Pamela Hussey


Profile Photo
I became an academic later in my career and was a practicing nurse for twenty years. I have a PhD in Computer Science and have also completed an MEd in Education and Training Management and an MSc in Health Informatics. From 2018-2022 I was chair of the National Standards Authority of Ireland Health Informatics Standards Consortium (NSAI HISC) and Director of the Center for eIntegrated Care (CeIC) in the Faculty of Science and Health. I am also a funded investigator with Adapt Research Center with SFI 2025. My current research activity includes acting as an advisor to different agencies on topics relating to interoperability. From 2016-2022 I was the Director of the DCU SNHS ICNP User Group an accredited research center for the International Classification for Nursing Practice in Ireland. Funded research in the past includes a HSE public services contract for concepts standards and information modelling for the national health and social care data dictionary and an Enterprise Ireland Disruptive Technology Fund with the Insight Research Center on uptake and use of digital IoT and self management support care delivery . Through Adapt SFI I am supervisor to an Elite S research fellow through the EU Marie Curie programme.
My teaching interests include; health informatics, self care management,  interoperability and use of technology enhanced learning resources in both undergraduate and post graduate education,  I am currently supervising PhD students, and was lead editor and author on the 5th edition of An Introduction to Nursing Informatics published January 2021 through the Springer Health Informatics Series.


