Cathal Guiomard

I am Assistant Professor in Aviation Management @DCU Business School.
I am programme chair for the B.Sc. in Aviation Management in the DCU Business School.
I carry out research on economic regulation and aviation. I am a member of the organising and the advisory boards of the European Aviation Conference. Some years ago I published 'The Irish Disease and How to Cure It', an analysis of shortcomings in Irish economic policy. I tweet at @Cataldo Rex, an easier name to remember, pronounce and spell than the Irish & Breton names my parents gave me.
I am programme chair for the B.Sc. in Aviation Management in the DCU Business School.
I carry out research on economic regulation and aviation. I am a member of the organising and the advisory boards of the European Aviation Conference. Some years ago I published 'The Irish Disease and How to Cure It', an analysis of shortcomings in Irish economic policy. I tweet at @Cataldo Rex, an easier name to remember, pronounce and spell than the Irish & Breton names my parents gave me.
Before returning to teaching the Aviation Management, I acquired lengthy experience of policy analysis and senior management, leading the Irish Commission for Aviation Regulation (CAR) where I managed teams carrying out sectoral price reviews as well as those undertaking licensing & consumer protection roles.
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