Jonathan Cherry


Contact Details

SPD D316
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St Patrick's Campus
Dublin City University, Drumcondra

T:01 700 9113
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Jonathan Cherry is a lecturer in Geography at the School of History and Geography, DCU. He is Deputy Head of School and Programme Chair of the BA Joint Honours Programme

As an historical geographer his research interests lie in the evolution and transformation of the Irish landscape over the past four centuries. His research examines the influence of the state and landowning elite - both private families and institutions - on both rural and urban landscapes; the demise of this elite and their legacy in the form of planned towns and villages, 'big houses' and demesne landscapes during the period. His current research projects include the compilation of the Cavan fascicle of the RIA Irish Historic Towns Atlas series and a digital humanities project entitled 'Mapping the Ulster Covenant, 1912' with Dr Arlene Crampsie, UCD.

He is Honorary Secretary of the Geographical Society of Ireland since May 2024.   


Year Publication
2023 Jonathan Cherry; Una O'Dowd (2023) Farnham Estate: inside the historic Irish estate. New York: Assouline.
2020 Jonathan Cherry, Martin Leavy, David Meehan, Anne Lodge and Joseph Riveria (2020) DCU: an illustrated history. Belfast: Booklink.
2010 Jonathan Cherry (2010) Cloverhill A Church of Ireland Parish in County Cavan, c.1720-2010. Dublin: Geography Publications.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2014 Jonathan Cherry & Brendan Scott (Ed.). (2014) Cavan History and Society: Interdisciplinary essays on the history of an Irish county. Dublin: Geography Publications,