Year Publication
2014 Hannah K, Hussey P Kennedy M A, Ball M. (2014) An Introduction to Nursing Informatics 4th Edition. : Springer.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2022 Das, S. Hussey P (2022) 'Frontiers of Data and Knowledge Management for Convergence of ICT, Healthcare, and Telecommunication Services' In: Development of an Interoperable-Integrated Care Service Architecture for Intellectual Disability Ser. London : Springer.
2021 Burson R Conrad D Corrigan C Moran K Das S Sepncer A Hussey P (2021) 'Knowledge Networks in Nursing' In: An Introduction to Nursing Informatics. Switzerland : Springer. [Link]
2021 Hussey P (2021) 'Nursing Informatics: A Core Competency for the Profession' In: An Introduction to Nursing Informatics. Switzerland : Springer. [Link]
2021 Hussey P (2021) 'Connecting Health Immersion of Digital into eHealth' In: An Introduction to Nursing Informatics. Switzerland : Springer. [Link]
2015 Hussey P.; Kennedy M. (2015) 'Introduction' In: Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Fourth Edition. [DOI]
2015 Henry C.; Hussey P.; Kennedy M. (2015) 'The mechanics of computing' In: Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Fourth Edition. [DOI]
2015 Hussey P.; Kennedy M.; Spencer A. (2015) 'History of computing and technology' In: Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Fourth Edition. [DOI]
2015 Spencer A.; Hussey P. (2015) 'Knowledge networks in nursing' In: Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Fourth Edition. [DOI]
2015 Hussey P.; Sheerin F. (2015) 'Case studies introduction: Transformational research' In: Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Fourth Edition. [DOI]
2015 Kennedy M.; Hussey P. (2015) 'Nursing informatics' In: Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Fourth Edition. [DOI]
2015 Hussey P.; Kennedy M. (2015) 'E-health a global priority' In: Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Fourth Edition. [DOI]
2014 P.Hussey M. A Kennedy A. Spencer (2014) 'History of Computing and Technology' In: Hannah K , Hussey P Kennedy M. S Ball M(Eds.). An Introduction to Nursing Informatics 4th Edition In Press. London : Springer.
2014 A. Spencer P.Hussey (2014) 'Knowledge Networks in Nursing' In: Hannah K Hussy P Kennedy M A Ball M(Eds.). An Introduction to Nursing Informatics In Press. London : Springer.
2014 C.Henry P.Hussey M.A Kennedy (2014) 'The Mechanics of Computing' In: Hannah K Hussey P Kennedy M A Ball M(Eds.). An Introduction to Nursing Informatics In Press. London : Springer.
2014 M.A Kennedy P. Hussey (2014) 'Nursing Informatics' In: Hannah, K Hussey P Kennedy M A Ball M(Eds.). An Introduction to Nursing Informatics 4th Edition In Press. London : Springer.
2014 P.Hussey Dr M. A. Kennedy (2014) 'eHealth a Global Priority' In: Hannah K, Hussey P Kennedy M.A Ball M(Eds.). An Introduction to Nursing Informatics In Press. London : Springer.
2014 P.Hussey Dr M.A Kennedy (2014) 'Introduction to Nursing Informatics' In: Hannah K, Hussey P, Kenndey M.A. Ball , M(Eds.). An Introduction to Nursing Informatics In Press. London : Springer.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Das S , Hussey P (2023) 'HL7-FHIR-Based ContSys Formal Ontology for Enabling Continuity of Care Data Interoperability'. Journal of personalized medicine, (13(7), 1024). [Link]
2022 Sinclair, D; Savage, E; Carberry, C; Flaherty, S; Flood, B; Han, S; Conlon Heaney, C; Hussey, P; Larkin, L; Mullaney, C; O' Brien, M; Connolly, D (2022) 'Developing a standardized national undergraduate curriculum for future healthcare professionals on self-management support for chronic conditions'. Journal of Interprofessional Care, . [DOI]
2022 Das, S; Hussey, P (2022) 'FHIR Based ContSys Ontology to Enable Continuity of Care Data Interoperability'. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 299 . [DOI]
2022 Kilcullen, S.; Heffernan, E.; Hussey, P.; Lee, H.; Moran, K.; Murphy, C.; Smeaton, A.; Timon, C.; Gallagher, P.; Hopper, L. (2022) 'A Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) approach to the qualitative analysis of older adults’ intentions to adopt assistive smart home technology'. Gerontechnology, 21 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Timon CM, Heffernan E, Kilcullen SM, Lee H, Hopper L, Quinn J, McDonald D, Gallagher P, Smeaton AF, Moran K, Hussey P, Murphy C (2022) 'Development of an Internet of Things Technology Platform (the NEX System) to Support Older Adults to Live Independently: Protocol for a Development and Usability Study'. Jmir Research Protocols, 11 (5). [Link] [DOI]
2022 Corrigan, C; Moran, K; Kesten, K; Conrad, D; Hussey, P; Manderscheid, A; Pohl, E (2022) 'Competency-Based Education and Entrustable Professional Activities: An Electronic Clinical Tracking System Solution'. Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN, . [DOI]
2021 Hussey, P.; Das, S. (2021) 'A micro credential for interoperability'. Open Research Europe, 1 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Conrad, D; Burson, R; Moran, K; Kesten, K; Corrigan, C; Hussey, P; Pohl, E (2020) 'The practice doctorate approach to assessing advanced nursing practice in Ireland'. International Nursing Review, . [DOI]
2019 Hussey, P; McGlinn, K (2019) 'The Role of Academia in Reorientation Models of Care-Insights on eHealth'. Informatics-Basel, 6 . [DOI]
2017 Hussey P Corbally, M; Rodger, D.; Kirwan, A.; Adams, E.; Kavanagh, P; Matthews, A (2017) 'ICNP® R&D Centre Ireland Defining Requirements for an Intersectoral Digital Landscape Informatics'. Health Informatics Journal, 4 (7):1-10. [Link] [DOI]
2017 Rodger D.; Hussey P. (2017) 'From Entry to Practice to Advanced Nurse Practitioner - The Progression of Competencies and How They Assist in Delivery of eHealth Programs for Healthy Ageing'. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 232 :111-118.
2016 De Raeve P.; Gomez S.; Hughes P.; Lyngholm T.; Sipilä M.; Kilanska D.; Hussey P.; Xyrichis A. (2016) 'Enhancing the provision of health and social care in Europe through eHealth'. International Nursing Review, . [DOI]
2016 Sweeney M.; Kirwan A.; Kelly M.; Corbally M.; O Neill S.; Kirwan M.; Hourican S.; Matthews A.; Hussey P. (2016) 'Transition to blended learning: experiences from the first year of our blended learning Bachelor of Nursing Studies programme'. Contemporary Nurse, :1-13. [DOI]
2016 Macdermott S; Hussey P; (2016) 'OC17 - Merging the person and the illness: the lived experience of emerging adults with childhood onset chronic illness'. Nursing children and young people, 28 (4). [DOI]
2015 Hussey P.; Adams E.; Shaffer F. (2015) 'Nursing Informatics and Leadership, an Essential Competency for a Global Priority: eHealth'. Nurse Leader, 13 (5):52-57. [DOI]
2014 Connolly J., Connolly R., Hussey P. (2014) 'Technology-Enabled Bullying & Adolescent Resistance-to-Report: The Need to Examine Causal Factors INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY AND SMART EDUCATION'. 11 :86-98.
2014 Connolly, J.; Hussey, P.; Connolly, R. (2014) 'Technology-enabled bullying and adolescent resistance to report: The need to examine causal factors'. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 11 . [Link] [DOI]
2007 Irving K.,Treacy M.P.,Scott P.A., Hyde A., MacNeela P.,Butler M.,Drennan J.,Byrne A.,Henry P.,Corbally M.,Morris R., (2007) 'Discursive practices in the documentation of patient assessments'. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 5 .
2005 Ms Pamela Henry (2005) 'The Irish Minimum Dataset: Towards a Framework'. .

