09/2010.
2010 Lynn, T. and Bruton, N. (2010) Microcomputers in Education Conference 2010 The Three U's: A Principles Approach to Digital Content Procurement and Delivery Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, 15/03/2010-17/03/2010.
2010 Lynn, T. and Linehan, K. (2010) Microcomputers in Education 2010 Understanding Technology Usage and ICT Requirements for Next Generation Learners Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, 15/03/2010-17/03/2010.
2010 Lynn, T. (2010) Learning and Technology World Forum The three 'U's Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom, 11/01/2010-13/01/2010.
2009 Lynn, T. (2009) Third Legal Education Symposium: Legal Education in Context and Practice Legal education with and through teams: the UCD experience of using a Student Written, Instructor Facilitated Case Writing Method and Signatory Code University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 13/03/2009-13/03/2009.
2009 Alexopoulos, A., Gorman, L., Lynn, T., Brewer, L., DiGangi, S. and Jannasch-Pennell, A. (2009) Irish Academy of Management 12th Annual Conference Technology Ownership, Usage And Expectations Of Business School Freshmen: Evidence From An Irish University Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland, 02/09/2009-04/09/2009.
2009 Lynn, T. and Muzellec, L. (2009) Irish Academy of Management, 12th Annual Conference, 2009 Brand precession; protobrands and brand convergence in fictional; computer-synthesized and real worlds: broadening the domain of brand application from the virtual to the HyperReal Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland, 02/09/2009-04/09/2009.
2009 McDermott, A., Lynn, T. et al (2009) IUQB Quality Seminar - 'Striving to enhance the Student Experience: Implementing a Student Centred Approach to Learning- The European Standards and Guidelines (Part 1) in action' BEST – DCU Business School First Year Induction Programme Westbury Hotel, Dublin, Ireland, 03/11/2009-03/11/2009.
2009 Gorman, L., Lynn, T. and Mulgrew, M. (2009) Irish Academy of Management 12th Annual Conference The Influence of the Newspaper Media on the Corporate Governance Practices of Irish Listed Plcs Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland, 02/09/2009-04/09/2009.
2009 Lynn, T. (2009) 12th National IT Training Conference Moving Towards the Smart Economy: The Global Grid for Learning Crowne Plaza, Northwood, Dublin, Ireland, 30/04/2009-.
2009 Lynn, T. and DiGangi, S. (2009) Information and Communications Technology 2009 (ICTD 2009) Connecting a billion content resources to education by 2018: the Global Grid for Learning Carnegie Mellon University, Doha, Qatar, 17/04/2009-19/04/2009.
2009 Gorman, L., Lynn, T., and Mulgrew, M. (2009) 7th International Conference on Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance – Managing Risk in a Changing World The influence of the news media on the corporate governance practices of Irish listed plcs Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, England, 26/06/2009-.
2009 Lynn, T., McDermott, A., Connolly, J., McMullan, C. and Conyngham, G. (2009) IUA Fourth Level Network Annual Conference 2009 Next Generation Management: Preparing Business Graduates for the Smart Economy Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 10/11/2009-11/11/2009.
2009 Lynn, T. (2009) Microcomputers in Education (MEC) 2009 ASPECT - Adopting Standards and Specifications for Educational Content Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, 10/03/2009-12/03/2009.
2009 Gorman, L., Lynn, T. and Mulgrew, M. (2009) 4th International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks The Influence of the Newspaper Media on the Corporate Governance Practices of Irish Listed PLCs School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 03/09/2009-05/09/2009.
2009 DiGangi, S., Lynn, T. and Alhakami, A. (2009) First International Conference on e-Learning and Distance-Learning The Arab Grid for Learning: A Model for System-Wide Resource Sharing and Services Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 16/03/2009-18/03/2009.
2009 Lynn, T. and DiGangi, S. (2009) Working with Gifted Children After the Celtic Tiger: Preparing the Gifted & Talented for the Smart Economy Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 28/03/2009-28/03/2009.
2008 Lynn, T., Brewer, L., DiGangi, S., Jannasch-Pennell, A., Gorman, L. and Oyateru, B. (2008) 'After the Celtic Tiger’ - Irish Social Science Platform Conference Educating the Celtic Cubs: A Survey of Student Technology Practices and Needs Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 11/09/2008-12/09/2008.