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Jonathan Cherry; Brian Ó Raghallaigh; Úna Bhreathnach (2023) 'Reading Ireland’s Colonial and Postcolonial Toponymic Landscapes' In: Place Naming, Identities and Geography. New York : Springer.
2020 Jonathan Cherry (2020) '‘Nowhere to Pay Our Respects’: Constructing Memorials for the Irish Dead of World War I in the Republic of Ireland, 2006–2018' In: Places of Memory and Legacies in an Age of Insecurities and Globalization. Key Challenges in Geography (EUROGEO Book Series). Cham, Switzerland : Springer. [Link]
2020 Jonathan Cherry (2020) 'Adaptive coexistence? Lord Farnham (1879-1957), southern loyalist in pre and post- Independence Ireland' In: Southern Irish Loyalism and its Discontents. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press. [Link]
2019 Jonathan Cherry (2019) '‘Lanterns of civility’ Ulster’s plantation towns: planning, development and urban form, 1609–30' In: Society and administration in the Ulster Plantation towns, 1610–89. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2018 Jonathan Cherry and Arlene Crampsie (2018) 'Declaring loyalty to the Union: the women of Ulster's country houses and the organisation of Ulster Day' In: Women and the Country House in Ireland and Britain. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2014 Jonathan Cherry (2014) 'The structure, demise and legacy of landlordism in County Cavan, 1870-1970' In: Cavan History and Society: Interdisciplinary essays on the History of an Irish County. Dublin : Geography Publications.
2014 Jonathan Cherry, Brendan Scott & William Nolan (2014) 'Introduction by the editors' In: Cavan History and Society: Interdisciplinary essays on the History of an Irish County. Dublin : Geography Publications.
2013 Jonathan Cherry (2013) 'The Dioceses of Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh' In: The Church of Ireland: An Illustrated History. Belfast : Booklink.
2012 Jonathan Cherry (2012) 'Historical Geography' In: Mapping Geography in Ireland. Dublin : Geographical Society of Ireland: Special Publications.
2012 Jonathan Cherry & Brendan Scott (2012) 'Cavan Town, 1300-1900: An Overview' In: Cavan 1610-2010: a brief history. Cavan : Cavan Town Council.
2009 Jonathan Cherry (2009) 'Landlords, estates, demesnes and mansion houses in county Limerick c.1870-c.1920' In: Limerick History and Society: Interdisciplinary essays on the History of an Irish County. Dublin : Geography Publications.
2009 Jonathan Cherry (2009) 'The indigenous and colonial urbanization of Cavan town, c.1300-c.1641' In: Culture and society in early modern Breifne / Cavan. Dublin : Four Courts Press.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 Jonathan Cherry (2021) 'Creating commemorative spaces in independent Ireland: the construction and use of publicly sited First World War memorials, 1919–1970'. First World War Studies, 11 (3):213-239. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Cherry, Jonathan (2020) 'Visual Images of Mission as Propaganda: The Irish Church Missions in Nineteenth-Century Ireland'. International Bulletin Of Mission Research, 44 (2). [DOI]
2020 Jonathan Cherry (2020) 'Urban estate management in south Ulster in the late 18th century: a case study of Cavan town'. BREIFNE, XIV (55):564-585.
2019 Jonathan Cherry (2019) 'An anatomy of a south Ulster town: Cavan in 1785'. BREIFNE, XIV (54):469-482.
2019 Jonathan Cherry (2019) 'Visual images of mission as propaganda: the Irish Church Missions in nineteenth century Ireland'. International Bulletin of Missionary Research, OnlineFirst .
2018 Jonathan Cherry (2018) 'Representations of the Irish Church Missions in mid-nineteenth century Kilkenny city: image and text'. Old Kilkenny Review, 70 :85-96.
2018 Jonathan Cherry (2018) '‘Impressions made through the eye’: visual representations of the Irish Church Missions in mid-nineteenth century Galway'. Journal of the Galway Archaelogical and Historical Society, 70 :17-34.
2009 Jonathan Cherry (2009) 'The 1610 Cavan Town Charter: an introduction and transcription'. BREIFNE, XII (45):1-12.
2007 Jonathan Cherry (2007) 'Colonial Appropriation of a Gaelic Urban Space: Creating the first Ulster Plantation Town'. Irish Geography, 40 (2):112-125. [Link]
2006 Jonathan Cherry (2006) 'The Maxwell family of Farnham, County Cavan: An Introduction'. BREIFNE, XI (42):125-147.
2006 Jonathan Cherry (2006) 'Reading and Interpreting the Cultural Landscape: Theory and Application'. Geographical Viewpoint, 34 .
2004 Jonathan Cherry (2004) 'The Sanderson family of Clover Hill and their county Cavan estate: c.1780-1912'. BREIFNE, X (40):196-218.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2014 Jonathan Cherry with Dr Susan Hegarty (SPD) (2014) Conference of Irish Geographers Digitising the Irish Historic Towns Atlas: challenges and opportunites UCD, [Link]
2013 Almar Barry with Susan Hegarty, Sarah Murnaghan & Jonathan Cherry (2013) School of Geography and Archaeology, National University of Galway International student perspectives on the cultural services and experiential qualities of the Irish landscape
2013 Susan Hegarty with Dr Jonathan Cherry & Sarah Murnaghan (2013) Facilitating student engagement through project work using Forums and Wikis in Moodle International student perspectives on a sense of emotion and place in the graffiti of Temple Bar, Dublin
2012 Jonathan Cherry (2012) Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement Reconstructing the plantation landscape at Farnham: 1611-1664

