P J Sexton


Profile Photo

PJ Sexton is a lecturer in the School of Policy and Practice at the DCU Institute of Education and is currently the Director of CREATE (Centre for Research Across Teacher Education).  He is Chair of the Bachelor of Religious Education and History/English/Music Programmes and contributes to the MA in Chaplaincy Studies and Pastoral Work and to the Doctorate of Education Programmes.  PJ was Head of the School of Education in Mater Dei Institute of Education  prior to its incorporation into DCU.   

PJ Sexton’s teaching is primarily in the area of teacher professional identity, reflective practice, professional development, leadership, mentoring, pastoral counselling/skills, chaplaincy and religious education. He has international teaching and leadership experience at primary, post primary and third level.   

PJ holds a PhD from Fordham University, New York and three Masters Degrees: the most recent (2012) an MSc in Clinical Supervision from Trinity College, Dublin. His research interests include: teacher education, reflective practice, ethos, mentoring, supervision, religious education and lifelong learning.   

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Doyle, A., Conroy Johnson, M., Donlon, E., McDonald, E., & Sexton, P. J. (2023) 'Re-envisioning pre-service teachers’ beliefs and feelings about assessment: the important space of authentic assignments'. European Journal of Teacher Education, .
2023 Sexton, PJ, Fitzsimons, S, Lehane, P, McDonald, E, Donlon, E., & McKeever, C, (2023) 'Understanding Pre-Service Teachers’ Improvement in Professional Practice: A Quantitative Perspective'. Irish Educational Studies, .
2022 Enda Donlon; Marie Conroy Johnson; Audrey Doyle; Elaine McDonald; PJ Sexton (2022) 'Presence accounted for? student-teachers establishing and experiencing presence in synchronous online teaching environments'. Irish Educational Studies, (41):41-49. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1080/03323315.2021.2022520
2022 Audrey Doyle, Marie Conroy Johnson, Enda Donlon, Elaine McDonald, PJ Sexton (2022) 'The Role of the Teacher as Assessor: Developing Student Teacher’s Assessment Identity'. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, .
2021 Sexton, P.; McCormack, C., (2021) 'Identity, Ambiguity, and Professionalism: Dilemmas for the Diocesan Advisor in the Republic of Ireland'. Religions, . https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12110973
2021 Kavanagh, S., Sexton, P. & Fitzsimons, S. (2021) 'Transforming Middle Leadership in Education and Training Board Post-Primary Schools in Ireland'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TRANSFORMATIVE RESEARCH, . https://doi.org/10.2478/ijtr-2021-0003
2020 Donlon, E., McDonald, E., Fitzsimons, S., & Sexton, PJ. (2020) 'Being and belonging: Student-teachers'. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2022 Sexton, PJ, , MacPhail, A, Giblin, F & Gorman, A. (2022) TEPS 2022, University of Graz, Austria Embedding research in Teacher Education Graz, Austria, .
2022 Sexton, PJ, Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E., & Donlon, E. (2022) TEPS 2022, University of Graz, Austria An analysis of the quantitative impact of a research project on ITE practicum grades Graz, Austria, .
2020 Sexton, PJ, Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E., & Donlon, E. (2020) ESAI 2020 DCU Turning Obstacles into Opportunities Research Paving the Path to Good Teaching Dublin, .
2019 Donlon, E., McDonald, E., Fitzsimons, S., & Sexton, PJ (2019) ECER 2019: 'Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future', Hamburg 'I Was an Equal at a Table of Teachers: The Significance of Contextual Engagement for Student-teachers on School Placement' Hamburg, .
2019 Donlon, E., Sexton, PJ., McDonald, E., & Fitzsimons, S. (2019) SERA 2019: Creative Visions for Educational Futures, University of Edinburgh, Scotland A tale of two timings: Student-teachers Scotland, .
2017 Sexton, PJ, Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E. & Donlon, E. (2017) 'She was engaging, kind and understanding...she is why I aspire to be a teacher': A study of the reasons for joining the teaching profession A study of the reasons for joining the teaching profession Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice, University College Cork, Ireland , 20-APR-17 - 22-APR-17 [Details], .
2017 McDonald, E., Donlon, E., Fitzsimons, S. & Sexton, PJ (2017) Between the classroom and the staffroom: the significance of contextual engagement for the school placement Between the classroom and the staffroom: the significance of contextual engagement for the school placement Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice, University College Cork, Ireland , 20-APR-17 - 22-APR-17 [Details], .
2016 Donlon, E., Fitzsimons, S., Leonard, H., McDonald, E. & Sexton, P. (2016) Being and Belonging: Student Teachers' Contextual Engagement in Placement Schools Being and Belonging: Student Teachers' Contextual Engagement in Placement Schools The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (Education as a Public Good), Galway [Details], .
2016 Donlon, E., Fitzsimons, S., Leonard, H., McDonald, E. & Sexton, P. (2016) Longitudinal study of student teachers' understanding of teacher identity Longitudinal study of student teachers' understanding of teacher identity The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (Education as a Public Good), Galway [Details], .
2015 Fitzsimons, S., Donlon, McDonald, E., Sexton, P. and Leonard, H. (2015) An analysis of the levels of reflection attained by student teachers on School Placement An analysis of the levels of reflection attained by student teachers on School Placement Educational Studies Association of Ireland (Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future), Carton House, Maynooth, Co.Kildare , 09-APR-15 - 11-APR-15 [Details], .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Supervisors Association of Ireland Promoting Cross-Professional Supervision 13/01/2014 - 19/04/2023
Educational Studies Association of Ireland member 13/01/2014 - 19/04/2023


Committee Function From / To
Board of Management, Belgrove JGS 10/09/2018 - 06/11/2020
University Research Committee 09/01/2017 - 01/10/2022
Centre for Research Across Teacher Education (CREATE) 01/09/2015 - 19/04/2023
Interim Faculty Board, Faculty of Education, DCU 03/08/2015 - 15/08/2016
Irish Centre for Religious Education 05/09/2011 - 19/04/2023


Employer Position From / To
MDI Institute of Education Lecturer and Head of the School of Education 01/09/2006 -
Amukoko Community Project (Nigeria) Project Leader and Principal St Matthew‟s Pre-Primary Schools and St Matthew‟s College of Education 01/09/1998 - 01/09/2004
DCU Assistant Professor, School of Policy and Practice 01/10/2016 - 19/04/2023
Cavan VEC Post-Primary Teacher 02/09/1985 - 31/08/1998


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Trinity College, Dublin M.Phil.
NUI Maynooth M.A.
NUI Maynooth Graduate Diploma - Adult and Community Education
Trinity College, Dublin MSc
Fordham University, New York PhD

Research Interests

  • Teacher Education
  • Teacher Identity
  • Research Methods 
  • Religious Education 
  • The Role of Reflection for Professional Development
  • Mentoring
  • Supervision
  • Lifelong Learning 
  • Leadership