Alan Kearns


Profile Photo
Dr Alan J. Kearns is an Assistant Professor of Ethics at DCU's School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music. He originally trained as a second-level teacher and taught English at the Fachsprachenzentrum, University of Tübingen in Germany. His PhD, which examined the concept of person in health care ethics, was the first doctorate to be presented and defended in the then newly established School of Nursing at Dublin City University.

Alan has taught Business Ethics at Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology and at the DCU Business School. He also has taught Nursing Ethics at Beaumont Hospital and Philosophy & Ethics at the School of Nursing at DCU.

Alan joined the academic staff of Mater Dei Institute of Education, a former College of DCU, in 2005. During his time there, he was the lead developer for the MA in Ethics programme. He was the Chair of the college’s Research Ethics Committee from 2009 to 2016.

Presently, Alan teaches a number of introductory ethics modules as well as applied ethics modules in the area of bioethics and other contemporary issues. He is the Chair and Academic Coordinator of the MA in Ethics and MA in Ethics (Corporate Responsibility) programmes. Alan is also the Chair of the School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music’s Ethics Review Panel.

Alan is also a Member of the DCU Institute of Ethics. 

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Crean, D., Gordijn, B., & Kearns, A. J. (2024) 'Impact and Assessment of Research Integrity Teaching: A Systematic Literature Review'. Science and Engineering Ethics, (30).
2023 Crean, D.; Gordijn, B.; Kearns, A.J. (2023) 'Teaching research integrity as discussed in research integrity codes: A systematic literature review'. Accountability in Research, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Farrell, M.; Gordijn, B.; Kearns, A.J. (2023) 'Accountability, human rights and social justice in public sector recordkeeping'. Archival Science, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Alan J. Kearns (2022) 'The Principle of Double Effect and External Whistleblowing in Nursing'. Nursing Outlook, :1-13. [DOI]
2021 Alan J. Kearns (2021) 'Should nurses take a COVID-19 vaccine?'. Nursing Outlook, :1-9.
2021 Alan J. Kearns and Thomas Kearns (2021) 'European Nursing Council Code for European nursing and the UN Sustainable Development Goals'. Nursing Ethics, 28 (4):498-514. [DOI]
2020 Alan J. Kearns (2020) 'The principle of salvage in the context of COVID‐19 Alan J. Kearns'. Nursing Inquiry, .
2019 Kearns, AJ (2019) 'Ought implies can & missed care'. Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals, 21 (1). [DOI]
2019 Alan J. Kearns (2019) 'The ethical demand in teaching and learning'. Teaching and Teacher Education, 86 :1-9.
2018 Alan J. Kearns and Bert Gordijn (2018) 'Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Saving Treatment: Ordinary/Extraordinary Means, Autonomy & Futility'. Analiza i Egzystencja, (42):5-33.
2018 Alan J. Kearns (2018) 'The Teaching of Ethics by Religion Teachers in Second Level Schools in the Republic of Ireland'. Religious Education, (Online):1-12.
2017 Kearns, A.J. (2017) 'Rebuilding Trust: Ireland’s CSR Plan in the Light of Caritas in Veritate'. Journal of Business Ethics, 146 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Alan Kearns (2014) 'What is Research Ethics?'. REA: RELIGION, EDUCATION AND THE ARTS, .
2014 Kearns, A.J. (2014) 'Catholic Social Teaching as a Framework for Research Ethics'. Journal of Academic Ethics, 12 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Alan J. Kearns (2011) 'Facing Bioethical Issues in the Context of the Catholic Tradition'. REA: RELIGION, EDUCATION AND THE ARTS, .
2010 Kearns, A.J.; O'Mathúna, D.P.; Scott, P.A. (2010) 'Diagnostic self-testing: Autonomous choices and relational responsibilities'. Bioethics, 24 . [Link] [DOI]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Alan J. Kearns and Ethna Regan (2024) 'Introduction' In: Critical Questions in Contemporary Theology: Essays in Honour of Dermot A. Lane. Oxford : Peter Lang.
2022 Alan J. Kearns (2022) 'Leadership as Stewardship: What Does the Story of the Unjust Steward Have to Say?' In: Leadership and Business Ethics. Dordrecht : Springer.
2020 Alan J. Kearns, Nathan Emmerich, and Bert Gordijn (2020) 'The Distinction between Ordinary and Extraordinary Treatment: Can It Be Maintained?' In: Contemporary European Perspectives on the Ethics of End of Life Care. Cham : Springer.
2017 Alan J. Kearns (2017) 'The Concept of Person' In: Key Concepts and Issues in Nursing Ethics. Cham, Switzerland : Springer.
2017 Alan J.Kearns (2017) 'A Duty-Based Approach for Nursing Ethics & Practice' In: Key Concepts and Issues in Nursing Ethics. Cham, Switzerland : Springer.
2010 Alan Kearns (2010) 'Codes of Ethics in a Secular Age: Loss or Empowerment of Moral Agency?' In: The Taylor Effect: Responding to a Secular Age. United Kingdom : Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2008 Alan Kearns (2008) 'Citizenship and World Ethos' In: Community - Constitution - Ethos: Democratic Values and Citizenship Facing Globalization. Dublin : Otior Press.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2024 Ethna Regan and Alan J. Kearns (Ed.). (2024) Critical Questions in Contemporary Theology: Essays in Honour of Dermot A. Lane. Oxford: Peter Lang,
2010 Ian Leask;Eoin Cassidy;Alan Kearns;Fainche Ryan;Mary Shanahan (Ed.). (2010) The Taylor Effect: Responding to a Secular Age. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing,


