Iker Erdocia Iniguez


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T:Ext. 5311


Assistant Professor

Profile Photo
Iker Erdocia is Assistant Professor and Director of Research at the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies (SALIS). He also serves as Research Integrity Advocator of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Before joining Dublin City University, he held the position of Invited Lecturer at Université de Montréal (2013-2016). 

Iker is a Funded Investigator in the Science Foundation Ireland ADAPT Centre for AI-Driven Digital Content Technology. He is also a member of the Institute for Future Media Democracy and Society (FuJo), the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies and the Applied Linguistics Research Group in DCU. He was actively involved in the COST Action CA19102 'Language in the Human-Machine Era' (LITHME). He has served as President of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics and executive committee member of the Language Policy group, British Association for Applied Linguistics. Iker is involved in public engagement activities as Chair of the Board of Directors of the NGO New Communities Partnership (NCP).

Iker's research has been published in high-ranking journals within the fields of sociolinguistics and applied linguistics, including Language Policy (2018), Current Issues in Language Planning (2019 & 2021), Language Problems and Language Planning (2020), Linguistics and Education (2020), Journal of Sociolinguistics (2022 & 2024), Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (2022), Journal of Language and Politics (2022), Multilingua, Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication (2023), Higher Education (2024), The Language Learning Journal (2024), Language, Culture and Society (2024) and Language and Communication (2025), among others. He has also published a book (2018) on language teacher education. This investigation was awarded the ASELE (Association of Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language) prize for the best PhD in 2017. 

Iker's research projects have been funded by EU's Horizon Europe, the Irish Research Council, Royal Irish Academy/British Academy, DCU Research Initiative Scheme, and DCU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS Fellowship). He is currently involved in the Horizon Europe FOSTERLANG research project, which aims to have a transformative effect on how minoritised languages are protected, used and promoted in Europe. Iker is leading the Work Package ‘Counteracting digital exclusion: IT tools and resources for lesser used languages’.”

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Erdocia, I. (2025) 'Language and trust: Struggles for recognition of migrant people in the political realm'. Language and Communication, . [DOI]
2025 Bruen, Jennifer; Erdocia, Iker (2025) 'Formal and informal foreign language learning at university: blurring the boundaries'. Language Learning Journal, 53 (1). [DOI]
2024 Erdocia, I., Schneider, B., & Migge, B. (2024) 'Language is Not a Data Set – Why Overcoming Ideologies of Dataism is More Important Than Ever in the Age of AI'. Journal of Sociolinguistics, .
2024 Soler, J., Erdocia, I., & Savski, K. (2024) '(Im)possible change: Criticality and constraints in the infrastructures of the academic knowledge economy'. Language, Culture and Society, . https://doi.org/10.1075/lcs.00040.sol
2024 Erdocia, I., & Soler, J. (2024) 'In pursuit of epistemic authority in public intellectual engagement: the case of language and gender'. MULTILINGUA-JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL AND INTERLANGUAGE COMMUNICATION, . https://doi.org/10.1515/multi-2023-0115
2024 Erdocia, I.; Soler, J. (2024) 'English language and the career progression of academics in Anglophone universities'. Higher Education, 88 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Erdocia, I., Nocchi, S., & Ruane, M. (2022) 'Ideas, power and agency: Policy actors and the formulation of language-in-education policy for multilingualism'. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, .
2022 Erdocia, I. (2022) 'Language and culture wars: the far right’s struggle against gender-neutral language'. Journal of Language and Politics, .
2021 Erdocia, I. (2021) 'Participation and deliberation in language policy: the case of gender-neutral language'. Current Issues in Language Planning, .
2022 Erdocia, Iker; Soler, Josep (2022) 'Sociolinguists and their publics: Epistemological tension and disciplinary contestation over language in Catalonia'. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 26 (1). [DOI]
2020 Erdocia, I. (2020) 'The politics of plurilingualism: Immersion, translanguaging, and school autonomy in Catalonia'. Linguistics and Education, . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2020.100865
2020 Erdocia, I. (2020) 'Language rights and groups of immigrant origin: the case of language claims in the Spanish cities in North Africa'. Language Problems and Language Planning, . https://doi.org/10.1075/lplp.19025.erd
2020 Erdocia, I., Nocchi, S., & Ruane, M. (2020) 'Language policy-making in Ireland: A preliminary study of the consultation process of 'Languages Connect''. JOURNAL OF THE IRISH ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS, 27 :98-127. https://doi.org/10.35903/teanga.v27i.224
2020 Soler, J. & Erdocia, I. (2020) 'Language policy and the status of languages in contemporary Catalonia: A public debate'. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE POLICY, 12 (2):215-234. https://doi.org/10.3828/ejlp.2020.11
2019 Erdocia, Iker (2019) 'Medium of instruction ideologies: accommodation of multilingualism in the bilingual regime of Navarre'. Current Issues in Language Planning, 20 (3). [DOI]
2018 Bruzos, A.; Erdocia, I.; Khan, K. (2018) 'The path to naturalization in Spain: Old ideologies, new language testing regimes and the problem of test use'. Language Policy, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Erdocia, I. (2016) 'Dimensión contextual y autonomía del aprendiente de lenguas'. . [DOI]
2014 Erdocia, I. (2014) 'Autonomía y aprendizaje de lenguas'. .

