Anne Matthews


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Anne is a Full Professor of Nursing at the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy & Community Health and Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning at the Faculty of Science and Health at Dublin City University. She is a Registered General Nurse and Registered Midwife and holds a B.Soc.Sc. from University College Dublin, an MSc Social Policy & Planning from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a PhD from Dublin City University.  She has worked in nursing, midwifery, health and social research, education, policy and practice in Ireland, England and Malawi. She has supervised and examined PhD students in areas of midwifery, health workforce planning, nursing, healthcare and social policy areas.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 Byrne JP, Conway E, McDermott AM, Costello RW, Prihodova L, Matthews A, Humphries N (2020) 'Between Balance and Burnout: Contrasting the Working-Time Conditions of Irish-Trained Hospital Doctors in Ireland and Australia' In: Connecting Healthcare Worker Well-Being, Patient Safety and Organisational Change. Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-Being. Cham : Springer. [Link]
2020 Kirwan M., Matthews A (2020) 'Missed nursing care: the impact on patients, nurses and organisations' In: Connecting Healthcare Worker Well-Being, Patient Safety and Organisational Change. Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-Being. New York : Springer. [Link]
2019 Morris R, Matthews A, Scott A. (2019) 'Ireland' In: Strengthening health systems through nursing: Evidence from 14 European countries [Internet]. Copenhagen (Denmark) : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. [Link]
2004 MacNeela P, Scott PA, Matthews A, Corbally M, Walsh-Daneshmandi A, Gallagher P. (2004) 'Empowerment, job satisfaction and organisational commitment among the nursing workforce in Ireland: Results of a national study' In: Change and Quality in Human Service Work (Korunka, C. & Hoffmann. P. (eds.) Organizational Psychology and Health Care, Volume 4, Series editors: J.M. Peiro & W. Schaufeli. Munich: Hampp Publishers). 0 : 0.
1999 O'Donnell (Matthews), A (1999) 'Comparing Welfare States: Considering the Case of Ireland. Kiely, G., O'Donnell (Matthews), A., Kennedy, P. & Quin, S. (eds.)' In: Irish Social Policy in Context. 0 : 0.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Connolly A & Matthews A (2024) 'Exploring Breastfeeding Mothers’ and Lactation Consultants’ Experiences of Lactation Consultancy Throughout the Restrictions Put in Place Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic'. HRB Open Research, .
2024 N Vickers, A Matthews, G Paul (2024) 'Factors associated with informal human milk sharing among donors and recipients: A mixed-methods systematic review'. PLoS ONE, .
2024 Connolly A, Kirwan M & Matthews A (2024) 'A scoping review of the methodological approaches used in retrospective chart reviews to validate adverse event rates in administrative data'. International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care, 36 (2).
2024 Connolly A, Matthews A & Kirwan, M (2024) 'Validation of the rates of adverse event incidence in administrative healthcare data through patient chart review: A scoping review protocol'. HRB Open Research, .
2024 Duffy, Mel Frazzetto, Giovanni Staines, Anthony Matthews, Anne Geogheghan, James Gleeson, Collette Mooney, Claire O'Hagan, James Vail, Se (2024) 'A Scoping Review of Older LGBTI People'. Social Inclusion, 12 :1-18. [DOI]
2023 Byrne, JP; Creese, J; McMurray, R; Costello, RW; Matthews, A; Humphries, N (2023) 'Feeling like the enemy: the emotion management and alienation of hospital doctors'. Frontiers in sociology, 8 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Aisling Walsh, Pieternella Pieterse, Nita Mishra, Ellen Chirwa, Maria Chikalipo, Chimwemwe Msowoya, Ciara Keating & Anne Matthews (2023) 'Improving breastfeeding support through the implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital and Community Initiatives: a scoping review'. International Breastfeeding Journal, 18 (22). [Link]
2023 Vickers, N.; Matthews, A.; Paul, G. (2023) 'Perspectives and factors associated with informal human milk sharing: a mixed-methods systematic review protocol'. HRB Open Research, 6 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Pieterse, P.; Walsh, A.; Chirwa, E.; Matthews, A. (2022) 'What are the mechanisms and contexts by which care groups achieve social and behavioural change in low- and middle-income countries? Group motivation findings from a realist synthesis'. Public Health Nutrition, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Lockwood, EB; Lehwaldt, D; Sweeney, MR; Matthews, A (2022) 'An exploration of the levels of clinical autonomy of advanced nurse practitioners: A narrative literature review'. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 28 (1). [Link] [DOI]
2021 Walsh, A; Pieterse, P; McCormack, Z; Chirwa, E; Matthews, A (2021) 'Improving breastfeeding support through the implementation of the baby friendly hospital and community initiatives: a scoping review protocol'. HRB Open Research, 4 . [DOI]
2021 Byrne, J.P.; Creese, J.; Matthews, A.; McDermott, A.M.; Costello, R.W.; Humphries, N. (2021) '€..the way it was staffed during COVID is the way it should be staffed in real life..': A qualitative study of the impact of COVID-19 on the working conditions of junior hospital doctors'. BMJ Open, 11 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Creese, J.; Byrne, J.P.; Matthews, A.; McDermott, A.M.; Conway, E.; Humphries, N. (2021) '“I feel I have no voice”: hospital doctors' workplace silence in Ireland'. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 35 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 McCauley L, Kirwan M, Matthews A (2021) 'The factors contributing to missed care and non-compliance in infection prevention and control practices of nurses: a scoping review'. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, Online version (before inclusion in an issue) .
2021 Byrne, J.P.; Conway, E.; McDermott, A.M.; Matthews, A.; Prihodova, L.; Costello, R.W.; Humphries, N. (2021) 'How the organisation of medical work shapes the everyday work experiences underpinning doctor migration trends: The case of Irish-trained emigrant doctors in Australia'. Health Policy, 125 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 John-Paul, John-Paul,Edel, Edel,Aoife, Aoife,Anne, Anne,Lucia, Lucia (2021) 'How the organisation of medical work shapes the everyday work experiences underpinning doctor migration trends: the case of Irish-trained emigrant doctors in Australia'. Health Policy, .
2021 Matthews, A. (2021) 'A crowded stage: A response to ‘cross-border cooperation health in Ireland’, by Deirdre Heenan'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 32 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Lambert V*, Boylan P, Boran L, Hicks P, Kirubakaran R, Devane D, Matthews A (2020) 'Virtual reality distraction for acute pain in children'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 10.Art.No.:CD010686. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD010686.pub2 .