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Jonathan Cherry (2024) Annual Historic Houses International Conf: 'Outside the Demesne Walls: Estate Villages and Towns' Landlords and tenants as urban developers in 19th-century provincial Ireland: the creation of Farnham Street, Co Cavan Maynooth University, 13/05/2024-14/05/2024.
2023 (2023) “Going North”: Landed Estates in the counties of Cavan, Donegal & Monaghan, 1700-1914 Exploring Cavan’s landlord landscapes through the Landed Estates database Moore Institute, University of Galway, 06/11/2023-06/11/2023.
2023 Jonathan Cherry (2023) God, Kings & Commissioners Land and landscapes of the Church of Ireland: historical geography perspectives Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 13/10/2023-13/10/2023.
2023 Jonathan Cherry (2023) Conference of Irish Geographers 2023 Identifying and presenting historic maps: a case study of 18th and 19th century estate maps Wexford, Ireland, 16/05/2023-19/05/2023.
2023 Jonathan Cherry; Ruth McManus (2023) Conference of Irish Geographers Building resilience in Historical Geography: approaches, techniques and technologies Wexford, Ireland, 16/05/2023-19/05/2023.
2022 Jonathan Cherry (2022) International Geographical Congress 2022 Colonial naming and renaming in Ireland: creating a ‘civilising’ brand Paris, 18/07/2022-22/07/2022.
2021 Jonathan Cherry (2021) Experiences of border minority communities: historical perspectives Community Perspectives on Partition: Cavan Protestants Monaghan County Museum, 05/11/2021-05/11/2021.
2021 Jonathan Cherry (2021) Conference of Irish Geographers Organiser with Dr Ruth McManus (DCU) & Dr Arlene Crampsie (UCD) of sessions entitled Contextualising borders and boundaries- historical geography perspectives 1 & 2 Dublin (Online), 18/05/2021-21/05/2021.
2021 Jonathan Cherry (2021) Conference of Irish Geographers Publicly sited First World War memorials in Ireland: spaces, forms and meaning, 1919-2019 Dublin (Online), 18/05/2021-21/05/2021.
2021 Jonathan Cherry (2021) EUROGEO 2021 “Sustainable Development Goals for all” Contributor to the Panel Session: Geography and Memory: Places of Memory and Legacies – in an Age of Insecurities and Globalization Madrid (Online), 22/04/2021-23/04/2021.
2019 Jonathan Cherry (2019) 2019 EUGEO Congress, in conjunction with the Conference of Irish Geographers 'Nowhere to pay our respects’: memorials for the Irish dead of World War I constructed in Ireland, 2000-2018 NUI Galway, 15/05/2019-18/05/2019.
2018 Jonathan Cherry (2018) 50th Annual Conference of Irish Geographers ‘Lanterns of civility’: urban development in early seventeenth century colonial Ulster Maynooth University, 10/05/2018-12/05/2018.
2017 Jonathan Cherry (2017) Towns in the Ulster Plantation Ulster’s Plantation towns: a geographical perspective Johnston Central Library, Farnham Street, Cavan, 14/10/2017-14/10/2017.
2017 Jonathan Cherry & Arlene Crampsie (2017) Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference Vocal Supporters of Imperialism in an anti-colonial world – the Ulster Solemn League & Covenant and grassroots Unionism Kensington, London, 29/08/2017-01/09/2017.
2017 Jonathan Cherry (2017) Southern Irish Loyalism in Context Adaptive co- existence? Lord Farnham, southern loyalist and the Irish Free State / early Republic Maynooth University, 21/07/2017-22/07/2017.
2017 Arlene Crampsie & Jonathan Cherry (2017) Southern Irish Loyalism in Context One, but not the same? The geography of the signing of the Ulster Solemn League and Covenant, September 1912 Maynooth University, 21/07/2017-22/07/2017.
2017 Ruth McManus, Jonathan Cherry, John Connolly, Almar Ennis, Susan Hegarty, Gerry O'Reilly (2017) Technology: Alienating or Enabling Teaching? School of Nursing and Human Sciences Spring School Integrating technology to enhance teaching and learning in DCU's undergraduate geography curriculum: some current examples DCU School of Nursing & Human Sciences, Glasnevin, 26/01/2017-27/01/2017.
2016 Jonathan Cherry (2016) 14th Annual Historic Houses of Ireland Conference ‘If I were you I would get rid of every bit of land I could as soon as I could’. The ‘fall’ of the Farnham estate in county Cavan: 1919 - 1931 Maynooth University, 09/05/2016-10/05/2016.
2016 Jonathan Cherry (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers Organising Committee St Patrick's Campus, DCU, 05/05/2016-07/05/2016.
2015 Jonathan Cherry with Susan Hegarty (2015) Teaching and Learning: using the Irish Historic Towns Atlas at third level, sponsored by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education GIS in practice and the Irish Historic Towns Atlas Royal Irish Academy, 10/09/2015-10/09/2015.