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 (2023) Language in public participation: Understanding and overcoming language and culture barriers in the political participation of people of migrant origin. Dublin City University, . [Link]


Year Publication
2018 Erdocia, I. (2018) Agencia y complejidad en la formación inicial de profesores de español como lengua extranjera: la emergencia de la competencia docente. Madrid: Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2018 Fondo, M., Jacobetty, P., & Erdocia, I (2018) 'Foreign language anxiety and self-disclosure analysis as personality traits for online synchronous intercultural exchange practice' In: Future-proof CALL: language learning as exploration and encounters. Voillans, France : Research-publishing.net. [DOI]
2018 Fondo, M., & Erdocia, I. (2018) 'Exploring foreign language anxiety and self-disclosure relationships in task design for e-tandem speaking practice' In: Future-proof CALL: language learning as exploration and encounters. Voillans, France : Research-publishing.net. [DOI]
2014 Erdocia, I. (2014) 'Autorregulación y autonomía en el discurso de las competencias' In: Nuevo impulso educativo: Actualización de los nuevos sistemas educativos. Madrid : Visión Net.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2012 Erdocia, I. (2012) 'El aprendizaje autónomo de lenguas a través de las redes sociales' .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2014 Erdocia, I. (2014) AATSP-Ontario Annual Congress Proceedings. The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese El aprendizaje autónomo de lenguas a través de las redes sociales University of Ottawa,