2020 Pieterse, P.; Matthews, A.; Walsh, A.; Chirwa, E. (2020) 'Exploring how and why Care Groups work to improve infant feeding practices in low-and middle-income countries: A realist review protocol'. Systematic Reviews, 9 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Dall'Ora, Chiara; Griffiths, Peter; Emmanuel, Talia; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Ewings, Sean; Sermeus, Walter; Van den Heede, Koen; Bruyneel, Luk; Lesaffre, Emmanuel; Aiken, Linda; Smith, Herbert; Sloane, Douglas; Jones, Simon; Ball, Jane; Kinnunen, Juha; Ensio, Anneli; Jylha, Virpi; Busse, Reinhard; Zander, Britta; Bluemel, Miriam; Mantas, John; Diomidous, Marianna; Scott, Anne; Matthews, Anne; Staines, Anthony; Sjetne, Ingeborg Stromseng; Holter, Inger Margrethe; Brzostek, Tomasz; Kozka, Maria; Brzyski, Piotr; Moreno-Casbas, Teresa; Fuentelsaz-Gallego, Carmen; Gonzalez-Maria, Esther; Gomez-Garcia, Teresa; Tishelman, Carol; Lindqvist, Rikard; Smeds-Alenius, Lisa; De Geest, Sabina; Schubert, Maria; Schwendimann, Rene; Ausserhofer, Dietmar; van Achterberg, Theo; Heinen, Maud; Schoonhoven, Lisette (2020) '12-hr shifts in nursing: Do they remove unproductive time and information loss or do they reduce education and discussion opportunities for nurses? A cross-sectional study in 12 European countries'. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29 (1-2). [DOI]
2020 Humphries, N; McDermott, AM; Creese, J; Matthews, A; Conway, E; Byrne, JP (2020) 'Hospital doctors in Ireland and the struggle for work-life balance'. European Journal of Public Health, 30 (Suppl_4). [Link] [DOI]
2019 Humphries, N.; McDermott, A.M.; Conway, E.; Byrne, J.P.; Prihodova, L.; Costello, R.; Matthews, A. (2019) ''Everything was just getting worse and worse': Deteriorating job quality as a driver of doctor emigration from Ireland'. Human Resources for Health, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Matthews, A.; Walsh, A.; Brugha, R.; Manda-Taylor, L.; Mwale, D.; Phiri, T.; Mwapasa, V.; Byrne, E. (2019) 'The Demand and Supply Side Determinants of Access to Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Services in Malawi'. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Walsh, A.; Matthews, A.; Manda-Taylor, L.; Brugha, R.; Mwale, D.; Phiri, T.; Byrne, E. (2018) 'The role of the traditional leader in implementing maternal, newborn and child health policy in Malawi'. Health Policy and Planning, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Lambert V*, Matthews A, MacDonell R, Fitzsimons J (2017) 'Paediatric early warning systems for detecting and responding to clinical deterioration in children: a systematic review'. BMJ Open, 7 (e014497).
2017 Aiken, L.H.; Sloane, D.; Griffiths, P.; Rafferty, A.M.; Bruyneel, L.; McHugh, M.; Maier, C.B.; Moreno-Casbas, T.; Ball, J.E.; Ausserhofer, D.; Sermeus, W.; Heede, K.V.D.; Lesaffre, E.; Diya, L.; Smith, H.; Jones, S.; Kinnunen, J.; Ensio, A.; Jylhä, V.; Busse, R.; Zander, B.; Blümel, M.; Mantas, J.; Zikos, D.; Diomidous, M.; Scott, A.; Matthews, A.; Staines, A.; Sjetne, I.S.; Holter, I.M.; Brzostek, T.; Kózka, M.; Brzyski, P.; Fuentelsaz-Gallego, C.; Gonzalez-María, E.; Gomez-Garcia, T.; Tishelman, C.; Lindqvist, R.; Smeds, L.; De Geest, S.; Schubert, M.; Schwendimann, R.; Heinen, M.; Schoonhoven, L.; Van Achterberg, T. (2017) 'Nursing skill mix in European hospitals: Cross-sectional study of the association with mortality, patient ratings, and quality of care'. BMJ Quality and Safety, 26 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Hussey, P.; Corbally, M.; Rodger, D.; Kirwan, A.; Adams, E.; Kavanagh, P.; Matthews, A. (2017) 'ICNP® R&D centre Ireland: Defining requirements for an intersectoral digital landscape'. Informatics, 4 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Manda-Taylor, L.; Mwale, D.; Phiri, T.; Walsh, A.; Matthews, A.; Brugha, R.; Mwapasa, V.; Byrne, E. (2017) 'Changing times? Gender roles and relationships in maternal, newborn and child health in Malawi'. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Donaldson L, Matthews A, Walsh A, Brugha R, MandaTaylor L, Mwapasa V, Byrne E (2017) 'Collaborative Tools to Enhance Engagement in a Blended Learning Master’s Programme'. AISHE-J: THE ALL IRELAND JOURNAL OF TEACHING AND LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 9 (1):2921-29220.
2016 Conlon, J.A.; Matthews, A.; O'Mathúna, D.P. (2016) 'Analgesics for postoperative pain after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in children'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Staines, A.; Balanda, K.P.; Barron, S.; Corcoran, Y.; Fahy, L.; Gallagher, L.; Greally, T.; Kilroe, J.; Mohan, C.M.; Matthews, A.; McGovern, E.; Nicholson, A.; O'Farrell, A.; Philip, R.K.; Whelton, H. (2016) 'Child Health Care in Ireland'. Journal of Pediatrics, 177 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Sweeney, M.R.; Kirwan, A.; Kelly, M.; Corbally, M.; O Neill, S.; Kirwan, M.; Hourican, S.; Matthews, A.; Hussey, P. (2016) 'Transition to blended learning: experiences from the first year of our blended learning Bachelor of Nursing Studies programme'. Contemporary Nurse, 52 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 McAleese, S.; Clyne, B.; Matthews, A.; Brugha, R.; Humphries, N. (2016) 'Gone for good? An online survey of emigrant health professionals using Facebook as a recruitment tool'. Human Resources for Health, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Byrne, E.; Donaldson, L.; Manda-Taylor, L.; Brugha, R.; Matthews, A.; MacDonald, S.; Mwapasa, V.; Petersen, M.; Walsh, A. (2016) 'The use of technology enhanced learning in health research capacity development: Lessons from a cross country research partnership'. Globalization and Health, 12 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Sadlier C, Bennett K, Matthews A, Mockler D, Wilson F, Bergin C. (2016) 'Pneumococcal vaccine for preventing Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in HIV-infected individuals (Protocol)'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, . [DOI]
2015 Matthews, Anne (2015) 'Impersonal Perspectives on Public Health Guidelines on Infant Feeding and HIV in Malawi'. ETHNOGRAPHIES OF BREASTFEEDING: CULTURAL CONTEXTS AND CONFRONTATIONS, .