Year Publication
2007 Alan Kearns (2007) The Concept of Person in a World Mediated by Meaning and Constituted by Significance. United Kingdom: Pneuma Springs.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2022 Alan J. Kearns & Kathy Jacobs (2022) 'Ethics & Culture' Irish Compliance Quarterly, (Winter) :48-51.
2015 Alan J. Kearns (2015) 'The 5-C Principles for the School Community' 9 :188-192.
2008 Alan J. Kearns (2008) 'A Global Ethic: A Compass for both Personal and Community Values' 3 :26-29.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Alan J. Kearns (2023) Meeting of the WHO Europe Government Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers Ethics of ‘Care in Telehealth’ Bucharest, .
2023 Alan J. Kearns (2023) Central Bank of Ireland Presentation on Ethics and Finance Dublin, Ireland, .
2022 Alan J. Kearns (2022) Presentation to European Nursing Council Online/Remote Patient Care & Assessment in Nursing Practice: Ethical Questions & Issues RCSI, Dublin, Ireland, .
2022 Alan J. Kearns (2022) 29th Annual ​International Vincentian ​Business Ethics Conference Permissibility in Unethical or Unjust Acts: Revisiting Cooperation and Appropriation in the Context of Business Ethics St John's University (Online), .
2022 Alan J. Kearns (2022) Die Würde des Menschen Patients’ Rights - An Ethical Perspective Against the Backdrop of Covid-19 University of Education, Weingarten, Germany, .
2021 Alan J. Kearns (2021) 28th Annual ​International Vincentian ​Business Ethics Conference The Principle of Double Effect & Whistleblowing Online - Hosted by DePaul University (Chic, .
2020 Alan J. Kearns and Gabriel Flynn (2020) 27th International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference Social Entrepreneurship: A Kantian Reflection Online - Hosted by Niagara University, 22/10/2020-24/10/2020.
2019 Alan J. Kearns (2019) 26th International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC) 2019 Ethics & Capitalism DCU All Hallows Campus, 24/10/2019-26/10/2019.
2018 Alan J. Kearns (2018) ACOI 2018 Conference: Culture, Conduct & Compliance Panelists Discussion on Ethical Issues Regarding Artificial Intelligence Dublin, 08/11/2018-08/11/2018.
2018 Alan J. Kearns (2018) Palliative Care Multidisciplinary Study Day Ordinary and Extraordinary Treatment: An Ethical Perspective Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, .
2018 Alan J. Kearns (2018) Ethics of End of Life Care – Current Positions and Controversial Issues Ordinary and Extraordinary Means Dublin City University, 12/06/2018-12/06/2018.
2018 Alan J. Kearns (2018) 25th Anniversary International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference The Concept of Scandal in Business Ethics New York, 25/10/2018-27/10/2018.
2017 Alan J. Kearns (2017) Public Lecture Given at Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten The Teaching of Ethics in Irish Second-Level Schools Germany, 03/05/2017-03/05/2017.
2014 Alan Kearns (2014) 21st Vincentian Business Ethics Conference Rebuilding “Social Capital”: An Examination of Ireland’s National Plan on Corporate Social Responsibility in the light of Caritas in Veritate All Hallows College, Dublin, .
2014 Alan J. Kearns (2014) 21st Vincentian Business Ethics Conference Rebuilding “Social Capital”: An Examination of Ireland’s National Plan on Corporate Social Responsibility in the light of Caritas in Veritate All Hallows College, Dublin, .
2013 Alan Kearns (2013) Palliative Care Multidisciplinary Study Day Ethics: The Basics Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, .
2012 Alan J. Kearns (2012) Research Ethics Workshop Research Ethics St James Hospital, Dublin, .
2012 Alan J. Kearns (2012) 31st Annual Conference of the National Association of Healthcare Chaplains Chaplaincy & the “Moral Space Dublin, .
2011 Alan J. Kearns (2011) Globalising European Bioethics Educatio What is the Biggest Challenge in Teaching European Bioethics? DCU, .
2009 Alan J. Kearns (2009) 'A Secular Age': Tracing the Contours of Religion and Belief Codes of Ethics in a Secular Age: Loss or Empowerment of Moral Agency? Mater Dei Institute of Education, Dublin, .
2006 Alan J. Kearns (2006) Health4Life Conference Ethical Issues and Challenges with Diagnostic Testing DCU, .
2006 Alan J. Kearns (2006) 10th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference I can find out myself! Opportunities and Challenges of Diagnostic Self-Testing - An Ethical Perspective DCU, .
2004 Alan J. Kearns (2004) 4th Interdisciplinary Conference in the Humanities and Social Sciences Static and Dynamic Moralities in Health Care Ethics DCU, .
2004 Alan J. Kearns (2004) Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education & Technology The Pygmalion Danger in Health Care Ethics Trinity College, Dublin, .
2003 Alan J. Kearns (2003) The Blind Born: Concepts of Person in a Disenchanted World The 7th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference University of Stirling, Scotland, .
2002 Alan J. Kearns (2002) 6th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference The Nature of Debate & The Role of the Philosopher DCU, .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.