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Erdocia, I. (2024) Symposium of the Research Group Economics, Policy and Language (REAL) Voices unheard? Linguistic and political capital in the struggles for recognition of migrant people in the political realm Universitat de Tarragona, .
2024 Erdocia, I. (2024) Racism, Antiracism and Forced Displacement Language and Cultural Challenges in the Political Engagement of People of Migrant Origin in Ireland Dublin City University, .
2023 Erdocia, I. (2023) Irish Association for Applied Linguistics Conference Language-related barriers in the political participation of people of immigrant origin Maynooth University, .
2023 Soler, J., Erdocia, I. & Savski, K. (2023) Research Seminars, Department of English, Stockholm University (Im)possible change: Criticality and constraints in the infrastructures of the academic knowledge economy University of Stockholm, .
2023 Erdocia, I. (2023) Democratization, Roles, and Discourse Language and legitimation in the political participation of people of migrant origin University of Bonn, .
2023 Erdocia, I. (2023) Approaches to Migration, Language & Identity (AMLI) Understanding and overcoming language-related barriers in the political participation of people of immigrant origin University of Zurich, .
2023 Erdocia, Iker, Migge, Bettina, & Dippold, Doris (2023) Language in the human-machine era summer school Social approaches to language University of Pristina (Kosovo), .
2023 Erdocia, I. & Soler, J. (2023) Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication Language and career progress of English as an Additional Language scholars in Anglophone universities University College London, .
2023 Erdocia, I. (2023) Launch of Research Cluster: Language: cognition, practice, policy and ideology Applied Linguistics in times of global challenges: tensions and opportunities University of Cork, .
2023 Erdocia, Iker, Kelly-Holmes, Helen, Migge, Bettina, & Schneider, Britta (2023) Language in the human-machine era Conference 2023 The privatisation of language: Commercial language management and its effects on standard language ideologies University of Groningen, .
2022 Erdocia, I. (2022) Conference of the Linguistic Justice Society Democratic deliberation, language regulation and language policy development Univesity of Limerick, .
2022 Erdocia, I., & Soler, J. (2022) Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 Linguistics as ‘science’ in a language-and-gender debate. Struggles over language and epistemic authority Ghent University, .
2022 Erdocia, I., Nocchi, S., & Ruane, M. (2022) Irish Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference ​Ideas, power and agency: Policy actors and the formulation of language-in-education policy for multilingualism Munster Technological University, .
2021 Erdocia, I. (2021) Irish Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference Is gender-neutral language another front in the culture wars of the far right? University College Dublin, .
2021 Erdocia, I. Soler, J. (2021) Language Policy Forum Sociolinguists and their publics: Disciplinary tensions and professional contestation in the publics of sociolinguistics Bishop Grosseteste University, .
2021 Erdocia, I. (2021) Language Policy and Planning Conference Far right and gender neutral language: is language a new front in the culture wars? McGill University, .
2021 Erdocia, I., Nocchi, S. & Ruane, M. (2021) AILA World Congress Agency and power in foreign language policy-making: The case of “Languages Connect” in Ireland Groningen, .
2020 Erdocia, I. Soler, J. (2020) Centre for Research on Bilingualism The role of ‘science’ in (socio)linguists’ engagement in language-in-society debates Stockholm University, .
2019 Erdocia, I. (2019) Postgraduate Research Seminar Postgraduate Research Students SIG: How important for wider networking and academic work? Dublin City University, .
2019 Erdocia, I. & Soler, J. (2019) Language Policy Forum Manifest Koiné: The politics of language in a language ideological debate in contemporary Catalonia University of Edinburgh, .
2019 Erdocia, I., Ruane, M., & Nocchi, S. (2019) Irish Association for Applied Linguistics Language policy-making in Ireland: A study of the consultation process of the Languages Connect Strategy NUI Galway, .
2018 Erdocia, I. (2018) Simposio Internacional de Español como Lengua Extranjera Formación de profesores de español y desarrollo docente: Perspectivas, retos y crítica University of Galway, .
2018 Erdocia, I. (2018) Doctoral course La política lingüística normativa, el multilingüismo y la naturaleza del lenguaje: Implicaciones para los derechos lingüísticos Universidad de Alcalá, .
2018 Erdocia, I. (2018) Language, identity and education in multilingual contexts From Bilingualism to Multilingualism: Medium Instruction Ideologies in Navarre and Valencia Marino Institute of Education, Trinity College Dublin, .
2018 Erdocia, I. (2018) Language Policy Forum (BAAL group) Diversity and Language Recognition: The challenging case of Melilla University of Sheffield, .
2017 Erdocia, I. (2017) Human Rights and the Humanities: Culture and Critique (RIA) What is the place of human rights in teaching, research and the public arena? Royal Irish Academy, .
2017 Erdocia, I. (2017) SALIS research seminar Language testing: From migrant to Spanish citizen Dublin City University, .
2017 Erdocia, I. (2017) Irish Association for Applied Linguistics English-medium instruction and minority language policy: Language ideologies and dispute in Navarre University of Limerick, .
2017 Fondo, M. & Erdocia, I. (2017) EuroCALL Task design for online speaking practice: Effects on learners' Foreign Language Anxiety and Self-disclosure University of Southampton, .
2016 Erdocia, I. (2016) Québec-Ontario Dialogues on Acquisition and Spanish VSO-VOS processing in L2 Spanish by L1 Polish and L1 French speakers Université de Montréal, .
2016 Erdocia, I. (2016) Irish Association for Applied Linguistics Complex dynamic systems and second language acquisition Trinity College Dublin, .
2016 Erdocia, I. (2016) Congreso de Español Lengua Extranjera El desarrollo de la expresión escrita en hablantes de español como lengua de herencia Université de Montréal, .
2016 Erdocia, I. (2016) Congreso Internacional en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas: En camino hacia el plurilingüismo La complejidad sintáctica en el desarrollo de la expresión escrita de los hablantes de español como lengua de herencia Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, .
2015 Erdocia, I. (2015) CEDELEQ Español a través de contenidos McGill University, Montreal, .
2015 Erdocia, I. (2015) CEDELEQ Autonomía, una competencia bidimensional entre el aprendizaje de L2 y el desarrollo profesional docente McGill University, Montreal, .
2014 Erdocia, I. (2014) Congreso Internacional de enseñanza de español como lenguas extranjera Rountable: Language teacher education Université de Montréal, .
2014 Erdocia, I. (2014) Congreso Internacional de enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras De la adquisición de las competencias docentes en L2/LE al desarrollo profesional Universidad de Santiado de Cali, Colombia, .
2014 Erdocia, I. (2014) Seminarios de posgrado De la enseñanza del vocabulario al uso del enfoque léxico McGill University, .
2014 Erdocia, I. (2014) Congreso Internacional de enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras La gramática pedagógica y cognitiva en el aula de L2/LE Universidad de Santiado de Cali, Colombia, .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2013 Spanish Lecturer Grant Ministery of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain
01/01/2017 ASELE award for the best PhD ASELE (Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera)