2015 Jonathan Cherry and Susan Hegarty (2015) Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference Recovering the spatial element of digitised online archives: three key challenges Dublin City University, 01/09/2015-03/09/2015.
2015 Jonathan Cherry and Susan Hegarty (2015) Conference of Irish Geographers Mapping and presenting historical data: three key challenges Queen's University Belfast, 21/05/2015-23/05/2015.
2015 Jonathan Cherry and Arlene Crampsie (UCD) (2015) 13th Annual Historic Houses of Ireland Conference The women of Ulster’s country houses and Ulster Day, September 1912 Maynooth University, 11/05/2015-12/05/2015.
2013 Jonathan Cherry (2013) Crossing Borders Interpreting the landscape of Castle Saunderson Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan, 12/09/2013-15/09/2013.
2013 Jonathan Cherry with Dr Brendan Scott (2013) Crossing Borders Reading the maps- the cartographic representations of Cavan town Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan, 12/09/2013-15/09/2013.
2013 Jonathan Cherry (2013) Conference of Irish Geographers Visual material as propaganda: a case study of the promotion of the work of the Irish Church Mission in mid-19th Mission in mid-19th century Connemara NUI Galway, 16/05/2013-18/05/2013.
2013 Jonathan Cherry with Dr Arlene Crampsie (UCD) (2013) Conference of Irish Geographers Mapping the Ulster Covenant/Declaration NUI Galway, 18/05/2013-18/05/2013.
2013 Jonathan Cherry with Drs Almar Barry, Susan Hegarty & Sarah Murnaghan (2013) Conference of Irish Geographers International student perspectives on a sense of emotion and place in the graffiti of Temple Bar, Dublin NUI Galway, 16/05/2013-18/05/2013.
2011 Jonathan Cherry with with Susan Hegarty, Ruth McManus, Almar Barry & Gerry O'Reilly (2011) Staff-Student Engagement in Education. STage Conference 'Facilitating and rewarding engagement: Field and groupwork as integral components of a Geography module' Dublin City University, 13/09/2011-14/09/2011.
2011 Jonathan Cherry with Ruth McManus, Susan Hegarty, Almar Barry & Gerry O'Reilly (2011) Staff-Student Engagement in Education, STage Conference Student/Staff/Institutional Engagement: the Inaugural Geography Summer Internships at St Patrick's College, Drumcondra Dublin City University, 13/09/2011-14/09/2011.
2011 Jonathan Cherry and Gerry O'Reilly (2011) Network for the Education and Training of Teachers (NETT) Exploring landscape and settlement in Wicklow St Patrick's Campus, DCU, 10/06/2011-12/06/2011.
2011 Jonathan Cherry (2011) Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement Cavan town- origins and development Cavan, 06/05/2011-08/05/2011.
2011 Jonathan Cherry with Ruth McManus, Gerry O'Reilly, Susan Hegarty & Almar Barry (2011) Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education (IASSEE) Conference, SPD Integrating sustainable development into geography teaching and learning: enhancing understanding through fieldwork St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, 04/02/2011-05/02/2011.
2011 Jonathan Cherry with Ruth McManus, Susan Hegarty, Gerry O'Reilly & Almar Barry (2011) Connecting Policy and Practice Conference Realising Bologna: challenges and opportunities for enhancing geography teaching and learning Dublin City University, 07/06/2011-08/06/2011.
2011 Jonathan Cherry with Gerry O'Reilly, Almar Barry, Susan Hegarty & Ruth McManus (2011) Connecting Policy and Practice Conference Integrating citizenship into geography teaching and learning: enhancing understanding through fieldwork Dublin City University, 07/06/2011-08/06/2011.
2011 Jonathan Cherry (2011) Annual Conference of the Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement Farnham Estate: People and Place, c.1600- c.1670 Farnham Estate, Co. Cavan, 06/05/2011-08/05/2011.
2010 Jonathan Cherry (2010) Religion and the diocese of Kilmore, 1600-1900 The evangelical endeavours of the Maxwell family of Cavan in early 19th century Cavan Cavan County Museum, 28/08/2010-28/08/2010.
2010 Jonathan Cherry with Susan Hegarty & Ruth McManus (2010) Conference of Irish Geographers The role of student attitude and the emotional domain on student learning in the field NUI Maynooth, 30/04/2010-02/05/2010.
2010 Jonathan Cherry (2010) Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Shifting the urban focus: developing a new street in 19th century Cavan, Ireland Washington, DC, 28/03/2010-02/04/2010.
2008 Jonathan Cherry (2008) Conference of Irish Geographers 'The 'fall' of landlordism in Ireland in the early 20th century: a reassessment University of Liverpool, 08/05/2008-10/05/2008.