2015 Humphries, N.; McAleese, S.; Matthews, A.; Brugha, R. (2015) ''Emigration is a matter of self-preservation. The working conditions... are killing us slowly': Qualitative insights into health professional emigration from Ireland'. Human Resources for Health, 13 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Conlon, J.A.; Matthews, A.; O'Mathúna, D.P. (2015) 'Analgesics for postoperative pain after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in children'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Comiskey, C.M.; Matthews, A.; Williamson, C.; Bruce, J.; Mulaudzi, M.; Klopper, H. (2015) 'Scaling up nurse education: An evaluation of a national PhD capacity development programme in South Africa, in the context of the global shortage of nursing graduates'. Nurse Education Today, 35 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Squires, A.; Finlayson, C.; Gerchow, L.; Cimiotti, J.P.; Matthews, A.; Schwendimann, R.; Griffiths, P.; Busse, R.; Heinen, M.; Brzostek, T.; Moreno-Casbas, M.T.; Aiken, L.H.; Sermeus, W. (2014) 'Methodological considerations when translating burnout'. BURNOUT RESEARCH, 1 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Morris, R.; Matthews, A.; Scott, A.P. (2014) 'Validity, reliability and utility of the Irish Nursing Minimum Data Set for General Nursing in investigating the effectiveness of nursing interventions in a general nursing setting: A repeated measures design'. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Matthews A (2014) 'Housing improvements for health and associated socioeconomic outcomes: Summary of nursing care- related systematic review from the Cochrane library'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE-BASED HEALTHCARE (ONLINE), 12 :157-159.
2014 Griffiths, P.; Dall'Ora, C.; Simon, M.; Ball, J.; Lindqvist, R.; Rafferty, A.M.; Schoonhoven, L.; Tishelman, C.; Aiken, L.H.; Sermeus, W.; Van Den Heede, K.; Bruyneel, L.; Lesaffre, E.; Diya, L.; Smith, H.; Sloane, D.; Jones, S.; Kinnunen, J.; Ensio, A.; Jylhä, V.; Busse, R.; Zander, B.; Blümel, M.; Mantas, J.; Zikos, D.; Diomidous, M.; Scott, A.; Matthews, A.; Staines, A.; Holter, I.M.; Sjetne, I.S.; Brzostek, T.; Kózka, M.; Brzyski, P.; Moreno-Casbas, T.; Fuentelsaz-Gallego, C.; Gonzalez-María, E.; Gomez-Garcia, T.; Alenius, L.S.; De Geest, S.; Schubert, M.; Schwendimann, R.; Heinen, M.; Van Achterberg, T. (2014) 'Nurses' shift length and overtime working in 12 European countries: The association with perceived quality of care and patient safety'. Medical Care, 52 . [Link]
2014 Scott, P.A.; Matthews, A.; Kirwan, M. (2014) 'What is nursing in the 21st century and what does the 21st century health system require of nursing?'. Nursing Philosophy, 15 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Dunne, S; Gallagher, P; Matthews, A (2014) 'Existential Threat or Dissociative Response? Examining Defensive Avoidance of Point-of-Care Testing Devices Through a Terror Management Theory Framework'. Death Studies, 39 (1-5). [DOI]
2014 Matthews, A; Haas, DM; O'Mathúna, DP; Dowswell, T; Doyle, M (2014) 'Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy'. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (3). [DOI]
2013 Suresh, P.; Matthews, A.; Coyne, I. (2013) 'Stress and stressors in the clinical environment: A comparative study of fourth-year student nurses and newly qualified general nurses in Ireland'. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Squires, A.; Aiken, L.H.; van den Heede, K.; Sermeus, W.; Bruyneel, L.; Lindqvist, R.; Schoonhoven, L.; Stromseng, I.; Busse, R.; Brzostek, T.; Ensio, A.; Moreno-Casbas, M.; Rafferty, A.M.; Schubert, M.; Zikos, D.; Matthews, A. (2013) 'A systematic survey instrument translation process for multi-country, comparative health workforce studies'. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Dunne, S; Gallagher, P; Matthews, A (2013) 'Investigating the impact of gender and existential anxiety on the willingness to participate in point-of-care testing for cardiovascular disease'. Journal of Health Psychology, 20 (10). [DOI]
2013 Kirwan, M.; Matthews, A.; Scott, P.A. (2013) 'The impact of the work environment of nurses on patient safety outcomes: A multi-level modelling approach'. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Heinen, M.M.; van Achterberg, T.; Schwendimann, R.; Zander, B.; Matthews, A.; Kózka, M.; Ensio, A.; Sjetne, I.S.; Casbas, T.M.; Ball, J.; Schoonhoven, L. (2013) 'Nurses' intention to leave their profession: A cross sectional observational study in 10 European countries'. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Lambert, V.; Matthews, A.; Hicks, P.; Boran, L.; Devane, D. (2013) 'Virtual reality simulation for reducing pain in children'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Ernst E, Matthews A (2011) 'What works for morning sickness? (Commentary on Cochrane review - Ernst) Author’s reply (Matthews)'. FACT: FOCUS ON ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES, 15 :51-52.
2010 Matthews A, Dowswell T, Haas DM, Doyle M, O'Mathúna DP. (2010) 'Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy (Review)'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, . [DOI]
2010 Morris, R; MacNeela, P; Scott, A; Treacy, MP; Hyde, A; Matthews, A; Morrison, T; Drennan, J; Byrne, A (2010) 'The Irish Nursing Minimum Data Set for mental health--a valid and reliable tool for the collection of standardised nursing data'. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19 (3-4). [DOI]
2010 Lakeman, R., & Matthews, A. (2010) 'The views and experiences of members of new communities in Ireland: perspectives on mental health and well-being'. TRANSLOCATIONS: THE IRISH MIGRATION, RACE AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION REVIEW, 6 .
2009 Moran, A.; Cocoman, A.; Scott, P.A.; Matthews, A.; Staniuliene, V.; Valimaki, M. (2009) 'Restraint and seclusion: A distressing treatment option?'. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 16 . [Link] [DOI]
2009 Matthews A, O’Mathuna D, Doyle M (2009) 'Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy (Protocol). '. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, . [DOI]
2009 Moran A, Cocoman A, Scott PA, Matthews A, Valimaki M (2009) 'Restraint and seclusion: a distressing treatment option?'. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC & MENTAL HEALTH NURSING, 16 :599-605.
2009 Matthews, A.; Scott, P.A.; Gallagher, P. (2009) 'The development and psychometric evaluation of the Perceptions of Empowerment in Midwifery Scale'. Midwifery, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2008 Matthews, A; Scott, PA (2008) 'Perspectives on midwifery power: an exploration of the findings of the inquiry into peripartum hysterectomy at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Ireland'. Nursing Inquiry, 15 (2).
2007 Corbally, M.A.; Scott, P.A.; Matthews, A.; Gabhann, L.M.; Murphy, C. (2007) 'Irish nurses' and midwives' understanding and experiences of empowerment'. Journal of Nursing Management, 15 . [Link] [DOI]
2006 Matthews, A.; Anne Scott, P.; Gallagher, P.; Corbally, M.A. (2006) 'An exploratory study of the conditions important in facilitating the empowerment of midwives'. Midwifery, 22 . [Link] [DOI]
1999 Kiely, G. & O'Donnell (Matthews), A (1999) 'The use of model families in comparing family support in Europe'. 47 (1) :*-*.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2004 Quin, S., Kennedy, P., Matthews, A. & Kiely, G (Ed.). (2004) Contemporary Irish Social Policy. 2nd ed. Dublin: UCD Press,
1999 Kiely, G., O'Donnell (Matthews), A., Kennedy, P. & Quin S (Ed.). (1999) Irish Social Policy in Context. Dublin: UCD Press,
1999 Quin, S., Kennedy, P., O'Donnell (Matthews), A. & Kiely, G (Ed.). (1999) Contemporary Irish Social Policy. Dublin: UCD Press,