2008 Lynn, T and DiGangi, S. (2008) ECDL Foundation Forum 2008 The Future of Education/Informatics in a changing world Intercontinental Hotel, Vienna, Austria, 23/10/2008-24/10/2008.
2008 Lynn, T. (2008) The Irish Computer Society 11th Annual IT Training Conference The digital divide: challenges and opportunities for the IT training industry Dublin, Ireland, 11/04/2008-11/04/2008.
2007 Lynn, T., Brady, M., and Davis, P. (2007) 10th Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference The Fast and the Furious: An Experiential Approach to Introducing Strategic Management and Organisation Theory Queen's University, Belfast, 03/09/2007-05/09/2007.
2007 Lynn, T., Davis, P., and Brady, M. (2007) Eighth Annual Irish Educational Technology Conference The Fast and the Furious – An Experiential Approach to Introducing Strategic Management DIT, Dublin, Ireland, 23/05/2007-25/05/2007.
2007 Lynn, T., Davis, P. and Brady, M. (2007) 5th Annual Conference on Teaching & Learning: Learning Technologies SWIF (Student-Written, Instructor-Facilitated) Learning NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland, 07/06/2007-08/06/2007.
2007 Lynn, T (2007) Microcomputers in Education, 2007 Global Grid for Learning & Exchange of Global Learning Resources ASU, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 12/03/2007-14/03/2007.
2007 Lynn, T. (2007) 3rd International CAN Conference Building the global grid for learning Cambridge, United Kingdom, 15/10/2007-16/10/2007.
2004 Lynn, T. (2004) Future Issues for Forest Industries in Europe Technology Innovation in Education and Training Alexander Hotel, Dublin, Ireland, 28/04/2004-01/05/2004.

Published Report

Year Publication
2019 Lynn, T., Rosati, P., Murphy, B., Feeney, O. & Sinclair G (2019) Next Generation Financial Attitudes and Behaviours. Irish Life, .
2018 Lynn, T.; Gourinovitch, A.; Fox, G.; Rosati, P. (2018) The Future of HPC in the Cloud. CloudLightning Project, .
2014 Leimbach, T., Hallinan, D., Bachlechner, D., Weber, A., Jaglo, M., Hennen, L., Nielsen, R.O., Nentwich, M., StrauB, S., Lynn, T. and Hunt, G, (2014) Potential and Impacts of Cloud Computing Services and Social Network Websites. European Parliamentary Research Service: Science and Technology Options Assessment, . [Link]
2011 Lynn, T. (2011) A Report on the Print Industry’s Review of its Own Performance. Irish Print Pack Forum, .
2010 Alexopoulos, A., Bruton, N., Gorman, L., Linehan, K., Lynn, T. and O’Leary, M. (2010) Gifted Techspectations: A Report on Information and Communications Technology Usage and Expectations of Irish Gifted and Talented Students for the Irish Centre for Talented Youth. DCU LINK, .
2010 Lynn, T. and Alexopoulos, A. (2010) Business Techspectations: Technology in the Daily Lives and Educational Experiences of Business Students. DCU LINK, .
2009 Angelos Alexopoulos , Louise Gorman , Theo Lynn , Laura Brewer , Samuel DiGangi , Angel Jammasch-Pennell (2009) Technology ownership, usage and expectations of Business School freshmen: Evidence from an Irish university. DCU LINK, .