Committee Function From / To
Irish Association for Applied Linguistics - IRAAL President 19/01/2022 -
COST Action CA19102 ‘Language In The Human-Machine Era' (LITHME) Working Group Member 01/11/2021 -
COST Action CA19102 ‘Language In The Human-Machine Era' (LITHME) Management Committee member 01/09/2020 - 01/11/2021
Language Policy SIG of the British Association for Applied Linguistics - BAAL Treasurer 04/03/2019 -
Irish Association for Applied Linguistics - IRAAL Secretary 30/11/2019 - 19/01/2022
Irish Association for Applied Linguistics - IRAAL Member of the National Executive Committee 25/11/2017 - 30/11/2019

Research Interests

Iker is committed to interdisciplinarity and adopts an eclectic approach to methodology. His research sits at the interface of language, policy and politics and aims to promote debate on language matters between academic and non-academic stakeholders. Iker's areas of interest include:

- Language in education;
- Language policy;
- Language and politics.

Two PhD students have completed their research projects under Iker's supervision and four are currently in progress. The topics of the projects are related to language policy in education, language teacher training, language teaching and learning, corpus linguistics and discourse analysis. Research students interested in working in any of these areas are encouraged to get in touch.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
How does speaking English as an Additional Language shape the career progression of scholars in Ireland? PI 01/09/2022 31/05/2023
Understanding and overcoming language and cultural barriers in the political and civic participation of people of immigrant origin DCU PI 16/12/2022 15/09/2023
Effects of Language Ideologies on the Learning and Use of a Minoritised Language: the Case of Potential New Speakers of Catalan in Mallorca (Catalina Amengual Ripoll) DCU PI 01/09/2023 31/08/2026

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Amengual Ripoll ,Catalina PhD-track Supervisor
Aliman ,Rodica PhD-track Supervisor