Other Journal

Year Publication
2017 Hussey P , Adams E, Matthews A (2017) 'ICNP and Healthcare Reform - readiness for engagement' 25 (2) :1-4. [DOI]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2018 Scott,Eoghan; Matthews,Anne; Brady,Malcolm; Dunne,Simon (2018) School of Nursing and Human Sciences Research Expo, Dublin City University Evaluating a community alcohol treatment program Republic of Ireland,

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Anne Matthews , Pieternella Pieterse , Nita Mishra, Ellen Chirwa, Maria Chikalipo, Chimwemwe Msowoya, Aisling Walsh (2023) International Society for Quality in Healthcare’s 39th International Conference National level initiatives and quality improvement programmes to support the implementation of the Baby Friendly Hospital and Community Initiatives: results from a scoping review Seoul, South Korea, 23/08/2023-30/08/2023.
2023 (2023) ICM 33rd Triennial Congress Family Planning conference session Bali, Indonesia, 11/06/2023-15/06/2023.
2023 Connolly, A., Kirwan, M. and Matthews, A (2023) International Society for Quality in Healthcare’s 39th International Conference Validation of The Rates of Adverse Event Incidence in Administrative Healthcare Data Through Patient Chart Review: A Scoping Review Seoul, South Korea, 27/08/2023-30/08/2023.
2023 Matthews A & Mu Azzam A (2023) ICM 33rd Triennial Congress A synthesis of international research using the Perceptions of Empowerment in Midwifery Scale (PEMS): the effects of culture and language on sub-scale identification Bali, Indonesia, 11/06/2023-15/06/2023.
2023 Matthews A, Walsh A, Pieterse P, Mishra N, Chirwa E, Chikalipo M, Msowoya C, Keating C. (2023) EUPHA Annual Conference Implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital and Community Initiatives in Europe: results of a scoping review Dublin, Ireland, 08/11/2023-11/11/2023.
2022 Pieterse P, Matthews A, Walsh A, Chirwa E, Chikalipo M, Msowoya C & J Mambulasa (2022) Sigma 6th Biennial European Regional Conference The use of Care Groups to support exclusive breastfeeding within the context of Malawi’s health and nutrition policy RCSI Dublin, .
2022 Matthews A & A Mu Azzam (2022) Sigma 6th Biennial European Regional Conference A synthesis of research using the Perceptions of Empowerment in Midwifery Scale (PEMS) RCSI Dublin, .
2021 Matthews, A, Pieterse, P., Walsh A, Chirwa E. Chikalipo M, Msowoya C, McCormack, Z (2021) DSAI Annual conference What enables and hinders the implementation of the Baby Friendly Hospital/ Community Initiatives to support breastfeeding globally: findings from a scoping review Online, .
2021 Matthews A, Walsh A, Pieterse P & Chirwa E. (2021) ICM triennial Congress (virtual) Who gets left behind? Evaluating the implementation of policy to promote exclusive breastfeeding of newborn babies in Malawi using a realist review and evaluation Online, .
2021 Matthews, A. Walsh A, Brugha R, Manda-Taylor L, Mwale D, Phiri T, Mwapasa V, Byrne E. (2021) ICM triennial Congress The demand and supply side determinants of access to maternal, newborn and child health services in Malawi Online, .
2020 Matthews A, Walsh A, Pieterse P & Chirwa E. (2020) 39th Annual International RCSI Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference Global Initiatives to Support Breastfeeding: Evidence from Malawi and Ireland Dublin, 27/02/2020-.
2020 Matthews, A, Pieterse, P, Walsh A & Chirwa E. (2020) Centre for Advancement in Realist Evaluation and Synthesis: Realist Methodology Conference A realist synthesis of how and why Care Groups improve infant feeding practices in low and middle income countries: our progress to date Online, 03/08/2020-12/08/2020.
2019 Anne Matthews (2019) DCU and the Sustainable Development Goals: Recognising and Enhancing our Research Contribution SDG2: Zero Hunger DCU Ireland, 02/05/2019-.
2019 McCormack Z, Matthews, A; Walsh A, Kaip S & Chirwa E. (2019) Irish Global Health Network: Annual Global Health Exchange Evidence about the implementation and effectiveness of Baby Friendly Hospital/ Community Initiatives in African countries: results of a scoping review DCU Ireland, 12/09/2109-.
2019 Matthews, A; Pieterse, P., Walsh A & Chirwa E (2019) DSAI Annual conference: (En)gendering Development: Research to Policy and Practice Infant feeding policy implementation in Malawi to support exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months: what gets funded, how and why? Dublin Ireland, 14/11/2019-15/11/2019.
2019 Matthews, A; Pieterse, P, Walsh A & Chirwa E (2019) Realist Shared Learning Network Meeting Infant feeding policy implementation in Malawi to support exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months: our realist review plans Dublin Ireland, 19/11/2019-.
2019 Whiston L, Amering M, Dick S, Griffin M, Kennan A, Murphy P, Scott T, Walsh J, Burke H, Gallagher P, MacGabhann L, Matthews A, Lambert V (2019) European Quality Assurance Forum: Supporting societal engagement of higher education An institutional case study: developing a plan to support patient and public involvement in health and social care research Berlin, Germany, 21/11/2019-23/11/2019.
2019 Kaip S, Walsh A; McCormack Z, Matthews, A; & Chirwa E (2019) Irish Global Health Network: Annual Global Health Exchange Overview of reviews of research on breastfeeding in African countries DCU Ireland, 12/09/2109-.
2019 Sadlier, C, Matthews, A, Bennett, K, Mockler, D, Wilson, F, Bergin, C (2019) 11th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE FOR PREVENTING STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE INFECTION FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE LIVING WITH HIV: A COCHRANE REVIEW Liverpool, England, 16/09/2019-20/09/2019.
2019 Matthews, A; McCormack Z, Walsh A, Kaip S & Chirwa E. (2019) Irish Global Health Network: Annual Global Health Exchange The RealisE-BF-Malawi project: evaluating evidence-based policy implementation on infant feeding in Malawi, focused on exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months for those who are furthest behind DCU Dublin Ireland, 12/09/2019-.
2018 Lambert V, O’Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P (2018) The value of patient and public involvement in research, healthcare and health planning, 4th Annual SPHeRE Conference Engaging with the public to co-produce a framework for public involvement in national clinical guideline development and audit Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 11/01/2018-11/01/2018.
2018 Anne Matthews (2018) NMBI National Midwifery Conference - 100 years of Regulation and Development of Midwifery in Ireland The politics of midwifery regulation in Ireland: the background to the abolition of the Central Midwives Board for Ireland Dublin Ireland, 22/11/2019-.
2018 Anne Matthews (2018) Launch of UNFPA State of World Population Report Panel member for launch Dublin Ireland, 17/10/2018-.
2018 Lambert V, O’Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P (2018) Cochrane Colloquim Engaging with the public to co-produce a framework for involving the public when developing national clinical guidelines or audit Edinburgh UK, 16/09/2018-18/09/2018.
2017 Lambert V, Matthews A, Corcoran Y, MacDonell R, Fitzsimons J (2017) International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua) 34th International Conference Hospital Safety Culture in Acute Paediatric Hospitals Pre-Implementation of the Irish Paediatric Early Warning System QEII Centre, Westminister, London, UK, 01/10/2017-04/10/2017.
2017 Basu B. (India) Gyselinck K. (Belgium) Matthews A. (Ireland) Ravinetto R. (Belgium) (2017) 10th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health The Secrets of Effective Networks - 5 Case Studies Focusing on Structure and Functioning of Multi-Stakeholder Platforms. Organisers: FESTMIH members: Platform of Be-cause Health & Irish Forum of Global Health Antwerp belgiium, 16/10/2017-20/10/2017.
2017 Matthews A, Haas DM, Dowswell T, O'Mathúna DP (2017) Cochrane UK & Ireland Symposium 2017 - Cochrane: Through the Looking Glass Too much diversity, too little evidence: Some observations on interventions and outcomes from our reviews of interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy Oxford, England, 14/03/2017-15/03/2017.
2016 Lambert V, Matthews A, El-Moslemany R, O'Connor C (2016) HEPS: Healthcare and Society: new challenges, new opportunities Patient and public involvement in national clinical effectiveness processes: a systematic review Toulouse France, 05/10/2016-07/10/2016.
2016 Kirwan M, Matthews A, Scott PA. (2016) 2nd WellMed conference Health professional emigration from Ireland: how do healthcare organisations care for health professionals and what are the effects? Thessaloniki, Greece, .
2016 Matthews A, Walsh A, Byrne E, Petersen M, Donaldson L, Manda-Taylor L, Mwpasa V & Brugha R. (2016) RCSI Conference: Partnerships ‘Between a rock and a hard place’ the challenges and responses of formal and informal health workers in communities and health facilities in Malawi, from the COSYST-MNCH project Dublin Ireland, .