Research Paper

Year Publication
2020 Loomba, R., Ellis, P., Forsman, J., Fowley, F., Lynn, T., Svorobej, S. and Willis, P. (2020) Optimisation of Edge Networks and their Distributed Applications. RP [Link]


Year Publication
2005 Dr. Theodore Gerard Lynn (2005) The Irish Corporate Governance System and the Role of Irish Occupational Pension Funds as Institutional Monitors. University College Dublin: THES
1997 Theodore Gerard Lynn (1997) A Study of Information Technology in Third Level Education and the Implications for University College Dublin. University College Dublin: THES

Other Publication

Year Publication
2018 Gravvanis, G.A.; Morrison, J.P.; Petcu, D.; Lynn, T.; Filelis-Papadopoulos, C.K. (2018) Special Issue: Recent trends in cloud computing. [Link] [DOI]
2022 da Silva Neto, S.R.; Tabosa de Oliveira, T.; Teixiera, I.V.; Medeiros Neto, L.; Souza Sampaio, V.; Lynn, T.; Endo, P.T. (2022) Arboviral disease record data - Dengue and Chikungunya, Brazil, 2013–2020. [Link] [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
IEEE Member 01/01/2012 - 30/06/2025
Association for Information Systems (AIS) Member 20/04/2016 - 15/01/2022
American Marketing Association Member 20/08/2016 - 04/05/2022

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/12/2022 Digital 2022 Best Paper Award Digital 2022 Conference Committee
01/05/2021 ICDS 2021 Best Paper Award The 15th International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2021) Conference Committee
01/11/2020 ICDS 2020 Best Paper Award The Fourteenth International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2020) Conference Committee
01/11/2020 IX Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC) Best Paper Award IX Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC)
01/08/2019 IAM Conference 2019: Best Paper Award - Innovation and Technology Management Track Irish Academy of Management
01/04/2018 AOM Specialized Conference: Best Paper Award AOM Specialized Conference on Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy
01/11/2016 ISBE 2016: Best Paper Award - Enterprise Education Track ISBE 2016 Conference
01/09/2016 BAM 2016 Best Paper Award - E-business and E-government Track British Academy of Management Conference 2016
01/05/2016 CloudTech 16: Best Paper Award CloudTech 16 Conference
01/01/2015 DCU President's Special Award for Teaching & Learning DCU
01/12/2015 The Wharton-QS Stars Awards 2015 Bronze Regional Award - Middle East QS & University of Pennsylvania Wharton School
01/01/2014 ESU 2014: Best Paper Award ESU Conference Committee
01/01/2011 DCU President's Award for Civic Engagement DCU
01/09/2010 IAM Conference 2019: Best Paper - Marketing Track Irish Academy of Management
01/01/2011 DCU President's Award for Teaching and Learning DCU


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University College Dublin Ph.D. Law
University College Dublin M.B.S. Business Studies with a specialism in MIS.
University College Dublin Bachelor of Business and Legal Studies Commerce and Law

Research Interests

Understanding the nature and impact of digital technologies that accelerate, optimise and transform processes, organisations, and society including cloud computing, social media, big data analytics (incl. AI), mobile and IOT technologies, and blockchain. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
TCF Digital Town Blueprints Round 2 DCU PI 01/03/2024 31/08/2025
Online Hate in Formula 1 DCU PI 11/09/2023 30/08/2026
Safefood Research Fellowship Extension DCU PI 01/04/2023 19/09/2024