Committee Function From / To
School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music Ethics Review Panel 04/09/2016 -
MA in Ethics Programme Board 01/09/2010 -
DCU Academic Council 11/10/2016 - 01/09/2020
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Teaching & Learning Committee 30/03/2016 - 01/09/2020
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Research Ethics Committee/Institutional Review Board 22/05/2014 -
Institute of Community Health Nursing Research Ethics Committee 04/09/2016 -
Ethics Committtee, An Bord Altranais (Irish Nursing Board) 01/09/2008 - 13/05/2013
Health Care Chaplaincy Board 01/09/2008 - 01/09/2012
REC, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra 01/09/2007 - 01/09/2016
Clinical Ethics Forum, Beaumont Hospital 04/09/2006 -
Research Ethics Committee, Mater Dei Institute 13/05/2009 - 01/09/2016
Research Ethics Committee, Mater Dei Institute 01/09/2006 - 01/09/2016
Academic Council, Mater Dei Institute of Education 20/09/2016 - 01/09/2016
Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Bioethics Committee 01/06/2007 - 01/01/2010
RIA Philosophy and Ethics Committee 01/09/2009 - 01/09/2013


Language Reading Writing Speaking
German Functional

Creative Outputs

Year Title Type
2022 'Ethics & Culture' Podcast Recording of The Compliance Files of the Compliance Institute Recording

Research Interests

My research interests include: Philosophical Ethics and Health Care/Nursing Ethics.