2016 Lambert V, Matthews A, El-Moslemany R, O'Connor O (2016) All Ireland Cochrane Conference A systematic review of patient and public involvement in national clinical effectiveness processes: results and reflections on the review process Queens University Belfast, 10/06/2016-10/06/2016.
2016 Lambert V, Matthews A, Corcoran Y, El-Moslemany R, MacDonell R, Fitzsimons J (2016) HEPS: Healthcare and Society: new challenges, new opportunities The Irish Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS): protocol for a national service evaluation of hospital safety culture and situation awareness in acute paediatric hospitals in Ireland Toulouse France, 05/10/2016-07/10/2016.
2016 Lambert V, O’Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P. (2016) Cochrane UK/Ireland Contributors’ Symposium A systematic review on patient engagement in the governance and development of national clinical effectiveness processes (clinical audit & guideline developments) Birmingham, UK, .
2016 Matthews A, Walsh A, Byrne E, Petersen M, Donaldson L, Manda-Taylor L, Mwpasa V & Brugha R. (2016) Society for Applied Anthropology ‘Middle men’ and women: the limits to the community health worker role in Malawi Vancouver, Canada, .
2016 Matthews A & Gannon S (2016) Annual Growing Up in Ireland conference Mothers’ perceptions of breastmilk sufficiency and duration of breastfeeding: secondary analysis of the Growing Up in Ireland infant cohort dataset Dublin, 03/11/2016-03/11/2016.
2015 Matthews A, Walsh A, Byrne E, Mwale D, Phyriee T, Manda-Taylor L, Mwpasa V, Weiss J, Tamming R, Donaldson L, Brugha R. (2015) Development Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference Generating an evidence base for community systems strengthening; the findings of the COSYST – MNCH project in Malawi Dublin, 19/12/2015-20/12/2015.
2015 Lambert V, O'Shea MT, Walshe C, Matthews A, Corbally M, O'Mathuna D, Staines A, O'Connor C, MacDonnell R, Fitzsimons J. (2015) 2015 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare- American Academy on Communication in Healthcare Paediatric Early Warning Systems - a common language, open communication and situational awareness - a systematic review to support development of National Clinical Guideline New Orleans, USA, 25/10/2015-28/10/2005.
2015 Lambert V, O’Shea MT, Walshe C, Matthews A, Corbally M, O’Mathuna D, Staines A. O’Connor C. (2015) 12th Guidelines International Network (G-I-N) Conference A systematic literature review to support the development of a National Clinical Guideline– Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS) Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 07/10/2015-10/10/2015.
2015 Donaldson L, Matthews A, Byrne E, Walsh A, Brugha R, Mwpasa V, Manda-Taylor L (2015) Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) EdTech2015 - Beyond the Horizon: Policy, Practice and Possibilities. Developing digital literacies with a blended learning M.Sc Limerick Ireland, 28/05/2015-29/05/2015.
2015 Donaldson L, Matthews A, Byrne E, Walsh A, Brugha R, Mwpasa V, & Manda-Taylor L (2015) Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Annual Conference 2015 - Shaping the Future of Learning Together Collaborative Tools to Enhance Engagement in a Blended Learning M.Sc Manchester, UK, 08/09/2015-.
2014 Matthews A, Kirwan M, Scott PA. (2014) WELL-MED: 1st International meeting on wellbeing and performance in clinical practice An examination of the psychometric properties of the Maslach Burnout Inventory in two nursing studies in Ireland Alexandroupolis Greece, 28/05/2014-01/06/2014.
2014 Kirwan M, Matthews A, Scott PA. (2014) WELLMED: 1st International meeting on wellbeing and performance in clinical practice Levels of Emotional Exhaustion amongst nurses in 12 European countries and the impact on nurse outcomes: Results of the Nurse Forecasting: Human Resources Planning in Nursing (RN4CAST) study Alexandroupolis Greece, 28/05/2014-01/06/2014.
2014 Donaldson L, Matthews A, Hussey P, Byrne E, Walsh A, Brugha R, Mwpasa V, Manda-Taylor L & Petersen M (2014) UK Association of Learning Technologists. Annual Conference A surfing safari from Ireland to Africa - A first dip in the e-learning ocean Warwick, UK, 01/09/2014-.
2014 Donaldson L, Matthews A, Hussey P, Byrne E, Walsh A, Brugha R, Mwpasa V, Manda-Taylor L & Petersen M. (2014) Irish Forum for Global Health International Conference: Partnerships for Health. Partners in eLearning: lessons learned in Ireland and Malawi from the development of an MSc Community Systems Health Research TCD Dublin, 06/11/2014-.
2014 Donaldson L, Matthews A, Hussey P, Byrne E, Walsh A, Brugha R, Mwpasa V, Manda-Taylor L & Petersen M (2014) 15th Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association The collaborative and pragmatic development and implementation of a blended learning MSc Community Systems Health Research programme in Malawi UCD Dublin, 29/05/2014-30/05/2014.
2014 Walsh, A., Byrne, E., Brugha, R., Matthews, A., Donaldson, L., Manda-Taylor, L. Petersen, M., Tamming, R. (2014) Irish Forum for Global Health International Annual conference: partnerships for Health ‘Partnership Stresses: a reality check? Lessons learned from a research partnership between academics and NGOs’ TCD Dublin, 06/11/2014-.
2014 Matthews A (2014) All-Ireland Cochrane conference A Cochrane review is for life not just for the Fellowship: my experience as a Cochrane Fellow on a systematic review of interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy and its recent update DCU Ireland, 24/01/2014-.
2014 Matthews A, Walsh A, Byrne E, Petersen M. Tamming R, Donaldson L, Manda-Taylor L Mwpasa V & Brugha R. (2014) Development Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference - Bridging the Gap - Translating Development Research into Practice SHARING THE FRUITS OF RESEARCH THROUGH EDUCATION: LESSONS FROM THE COSYST-MNCH PROJECT IN MALAWI AND IRELAND Dublin, 27/11/2014-28/11/2014.
2014 Matthews, A. (2014) 1st Joint Conference on Community resilience and public health; School of Health Sciences, University of Fort Hare, Eastern Cape Dept of Health & Lilitha College of Nursing Community resilience and empowerment: the contribution of ‘community systems strengthening’ approaches and lessons from the COSYST-MNCH project East London, South Africa, 19/11/2014-21/11/2014.
2012 Matthews A, Hussey P, Spencer A (2012) Nursing education in Africa – Changes and Challenges Engaging nursing & midwifery online learners in ‘health policy’: opportunities and challenges Lilongwe, Malawi, 07/11/2012-08/11/2013.
2012 Hussey P, Matthews A, Spencer A (2012) Nursing education in Africa – Changes and Challenges New Teaching and Learning Methodologies in Nursing & Midwifery Education Lilongwe, Malawi, 07/11/2012-08/11/2012.
2012 Matthews A., Scott PA., Lehwaldt D., Kirwan M., Morris R., Staines A. (2012) Irish Forum for Global Health International Annual Conference An exploration of the hospital and ward factors associated with high levels of overseas-trained nurses in general hospitals in Ireland: using Irish RN4CAST study results’ RCSI, Dublin, 02/02/2012-03/02/2012.
2011 Kirwan M, Matthews A, Scott PA, Lehwaldt D, Staines A, Morris R (2011) 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery The Impact of the Work Environment of Nurses on Patient Safety Outcomes Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 10/11/2011-.
2011 Matthews A, Chimwaza A, Sinclair M, O'Mathuna DP, Nyirenda C (2011) International Confederation of Midwives 29th Triennial Congress Past, present and future policy and practice of Traditional Birth Attendants in Malawi: a focus on evidence Durban, South Africa, 19/06/2011-23/06/2011.
2011 Dunne S, Gallagher P, Matthews A (2011) 8th Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference Testing Terror Management Theory with Point of Care Devices Dublin, Ireland, 04/04/2011-04/04/2011.
2011 Dunne S, Gallagher P, Matthews A. (2011) British Psychological Society Social Psychology Conference Terror Management Theory and Disease Detection Behaviours: The Potential Moderating Effects of Terror with Predictive Diagnostic Technologies Cambridge, UK, 06/09/2011-08/09/2011.
2010 Matthews A, Scott PA, Kirwan M, Lehwaldt D, Staines A (2010) Irish Forum for Global Health biennial conference Nurses on the move? Findings on intention to leave from the Irish RN4CAST study NUIM, Maynooth Co Kildare, 29/11/2010-30/11/2010.
2010 Dunne S, Gallagher P, Matthews A. (2010) 31st World Conference on Stress & Anxiety Research Existential concerns in point of care testing Galway, Ireland, 04/08/2010-06/08/2010.
2010 Matthews A (2010) 11th European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference Mixed messages? An examination of some socio-cultural and ethical concerns raised by World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines on HIV and infant feeding National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland, 24/08/2010-27/08/2010.