Web Intensity County Report (ROI) DCU PI 01/09/2022 31/08/2024
Diet and Nutrition Misinformation on TikTok DCU PI 22/08/2023 31/12/2023
Ballymore Living Lab DCU PI 03/07/2023 31/10/2023
Digital Town Case Study Database DCU PI 05/05/2022 31/03/2023
Empowering urban cyclists through citizen science DCU Co-PI 01/05/2022 31/10/2022
Town of Things DCU PI 18/10/2021 31/03/2022
Safefood Fellowship DCU PI 20/09/2021 19/09/2022
Tackling Online Hate in Football (TOHIF) DCU Co-PI 01/07/2021 31/07/2024
Evaluation of Online Support Groups for Diabetes, Breastfeeding, and Cancer Recovery DCU PI 18/01/2021 30/06/2021
Esmond Street Digital Transformation Plan – Strategic Linkages, Impacts and Evaluation Model DCU PI 01/11/2020 31/03/2021
DCU/safefood Research Assistantship DCU PI 01/07/2020 30/06/2022
Esmonde Street Digital Transformation Research Plan DCU PI 01/12/2019 30/03/2020
Digital Town Maturity Framework DCU PI 01/04/2019 31/08/2019
NG-Fab DCU PI 01/01/2019 30/04/2019
Doing Privacy 'Right' Versus Doing Privacy 'Rights': A mixed-methods study of the relationship between organisational privacy protection orientations and consumer trust [Valerie Lyons] DCU PI 01/10/2018 30/09/2020
Siemens: Digital marketing audit DCU PI 01/12/2018 28/02/2019
BIM Research Assistantship DCU PI 01/08/2018 31/07/2020
ERP Cloud Migration Feasibility Study - Neotech DCU PI 19/06/2017 31/12/2017
Feasibility Study for Very Large Scale Distributed Image Matching in the Cloud DCU PI 10/04/2017 09/10/2017
Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications — RECAP DCU PI 01/01/2017 31/12/2019
Safefood social media analytics using big data DCU PI 10/04/2015 30/08/2015
Migrating an Integrated Document Management Process to a Cloud-Based BPaaS DCU PI 01/08/2015 31/01/2017
Cloudlightning - Self-Organising and Self-Optimising Heterogenous Cloud DCU PI 01/02/2015 31/01/2018
Competition Analysis and Market Entry Routes for Digital Out of Home Advertising Solutions in the UK DCU PI 01/03/2014 01/05/2014
Technology Centre for Cloud Computing DCU PI 01/12/2012 30/11/2017
Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce DCU PI 01/02/2012 31/01/2013
Innovation Voucher with Coulnagour Ltd. T/A iCabbi DCU PI 23/11/2011 28/02/2012
The 4C Initiative DCU PI 01/04/2009 31/03/2010
Research Agreement between DCU and Cambridge University Press entitled "Global Grid for Learning Research Programme Design and Coordination" DCU PI 01/10/2007 01/01/2009
Innovation Voucher with In Loving Memory Ltd. DCU PI 01/09/2009 31/12/2009
Innovation Voucher with S.W. Carty and Sons DCU PI 01/08/2009 30/11/2009
Innovation Voucher with Design Printworks Ltd DCU PI 01/04/2009 30/04/2009
Innovation Voucher with NooTrol Ltd DCU PI 10/09/2010 30/03/2011
Arab Grid for Learning DCU PI 08/12/2008 07/03/2011
Adopting Standards and Specifications for Educational Content (ASPECT) DCU PI 01/12/2008 30/05/2011
Innovation Voucher with HRS Consulting DCU PI 01/09/2008 30/09/2008
Arabic Maths and Science Portal DCU PI 21/08/2008 20/08/2009
Innovation Voucher with Atomic Assets Limited DCU PI 09/11/2007 10/05/2008
Effective Implementation of Knowledge Management (KM):A case study of the Health Research Board (HRB) Knowledge Register* DCU PI 01/06/2007 31/12/2007
Innovation voucher with MD Print Ltd. DCU PI 01/05/2011 04/04/2012
Innovation Voucher with Game On Media Ltd DCU PI 01/05/2011 04/04/2012
Innovation Voucher with Call 11890 Ltd DCU PI 01/05/2011 04/04/2012
Innovation Voucher with Glanmire IT Services Ltd DCU PI 18/04/2011 31/08/2011
An Analysis of the eBay Bathroom Products Category in the United Kingdom DCU PI 01/04/2011 30/06/2011