Year Publication
2009 Susan Hegarty & Jonathan Cherry & Ruth McManus (2009) St Patrick's College Geographers away from home: Final year residential fieldtrip to the Isle of Man. ABST

Book Review

Year Publication
2020 Jonathan Cherry (2020) Review of All Saints' Cootehill 1819-2019. A history of the church, the parish and its people by Jonathan A Smyth. BREV
2020 Jonathan Cherry (2020) Review of The Books of Knockninny: manuscripts, cultural and society in early eighteenth century Fermanagh edited by Raymond Gillespie & Brendan Scott. BREV
2018 Jonathan Cherry (2018) Review of Monaghan History and Society: Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County. London: BREV
2017 Jonathan Cherry (2017) Review of Terence Dooley & Christopher Ridgway (eds), The Country House and the Great War, Irish and British Experiences. BREV
2012 Jonathan Cherry (2012) Review of Terence Dooley and Christopher Ridgway (eds) The Irish Country House Its Past, Present and Future. BREV
2011 Jonathan Cherry (2011) Review of Jacinta Prunty and H. B Clarke Reading the Maps: A Guide to the Irish Historic Towns Atlas. BREV
2010 Jonathan Cherry (2010) Review of James Lyttleton and Colin Rynne (eds) Plantation Ireland: Settlement and material culture, c.1550-c.1700. BREV
2009 Jonathan Cherry (2009) Review of Terence Dooley, The Big Houses and Landed Estates of Ireland: A Research Guide; Liam Kelly, Photographs and Photography in Irish Local History and Brian Griffin, Sources for the study of crime in Ireland 1801-1921. BREV
2008 Jonathan Cherry (2008) Review of Liam Kelly, Photographs and photography in Irish Local History. BREV
2006 Jonathan Cherry (2006) Review of Mervyn Busteed, Castle Caldwell, county Fermanagh Life on an Ulster estate, 1750-1800. BREV
2006 Jonathan Cherry (2006) Review of David J Butler, South Tipperary 1570-1841 Religion, Land and Rivalry. BREV
2006 Jonathan Cherry (2006) Review of Gerard Moran, Sir Robert Gore Booth and his landed estate in County Sligo, 1814-1876. BREV
2005 Jonathan Cherry (2005) Review of Liam Kelly, Kiltubrid, County Leitrim Snapshots of a rural parish in the 1890s. BREV

Online Article

Year Publication
2016 Jonathan Cherry (2016) Killoughter Vestry Minute Book. Dublin: ELEA [Link]


Year Publication
2012 Jonathan Cherry (2012) Foreword’ to P J Dunne Butlersbridge: A History. FOR


Year Publication
2005 Jonathan Cherry (2005) Farnham Papers. CTLG [Link]