2010 Dunne S, Gallagher P, Matthews A (2010) British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Annual Conference Existential concerns in CVD Point-of Care Testing: Age as a Moderating Effect Winchester, England, 07/09/2010-09/09/2010.
2009 Matthews A, Redmond M, Duku S & Labreche C (2009) Campus Engage (Network for the promotion of civic engagement in Irish higher education) international conference Promoting health through education- evaluation and reflections on a pilot initiative between Cairde and Dublin City University Dublin, 04/06/2009-05/06/2009.
2009 Lakeman, R., Matthews, A., Munck, R., Redmond, M., Sanders, T., & Walsh, J. (2009) British Sociological Association Annual Conference New communities and mental health: conversations, conceptions and concerns Cardiff, Wales, 16/04/2009-18/04/2009.
2009 Matthews A, Kirwan A & Ellila H (2009) All Ireland Society for Higher Education- Annual 5th international conference Valuing Complexity: Celebrating Diverse Approaches to Teaching & Learning in Higher Education ‘Getting real’: reflections on the development and evaluation of a postgraduate nursing research module using Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland, 27/08/2009-28/08/2009.
2008 Bermingham C & Matthews A (2008) Judgment, Assessment & Decision Making in Health & Social Care 3rd Health4Life conference How do we talk about Irish maternity service users? School of Nursing, DCU, 03/09/2008-04/09/2008.
2008 Matthews, A, O’ Mathuna D & Doyle M (2008) 4th Annual Irish Cochrane Collaboration Conference: Facilitating evidence-based practice Electronic consumer information on ginger for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy: reflection or refraction of evidence? DCU, 31/01/2008-.
2008 Matthews, A (on behalf of the Association for the Improvement of the Maternity Services in Ireland) (2008) Coombe Women and Children’s University Hospital Conference, Dublin What women want from maternity services in Ireland Coombe Women's University Hospital, Dublin, 20/01/2008-.
2008 Matthews A & Kelly J (on behalf of the Association for the Improvement of Maternity Services in Ireland, AIMSI) (2008) Judgment, Assessment & Decision Making in Health & Social Care 3rd Health4Life conference Women’s perspectives on judgment, assessment and decision-making in their maternity care School of Nursing, DCU, 03/09/2008-04/09/2008.
2007 Cocoman, A, Matthews, A. Scott, PA, Valimake, M (2007) 5th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry An exploration of mental health nurses’ experiences of managing violence and aggression. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 01/10/2007-03/10/2007.
2007 Matthews A, Morris R, Scott PA, MacNeela P, Treacy P, Hyde A, Byrne A, Drennan J. (2007) RCN International Research Conference Inter-rate reliability and validation of the Irish Minimum Dataset for mental health nursing Dundee, Scotland, 01/05/2007-03/05/2007.
2007 Matthews, A. Cocoman, A, Scott, PA, Valimake, M (2007) Thinking, Feeling, Being: Critical Perspectives and Creative Engagement in Psychosocial Health: 2nd annual Health4Life conference Foucauldian interpretations of risk, power and gender in mental health nurses’ descriptions of their practice in the management of violence and aggression DCU, 07/09/2007-09/09/2007.
2006 Corbally, M, Scott, PA, Matthews, A (2006) Advances in Nursing Practice Conference Empowering nurses for advances in practice Dublin, 01/05/2006-.
2006 Matthews, A (2006) Learning, Innovation & Knowledge (LInK) centre lecture series, DCU Business School Empowerment in healthcare settings 15/03/2006-.
2006 Duffy, S., McElwain, E, Scott, PA, Matthews, A, Hawkshaw, S, Brogan, K. (2006) RCN International Research Conference Documenting the activities & decision making of registered nurses in an acute Irish health care setting: A pilot study York, England, 20/03/2006-22/03/2006.
2006 Matthews, A., Scott, PA & Gallagher, P. (2006) Royal College of Nurses International Research Conference Doing factor analysis: decisions, decision… York, England, 20/03/2006-22/03/2006.
2006 Matthews, A., Scott, PA & Gallagher, P. (2006) Trinity College Dublin, International Nursing and Midwifery Conference The development & psychometric evaluation of a scale to measure empowerment in midwifery Dublin, 08/11/2006-10/11/2006.
2006 Murphy, C. Scott, PA, Matthews, A, Corbally, M. (2006) RCN International Research Conference Empowerment in public health nursing: findings of a national study in Ireland York, England, 20/03/2006-22/03/2006.
2006 Duffy, S., McElwain, E, Scott, PA, Matthews, A, Hawkshaw, S, Brogan, K. (2006) TCD International Research Conference Multi-tasking: a fact of life for nurses Dublin, 08/11/2006-10/11/2006.
2005 Matthews, A & Scott, PA (2005) 27th Triennial Conference of International Confederation of Midwives Between a rock and a hard place? Locating recent midwifery research findings in their historical and structural contexts (Abstract accepted November 2004) Brisbane Australia, 24/07/2005-28/07/2005.
2005 Matthews, A & Scott, PA (2005) Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference �Mind the gap�- empowerment research to bridge the rhetoric-reality gap in midwifery practice in Ireland (Abstract accepted January 2005) Harrogate, UK, 10/05/2005-12/05/2005.
2005 Matthews, A, Scott, PA, Corbally, MA. (2005) International Philosophy of Nursing Annual Conference Is empowerment measurable? Leeds, England, 09/09/2005-09/09/2005.
2005 Matthews, A, Scott, PA, Corbally, MA (2005) (2005) International Philosophy of Nursing Annual Conference Overcoming empowerment fatigue in the nursing literature. Leeds, England, 07/09/2005-09/09/2005.
2004 Matthews, A, Scott, PA, Corbally, M (2004) 12th Biennial Conference of the Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers Empowering Nursing and Midwives- empowering citizens? Findings of a national survey on empowerment of nurses and midwives in Ireland Lisbon, Portugal, 05/10/2004-08/10/2004.
2004 Matthews, A & Scott, P A (2004) Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 23rd Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference Advocacy and empowerment in midwifery in Ireland: findings of a national survey. Dublin, 26/02/2004-27/02/2004.
2004 Matthews, A & Duffy M (2004) 4th Interdisciplinary Conference in the Humanities and Social Sciences Contested citizenship- the local and global contexts of childbirth DCU, Dublin, 24/09/2004-.
2004 Matthews, A & Scott, P A (2004) Annual Conference. Irish Social Policy Association (ISPA) Families, midwives and social policy: In search of the secret agents Dublin, 16/09/2004-17/09/2004.
2003 Matthews, A, Scott, P A & Corbally, M (2003) Trinity College Dublin Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference Nurses� and midwives� understanding and experiences of empowerment- findings of a national survey Dublin, 05/11/2003-07/11/2003.
2003 Corbally, M, Scott, P A & Matthews, A (2003) (2003) International Council of Nurses Conference Nurses� and Midwives� understanding and experiences of empowerment Geneva, Switzerland, 01/06/2003-.
2003 Henry, P, Munro, M, Halpin, A & Matthews, A (2003) Health Informatics Society of Ireland Thinking outside the box in nursing Dublin, 01/11/2003-.
2003 Matthews, A & Scott, P A (2003) , February (2003) International Midwives' Study Group/Midwifery Division Research Seminar Empowerment of midwives in Ireland: Provisional survey findings Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, 03/03/2003-04/03/2003.
2002 Corbally, M, Scott, P A & Matthews, A (2002) Trinity College Nursing and Midwifery Annual Conference Nurses� and Midwives� understanding and experiences of empowerment in Ireland Dublin, 06/11/2002-.
2002 Matthews, A, Scott, P A & Corbally, M (2002) (2002) Irish Nurses' Organisation- Operating Department Nurses� Annual Conference Empowerment in Nursing: Aspirations and Expectations Galway, 18/09/2002-19/09/2002.
2002 Corbally, M, Scott, P A & Matthews, A (2002) 6th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference �On the ground, we know best�� A core element in nursing and midwifery practice Dublin, 01/09/2002-.
2024 Connolly A, Unbeck M, Bane F, Bail K, Craig M, Matthews A, Staines A, Kirwan M (2024) National Patient Safety Office Annual Conference Validating rates of nursing-sensitive adverse events in administrative healthcare data in Ireland: A retrospective chart review study Dublin, Ireland, 17/09/2024-17/09/2024.
2024 Connolly A, Unbeck M, Bane F, Bail K, Craig M, Matthews A, Staines A, Kirwan M (2024) International Society for Quality in Healthcare’s 40th International Conference Validating rates of nursing-sensitive adverse events in administrative healthcare data in Ireland: A retrospective chart review study Turkiye, 24/09/2024-27/09/2024.