Innovation voucher with One Foot Abroad Ltd DCU PI 22/03/2011 30/08/2011
Innovation Voucher with Right Turn Ltd DCU PI 22/03/2011 30/07/2011
Innovation voucher with Hibernian Healthcare Ltd DCU PI 24/01/2011 31/08/2011
Innovation voucher with Merchamp Optical Ltd DCU PI 01/02/2011 31/08/2011
Innovation Voucher with The Super Generation Ltd. DCU PI 22/12/2010 30/08/2011
Innovation Voucher with Peak Learning Ltd. DCU PI 22/12/2010 30/08/2011
Innovation voucher with Scott Cawley Ltd DCU PI 22/12/2010 30/07/2011
Innovation voucher with David Butt and Associates DCU PI 17/05/2011 04/04/2012
Innovation voucher with Smartgrowers Ltd. DCU PI 01/05/2011 04/04/2012
Innovation Voucher with Diatribe Recordings Ltd. DCU PI 22/12/2010 30/07/2011
Innovation Voucher with Source Pensions Administration and Trustee Company Ltd. DCU PI 13/12/2010 30/07/2011
Innovation Voucher with YCD Ltd. DCU PI 13/12/2010 30/07/2011
Innovation Voucher with Elizabeth & Claire (T/A E&C Isabella Ltd) DCU PI 13/12/2010 30/07/2011
Innovation Voucher with Ailesbury Capital Ltd. DCU PI 13/12/2010 30/07/2011
Innovation Voucher with Telescopic Healthcare Ltd (TA Happy Threads) DCU PI 13/12/2010 30/07/2011
Innovation Voucher with Learning Horizons Ltd DCU PI 13/12/2010 30/07/2011
Pooled Innovation Voucher with Prism Management Services, Design Tactics, IT Force, Hibernian Healthcare, Outsourced IT Management DCU PI 01/09/2010 31/12/2010
Innovation Voucher with AssemblyPoint Limited DCU PI 21/07/2010 31/10/2010
Innovation Voucher with Amma Carpool Services Ltd. DCU PI 18/07/2010 17/10/2010
Innovation voucher with EDUBILLS Limited DCU PI 14/12/2011 04/03/2012
Innovation voucher with YCD Limited DCU PI 10/07/2010 31/12/2010
Innovation Voucher with AG Education DCU PI 08/07/2010 31/12/2010
Innovation Voucher with Dandelion Innovation Ltd DCU PI 08/07/2010 08/10/2010
Innovation Voucher with Econatural Ltd. DCU PI 08/07/2010 08/10/2010
Innovation Voucher with AG Education DCU PI 08/07/2010 31/12/2010
Innovation Voucher with Hall Company Ltd. DCU PI 08/07/2010 08/10/2010
Innovation Voucher with The Hall Company Ltd DCU PI 08/07/2010 31/10/2010
Innovation Voucher for Label Supply Systems Ltd. DCU PI 27/03/2013 30/09/2013
Innovation Voucher for Crannagh Technologies Ltd. DCU PI 26/03/2013 30/09/2013
Innovation Voucher for RunLastMan Ltd. DCU PI 20/03/2013 30/09/2013
Innovation Voucher for Labway Ltd. DCU PI 19/03/2013 30/09/2013
Innovation Voucher for Quickstep Consulting. DCU PI 19/03/2013 30/09/2013
Innovation Voucher with Labway Ltd (t/a TrialSolus) DCU PI 01/03/2013 01/03/2014
Innovation Voucher for Welcome Marketing Ltd. DCU PI 14/02/2013 30/12/2013
Innovation Voucher for Videoscamp Limited. DCU PI 04/02/2013 01/08/2013
Innovation voucher for Awaita Limited DCU PI 14/12/2012 01/08/2013
Use Case Scenarios and Testing for Online Website Aggregator DCU PI 14/12/2012 01/08/2013
Innovation Voucher for Ciara One Limited T/A Jako. DCU PI 10/12/2012 01/08/2013
PDQ system development DCU PI 06/12/2012 05/09/2013
Innovation voucher with Access legal Ltd. DCU PI 01/12/2012 01/08/2013
Innovation Voucher with Mirage Bathrooms Limited. DCU PI 01/12/2012 29/11/2013
Innovation Voucher for Race Management Limited DCU PI 01/12/2012 30/08/2013
Innovation Voucher for Flightman ltd DCU PI 01/12/2012 01/08/2013
Innovation Voucher for Mirage Bathrooms DCU PI 01/12/2012 30/08/2013
Innovation Voucher for Model Telecom Ltd. DCU PI 01/12/2012 01/05/2013
Innovation Voucher for Direction Research Group DCU PI 01/12/2012 30/08/2013
