Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Bryan, A. (2024) 'The social ecology of responsibility: Navigating the epistemic and affective dimensions of the climate crisis' In: The Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators: How to Teach in a Burning World. [Link] | |
2021 | Audrey Bryan (2021) 'Affective Pedagogies: Foregrounding Emotion in Climate Change Education' In: Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review. Fifteenth Anniversary Edition. Belfast : Centre for Global Education. | |
2024 | Bryan, A & Mochizuki, Y. (2024) 'Rethinking Agency, Affect, and Education: Towards New Childhood and Youth Studies in the Anthropocene' In: Springer Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. New York : Springer. [Link] | |
2024 | Bryan, A. & Mochizuki. Y. (2024) 'Rethinking Agency, Affect, and Education: Towards New Childhood and Youth Studies in the Anthropocene' In: Springer Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. New York : Springer. | |
2024 | Mochizuki. Y. & Bryan, A. (2024) 'Springer Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Springer. Mochizuki, Y. & Bryan, A. (2024). Victims or Vanguards? The Discursive Construction of the Anthropocene Generation and Climate Change Education’s Hopeful, Resilient, Post-political Subject' In: Springer Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. New York : Springer. | |
2024 | Audrey Bryan (2024) 'Cerebral Global Citizens: Neuroliberalism and the Future(s) of Global Citizenship Education' In: Global Education in Ireland: Critical Histories and Future Directions. London : Bloomsbury. | |
2023 | Audrey Bryan (2023) 'Pedagogy of the Implicated (Subject): Slantwise Encounters with Difficult Ecological Knowledge' In: Pushing the Boundaries of Human Rights Education: Concepts, Challenges and .Contexts. London : Routledge. [DOI] | |
2022 | Audrey Bryan (2022) 'Researching Children and Other ‘Vulnerable’ Groups' In: The (Really, Really) Easy Guide to Doing your Educational Research Project. Dublin : UCD Press. | |
2022 | Audrey Bryan (2022) 'Researching Children and Other Vulnerable Groups' In: Doing Research in Education: A Beginner's Guide. Dublin : UCD Press. | |
2019 | Audrey Bryan (2019) 'Citizenship Education in the Republic of Ireland: Plus ça change?' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education. New York : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] | |
2019 | Audrey Bryan (2019) 'Queer youth and mental health: What do educators need to know?' In: Queer Teaching – Teaching Queer by Declan Fahie, Aideen Quilty & Renée DePalma Ungaro (Eds). New York : Routledge. | |
2017 | Audrey Bryan (2017) '(In)equality of opportunity and educational reform in Ireland in the 1960s' In: Schools and schooling, 1650–2000 New perspectives on the history of education – the eighth Seamus Heaney lectures. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2016 | Audrey Bryan (2016) 'Global citizenship as public pedagogy' In: Globalization and Global Citizenship: Interdisciplinary Approaches. New York : Routledge. | |
2014 | Audrey Bryan (2014) 'Learning to read the world? Educating for ‘active (global) citizenship’ in the formal curriculum' In: Development Education in Policy and Practice. New York : Palgrave Macmillan. | |
2012 | Audrey Bryan (2012) 'Using international development themed film to promote a pedagogy of discomfort' In: Education that Matters: Critical Pedagogy and Development education at Local and Global levels. New York : Peter Lang. | |
2011 | Bryan, A. (2011) 'Band-Aid pedagogy, celebrity humanitarianism and cosmopolitan provincialism: a critical analysis of global citizenship education in the Republic of Ireland' In: Ethical Models and Applications of Globalization: Cultural, Socio-Political and Economic Perspectives. Hershey, PA : IGI Global. [Link] | |
2011 | Audrey Bryan (2011) 'Disrupting a Passion for Ignorance: Exploring development themes using a critical (media) literacy framework' In: Teaching Global Perspectives: Teacher Education and Development Education Theory and Practice. Dublin : Liffey Press. | |
2011 | Audrey Bryan & Meliosa Bracken. (2011) 'They think the book is right and I am wrong’: Intercultural education and the positioning of ethnic minority students in the formal and informal curriculum' In: Ethnic Minority Children in Ireland: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Rotterdam : Sense. | |
2010 | Audrey Bryan (2010) 'Common-sense citizenship, citizenship tourism, and citizenship education in an era of gobalisation: The case of Ireland during the Celtic Tiger era' In: Globalisation, the Nation-state and the Citizen: Dilemmas and Directions for Civics and Citizenship Education. New York : Routledge. | |
2009 | Bryan, A. (2009) 'Migration Nation: Anti-racism and intercultural education as symbolic violence in Celtic Tiger Ireland' In: New Approaches to Comparative Education: Vertical Case Studies from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas. New York : Palgrave MacMillan. | |
2009 | Audrey Bryan (2009) 'Pedagogies of privilege: Re-thinking interculturalism and anti-racism in education' In: Education in Ireland: Challenge and Change. Dublin : Gill & MacMillan. | |
2007 | Bryan, A. (2007) 'The (mis)representation of Travellers in the civic, social and political education curriculum' In: Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin : IPA. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2009 | Audrey Bryan (2009) 'The intersectionality of nationalism and multiculturalism in the Irish curriculum: Teaching against racism?'. Race Ethnicity and Education, 12 (3):297--317. [Link] [DOI] | |
2021 | Hall, T., Byrne, D., Bryan, A., Kitching, K., Ní Chróinín, D., O'Toole, C. and Addley, J. (2021) 'COVID-19 and Education: Positioning the Pandemic; Facing the Future'. Irish Educational Studies, 40 (2). |
Conference Contribution
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Honors and Awards
Research Interests
Social Stratification; Families and Schooling; Bullying and Anti-Bullying; Emotions and Education; Critical Global Citizenship Education; Climate Change Education; Race, Ethnicity and Education; Childhoods in Global Contexts; Gender, Sexuality and Schooling; Global Educational Governance; Comparative-International Education.
Research Projects
External Collaborators
Teaching Interests
My scholarship is concerned with the question of how best to equip teachers and their students with the critical skills and knowledges necessary for them to unpack the complexity of different educational problems and issues (e.g.,bullying; inequality; racism in education) as well as enabling them to respond effectively to the major issues confronting society such as climate change, conflict, and poverty.I am particularly drawn to those teaching methods that enable students, teachers and teacher educators to develop the capacity for critique and to apply these understandings in productive ways in their own classrooms and in their communities. I have a particular interest in making theory accessible to students through innovative teaching approaches which make effective use of popular culture and film to apply theoretical constructs to everyday or real world examples. Innovative teaching - particularly as it relates to social justice pedagogies - is also one of my main research interests. I am currently completing a manuscript on 'Affective Pedagogies' and critical media literacy approaches to global citizenship education.
The text draws on theoretical, empirical and practical insights to illuminate the creative and critical potential of
affectively-informed critical media literacies to make available new ways of seeing, and participating in, the world. It focuses on the emotional, experiential, subjective, as well as the ethical and political aspects of critical media literacy-based approaches that call on learners to consider their own situatedness in systems of social inequality and global injustice. It explores the possibilities as well as the limitations of media literacy-based pedagogical approaches in empowering students to challenge hegemonic perspectives and to participate in society as justice-oriented global citizens (Funk, Kelner & Share, 2016).