Published Report

Year Publication
2003 Scott, P A , Matthews, A & Corbally, M (2003) Nurses' and Midwives' Understanding and Experiences of Empowerment. Final Report. Department of Health and Children, .
2002 Fitzgerald, E., Bates, J. & Matthews, A. (Corrigan, C (editor for Combat Poverty Agency)) (2002) Data Sources on Poverty. Institute of Public Administration, .

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2018 Lambert V, O'Toole S, O'Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P, Fitzsimons J (2018) Framework for Public Involvement in Clinical Effectiveness Processes. Dublin, Ireland: COMMREP [Link]
2017 Lambert V, O'Toole S, O'Connor O, Matthews A, Corrigan C, Kirwan M, Doyle P, Fitzsimons J (2017) Development of a Framework for Patient and Public Involvement in NCEC's Clinical Effectiveness Processes of National Clinical Guidelines and Audit. COMMREP
2017 Lambert V, Matthews A, Corcoran Y, El-Moslemany R. (2017) Hospital safety culture and situation awareness in acute paediatric hospitals in Ireland: service evaluation pre-implementation of the Irish Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS). COMMREP
2016 Lambert V, Matthews A, El-Moslemany R, O'Connor C (2016) Patient engagement in the governance and development of national clinical effectiveness processes (i.e. clinical audit & guidelines): A systematic literature review and desk-top analysis. COMMREP
2015 Lambert V, Matthews A, Collins J, Walshe C, Manning P. (2015) Research to support the adaptation of guidelines to inform the National Clinical Guideline for the Management of the Acute Adult Asthma Patient. COMMREP

Online Article

Year Publication
2020 Pieterse P, Matthews A, Walsh A, Chirwa C (2020) What we can learn from the Care Group approach about the sharing of appropriate information on COVID-19 at community level. ELEA [Link]


Year Publication
2012 Matthews, A, Kirwan M, Kane R and Scott PA (2012) Leading in Uncertain Times: Evaluation of pilot programme 2012. Confidential report to Research Alliance Committee, National Leadership and Innovation Centre for Nursing & Midwifery, HSE. REPORT
2009 Lakeman R, Matthews A, Munck R, Redmond M, Sanders T & Walsh J (2009) New Communities and Mental Health in Ireland: A Needs Analysis. Dublin City University in partnership with Cáirde. Dublin: DCU. REPORT