Other Journal

Year Publication
2019 Hussey P Farrell S (2019) 'Research Focus Setting the Agenda' 27 (8) :28-29. [Link]
2019 Hussey P McGlinn K (2019) 'The Role of Academia in Reorientation Models of Care -Insights on eHealth' 6 (3) . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Hussey P , Adams E, Matthews A (2017) 'ICNP and Healthcare Reform - readiness for engagement' 25 (2) :1-4. [DOI]
2015 Dr Pamela Hussey (2015) 'Why I like ICNP' .
2014 Dr Pamela Hussey (2014) 'HISINM Strategic Action Plan' .
2013 Dr Pamela Hussey (2013) 'Nursing Informatics Now More Recognised Than Ever' .
2013 Dr Pamela Hussey (2013) 'HISINM in Context eHealth Summit' .
2013 Dr Pamela Hussey (2013) 'Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland in the 21st Century' March 2013 Volume 21 .
2013 Berry D, Stephens G HusseyP (2013) 'HISI Academic EHealth Researchers: Lets Dance' .
2013 Dr Pamela Hussey (2013) 'Ecosystems Perfect Storms and Bees A Nursing and Midwifery Perspective' .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Timon C, Hussey P, Murphy C. (2022) Community Health Research, Practice and Education conference The user acceptability of the NEX system: Using IoT technology to support older adults to live independently Dublin City University, Dublin, 02/09/2022- 02/09/2022
2022 Rodger D, Das S, Murphy C, Hussey P. (2022) 12th ICN NP/APN Network conference The ANP role in advancing digitalisation in falls prevention in residential care settings Convention Centre, Dublin, 21/08/2022- 24/08/2022
2022 Murphy C; Timon C; Heffernan E; Hopper L; Gallagher P; Hussey P (2022) Irish Gerontological Society 69th Annual Conference Technology to support independent living at home: Online survey of User Needs and Requirements Slieve Russell, Cavan, 03/11/2022- 04/11/2022
2017 Rodger, D; Hussey, P (2017) FORECASTING INFORMATICS COMPETENCIES FOR NURSES IN THE FUTURE OF CONNECTED HEALTH From Entry to Practice to Advanced Nurse Practitioner - The Progression of Competencies and How They Assist in Delivery of eHealth Programs for Healthy Ageing
2017 Rodger D. Hussey P Murphy C. (2017) Irish Hip Fracture Meeting Falls incidence following implementation of a falls prevention programme in a residential care setting RCSI, Dublin, 29/09/2017- 29/09/2017
2016 Rodger D.; Spencer A.; Hussey P. (2016) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Using education technology as a proactive approach to healthy ageing [DOI]
2016 Rodger, D; Spencer, A; Hussey, P (2016) NURSING INFORMATICS 2016: EHEALTH FOR ALL: EVERY LEVEL COLLABORATION - FROM PROJECT TO REALIZATION Using Education Technology as a Proactive Approach to Healthy Ageing [DOI]
2016 Rodger, D. Spencer A. Hussey P. (2016) IMIA NI eHealth for All Using Education Technology as a Proactive Approach to Healthy Aging 27/08/2016- 29/07/2016

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2019 Conrad D , Burson R, Moran K, Kesten K , Corrigan C, Hussey P, Pohl E (2019) The International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing A Global Team Approach to Advancing the Practice Doctorate in Nursing Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 24/07/2019-25/09/2019.
2017 Hussey, P., Corbally, M., Kirwan, A. (2017) The Clinical Nurse Specialist Group: Using Techno-Anthropology to Create New Practices Teaching and Learning Spring School Dublin City University, 26/01/2017-27/01/2017.
2017 Hussey, P., Kirwan, A., Corbally, M. (2017) Teaching and Learning Spring School 2017 The Clinical Nurse Specialist Group Using Techno-Anthropology to Create New Practices Dublin City University, 26/01/2017-27/01/2017.
2016 Hussey P (2016) 21st HISI Annual Conference Integrated + Contemporary + Nursing + Personhood = ICNP ®An Update from DCU ICNP User Group 2016 Dublin, 16/11/2016-17/11/2016.
2016 Hussey, P & Casey B (2016) Art as Research in Learning & Teaching International Conference Acting and audiencing: drama as collaborative inquiry University of Wolverhampton UK, .
2015 Hussey P (2015) China Hospital Information Management Association (CHIMA) China Hospital Information Network Conference Nursing Informatics for eHealth Transformation International Perspectives from Policy Practice and Education Xiamen China, 11/06/2015-13/06/2015.
2013 Hussey P Rodger D (2013) AIGNA Conference May 2013 Helping Older People to Flourish in Different Care Settings: The nursing contribution paper presentation Nursing Informatics A Critical Component in Continuity of Care Dundalk, 30/05/2013-30/05/2013.
2013 Hussey P (2013) Back to the Future Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland Defining Core Patient Centered Data Sets A National Priority Pearse Street Dublin, 09/10/2013-09/10/2013.
2013 ACENDIO (2013) eHealth and Nursing Population Health Information Tool An Overview Dublin, 22/03/2013-24/03/2013.
2013 Hussey P (2013) HISINM Strategic Directions Workshop Strategic SI NM 2013-2016 Irish Computer Society, 25/01/2013-25/01/2013.
2010 Spencer, A. Henry, P. (2010) Designing and Delivering Curriula in the Future AISHE PARTNERS in Practice Dublin City University, 25/08/2010-26/08/2010.
2009 Henry, P. on behalf of PARTNERS (2009) National Council of Nursing and Midwifery Clinical Excellence Safety Quality and Evidence Croke Park Dublin, 11/11/2009-11/11/2009.
2009 Camous, F., Duignan, F. , Henry, P. (2009) E. Health An EHRCOM Compliant Assessment Tool for Community Nursing in Ireland Paper and Presentation Algarve Portugal, 21/06/2009-23/06/2009.