Dictionary Entry

Year Publication
2003 Jonathan Cherry (2003) The Griffith Valuation. Dublin: DE


Year Publication
2009 Jonathan Cherry & R. McManus & S. Hegarty (2009) St Patrick's College Geographers away from home: Final year residential fieldtrip to the Isle of Man. NEWSL


Year Publication
2021 Jonathan Cherry (2021) 'Lord Farnham and Partition' in the Cavan History Podcast Series hosted by Dr Brendan Scott. PODCAST [Link]


Year Publication
2021 Jonathan Cherry (2021) Creating public commemorative memorials in independent Ireland: the construction and use of First World War memorials outside of Dublin, 1919-1970. SEM
2018 Jonathan Cherry (2018) Visual imagery as British Protestant propaganda: the Irish Church Missions in nineteenth century Ireland. SEM
2015 Jonathan Cherry with Arlene Crampsie (UCD) (2015) Exploring the geographies of the Ulster Covenant and Declaration. SEM


Year Publication
2006 Jonathan Cherry with Bernie Deasy (2006) Farnham Archive: Archives of the Maxwell familiy of Farnham: An exhibition presented by Cavan County Archives Service. Exh
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Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Geographical Society of Ireland Member 01/09/2008 -
Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement Member 01/01/2011 -
Cumann Seanchais Bhreifne (Breifne Historical Society) Member 01/09/2004 -


Committee Function From / To
Studia Hibernica 01/09/2018 -
Institutional Heritage Working Group Working Group convened as part of DCU Incorporation 31/10/2015 - 01/08/2020


Employer Position From / To
St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra Lecturer 01/09/2012 - 01/09/2016
Department of Local and Community Studies, NUI Maynooth Temporary lecturer 01/01/2001 - 30/06/2001
Department of Local and Community Studies, NUI Maynooth Temporary lecturer 01/09/2007 - 31/12/2007
Dublin City University Assistant Professor 01/10/2016 -
St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra Assistant Lecturer 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2012
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, UCD Research and Teaching Fellow 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2008
Manuscripts Department, National Library of Ireland Holder of the Research Studentship in Irish History 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2005
RTE Current Affairs Department Research Assistant 01/09/2001 - 31/08/2008
Department of Geography, UCD Tutor /Senior Tutor/ Occasional lecturer 01/09/1998 - 31/08/2004


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
UCD BA (Hons.)
National University of Ireland, Dublin Doctor of Philosophy
UCD Graduate Certificate in Third Level Learning and Teaching


Journal Role
Irish Historical Studies Reviewer
Irish Geography Reviewer
European Journal of Geography Reviewer

Other Activities

Examination of PhD submitted to Department of Geography, University College Cork. December 2019. Examination of PhD submitted to Department of History, Maynooth University. May 2021.