Review Articles

Year Publication
2020 Pieterse, Pieternella; Matthews, Anne; Walsh, Aisling; Chirwa, Ellen (2020) Exploring how and why Care Groups work to improve infant feeding practices in low- and middle-income countries: a realist review protocol. REV [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2024 Duffy, Mel; Frazzetto, Giovanni; Staines, Anthony; Matthews, Anne; Geogheghan, James; Gleeson, Collette; Mooney, Claire; O'Hagan, James; Vail, Sean (2024) A Scoping Review of Older LGBTI People's Experiences of Homecare. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Lambert, V; Boylan, P; Boran, L; Hicks, P; Kirubakaran, R; Devane, D; Matthews, A (2020) Virtual reality distraction for acute pain in children. [Link] [DOI]
2017 Lambert, V.; Matthews, A.; MacDonell, R.; Fitzsimons, J. (2017) Paediatric early warning systems for detecting and responding to clinical deterioration in children: A systematic review. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Sadlier, C.; Bennett, K.; Matthews, A.; Mockler, D.; Wilson, F.; Bergin, C. (2016) Pneumococcal vaccine for preventing Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in HIV-infected individuals. [Link] [DOI]
2015 Matthews, A.; Haas, D.M.; O'Mathúna, D.P.; Dowswell, T. (2015) Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Matthews, A. (2014) Housing improvements for health and associated socioeconomic outcomes. [Link]
2014 Matthews, A.; Haas, D.M.; O'Mathúna, D.P.; Dowswell, T.; Doyle, M. (2014) Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Dunne, S; Lunn, C; Kirwan, M; Matthews, A; Condell, S (2014) Planning and Selecting Evaluation Designs for Leadership Training: A Toolkit for Nurse Managers and Educators. [DOI]
2011 Matthews, A. (2011) Authors' reply. [Link] [DOI]
2010 Matthews, A.; Dowswell, T.; Haas, D.M.; Doyle, M.; O'Mathúna, D.P. (2010) Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. [Link] [DOI]
2009 Matthews, A.; O'Mathúna, D.P.; Doyle, M. (2009) Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. [Link] [DOI]
2007 Dr Anne Matthews (2007) Past and present perspectives on power and empowerment in midwifery in Ireland. DCU:
1996 Anne O'Donnell (1996) Comparing welfare states: considering the case of Ireland (Dissertation, as part of Taught MSc). London School of Economics and Political Science:
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/06/1993 UCD 1st year student scholarship
01/06/1994 UCD 2nd year student scholarship
01/06/1995 UCD postgraduate scholarship


Committee Function From / To
BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH 14/05/2014 - 31/01/2016
BMC NURSING 21/03/2014 - 28/08/2014
Information Management sub-group of the Interim Education Advisory Committee 01/09/2009 -
Association for the Improvement of Maternity Services in Ireland 01/12/2007 - 10/10/2009
NewCom Project (EU ScienceShop Project, DCU/Cairde) 01/06/2007 -
Pregnancy and Childbirth Group, Cochrane Collaboration. 01/04/2007 -
Systematic Reviewers' Community, HealthQWest Research Consortium. 16/03/2007 -
Research Advisory Network, International Confederation of Midwives The Research Advisory Network (RAN) of the ICM facilitates international midwifery research collaboration; peer reviews research abstracts for the triennial ICM Congresses, and serves as an advisory resource to the ICM. It is managed by the ICM Research Standing Committee (RSC) whose goal is to strengthen the development of midwifery research internationally. 01/01/2007 -
Irish Social Policy Association 01/01/2001 - 01/01/2006


Employer Position From / To
Beaumont Hospital, Dublin Staff Nurse - 20/07/1990
Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi Research Fellow - 01/06/2000
School of Nursing, DCU Research Fellow - 31/01/2003
Rotunda Hospital, Dublin Student midwife - 01/10/1992
Dublin City University Lecturer in Nursing 02/01/2005 -
Dept of Social Policy and Social Work, UCD Research/Teaching Fellow - 30/08/1998
St Joseph's Hospital, Dublin Staff Nurse - 31/08/1995
St Elizabeth's Hospital, Dingle, Co Kerry Staff Nurse - 30/09/1990
School of Nursing, Dublin City University Lecturer in Nursing and Health Policy 01/02/2003 - 01/02/2005
Beaumont Convalescent Home, Dublin Nurse's aide - 01/09/1986
RCSI Library, Beaumont Hospital Medical Library Assistant - 01/05/1995
Lecturer in Nursing (Permanent), School of Nursing, Dublin City University 01/02/2005 -
Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi (APSO) Research Fellow 01/09/1998 - 01/06/2000
Beaumont Hospital Student Nurse - 01/09/1989
Council for Children's Hospitals' Care Chief Officer - 30/06/2001
City Roads Crisis Intervention Unit, London Nurse team member - 31/12/1996


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University College Dublin B.Soc.Sc. Social Policy; Information Studies
Maudsley Regional Drug Training Unit Course: Working with Problem Drug Users. Research topic: Health Education on Hepatitis C and HIV for drug users.
London School of Economics and Political Science M.Sc. Social Policy, Health Policy, Social Security Poli
Dept Community Health & General Practice, TCD Course: Statistical Methods for Medicine
Dublin City University Ph.D. Past and present perspectives on power and empowerment in midwifery in Ireland.


Language Reading Writing Speaking
Irish Functional Functional Functional
French Functional Functional Functional

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
2009 Advisory Work Association for the Improvement of Maternity Services in Ireland Committee member (Research, Information and Support) 2007-9
2012 Advisory Work Banulacht Board member (2011-12)
2022 Advisory Work Irish Forum for Global Health Board member, Member of Executive Management Committee (2015- date); Chairperson 2017- date. Irish representative on the Federation of European Societies for Tropical Medicine and International Health (FESTMIH) 2016- 2022
2022 Advisory Work CRC Co-opted Committee member of the Quality, safety and Risk Committee of the Board (November 2017- 2022)
2017 Advisory Work Beaumont Hospital Board member; Governance & Risk Management Committee member and Chairperson (2015-2017)
2015 Advisory Work The Rose Project Board member (2012 to June 2015)
2023 Advisory Work Audit and Evaluation Committee, Dept of Foreign Affairs, Ireland Committee Member
2023 Advisory Work Beyond Stigma ( Board member
2023 Advisory Work National Research Ethics Committee: Clinical Trials- C Committee member

Research Interests

Global health; Health equity; Sustainable development and health; Breastfeeding policy and supports; Maternal, newborn and child health and services; Sexual and reproductive health, rights and services; Nursing & midwifery workforce planning; Measuring empowerment in nursing and midwifery. Systematic Reviews; Scoping Reviews; Survey design, scale development and testing. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
NUIG: ESI-2021-001 Capacity Building for Evidence Synthesis - "Evidence Synthesis Ireland" DCU PI 01/12/2021 30/11/2025
Evaluating Health Service Reform DCU PI 01/06/2016 31/12/2019
Clinical Professor of Nursing- part funded DCU PI 01/10/2016 30/09/2021
HRB Summer Student Scholarship - Application SS/213/42. DCU PI 22/07/2013 13/09/2013
Innovation Voucher with TASK Ireland (The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology) DCU PI 22/04/2010 30/06/2010
Exploring the use, efficacy and safety of Traditional medicines in the maternity period by women in Malawi DCU PI 01/01/2009 31/12/2009
HRB Cochrane Fellowship entitled "Interventions for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy" DCU PI 01/09/2007 31/08/2008
Enhancing evidence-based infant feeding policy implementation in Malawi DCU PI 01/04/2019 31/03/2023

Contract Researchers

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Pieternella Pieterse Enhancing evidence-based infant feeding policy implementation in malawi

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Connolly ,Anna PhD Supervisor
O'Hart ,Emma PhD-track Supervisor
Vickers ,Niamh PhD Supervisor

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Sustainable Development and Health NS137
2022 Campaigning for Health Equity NS232
2022 Challenging Global Health Problems NS370