Innovation Voucher with Ciara One Ltd (t/a Jako) DCU PI 29/11/2012 29/11/2013
Innovation Voucher with VideoScamp DCU PI 29/11/2012 29/11/2013
Cloud Glassbox - An Intelligent Cloud Service Recorder and Real-Time Monitoring System for Accountability DCU PI 30/10/2012 30/04/2013
Innovation Voucher for Will Finder DCU PI 01/07/2012 31/12/2012
Innovation Voucher for The Sign and Graphic Centre Ltd DCU PI 18/06/2012 31/12/2012
Innovation Voucher for Gibney Communications Ltd. DCU PI 11/06/2012 31/12/2012
Innovation Voucher with Motlog Limited ( t/a Cordele) DCU PI 21/05/2012 21/05/2013
Innovation Voucher for Dr. Mark Harrold`s Behavioural Solutions DCU PI 21/05/2012 31/12/2012
Innovation Voucher for Glenman Software Development Ltd t/a Bullet DCU PI 21/05/2012 31/12/2012
Innovation Voucher for Talentevo DCU PI 21/05/2012 31/12/2012
Innovation Voucher for Captured Carbon DCU PI 15/05/2012 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher for Text a Gift DCU PI 01/05/2012 15/09/2012
Innovation Voucher for Olbury Enterprises ltd t/a CSS Signs DCU PI 01/05/2012 30/09/2012
Innovation Voucher with Human Edge Ltd. DCU PI 09/04/2010 31/07/2010
Innovation Voucher with Martialone Ltd (T/A Advanced Hydrotherapy) DCU PI 15/03/2010 30/04/2010
Innovation Voucher with Timing Ireland/Race Management Ltd. DCU PI 22/12/2009 31/07/2010
Innovation Voucher with Irish Payroll Association DCU PI 24/11/2009 30/06/2010
Innovation Voucher with Crean Solutions Ltd. T/A MicksGarage DCU PI 23/11/2011 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with Printpac Ltd. DCU PI 18/11/2009 31/03/2010
Integrated Cloud LMS, E-Commerce, CRM and CMS - Big Mouth Digital Ltd DCU PI 27/10/2016 31/01/2017
Northern Ireland Invest and Orca Money DCU PI 26/07/2016 25/04/2017
Innovation voucher: Calculate my menu limited DCU PI 17/06/2016 17/06/2017
Innovation Voucher with Absolutely Fabulous Foods Limited DCU PI 01/04/2016 07/03/2017
Innovation voucher:Mint Tek Circuits Ltd DCU PI 09/11/2015 08/11/2016
Innovation voucher: Motlog Limited t/a Cordele DCU PI 09/11/2015 08/11/2016
Innovation Voucher: BigMouth Digital Limited DCU PI 09/11/2015 08/11/2016
Innovation Voucher:Echo Stream Technologies Ltd. DCU PI 24/07/2015 23/07/2016
Innovation Voucher:Red Flag Consulting Limited DCU PI 18/06/2015 17/06/2016
Innovation voucher:GTMNET DCU PI 09/03/2016 08/03/2017
Innovation Voucher: Lighthouse Learning LTD DCU PI 17/11/2014 30/04/2015
Social Media Based Restaurant Reservation and Promotion System DCU PI 17/11/2014 30/04/2015
Innovation voucher with Chennai Research LTD DCU PI 09/06/2014 29/08/2014
Innovation Voucher for Opticalrooms Ltd DCU PI 01/05/2014 29/08/2014
Innovation Voucher for Eirtight Technology DCU PI 01/04/2014 30/06/2014
Innovation Voucher project with Eirtight Technology Ltd. (Digital Marketing Budget Allocation Decision Support System) DCU PI 01/04/2014 30/06/2014
Cloud-based Software Licensing Service for Non NET Software Innovation Partnership Feasibility Study DCU PI 01/03/2014 01/09/2014
Search Engine Marketing Data Analytics Pilot DCU PI 01/02/2014 31/05/2014
E-commerce Search Engine Optimisation Pilot for Total Tiles Ltd. DCU PI 27/01/2014 28/04/2014
Innovation Voucher with Eurobase Ltd. DCU PI 23/11/2011 30/04/2012
Innovation Voucher with Ciara One Ltd. T/A Jako DCU PI 23/11/2011 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with Be Socially Aware Ltd. DCU PI 23/11/2011 31/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with Inish Technology Ventures Ltd DCU PI 07/09/2011 31/03/2012
Innovation Voucher with Dandelion Innovation Ltd. DCU PI 05/09/2011 31/03/2012