Published Report

Year Publication
2016 Hussey P Tully M Coyne E (2016) Data Development for Health and Social Care HSE Interim Report. DCU, . [Link]
2016 Hussey P (2016) SNHS ICNP CNSp User Group. DCU, . [Link]


Year Publication
2015 Hannah K.; Hussey P.; Kennedy M.; Ball M. (2015) Preface. ED [DOI]
2015 Hannah K.; Hussey P.; Kennedy M.; Ball M. (2015) Series preface. ED [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2022 Das, S.; Hussey, P. (2022) How ontology can be used to achieve semantic interoperability in healthcare.
2022 Murphy, C.; Timon, C.; Heffernan, E.; Hopper, L.; Gallagher, P.; Hussey, P. (2022) 67 TECHNOLOGY TO SUPPORT INDEPENDENT LIVING AT HOME: ONLINE SURVEY OF USER NEEDS AND REQUIREMENTS. [DOI]
2022 Timon, C. M.; Keogh, O.; Heffernan, E.; Lee, H.; Hussey, P.; Murphy, C.; Smeaton, A. F. (2022) The use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology for identification of eating events in an older adult population, a proof-of-concept study. [DOI]
2022 Hussey, P.; Das, S. (2022) Case based approach to the application of standards and Interoperability in practice.
2022 Staines, A.; Hussey, P.; Das, S. (2022) Terminologies matter - the case of ICNP and SNOMED-CT.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
National Lead Co-ordinator for HISINM Development of national nursing and midwifery informatics agenda 01/01/2013 - 30/11/2015
International Director CNIA Board National advisor to Canadian Nursing Informatics Association 01/03/2013 - 01/03/2015
Council of Clinical Information Officers Stakeholder engagement for eHealth Ireland 30/09/2015 -
IMIA NI SIG National Nursing and Midwifery Representative 30/09/2013 -
Health Informatic Society of Ireland Executive Committee National agency for health informatics in Ireland 01/05/2013 - 30/11/2015


Committee Function From / To
National Standards Authority of Ireland Health Informatics Standards Consortium To work in collaboration with nursing and midwifery on the review of health informatics standards. To comment where appropriate via NSAI to the European standards body CEN TC 251 - 31/12/1999

Other Activities

A two week workshop for 40 Romanian nurses on eHealth was completed in August of 2013 . Material and design of the workshop was a joint effort with NMBI

Research Interests

My key research interests include the development and use of health informatics standards in health system design. I am partcularly interested in patient centered integrated models of care delivery. I have expertise in terminology and enterprise architecture development for interoperability . My PhD was on the development of archetypes for future shared records of care. A key principle underpinning the design of the prototype archetypes was to capture pertinent data relating to patient centred outcomes and to involve the patient in the decision making process of their care to facilitate self care management.
Current research includes development of conceptual models underpinned by ontologies and advancing the nusing contribution to health informatics standards and system development for interoperability. I am currently the chair of the National Standards Authority of Ireland Health Informatics Standards Consortium. I am Director of the Center for eIntegrated Care in DCU and a funded investigator with the Adapt Research Center. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Innovation Voucher HiveWorx To explore meta data properties and linked data model for identity 01/09/2018 01/06/2019
A business case for adoption of ICNP Consultant drafting of business case & toolkit for ICN eHealth Platform 01/07/2019 30/08/2019

Internal Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
Internal International Classification for Nursing Practice International Council of Nurses Academic
Internal International Council of Nurses eHealth Working Group International Council of Nurses Academic

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External PARTNER Group Community Care Area 6 , St Marys & Mater Hosp
External Hannah KJ, Ball , M and Kennedy, M Nursing Informatics publication
External EHR Project DIT , TCD and DCU
External CIO Directorate Authority HSE
External EHRland Dublin Institute of Technology
External Horizon 2020 consortium collaboration IFIC Academic
External International Classification for Nursing Practice International Council of Nurses Academic
External Adapt Adapt Research Centre Academic

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2020 Informatics in eHealth NS5058