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Cumann Seanchais Bhreifne Speech at the launch of book entitled 'All Saints' Cootehill 1819-2019 A history of the church, the parish, and its people on 1 November 2019. Written by Jonathan A Smyth, the book was published by Cumann Seanchais Bhreifne.
Educational Outreach/Public Engagement Cavan County Museum, Cavan Arts Office, The Heritage Council- Heritage Week Invited lecture for Heritage Week entitled 'The Hidden Gem of Kildorragh Church' in Kildorragh Church, Ballyjamesduff. August 2019
Presentations/Talks to an external audience International Geographical Union- Urban Geography Commission Discovering Wicklow and Kildare - a field trip for delegates and accompanying persons at the International Geographical Union, Urban Geography Commission Annual Meeting. Dublin. August 2015.
Educational Outreach/Public Engagement National Forum for the Enhancement 'GIS in practice and the Irish Historic Towns Atlas’ co-presented session with Dr Susan Hegarty at a workshop entitled Teaching and Learning: using the Irish Historic Towns Atlas at third level, sponsored by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, September 2015.
DCU in the Community The Heritage Council- Heritage Week Heritage Week 2012. Co-organiser with Dr Susan Hegarty of an illustrated lecture by Brian Mathews entitled ‘Making and Marking the Ashbourne Road’in Asbourne Library, county Meath, August 2012.
Presentations/Talks to an external audience International Conference on Urban Climate Walking tour of Medieval Dublin for delegates and accompanying persons at the 8th International Conference on Urban Climate – ICUC 8 and 10th Symposium on the Urban Environment. Dublin. August 2012.
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Foxrock Local History Club Townlands: a geographical perspective. Invited lecture by Foxrock Local History Club. Pastoral Centre, Foxrock, Dublin 18. April 2012
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Cavan County Council Cavan Town and Farnham Estate: circa 1600- circa 1670. Invited lecture by Cavan County Council and Cavan Town Council as part of a series entitled ‘Cavan Town: Commemorating 401 Years’. Arts Centre, Cavan. October 2011.
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Belturbet Town Council Belturbet: The making of an Irish country town. Invited lecture by Belturbet Town Council to mark the town’s 400th anniversary. Belturbet, November 2010.
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Cavan County Council Castle Saunderson: Estate and Family. Invited lecture by Cavan County Council to mark the initial phase of development of a major cross-border scouting venture at Castle Saunderson. Castle Saunderson Church, Cavan, September 2010.
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Exploring Cavan town through maps. Invited lecture by the organizing committee of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann as part of Mórtas an Chabháin. Cavan, August 2010.
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Headmaster and Board of Governors Royal School Cavan The 1608 Royal Schools. Invited book launch lecture by the Headmaster and Board of Governors of Cavan Royal School. Cavan.
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Bealtaine Festival- Age & Opportunity Architecture and Landscape History: Farnham House and Demesne. Lecture delivered at Bealtaine Festival, Cavan, May 2006.
Educational Outreach/Public Engagement Cavan Arts Office and Cavan County Museum Accessing, handling and interpreting documentary and manuscript sources in the National Library of Ireland relating to landed estates. Workshop delivered at Writing History Day, organised by County Cavan Arts Office and Cavan County Museum. Cavan, February 2005.

Research Interests

Jonathan Cherry's main research interests are in Irish Historical Geography. He is particularly interested in the 

  • Evolution of the Irish landscape from circa 1600 to the present day
  • Role of the state and landlords in shaping rural landscapes during the period 1600 to circa 1930
  • Origins, growth and development of Irish towns and villages
  • Break up of estates and the demise of landlordism in Ireland during the late 19th and early 20th centuries 
  • 'Big Houses' and demesne landscapes of Ireland: people and place
  • Contested landscapes and spaces
He is interested in discussing opportunities for postgraduate research and studies with students interested in these topics or in any other aspect of historical geography. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Mapping Cavan: from Plantation to Brexit DCU PI 19/04/2021 26/11/2021
Farnham Estate History DCU PI 09/02/2022 30/06/2022

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Morse ,Amanda PhD-track Supervisor
van Kuyck ,Kristina PhD Supervisor

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Dr Arlene Crampsie UCD Academic
External Professor William Nolan Geography Publications Other
External Dr Susan Hood Representative Church Body Library, Dublin Academic
External Dr Brendan Scott Independent Historian Academic
External Editors of the Irish Historic Towns Atlas Royal Irish Academy Academic

Teaching Interests

My teaching interests fall within the following broad areas:

  • Historical Geography of Ireland- evolution of the Irish landscape
  • Key concepts, skills and sources in Historical Geography
  • Cultural Geography- reading the cultural landscape
  • Fieldwork in Human Geography 
  • Local studies: geographical perspectives

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Historical Geography GY309
2022 Becoming an Historical Geographer GY330
2020 Introduction to Human Geography GY101
2024 GY339
2023 GY338
2022 Geographical Fieldwork and Observation Skills GY107
2022 Introduction to Human Geography GY109
2023 GY243
2022 Cultural Geography, Landscapes, Heritage & Id GY231
2022 GY236