Innovation voucher with Stateside Recruitment Solutions DCU PI 22/08/2011 31/12/2011
Innovation voucher with Avoca Premier Consultancy Ltd., T/A Digivault DCU PI 12/08/2011 31/12/2011
Innovation voucher for Easy Dry ltd. DCU PI 02/07/2011 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with Delta Index Ltd DCU PI 13/07/2011 31/12/2011
Innovation voucher with McKeon Construction Ltd DCU PI 21/06/2011 31/12/2011
Innovation voucher with TENDERME Ltd DCU PI 23/06/2011 31/12/2011
Innovation voucher with Talentevo Ltd DCU PI 21/06/2011 31/12/2011
Design of an E-learning Platform for financial Services Training DCU PI 14/06/2011 13/09/2011
Innovation Voucher for Phoneswap Ltd. DCU PI 01/05/2013 30/09/2013
Examining Professionalism, Credibility & Technical Sophistication within the Online Irish Healthy Diet Discourse DCU PI 07/06/2022 31/12/2022
Soft Skills Assessment Platform DCU PI 01/05/2022 31/12/2022
BabyBoss Martech and Wearable Smart Baby Apparel Study DCU PI 19/04/2021 30/03/2022
GD Executive Coaching and Public Speaking SOA Review DCU PI 16/04/2021 30/03/2022
Caterhire Digital Infrastructure and Analytics Audit DCU PI 01/04/2021 14/03/2022
FizFit Digital Technology and Analytics Audit DCU PI 14/12/2020 08/12/2021
Technology and Business Model Innovation Audit and POC for the Retail Toy Category DCU PI 07/09/2020 31/03/2021
Podcast Management Platform Extension DCU PI 29/05/2020 30/03/2021
Post-mortem online service password manager and termination MVP DCU PI 19/05/2020 14/05/2021
Washroom Solutions Chatbot DCU PI 15/04/2020 12/01/2021
Functional and non-functional testing of event mobile apps DCU PI 15/02/2020 15/05/2020
On-demand cloud-based horticultural decision support and recommender system DCU PI 06/02/2020 15/02/2020
On-demand self-service decision support tool for student experience abroad matching DCU PI 24/01/2020 15/02/2020
CloudLightning Cloud Management Platform DCU PI 01/06/2019 31/08/2019
UrbanVolt: B2B Digital Marketing Audit and Strategy Preparation DCU PI 01/05/2019 31/07/2019
European Card Payments Digital Marketing Mentoring DCU PI 01/04/2019 31/03/2020 Marketing Complex Services in the Recruitment Sector DCU PI 07/01/2019 30/06/2019
Marketing Complex Services in the Recruitment Sector Principal Investigator 01/01/2019 30/06/2019
CigaB2B: B2B Enterprise Technology Audit and Personalisation DCU PI 22/08/2018 19/02/2020
Food Processor B2B2C Marketing Technology Audit DCU PI 23/07/2018 30/03/2019
Technology and Business Model for Senior Citizen Memoir Collation Service DCU PI 04/07/2018 31/12/2018
Marketing Technology and Usability Audit DCU PI 13/02/2018 30/06/2018
Digital Marketing Optimisation for the Irish Pensions and Investment Market DCU PI 18/12/2017 31/03/2018
SME Financial Benchmarking API and Plugin DCU PI 01/12/2017 30/04/2018
Feasibility Study on a Big Data Platform for Smart Cities DCU PI 01/12/2017 31/08/2018
Coffee Shop Recipe Analytics Tool DCU PI 08/06/2017 07/06/2018
P2P Provider Rating and Industry Statistics Methodology and System Integration DCU PI 08/05/2017 15/10/2017
P2P Provider Rating and Industry Statistics Methodology and System Integration DCU PI 08/05/2017 15/10/2017
Tender Management Portal Specification DCU PI 10/03/2017 09/03/2018
Mobile Analytics for Farm Management Apps DCU PI 10/03/2017 09/03/2018
End User Requirements Specification for a Peer to Peer Specialist Sports Equipment Service DCU PI 05/01/2017 30/08/2017
Innovation voucher for National Designers of Ireland Ltd. DCU PI 23/04/2012 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher for Popmeup Ltd DCU PI 01/04/2012 30/08/2012
Applied digital marketing business process improvement pilot DCU PI 01/11/2013 30/04/2014
Big data services research DCU PI 01/11/2013 30/04/2014
Luxury Tourism Online Influence Management Pilot DCU PI 01/09/2013 31/10/2013
Online Health Portal Digital Marketing Pilot. DCU PI 01/09/2013 31/10/2013
Business Plan for Tropical Medicine E-Learning DCU PI 01/08/2013 31/10/2013
Digital Marketing Monitoring and Analytics Strategy DCU PI 01/08/2013 31/10/2013
Evaluation of Commercially Available Tools for LaunchPad Development DCU PI 24/06/2013 23/09/2013
Innovation Voucher with The Tourism Company (Ireland) Ltd: Trustmark Metadata Platform for Tourism and Hospitality Marketing DCU PI 10/06/2013 30/12/2013
Secure Cloud Based Sourcing and Tender Management Platform Feasibility Study DCU PI 10/01/2014 10/06/2014
On-Demand Cloud-Based Country-Level Online Influence Analytics Service Feasibility Study DCU PI 02/12/2013 02/05/2014
Innovation Voucher for Get Fruity DCU PI 01/06/2013 30/09/2013
End use technical specification for university experience platform DCU PI 05/05/2023 31/12/2023
E-commerce System Industry Analysis and Platform Evaluation DCU PI 22/01/2018 30/04/2018
A Case Study on Algorithmic Trading in RSE Tokens DCU PI 17/09/2018 31/10/2018 Website Usability and Optimisation DCU PI 08/10/2018 31/12/2018
Arizona State University – DCU Strategic Alliance RESEARCH TRAVEL SUPPORT PROGRAMME 2007 DCU PI 01/08/2007 31/08/2008
CigaB2B: B2B Enterprise Technology Audit and Personalisation DCU PI 22/08/2018 23/02/2019
LOOCUBE: Washroom Solutions Digitisation DCU PI 08/10/2018 31/03/2019
Physiotherapist Website and E-commerce Audit and Remediation DCU PI 01/11/2020 31/03/2021
Social Media Big Data AnalyticsEnhancing Performance 2014 DCUBS#5 Application DCU PI 01/12/2014 30/11/2016
Digital Marketing Audit DCU PI 09/04/2018 31/05/2018
End use technical specification for university experience platform DCU PI 05/05/2023 31/12/2023
DCUBS Big Data Initiative - EP2015 DCU PI 01/10/2015 30/09/2016
Innovation voucher for Sigma Wireless Communication Ltd. DCU PI 01/04/2012 30/08/2012
Innovation voucher for Astrobook Ltd DCU PI 12/03/2012 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with My Doggy Hotel Ltd. DCU PI 01/03/2012 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with IE Technology Web Application Development Ltd. DCU PI 01/03/2012 30/08/2012
Innovation voucher for Lettershop Services Ltd DCU PI 01/03/2012 31/07/2012
Innovation Voucher with Rent and Hire Ad Solutions Ltd. DCU PI 01/03/2012 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with Georgina Campbell Guides Ltd. DCU PI 01/03/2012 30/08/2012
Pooled Innovation Voucher with AWN Consulting, Sigma Wireless Communications, JF Dunne, PS Packaging and Speedpak DCU PI 16/12/2011 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with BCM Business Cost Management Ltd. DCU PI 06/12/2011 30/04/2012
Innovation Voucher with Guest IQ Ltd. DCU PI 23/11/2011 30/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with Asimil8 Ltd. T/A Rendezvu DCU PI 23/11/2011 31/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with Digiprove Ltd. DCU PI 23/11/2011 31/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with Total Tiles Ltd. T/A Italian Tile and Stone DCU PI 23/11/2011 31/08/2012
Innovation Voucher with E-pire Ltd. T/A Transpoco DCU PI 23/11/2011 30/08/2012

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Egli ,Antonia PhD Supervisor
Kenny ,David Joseph PhD Supervisor
Iuliano ,Maria MPhil (Business) Supervisor